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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Gyrian said:
Happy new year, U2 crowd! It looks like my PS3 died to send off 2009. :(
I'll figure something out tomorrow, hopefully won't miss much.

P.S. loved the 3D images a few posts ago!
Sucks man.

I blame FFXIII ; P


Lord Error said:
cakefoo, are those 3D screens the parallel-view ones, or the cross-eye ones?
Cross-eyed. I prefer these to parallel because they don't have to be so tiny.
Can you also explain how are you making them? It looks like they don't all have the same separation distance.
I used different adjustments for each picture. For the most part, I learned that I should space the camera further apart when a single subject is the focus- like the statue, or Chloe's butt. When I tried the same camera settings on larger, more open areas, it kind of looked tacky.

I was surprised to find that sometimes I would get more pleasing results turning the camera outward as I shifted sideways, as opposed to circle-strafing. I typically found the former worked best in conjunction with the smaller camera-spacing for the more open areas/scenery, while the latter worked best for the wider spaced camera on close-range subject matter.

I had a composite/s-video TV capture card, so it really streamlined the screenshot export process, so I was able to quickly discard and reshoot if I didn't like something. I was able to shoot something and see it in 3D within a matter of 10-15 seconds.

P.S. If anyone has trouble seeing it, just cross your eyes till the first instance in which one picture overlaps the other and forms 3 images like at the end of the following gif. The 3D effect will only be present on the middle set of overlapping pictures. Just ignore the ones on the left and right.


It helps sitting back at least 1-2 feet from your monitor.


Man I just played multiplayer with my cousins friend for the first time since it came out. Wow, the multiplayer is just down right lame.
Kureishima said:
Really? Why?

Not enough care packages, kill streaks, death streaks, and other camp-promoting zane fests.

I guess he prefers games which make everything feel like a spectacle of unbalanced "I see you first, therefore I must camp and get my killstreak up so I can get an unbalanced perk where u will die from a vehicle in the sky" shite than something that is a bit more engaging, balanced, and fair.

tl;dr not enough DUDEBRO


Might I also get the info on this chat room? My PSN is VsRobot. I'm a level 50 and I usually hold my own. Um, rawr?


:enemyglider: said:
Not enough care packages, kill streaks, death streaks, and other camp-promoting zane fests.

I guess he prefers games which make everything feel like a spectacle of unbalanced "I see you first, therefore I must camp and get my killstreak up so I can get an unbalanced perk where u will die from a vehicle in the sky" shite than something that is a bit more engaging, balanced, and fair.

tl;dr not enough DUDEBRO

yea yea, whatever man. I play MW2 and I don't think it's all that great either.

I love uncharted but the multiplayer is just not for me.


Rewrite said:
Hey, thanks for linking to that thread. I'll bookmark it for later use when they figure out this problem. So it's a common problem then, phew. Hopefully they'll fix it because he really wanted to play online, haha!

Yeah, a couple of Naughty Dog devs have posted in the thread so they are aware of the issue, just a question of when it will be fixed I think! :)


I demand to know why do my headshots rarely register. I see blood spraying out of their heads and yet they don't die.



alr1ghtstart said:
Headshots are never insta-kills unless it's the sniper rifle. They count for more hitpoints though.
Or Desert 5

P.S. Thanks for bringing to my attention that Match History is finally working. The fact it's retroactive is excellent.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It seems like there's a lot of idles/droppers tonight. Also had the game lockup right before the match loaded, making me lose a rank and 40K...wonderful!
Hey so my question kinda got lost on the last page.

Can anyone recommend a good Mic/Headset to use with this game, I'd love to be able to chat with players especially for Co-op.


got the back-to-back medal tonight. we tried on all 3 missions but of course we got it on Nepal. memorized all spawn points and when they come in, had different strategies for each area.

than we jumped into competitive. haven't played in a long time, definitely rusty. i was hoping they would tweak the grenades in one of the patches but they're just as spammed as ever.
Himuro said:
Can someone explain Uncharted 2's save system?

Basically, whenever I want to choose a random chapter for whatever reason, treasure hunting for instance, the game has to save a new file when I do this? The game overwrites the old files but keeps my old stuff like treasures, rewards and tweaks so long as I've beaten the game on that mode?

