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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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msdstc said:
I actually agree, grenades are easily dodged for the most part as long as you plan accordingly. You have to realize when the grenade is coming and start moving before it's tossed. There are a few tosses that piss me off, like just being able to drop one right at my feet. The easy fix here is just to increase the timer.

The blast radius feels completely random at times. I can roll directly away from a grenade before it even lands and I get killed at full health. Other times I do the same and survive even though I'm closer to it.

The detonation times are still shorter the shorter the distance you throw them. Without the need to event cook them. There's barely even a throwing animation, you can throw them in ways and distances that shouldn't be physically possible. The grenades really are very cheap in this game.

My issue isn't that I simply die from a grenade landing at my feet, it's the fact that I could die (at full health) when diving away from a grenade landing near me, when on another occasion I could survive when the grenade is much closer. Once again at full health.

And sometimes when I've thrown a grenade at someone else's feet, they dive away after it's landed, being in the "dive away" animation right next to the fricken thing when it blows, yet they survive. And on some occasions go on to take quite a few shots from another person on my team and continue to live. So it doesn't even seem as if they're damaged much by it at all.

And on top of that, I just don't like the way the grenade mechanics work in general. Being able to throw one at crazy angles while facing a different direction for crazy distances with barely any animation. With detonation times which change based on whether you lob one miles or throw it directly to the ground. Urgh, hate it. It's ridiculous at times.


Irish said:
Yes, with as bad as I am, I refuse to believe there are people who are having more problems than me with simple things. Maybe the lag isn't affecting me as much as you because you're an unwashed peon (no offense), but it seems like the grenade radius has been consistent for me. People die where they are supposed to and I die if I don't roll in time to get away. The only place where lag really seems prevalent is in the ridiculous Mr. Fantastic pull downs I see on a regular basis as well as some slightly delayed deaths. (How in the hell can you reach on the other side of the well in Sanctuary and pull me down?)

So, are you telling me you don't have the Sharingan? Damn, that does suck. Seriously though, you might want to look into playing predictively. That's actually how I play. I try to see what a person is about to do and and set a trap there.

Yes, I am a silly bastard, but I can't help my self.

Grab at least one friend before you try to play with randoms. Two people can win a plunder match, but one can't.

Still, the weirdest thing I've heard is when people on the other team tell us not to cap the treasure. They then call us all kinds of stupid when we deliver it.

Another thing I hate: People with Invalid saying, "Does it make you feel good to kill a guy with half health? I bet it does. Do you think you're good now? You're not, BrokenOath. You're fucking terrible."

My response: "Rematch me with Full Health and you'll still be my little bitch." (I don't say it because I'm too busy complimenting and raising the morale of the other team according to Somnium.)

When it was just me and joe earlier last night we were unstoppable.
Just had my second match where the game was slowed down on fort and you couldnt throw grenades... Is one of the servers dead or something ? :lol

The chat worked fine and the 2 guys with mics on my team also said no one moved for them but you could still shoot the enemy (5 enemies afk in spawn)... Really stupid and boring.

Anyway i'm on fucking fire right now, get +20 kills in each match and trying to earn as much money as i can while the double up lasts.

Dibbz said:
Fucking rage right now.

Was in Ranked and got put in a team where I was the highest level on my team with 37 and everyone else was blue and lower. Then the other team was all fucking roman numerals.

Plunder was so fucking painful. Nothing could be done to stop them because my team was retarded and the other team just fucking sat on the plunder padding their stats.

It's god damn bullshit.

Yeah really need a balanced match making... It's crazy how shitty teams you sometimes get on and WTF is up with the new system where you dont have to press a button to join a game again ? Same away from controller players keeps playing and ruining the fun, had a game with 2 guys not doing anything... motherfuckers.


Kittonwy said:
When it was just me and joe earlier last night we were unstoppable.

For some reason, I only do well when I'm playing with just one other person, no matter who it is. When I was playing with Viperman the other night, I was going 20-6 in regular Deathmatches.


The problem with grenades is the permanent lag in this game. It looks like you successfully dived away from an explosion, but you actually died before your feet left the ground.

