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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Gold Member
ND need to adjust the hp to crushing because they want to do that, not because of randoms filling in a poll on their website. Worst mistake you could ever make is to listen to the fanbase on balancing and features.


bish gets all the credit :)
FFObsessed said:
And what did the community do to KZ2 again that "killed it" ?

The only problem I have with the changes is the airbots became flying death machines because people bitched and moaned about getting the air support ribbon,
which I managed to do before they changed the damage.
They just kept changing stuff and then changing it back when it didn't need fixing in the first place.

JustHadToJoin said:
me too. its annoying because the villains look like crap and drake looks like ones idol.
be happy, you're harder to see in the dark levels.


Wow, I really need to use the three assault rifles a bit more. They are the only weapons that I've died by more than killed with.


alr1ghtstart said:
The only problem I have with the changes is the airbots became flying death machines because people bitched and moaned about getting the air support ribbon,
which I managed to do before they changed the damage.
They just kept changing stuff and then changing it back when it didn't need fixing in the first place.

Indeed. But they're fine now. The worst thing they did was add spawn invincibility after the Beta (which no one asked for, I think they misunderstood people complaining about base camping.) So people would just dump a spawn near the S&D objective and with the lag they would be invincible for a good 2 seconds so you couldn't even defend properly. Was just a spawning mess. But that was removed due to fan feedback. The online is the best it's ever been right now.

So how teh Sony community "ruined it" and are now going to ruin Uncharted 2 I'll never know.
Himuro said:
It's not like, say, in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy encounters the Nazis MULTIPLE times throughout the movie, and the audience really wants these guys to lose, and the ending has the villains cast away by God and their faces melted off. There, you are teased multiple times, and the ending is pure icing. In Uncharted, you're teased constantly but the pay off is almost never worth it. For instance, I wanted to have a showdown with the bald guy in Uncharted 1 and kick his ass. He shot Sully, dammit. But Navarro, who is a small time henchmen ends up screwing him over. Thing is, the player has no connection with Navarro. He shows up in two-three cutscenes tops, one of which he is complaining to his boss that he'll find the treasure. And the game kills the one guy you want to blow away and replaces him with someone you don't give a shit about. Prediction, as I have not gotten that far yet
Flynn will betray the bald guy in Uncharted 2 and I'll have to fight him. But the difference here is that there's a connection between the player and Flynn. That fucker betrayed me. That would work, story-wise, Navarro betraying his boss? Not so much.

You've missed details. Vital ones.

If you're going to parallel Raiders, then the Nazi's weren't the actual person that was a match for Jones. Bellock was. Bellock robbed him in the beginning, and was pretty much a step ahead of him for most of the film. The Nazis were the muscle, absolutely, but Bellock was the main anatagonist--he evens convinces Jones not to blow up the Ark.

So in that sense, Eddy (a guy Drake knew before, having nailed his sister) and Drake's interaction is what's its supposed to be. Roman and Navarro is the classic case of the supposed lackey being smarter than his boss. In the whole story of U1, Navarro is playing Roman for an idiot, down to the moment where he tells him to open the idol. The threads are there for you to connect the dots.

And your prediction is incorrect--again, you've missed the details that tell you exactly what kind of man Lazarovic is. It is explained through Borneo before you even meet him by listening to his soldiers, and 10 seconds later when you see him and Flynn. And even much later...
They better not change the health... fuck that. For a game that encourages traversal gameplay, there's no point in bothering when you're killed the minute you jump towards or drop down a ledge. The people who enjoy the lower health will still play with the default health simply because we're all used to it... but if ND does change it, hey'd be alienating a chunk of their fanbase and that's not right.

If100 people are used to eating cheeseburgers and someone took take away the cheese for a couple of days for testing purposes and found out 75 didn't mind it and 25 hated it and wanted nothing to do with it... they'd surely find out that if they made it a permanent change, they'd lose those 25 people.

You can't have two betas where true fans sign up, participate and give feedback only to have the COD playing masses have some sort of say in the matter after release. Fuck that. This is a different game, et used to it, you fuck-ups.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I like the ND are actually providing this game with solid post-launch support. Listening to the fans is usually a good thing, assuming they don't do anything irrational or poorly planned for the sole purpose of sedating the majority. I'm willing to trust their judgment moving forward, they've given me no reason to doubt their multiplayer guys.

:bow ND


I think ND has the skills to tackle a more intricate story, so I hope they move away somewhat from the generic "Action Blockbuster" storyline in the next Uncharted. The setpieces, characters, and dialogue are all really good, but the main "plot" isn't all that interesting. I'd also like to see more supernatural elements that allow them to create creative bosses that require Drake to platform as well as engage in combat.


i just got the game and would enjoy playing multiplayer with some people, so if you could find it in your heart to add me..

