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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I would bang a hot farmer!
Gaogaogao said:
how to you unlock the other characters that arnt on the list? are they gonna sell them to americans?
Maybe once they release a GotY edition with it all included. [/wish]
I watched a video on GameTrailers (or maybe it was Xplay) where Evan Wells said that new DLC was coming before the end of the year.

So, um, yeah...we got till thursday....why haven't they said anything yet?

New Years Surprise?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Gaogaogao said:
how to you unlock the other characters that arnt on the list? are they gonna sell them to americans?
Navarro, Fortune Hunter's Baseball Drake, and the FH's Pirate are unlocked with a file you download off the PS Store. You need to redeem a code to get access to the file. Not sure if it works the same way for the Euro collector's edition. Pinkerton and Rika work the same way I believe (downloading a file you get when you purchase the bundle).

They have to ability to unlock skins server side (The Dead Explorer, Skelzor, Donut Drake/Lazarevic, Santa Drake/Elf Flynn), so I imagine if they wanted to they could just unlock them all that way.

:enemyglider: said:
I watched a video on GameTrailers (or maybe it was Xplay) where Evan Wells said that new DLC was coming before the end of the year.

So, um, yeah...we got till thursday....why haven't they said anything yet?

New Years Surprise?
How old is the interview? Last time I heard them repeat "DLC before end of year" it was pre-patch/The Fort.

Either way, is the group that handles uploading patches on holiday break? The final PS Store update for the year was last week so I imagine if there was any DLC going up anytime soon it would have to be a free patch update just like The Fort.


love on your sleeve
Irish said:
Serious Question: How do you throw your grenades? Like, are you using just L2 or are you using L1+L2?
I try to aim but I can't do it for shit. I'm always amazed when people manage to land grenades perfectly behind someone in cover. I usually overshoot them by a mile.
:enemyglider: said:
I watched a video on GameTrailers (or maybe it was Xplay) where Evan Wells said that new DLC was coming before the end of the year.

So, um, yeah...we got till thursday....why haven't they said anything yet?

New Years Surprise?
I believe the PSN Store isn't going to be updated next week. I think the 7th is when the store will be updated again. I don't think we are going to get DLC anytime soon. Though, they could shock us, and have a patch with a new map or something. :)
Killthee said:
How old is the interview? Last time I heard them repeat "DLC before end of year" it was pre-patch/The Fort.

Either way, is the group that handles uploading patches on holiday break? The final PS Store update for the year was last week so I imagine if there was any DLC going up anytime soon it would have to be a free patch update just like The Fort.

Interview was done after they won their GOTY award...so recently. He mentioned new maps and modes.


GG guyz, not using DTI anymore, other than long range AK killz I don't really notice much of a difference really.


Finally got the game (Christmas) so i'll be joining in on the MP fun as well.

One question though: Any reason why U2 isnt recognizing my U1 trophies in the store?


Junior Member
Naughty Dog: A lot to get out of PS3 hardware

When Naughty Dog launched Uncharted 2: Among Thieves in October, gamers around the world were amazed at the graphical presentation Naughty Dog was able to create. With amazing looking characters, detailed environments, and vibrant visuals, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was quickly designated as one of the best looking games of the generation.

The PlayStation 3 launched in 2006, is now experiencing the fourth holiday season, and is three years old. As hardware ages, developers become more accustomed to the hardware, but they also usually begin to feel some constraints. Naughty Dog doesn’t feel constrained at all, though. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Instead of feeling like they are nearing the maximum amount of potential in the PS3, Evan Wells thinks there is still plenty left to squeeze out of it he shared with G4 during a recent interview.

Evan Wells: “I would love to keep working on the PlayStation [3] for 5 or 6 more years...I think there's still a lot to get out of it. We're not really feeling limited by the hardware, it's more about the hours of the day and how quickly we want to get the next game out.”

With current generation consoles so powerful, Wells also states that both the consumers and developers win. Consumers win because the PS3 is now only $300, opposed to $600 when it launched back in 2006. With a longer console generation, you should feel better about your expensive investment. Developers also benefit from this, though.

“But the developers win, because they get to continue to leverage all of their investment with that current generation. They don't have to go in there and start learning the new hardware and rebuilding all of their tools and rendering pipleines to support it. I only see software sales getting stronger over the next couple of years, so I hope the hardware manufacturers don't feel the pressure to put out some new systems any time soon.”

If we see this generation last another 5-6 years, it’ll certainly pave the way to more games from certain developers. We’d likely see Uncharted 3 and, potentially, another Naughty Dog title release this generation, if Naughty Dog felt the need to stray away from the Uncharted series for a short time.