I'm also always shooting more bullets then I have to when killing somebody. The "chirp!" death sound takes too long to show up.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This is going to be a dumb question but is there a way to cook your grenades? I swear it seems like they blow up on impact.

Nope. They sped up the blowup time, so it's pretty much instant compared to the first game.
vocab said:
Nope. They sped up the blowup time, so it's pretty much instant compared to the first game.

Really? Cause I swear when I throw them the guy has already run around the map twice and then stealth killed me from behind before it blows up.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This is going to be a dumb question but is there a way to cook your grenades? I swear it seems like they blow up on impact.

Serious Question: How do you throw your grenades? Like, are you using just L2 or are you using L1+L2?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
BruceLeeRoy said:
Really? Cause I swear when I throw them the guy has already run around the map twice and then stealth killed me from behind before it blows up.


bish gets all the credit :)
The only problem with the grenades I have is that the blast radius is really inconsistent. I was all excited yesterday and dropped a nade right in the middle of 4 enemies, not one died. I routinely get killed by people dropping nades at my feet after I kill them, even though I'm able to dodge out of the way.

The lag ruins the kickdown/pulloff strategy as well, as it's very inconsistent who will get the advantage. Not to mention the 6 foot arms some people seem to have. I was pulled down from the air in the fort yesterday after I was halfway though the gap from the middle platform to the solid ground.
Mr. Nothin had a post a few pages back about Pull Down/Kick-Offs, and basically, top usually has the advantage. I tend to treat heads like a football now.

Mr. Fantastic pull downs I see on a regular basis as well as some slightly delayed deaths. (How in the hell can you reach on the other side of the well in Sanctuary and pull me down?)

Someone tried to do this on the Village near the right edge of the map (wooden rail), and it felt great when I slammed their fucking head into it, and heard "WTF HOW?"

But, grenades being inconsistent is nothing new. I tend to ignore it most of the time. This morning I was pretty frusrated though.

And people are glitching the Fort again? That's BS, you have to look for that shit. It's just a different part of the map from that screenshot, in which case the trance is probably below. I'll probably hop on a bit later and see how to kill them there.

Need moar skinz plz


love on your sleeve
Other than the fact that you can throw them from impossible positions, the problem with grenades is really just lag. I wish people would stop excusing the issue though. The lag often makes it impossible to dodge grenades and it doesn't have shit to do with reflexes or anything.


Top usually wins when you can see the guy and run up on them, but sometimes these guys will pull you down from 10-15 feet away (when they aren't even facing your direction). That's what gets me. It's even more disheartening when the guy who pulls you down says, "Where in the world did you come from? I just hit square on accident when I was trying to pull myself up."


So i have an odd issue with multiplayer, I can usually find a game in about a minute or two whenever I'm searching any playlist EXCEPT Deathmatch.

Whenever I try and do deathmatch it "Searches for Optimal Game" then "Searches for Any Game" and then "Searches for Close Game" and then starts over and continues in an endless loop. Does anyone else have this problem?


Irish said:
Top usually wins when you can see the guy and run up on them, but sometimes these guys will pull you down from 10-15 feet away (when they aren't even facing your direction). That's what gets me. It's even more disheartening when the guy who pulls you down says, "Where in the world did you come from? I just hit square on accident when I was trying to pull myself up."
Well I always make it a priority to look down when I get anywhere near a ledge. I havent been pulled down in a while. One time this one guy (at band camp lol) kept hanging from the same ledge and I kicked him off each and every time. Happened about 6 or 7 times:lol


Chamber said:
Other than the fact that you can throw them from impossible positions, the problem with grenades is really just lag. I wish people would stop excusing the issue though. The lag often makes it impossible to dodge grenades and it doesn't have shit to do with reflexes or anything.

Thank you.

Irish said:
Top usually wins when you can see the guy and run up on them, but sometimes these guys will pull you down from 10-15 feet away (when they aren't even facing your direction). That's what gets me. It's even more disheartening when the guy who pulls you down says, "Where in the world did you come from? I just hit square on accident when I was trying to pull myself up."