My PSN thing is FoobyDoo


FFObsessed said:
And what did the community do to KZ2 again that "killed it" ?

Whoops, sorry for the long wait in a reply, I was afk.

Anywho, killed was of course hyperbole, but they made the experience of playing the game terrible for a lot of people, because of the bitching and moaning about things that were non-issues. The controller 'lag', or whatever that bull-shit was, also GG patching things and then un-patching them made another horrible experience. Prime examples being spawning from a spawn grenade. First there was no invincibility, then there was cause everyone bitched, and then, no it wasn't cause everyone bitched again :/ Samesies with the Air-Support. First too weak, then too strong, and then patched to be 'just right'. Then they had to patch in high-precision controls for CoD freaks, and you have a game that is very different from when it launched, and this all happened in the course of a few short months... :x

I guess it's moreso confusion towards the developers too. Why have these betas, especially in U2 and KZ2's cases, where they were 4 months prior to the launch of the game, and then launch them, and the switch up what you launched with a few weeks later? Did we not beta-test and tell you what did/didn't work all these months ago?

And ruin was a strong word, I'm not sure what I'd put there, but it's less severe than 'ruin'.

Irish said:
I'd also like to see more supernatural elements that allow them to create creative bosses that require Drake to platform as well as engage in combat.


If there is one single thing I'd love the most, it's keeping Uncharted as real as possible, with as little sci-fi as possible.


FFObsessed said:
Indeed. But they're fine now. The worst thing they did was add spawn invincibility after the Beta (which no one asked for, I think they misunderstood people complaining about base camping.) So people would just dump a spawn near the S&D objective and with the lag they would be invincible for a good 2 seconds so you couldn't even defend properly. Was just a spawning mess. But that was removed due to fan feedback. The online is the best it's ever been right now.

So how teh Sony community "ruined it" and are now going to ruin Uncharted 2 I'll never know.
I kinda agree that KZ2 was ruined by A community. But not exactly the "Sony" community.
It was just that too many ppl had their own idea of what they thought KZ2 should be. KZ2 was just so back and forth with the balancing and whatnot. They'd listen to the ppl that wanted KZ2 to be something it wasnt going for (in an attempt to get more ppl to play) and then the ppl who loved KZ2 for what it was would yell CHANGE IT BACK. Hell even the ppl who asked for the change complained afterward.

The gameplay has been settled and I'm glad they settled somewhere. But it still has some flaws that was caused by ppl bitching about a game that wasnt exactly what they wanted it to be.

I can see where they come from though...because I feel the same way about Call of Duty. Especially Modern Warefare 2. I like the core mechanics (minus the super low health) but there's a lot of stuff that's stopping me from fully enjoying the game. I enjoy it for what it is but it's just not my type of game. So what do I do? I MOVE ON to the next game and the next and the next until I find one that clicks/gels with me.

KZ2 was nearly perfect in the beta...and it just needed a few tweaks here and there. They went a little extreme with the invincibility though. It was originally wanted to stop base camping. I dont think anybody wanted invincibility every time you spawn. They also changed a ton with the aiming and auto aim and they took away the quick-aim (boy do I miss the quick aim....especially on the sniper). Hell they even made the sniper rifle less accurate. Blah, everytime I start a rant about KZ2 it just keeps going and going.

BUT THE POINT IS. Please do not implement THAT big of a change in UC2 on a global scale. I think naughty dog is smart enough not to go that route though. Will probably just be a new playlist. HOPEFULLY they implement the original "crushing mode" where it's that amount of health in addition to no boosters. That would be a playlist I would want. I'd want a "No Boosters" playlist more but if that's the only way I can play with no boosters then it'll do.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
all these calls for a more complex or deep story really rub me the wrong way. half the fun of the UC stories are the pulpy nature of them. that's their charm, and it's what keeps them fun and different from so many other video game stories. I like that we don't need to know everything about CHARACTER X, but can easily figure out bits and pieces over a conversation or two.

UC stories should -- and thankfully have to this point -- keep using the 'keep it simple, stupid' approach. I really don't want a convoluted, dark, RPG-like, complex story from my UC games. The first two games nailed it, and I can only hope UC3 continues to refine the formula.


DMeisterJ said:
Not good. The Sony community is not going to be happy until the ruin every single first-party game are they? They ruined KZ2 and they are well on their way to ruining this trying to turn it into CoD... I love CoD, but I also quite liked this MP too. :x

Have Naughty Dog learned nothing about what the 'community' did to KZ2 (Hint hint: They killed it!)