I would love to see this generation last another 5 yrs. It still feels like this generation is young. Glad to hear ND feels like they have plenty left to use in the PS3 hardware too. Unlike Epic that felt the 360 was nearing the limit.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
that's sensible. I'd be happy with another five years of this generation, to be honest. It feels like we're just getting started.


Teknoman said:
Finally got the game (Christmas) so i'll be joining in on the MP fun as well.

One question though: Any reason why U2 isnt recognizing my U1 trophies in the store?
Try loading up Drake's Fortune, loading a chapter and then saving it as a new file. That fixed it when I was having a problem. As far as I can tell the issue was that the completed save file that I had was "Save File 3" since I had made new save files when the trophy patch hit and deleted the old ones. When I saved a new one it saved it as "Save File 1."


Playing Nepal on crushing with only my brother (to get the Back 2 Back medal) was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I've ever had. The fact that he was down when only two enemies were left and that I took them out using hand to hand since I was out of ammo was the epic ending to an intense session.


Yeef said:
Try loading up Drake's Fortune, loading a chapter and then saving it as a new file. That fixed it when I was having a problem. As far as I can tell the issue was that the completed save file that I had was "Save File 3" since I had made new save files when the trophy patch hit and deleted the old ones. When I saved a new one it saved it as "Save File 1."

Will do.


I forgot to mention earlier tonight playing with BleachEX, El_Jett, CJ and Gyrian on the temple map playing against some fooz, dropped a grenade right on one of their heads when three of them were trying to grab the hammer at the bottom level, so satisfying.
Wow, when did Naughty Dog change the Game Statistics on their website? Now you can look at match history, and the kills and stuff are separated by competitive and co-op. Pretty neat.

Edit: Noticed that the Match History isn't up to date, but still it's cool. :)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Credits are rolling now, amazing game.

I played through 1 and 2 since Christmas but I didn't feel that 1 was all that amazing. The combat got dull, the grenade tossing made me increasingly more pissed as the game went on, and it just felt like it was a solid game but nothing more. But 2 to me is really something special and actually makes Uncharted a franchise I'll foam at the mouth for. MP is fun as hell too, but I'm only around rank 16 now.

I find it odd that three of my top games this year(UC2, AC2, and B:AA) all had really meh last bosses though. :lol


love on your sleeve
lastinline said:
Wow, when did Naughty Dog change the Game Statistics on their website? Now you can look at match history, and the kills and stuff are separated by competitive and co-op. Pretty neat.

Edit: Noticed that the Match History isn't up to date, but still it's cool. :)
The competitive stats being separate from the co-op definitely makes my numbers look a lot less sexy. :(


Junior Member
Hahaha...I saw my stats the night I played against the people from here.

10/27/2009 04:10: Deathmatch on The Plaza

My Team:
MattyF 13 13 10 1 0h 00m 33s $5,250
lil-tote 12 12 9 2 0h 00m 37s $7,000
SMASHKING 9 9 7 3 0h 00m 49s $4,250
SammyTheWall 9 9 9 1 0h 00m 38s $4,250
Cyrious 7 7 9 2 0h 00m 37s $3,750

Qlaahrqueh 12 12 13 1 0h 00m 24s $5,500
BrokenOath 11 11 8 0 0h 00m 44s $7,750
RyanardoDaVinci 9 9 8 0 0h 00m 42s $3,750
Kittonwy 6 6 10 2 0h 00m 33s $3,000
Somnium986 6 6 11 2 0h 00m 29s $2,500


My longest lifetime
and my 0.37 K/D ratio
in Competitive will prove once and for all how kind GAFers are for welcoming me to their parties... 5'40" :lol


crispyben said:
My longest lifetime
and my 0.37 K/D ratio
in Competitive will prove once and for all how kind GAFers are for welcoming me to their parties... 5'40" :lol

Don't worry the K/D will get better.


bish gets all the credit :)
niiice, updated stats.
K/D Ratio 28.41
in co-op

edit: awesome. Match history shows all the medals your teammates got as well.


Gold Member
We should get another GAFe vs GAFa game going. The shit-talking and stupidity was great fun for an hour or 2 :)

Was funny how it all randomly fell into place that night.


Kittonwy said:
Don't worry the K/D will get better.
I know, it's you guys' fault! I played with randoms this afternoon and came out on top of my team a few times. It's easier to get kills when there are people left alive :D


Himuro said:
This game is amazing.

It takes everything I like about Uncharted 1 and enhances it while fixing everything I didn't like.

Original is full of enemy spawns and gives few breaks between the action? Fixed in the sequel.

Original needed more variety in terms of action and level design? Fixed in the sequel.

Original kinda easy? Mostly fixed in the sequel.