I wanted to start a speedrun, because I like doing speedruns with games I heart, so I started a new game. I figured it'd keep all my chapters beaten and stuff because I was going to put it on normal so I overwrote my normal file. So I went to replay a chapter first and I find that I can't use chapter select. I thought I could, because, you know, I already beat the game, but only the first chapter was selectable because I started a new game.

So does this mean I should have a super save file with all my stuff and separate playthroughs on different files? I panicked because I thought the game overwrote my completed file with treasures, rewards;etc. so I loaded up my playthrough from hard mode (breezing through that, already on chapter 12 in like 1-2 hours, difficulty in this mode seems on par with normal in Uncharted 1) and tried loading from a certain chapter, made a new file this time, and ended up with all my stuff intact.

For a game that relies heavily on transferring rewards, treasures;etc from mode to mode, it seems awfully convoluted. Then again, I guess I just prefer the more streamlined RE5 approach: only one game per profile, being able to choose any chapter so long you've beaten it, and being able to replay it without creating a new file.
It's actually quite simple. There is chapter select so you can replay levels and just choose your current stage you are at if you want to progress. It keeps track of difficulty as well.

Let's say you beaten Chapter 1 on Crushing, it will remember that. You can also change difficulty before you play certain levels. If you want to beat Chapter 3 on crushing while you are on normal just switch the difficulty to crushing, you can always change it back.

It's more similar to Halo to me, how it keeps track of levels and difficulty.
mYm|17| said:
Man I just played multiplayer with my cousins friend for the first time since it came out. Wow, the multiplayer is just down right lame.

It has to grow on you, I hated it at first but it steadily grew on me. I enjoy it now.

Is it the massive amounts of bullets players take before dropping?


Killthee said:
I blame FFXIII ; P

I do too, what do you think was on it when it happenend?
And it mocks me, also. It died during the victory cutscene on this incredibly hard boss fight I had finally gotten through. ;_;

Irish said:
How long have you had your PS3?

I've had it since they put out the revised 40GB units, late '07?
It's a ceramic white unit, so I'll be losing the look, too. GRRR.

What's really frustrating is that I'm basically screwed when it comes to rescuing my data. I can't hot swap the HDD into a new unit, so I'll be forced to get this one revived to perform a backup. DRM can go die in a fire (started by an overheated Cell chip).
Hey would anyone like this:

A one on one match. Just you and some other guy go head to head in a tiny map with a .45, no grenade, and an AK and you have to pull all the stops to kill him before he kills you. It would be so intense, especially when you pull off a full black and white screen kill. The match is best 2 out of 3.

Would anyone think that would be fun? I've just noticed that when I'm playing and it's just me and some other guy going at it its amazing, even if the other player gets the best of me. in uncharted people eat and drink bullets so I think it could be cool. Am i being ridiculous?


JustHadToJoin said:
Hey would anyone like this:

A one on one match. Just you and some other guy go head to head in a tiny map with a .45, no grenade, and an AK and you have to pull all the stops to kill him before he kills you. It would be so intense, especially when you pull off a full black and white screen kill. The match is best 2 out of 3.

Would anyone think that would be fun? I've just noticed that when I'm playing and it's just me and some other guy going at it its amazing, even if the other player gets the best of me. in uncharted people eat and drink bullets so I think it could be cool. Am i being ridiculous?

This is exactly how GAF Elimination games play.


Himuro, have you tried hitting X on the picture at the chapter select screen? I think you need to hit that to try and select the different chapters by viewing their pictures.


Now that the stats on the website have been fixed, it would be nice if the in-game leaderboards were updated to reflect all games played since release.

Still some issues with the webstats, btw. Seems match stats declare villains the winning team no matter what the actual result was.


Killthee said:
Usually there's a GAF party every day. Join the chat room and ask if there's room.

Hey, if there's any space remaining in the chat room, may I please get an invite?

Thanks. I'm on quite often as of late.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Himuro said:
Of course. But you have to save a new file.

And when I do that, I can't choose any chapter on that file I just saved once I'm done.
Just save over the existing save. Everything you have in there will be preserved, and you keep playing on the new difficulty setting. I don't think you'd ever need more than one save file in the game (I never did), but the game doesn't quite make it clear that it is so.