I've always wanted to see what it looks like from their screen when that happens. I'm kinda glad this game doesn't have a killcam, it would just incense me further :lol
FFObsessed said:
Thank you.


I've always wanted to see what it looks like from their screen when that happens. I'm kinda glad this game doesn't have a killcam, it would just incense me further :lol

Well, it sorta does with the match replay. After one particularily bad match, I watched it, and it helps you see your mistakes sometimes. And the rage helps for the next match.
I don't understand why people don't use the propane tanks more. I got a BBQ medal on someone while playing on Village by throwing it towards the roof he was on, and blowing it it up right in the guy's face.:lol I watched the replay of that like 5 times.

Another great moment earlier was when someone caught me in mid air with a grenade launcher. I couldn't even get mad because I know it looked amazing from his view. The epic scenes in multiplayer just never cease.


k0ji-wd said:
Fucking hell, wanted to enjoy a couple games before double cash was over and run into more cheaters, I can get past this shit already but racist cocky cheaters? Since Fort was patched how do they find new exploits? Lovely.

Cowards PSN names are in the pics, fucking hell.



Game udda year, Game udda year, Game udda year, Game udda year, Game udda year.

Fuck, that music video tarnished Nathan Drake's image.


Dibbz said:
Fucking rage right now.

Was in Ranked and got put in a team where I was the highest level on my team with 37 and everyone else was blue and lower. Then the other team was all fucking roman numerals.

Plunder was so fucking painful. Nothing could be done to stop them because my team was retarded and the other team just fucking sat on the plunder padding their stats.

It's god damn bullshit.
A simple fix to this is to add a huge bonus for finishing the match in 5 minutes, lower the bonus after each subsequent minute. And the bonus would allow you to go over the cap if you finish in less than 8.


FFObsessed said:
My issue isn't that I simply die from a grenade landing at my feet, it's the fact that I could die (at full health) when diving away from a grenade landing near me, when on another occasion I could survive when the grenade is much closer. Once again at full health.

And sometimes when I've thrown a grenade at someone else's feet, they dive away after it's landed, being in the "dive away" animation right next to the fricken thing when it blows, yet they survive. And on some occasions go on to take quite a few shots from another person on my team and continue to live. So it doesn't even seem as if they're damaged much by it at all.

And on top of that, I just don't like the way the grenade mechanics work in general. Being able to throw one at crazy angles while facing a different direction for crazy distances with barely any animation. With detonation times which change based on whether you lob one miles or throw it directly to the ground. Urgh, hate it. It's ridiculous at times.
This is exactly how I feel with the grenades in U2.


Net_Wrecker said:
I don't understand why people don't use the propane tanks more. I got a BBQ medal on someone while playing on Village by throwing it towards the roof he was on, and blowing it it up right in the guy's face.:lol I watched the replay of that like 5 times.
It's always faster to shoot or nade, unless the tank is right by their feet to begin with. It's more of an embarrassment factor if you get BBQ'd I feel.

Captain N

Junior Member
I turned on the game and all of a sudden I have the taunt 'pump' unlocked even though it says I can't unlock it until level 50. Did anyone else have this happen? I was at level 24 when it got unlocked.
Just watched the wifey play (she's really high now, like 56), and her group kept destroying these clowns for 4 straight matches, then one of the dudes turns his mic on, starts talking more racist shit.

He would've been taken seriously, except his previous achievements of 7-18, etc all went against. The team is more amused than mad, and one of the guys on her team starts talking more shit, and then they start playing.

At 31-17, racist dude has been killed quite a bit, and handed his ass quite often. His partner, a level 51, had one kill. And that's when the jokes started:

After being killed with a rocket launcher: "Took you long enough."

After being killed with 2 AK's: "2 on 1, huh? Whatever?"

After being pulled off a ledge: "Fuck that. You're next."

After being kicked off a ledge: "Bullshit"

After being pistol-whipped: "Fucking garbage <insert slur>"

After being taken out with his friend via grenade: "All you throw is grenades"

After being BBQed: "WHATEVER! FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT <insert slur>"

After the match: "..."
<leaves match>

There are moments when you wish you could bottle such tears of bitterness for consumption later. Like nectar.
Still no one who had that bug on fort where everyone but yourself is frozen and you cant throw grenades ? Just happened to me again and the other guys said it was also happening to them.