The graphics are astounding, the adventure makes me want to play more, and this is easily contender for game of the year.

i agree, however, and i love Uncharted2, and it is by far my personal game of this gen, even if all of the cast , Drake, Sully, elena are great characters, the story is still a bit on the low side. I mean, they should go for something that kept interest further, like MGS, Mass effect, even leave part of the story for further episodes, misteries, plot twists and so on.
So i bought, downloaded and installed the multiplayer skins but I cant find them anywhere in the game for some reason, anyone else had that problem ?

Oh and nice plunder matches crispyben (and guy i dont know GAF name of), even though it was nearly too easy. :lol


Great games last night, and happy to see many of us here consistently playing this. :D
Grenade tripled followed by Rocket Launcher tripled in Temple was definitely the highlight!

I wanted to share with you something I've gotten into the habit of doing for my iTunes albums.
Here is some alternative album art I've made for the series:



Alternative Uncharted 2 cover without ice.
(I'm not entirely pleased with how the ice effect yet)

Can't take credit for anything there other than some Photoshop-fu.
Drake's Fortune cover is based on an NDI logo from back when it was released.
The iced U2 cover is of course inspired by the awesome alternate game covers found in this very thread.

Hope you enjoy them, and if you don't have them yet, do not miss out on the music made for these great games!
master15 said:
So I just beat the single player a few days ago. Sort of disappointed the end fight was so anti-climatic :(

I just came in here to say the same thing. I was severely
disappointed with the ending, given how great the game was. I expected much more than a simple "tell her you love her". And, really, no treasure?


I should preface this with the fact I never played the first one.

Finished this the other weekend. I just never felt like the aiming, shooting, and cover mechanic was anything above good. I also didn't enjoy the multiple trial and error platforming areas.

The only thing that pulled me through was the story. It was the first time I played a game with a story presented in a way that made me feel more invested than most movies.


Milk Lizard said:
So i bought, downloaded and installed the multiplayer skins but I cant find them anywhere in the game for some reason, anyone else had that problem ?

Oh and nice plunder matches crispyben (and guy i dont know GAF name of), even though it was nearly too easy. :lol
Ha, I'll now know to associate Milk Lizard with Clean515 :D It's never too easy for me, but it was more fun than anything, though we had some trouble in the Village, when the treasure was around their base for a loooong while before they finally got it.
Got this game for Christmas.

The singleplayer is one of the best single player experiences on console, ever. The pacing is near perfect.

The multiplayer is mediocre, but I am giving it a chance and letting it grow on me.

The Plunder mode is really what is keeping me hooked. I ran into some clans where they were so organized you can tell everybody has a certain job to do that always equals an ass whooping but I am not a sore loser type.

They didn't feel during the beta that the AK 47 starter waepon is close to useless? My 11 year old son literally asked me why does it shoot like that as he was watching me play some.
Anerythristic said:
They didn't feel during the beta that the AK 47 starter waepon is close to useless? My 11 year old son literally asked me why does it shoot like that as he was watching me play some.

I use it a lot, with keep shooting tweak i can usually kill two people trying to kill me and it works really well in long distances when you got down the irons on. Use it much more than FAL that's for sure.


Himuro said:
This game is amazing.

It takes everything I like about Uncharted 1 and enhances it while fixing everything I didn't like.

Original is full of enemy spawns and gives few breaks between the action? Fixed in the sequel.

Original needed more variety in terms of action and level design? Fixed in the sequel.

Original kinda easy? Mostly fixed in the sequel.

The graphics are astounding, the adventure makes me want to play more, and this is easily contender for game of the year.

crushing in drakes fortune is much more difficult than in among thieves.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
tzare said:
i agree, however, and i love Uncharted2, and it is by far my personal game of this gen, even if all of the cast , Drake, Sully, elena are great characters, the story is still a bit on the low side. I mean, they should go for something that kept interest further, like MGS, Mass effect, even leave part of the story for further episodes, misteries, plot twists and so on.
wow! I disagree so very, very much.


tzare said:
i agree, however, and i love Uncharted2, and it is by far my personal game of this gen, even if all of the cast , Drake, Sully, elena are great characters, the story is still a bit on the low side. I mean, they should go for something that kept interest further, like MGS, Mass effect, even leave part of the story for further episodes, misteries, plot twists and so on.

i totally agree. The story is so predictable and by the book.
Yeah the story was nothing particularly special for me, I mean I saw that
Flynn betrayal
before I even played the game when I saw him in a screenshot lol.

What saved it was the characters. I love them, so just following them around and watching them interact is entertaining regardless of what they're doing. I'm looking forward to learn more about them in UC3.
What the fuck, for the last hour I've been trying to get a match in deathmatch and plunder with a bunch of friends of mine, but nothing is even coming up. It just stays on the searching screen.

This is like back when the Beta was out.
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