Btw, you can only choose chapters on the difficulty that you've finished, I think


Lord Error said:
Just save over the existing save. Everything you have in there will be preserved, and you keep playing on the new difficulty setting. I don't think you'd ever need more than one save file in the game (I never did), but the game doesn't quite make it clear that it is so.

Btw, you can only choose chapters on the difficulty that you've finished, I think

if you pick new game and overwrite your completed game you will lose your old progress. Either use chapter select or make a new save file.
Just finished the game on hard...

Wow, I am absolutely stunned. The last boss battle was kinda of a hard when compared to the rest of the game, but the last cutscene was just filled pure with joy and emotions.

Wrapping up my impressions, this really is one of the best games I ever played. It's just amazing in so many ways and I've never felt such a connection to characters in a game. Cutscenes, acting, graphics, gameplay, sound (especially the orchestral score) is just brilliant and the game is in many aspects soooooo far ahead of anything else in existence. The cinematic experience is second to none. It's just stunning. Level design, enemy design & AI, the pacing, everything, everything is just on an extremely high level with an amazing amount of polish.

Naughty Dog made a phenomenal game that outruns it's predecessor (which was already great) in so, so many ways. The game is just all kinds of incredible and I really can't wait to see what's next they have.

Gonna focus on multiplayer and doing the obligatory crushing run.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dralla said:
if you pick new game and overwrite your completed game you will lose your old progress. Either use chapter select or make a new save file.
Yes, sorry, that's what I meant. You can start the game with chapter select, selecting Chapter 1 on the difficulty you want, and keep playing it like that on that difficulty. It's the equivalent of starting a new game on that difficulty.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Lord Error said:
Yes, sorry, that's what I meant. You can start the game with chapter select, selecting Chapter 1 on the difficulty you want, and keep playing it like that on that difficulty. It's the equivalent of starting a new game on that difficulty.
Yeah, if you're trying to 100% the game, there's no reason to select "new game" from the start menu .

Only one file is necessary to save all of your "game +" progress.


Yes!!! I finally got my Back to Back medal! ((It was actually the only time I tried to get the Back to Back other than a not really trying attempt with cjtiger300 when we were waiting for a party of three to join us.)) Although, Bleach and I did it in Nepal, so I'm not sure that it really counts.


Late but just beat the campaign. Amazing game. Simply amazing.

Started MP and had a blast. Returned my copy to Blockbuster and will commence purchase.


This is probably a long shot, but is it possible to watch recorded multiplayer matches from a website?


I just finished the single player for the first time. I loved it! It made me smile so much. It definitely is a feel-good game - I've been in a bad mood all day, and I pick up Uncharted and it just lifts my spirits right up. :)

Amazing. GOTY 2009 for sure.


Been thinking about getting the game, but as I just got a PS3 as of almost 2 weeks ago along with 8 games, it'll hit my wallet pretty hard. Do people still play the MP? Is it comparable to halo 3/gears 2 in terms of online numbers? How is the online compared to other shooters?(halo 3, gears 2, MW2, etc.)


onemic said:
Been thinking about getting the game, but as I just got a PS3 as of almost 2 weeks ago along with 8 games, it'll hit my wallet pretty hard. Do people still play the MP? Is it comparable to halo 3/gears 2 in terms of online numbers? How is the online compared to other shooters?(halo 3, gears 2, MW2, etc.)

We play the game every night. This is the best game on the PS3 by far.
Flunkie said:
I just finished the single player for the first time. I loved it! It made me smile so much. It definitely is a feel-good game - I've been in a bad mood all day, and I pick up Uncharted and it just lifts my spirits right up. :)

Amazing. GOTY 2009 for sure.


onemic said:
Been thinking about getting the game, but as I just got a PS3 as of almost 2 weeks ago along with 8 games, it'll hit my wallet pretty hard. Do people still play the MP? Is it comparable to halo 3/gears 2 in terms of online numbers? How is the online compared to other shooters?(halo 3, gears 2, MW2, etc.)

definitely doesn't have those numbers but there's also definitely enough people to play a game with

the online is on par in terms of polish n stuff but it is pretty different from those games


You'll never have any real trouble trying to find a game, plus you'll usually run into the same people every day. It's nice running into the people who aren't assholes repeatedly, but it's also nice to utterly destroy those who constantly trash talk.
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