To be honest, the worst the Killzone 2 community did was suffer lost in translation issues between themselves and Guerilla. Sure the whining about spawn camping led to the semi broken "Everyone spawning anywhere is invincible for a period of time", and that made the game worse as a whole as well as borked S&D. But the Community actually only ever wanted a temporary invincibility for your main base to prevent base camping.

the control changes could go either way, but it seemed like more than just the hardcore community was having issues. While I prefered the old controls, I wouldn't say it ruined KZ2 or anything, I still feel like the game was better with the older controls and wish there'd be an option for them, if only fort SP.

The community was right about the Sentry Bots needing to do more damage, and they were right about the sentry bots having too much health post Sentry Buff, and unlike the invincibility thing, Guerilla listened accurately and returned the sentry bot health to its original levels.

The biggest mistake was Guerillas, with the spawn invincibility. I don't know how they made such a silly decision. That wasn't the communities fault, and removing universal spawn invincibility at the behest of the community improved the game.

But I have no idea what changes are being made to U2 Multi so eh.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I must have fluked that train-boss. I never had an issue with it.

!hgu, dnah rehto eht no ssob tsal ehT


The armored shotgun guys were goofy in a similar way. You can't melee until after you knock their helmet off? If stupid stuff like that's included, go ahead and give some more supernatural stuff.

((I never had trouble with the train boss either, but a shit-ton of people apparently did. Last boss was easy as well, if not a little contrived.))

I'm just saying that a colossus like boss that you have to scale and shoot at the same time would be pretty damn cool.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Massa said:
Sometimes that are 4 votes for a map/mode and 2 for the other, and the game picks the one with 2 votes. Why is that?
maybe the three or more other dudes pick that map all at the same time, thus selecting that map.


Zen said:
To be honest, the worst the Killzone 2 community did was suffer lost in translation issues between themselves and Guerilla. Sure the whining about spawn camping led to the semi broken "Everyone spawning anywhere is invincible for a period of time", and that made the game worse as a whole as well as borked S&D. But the Community actually only ever wanted a temporary invincibility for your main base to prevent base camping.

the control changes could go either way, but it seemed like more than just the hardcore community was having issues. While I prefered the old controls, I wouldn't say it ruined KZ2 or anything, I still feel like the game was better with the older controls and wish there'd be an option for them, if only fort SP.

The community was right about the Sentry Bots needing to do more damage, and they were right about the sentry bots having too much health post Sentry Buff, and unlike the invincibility thing, Guerilla listened accurately and returned the sentry bot health to its original levels.

The biggest mistake was Guerillas, with the spawn invincibility. I don't know how they made such a silly decision. That wasn't the communities fault, and removing universal spawn invincibility at the behest of the community improved the game.

But I have no idea what changes are being made to U2 Multi so eh.
You must not have been in the beta.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, that's always been a flaw, in my opinion

they promote the hand-to-hand system throughout the whole game, and then in both games they have an enemy type right near the end that punishes you for trying to use it.


So, I was watching the extra videos and I burst out laughing when I heard the Wilhelm scream. Sooo unexpected.

Did that make it into the game? I don't remember hearing it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Himuro said:
I find the supernatural elements dumb in both Uncharted games.
If you ask me, they are very much needed, and in both games they were very well measured, just as they were in Indy movies for example. Especially in the first game, the whole 'supernatural' thing ended up looking more like some kind of bio-agent that was not really that removed from the realm of possibility. As for the UC2... you're on chapter 17, right? So I'm not going to spoil things.


DMeisterJ said:
Whoops, sorry for the long wait in a reply, I was afk.

Anywho, killed was of course hyperbole, but they made the experience of playing the game terrible for a lot of people, because of the bitching and moaning about things that were non-issues. The controller 'lag', or whatever that bull-shit was, also GG patching things and then un-patching them made another horrible experience. Prime examples being spawning from a spawn grenade. First there was no invincibility, then there was cause everyone bitched, and then, no it wasn't cause everyone bitched again :/ Samesies with the Air-Support. First too weak, then too strong, and then patched to be 'just right'. Then they had to patch in high-precision controls for CoD freaks, and you have a game that is very different from when it launched, and this all happened in the course of a few short months... :x

I guess it's moreso confusion towards the developers too. Why have these betas, especially in U2 and KZ2's cases, where they were 4 months prior to the launch of the game, and then launch them, and the switch up what you launched with a few weeks later? Did we not beta-test and tell you what did/didn't work all these months ago?