Captain N said:
I turned on the game and all of a sudden I have the taunt 'pump' unlocked even though it says I can't unlock it until level 50. Did anyone else have this happen? I was at level 24 when it got unlocked.

Yeah i also suddendly had it unlocked when i was not even level 20 yet i think.
Okay GAF I've got a dilemma

I was on Chapter 26,
I'm heading down the ravine just about to enter the trees when the screen goes black and hearing Drake saying "What am I doing?" and the the game hangs on a black screen.
Tried a couple more times getting the same thing before I exited to the menu and ejected the disc to see some NASTY SCRATCHES on the bottom. WTF!!!!! I polished some out with a soft cloth, put the game back in and I was able to get to the cutscene but it freezes about 10 seconds in. I've had NO problems with the game before (not even any of my other PS3 games) and I certainly haven't done anything bad with the disc (I haven't even dropped it) Anything like this ever happen to anyone else?

I bought the game Day One, but aside from a couple multiplayer matches, I held off on playing it until I got my new big screen TV so that my first experience with single player was done right. Hence, me meing a little late to the party.

I noticed in the Manual the number to call Sony for reporting defects under a 90 Day warranty. Is asking them for a replacement possible? I'd hate to spend another 60 bucks, despite this game's awesomeness because of some FREAKING SCRATCHES! UGGGGGGGH!


That seems fairly odd. Blu-rays have a very good scratch-resistant coating on them. I've never heard of anyone scratching a blu-ray (I've had problems with smudges, but they wipe right out).

Your best bet (since it's probably not covered by the retailer anymore) would be to call that number. If you just want to finish the game you COULD rent it.
Kittonwy said:
Btw was there supposed to be a Christmas DLC?
Not sure, I kept reading there was more DLC to come, but no specific dates. Maybe the talk of double XP weekend, title update and santa hats got people (including me) confused thinking there was going to be Christmas-specific DLC. I can't find the link now, all I could find was the double XP and TU 1.03 announcements.

[edit] found it. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18910109&postcount=21569


FunkyPajamas said:
Not sure, I kept reading there was more DLC to come, but no specific dates. Maybe the talk of double XP weekend, title update and santa hats got people (including me) confused thinking there was going to be Christmas-specific DLC. I can't find the link now, all I could find was the double XP and TU 1.03 announcements.

[edit] found it. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18910109&postcount=21569

They may have planned giving out DLC content during Xmas but it may have been delayed due to development reasons.


aka andydumi
Finished SP on normal. Going to give it a go on Crushing now. Is it just my health that's 65% like the first one or are there more bad guys too?

Anyway, it was a fantastic experience.
Except the ending which was pretty easy once I figured it out. The first encounter with the crossbow guardians was more challenging I found.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I typically aim then hit L2.

I tend to use my Syphon Filter technique, as well as aim. The grenade physics are really similar to me.

As long as the person is on camera, you can toss at them. I've gotten people while running away as they're shooting me from afar, jusr running, while they're in cover, etc.

Lots of new players over the weekend. Which means lots of high-20's/30's who are really in their teens skill-wise for the most part.

Also, I'd like to request a new taunt. DX chop or the finger wave, or the throat slit.


Looks like the Euro PSN is acting up, first Dave1988 was disconnected all the time, then I got disconnected twice in a short period, losing a rank (29->28) in the process. At least that made me quit, because the headache wasn't enough to keep me from playing. Thanks I-owe-You-Pain, Agaru, CHRP, Killthee, BleachEX, CJtiger and all the others my throbbing brain makes me forget :D


crispyben said:
Looks like the Euro PSN is acting up, first Dave1988 was disconnected all the time, then I got disconnected twice in a short period, losing a rank (29->28) in the process. At least that made me quit, because the headache wasn't enough to keep me from playing. Thanks I-owe-You-Pain, Agaru, CHRP, Killthee, BleachEX, CJtiger and all the others my throbbing brain makes me forget :D

How could you forget me?? What the hell.

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