And ruin was a strong word, I'm not sure what I'd put there, but it's less severe than 'ruin'.


The changes from patching were, "High Precision" controls to remove any deadzone, Spawn invincibility removed, Air bots made more powerful, then toned down a little to balance them.

That's pretty much it. The only thing there that is anywhere near game changing, is the removal of spawn invincibility, which made the game way way better, and back towards how it was in the Beta. The rest are tweaks and that's all. 5 minute download here and there? Big deal. The only hyperbole is from idiots whining about how the game was patched to hell, and radically changed to point it was "ruined". Spawn invincibility should never have been there which nearly caused me to stop playing after a few months, but at least they had the balls to do the right thing and remove it.

The game plays practically identical to how it was in the Beta, arguably better seeing as the Assault Class is less overpowered now than it was during the Beta. It was ridiculous. KZ2 now plays better than it ever has. Air Bots are now perfect, Spawn invincibility gone. They supported the game after launch, and despite a few missteps they nailed it in the end.

And Mr_Nothin, that quick aim for the sniper rifles could be used as an exploit. When using the default control setup, (which I always use) you simply had to aim anywhere near an enemy without the scope then press R3 and R1 together (with R1 a split second after) and you'd get an auto kill. I used to roam around the maps dropping everyone in front of me with that during the Beta. I reported it and it was rightly removed. Way overpowered. Now you have to aim your self, you should always have to aim yourself...

edit: I always liked you Zen
Phew! The problem I reported a couple pages back seems that it was just a corrupt save, I just started from the beginning of the chapter and created a new Save File.

So I'm working on Crushing (Boy it really IS easier this time around), but also playing on the Multiplayer. I just love playing Plunder and camping out in the Opposing "Base" :D

Of course, playing these modes I see that I'm sorely lacking without a headset. Anyone know a well-priced good quality headset they could recommend?
Himuro said:
And Drake nailed Eddy's sister? :lol :lol Where is this in the game? :lol

You're right. Lazoric is a total menace. I'm sure it'll be the other way around
he'll kill Flynn

Well, there's a page of Drake's Journal that has all of his female contacts, including Chloe, and a little flower by Elena's name. On the left side, Riki's number is there (and a few others). He's nailed everyone on those pages. Also, Flynn and Eddy's names are scribbled out in a different page.

Connect the dots. =P
And the spoiler is...well, you'll see. Not exactly.

In other news, Match History <3
Man, I can always tell just by looking when I started to get tired.


bish gets all the credit :)
just set up a custom game for yourself and wander around the map to find all the pathways/gun spawn locations.


Just went up against a team of glitchers using the M&MS tag. Quit immediately. I'll be fucked if I get matched up with them again. ND should lift the quit penalty until they can fucking sort out these goddamn cheaters. If I'm not playing against cheaters, I'm given team-mates are aren't even playing, just leaving their PS3s on in order to cheat their way up the ranks getting XP for their team mates capping the treasure in Plunder.

Is it so much to ask that idle players be kicked and cheating fucktards get banned and/or deleveled? The current punishment system rewards glitchers by punishing honest players who don't want to play against them, rewards idle players gaming the system by forcing their team mates to stick out the round. Instead we have to sit there getting sniped from fucking walls or we lose 40K, or we have to sit there when it's 5 people in their 50s playing against TWO goddamn live players and three idle assholes.

I love this game but I'm fucking pissed right now. Spent all day ranking up to 50 and for what? So I can play against cheaters higher level than me because they exploit glitches or the retarded rematch system?


Not as deep as he thinks
I was trying to set up a game with one of my friends who recently purchased a PS3, but he couldn't connect online in Uncharted 2. He's managed to connect online in other games, but every time he'd try and log in...he mentioned he would get an "Error syncing data" message or something like that. He's tried connecting at different times, but he gets that message every single time he's tried to connect to the multiplayer. He has the latest firmware and even did the update the game had a while back too, so I have no idea what the problem could be.

Any tips/advice?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Irish said:
The match history stuff on the stats page has got to be one of the greatest things ever. Thank you so much, ND.

Keep it updated and I'll be motivated to play this game until the end of times.
VsRobot said:
Just went up against a team of glitchers using the M&MS tag. Quit immediately. I'll be fucked if I get matched up with them again. ND should lift the quit penalty until they can fucking sort out these goddamn cheaters. If I'm not playing against cheaters, I'm given team-mates are aren't even playing, just leaving their PS3s on in order to cheat their way up the ranks getting XP for their team mates capping the treasure in Plunder.

Yeah just got one of them right now, I'd hate to have to go against a whole team of them. Bastards!










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