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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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RubxQub said:
I guess I'll just drop in here and state that I played Uncharted 2 up to Chapter 3 and quickly realized that this game is equally not for me as the first one in the series was.

The opening train climb probably should have been all I needed to figure this out, but it was the second chapter's raid on the museum that really sealed it.

I just hate traversing the world.

The game has very cool ways of moving around, but I hate how "puzzley" the travel is instead of a fun game mechanic. There are too many times when I saw ways to get to where I needed to go, only to see Drake jump up like an idiot and grab onto nothing. Or kick off the wall because there's nothing for me to grab onto.

As much as people talked about how visually stunning this game was (and it is), there were still some frame-rate issues that really bothered me, primarily in the opening sequence.

The cover system is just awkward and wasn't always working, and the melee felt simplified, which isn't a good thing in my opinion.

...I've bought both games in the series and have been disappointed with both. I think I just need to realize that this game doesn't appeal to me and forget about it...but with all the positive praise it gets, I can't help but think I'm missing out on something, so I keep coming back.

There are no framerate issues matey - triple buffering and all that. That's what's more amazing about the games visuals - 30fps and no tearing.

And btw the museum level is the worst in the game (it's there just to teach stealth) - and each level ups the anti in my opinion.

The melee gets more complex after Chapter 3. Make it to Chapter 6 at least - that level is immense and is the one I use to show the game off to people. ANd as for the cover system, it works incredibly well when you understand it - how to push round corners, what to do with the camera etc. I'll see cover I want to go to and I'll get there without trouble or glitching.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
deepbrown said:
There are no framerate issues matey - triple buffering and all that. That's what's more amazing about the games visuals - 30fps and no tearing.
There were definitely frame-rate drops during that opening train sequence. I'm extremely sensitive to that type of stuff, so I can say with 100% confidence that it was there.


In general, though, I don't like climbing around environments at all. Loathe it actually. Too many times Drake just doesn't do what I want him to do, can't grab onto what I want him to grab onto, doesn't move in and out of cover elegantly enough.

The shooting always feels bland to me.

I don't give one ounce of shit about the story and it's presentation of the story.

I wouldn't bother arguing against my opinion, as it's extremely firm at this point and I've already conceded that this game just isn't for me. That little diddy up top was mainly me giving this series closure in my mind, not really a post looking for a rebuttal.

Just not a series for me, is all. I know it works for tons of other people and that's awesome, but it's not for me.


RubxQub said:
There were definitely frame-rate drops during that opening train sequence. I'm extremely sensitive to that type of stuff, so I can say with 100% confidence that it was there.


In general, though, I don't like climbing around environments at all. Loathe it actually. Too many times Drake just doesn't do what I want him to do, can't grab onto what I want him to grab onto, doesn't move in and out of cover elegantly enough.

The shooting always feels bland to me.

I don't give one ounce of shit about the story and it's presentation of the story.

I wouldn't bother arguing against my opinion, as it's extremely firm at this point and I've already conceded that this game just isn't for me. That little diddy up top was mainly me giving this series closure in my mind, not really a post looking for a rebuttal.

Just not a series for me, is all. I know it works for tons of other people and that's awesome, but it's not for me.

Play chapter 6. If you're judging it on things before chapter 3...well I'm not surprised Chapter 1 was an introduction and Chapter 2 taught you stealth - a level I'd consider 7/10.

Why have Drake grab onto something that'll take you nowhere? Why would it be something you'd want to grab onto? Doesn't make any sense - if you don't like climbing about, why would you want to do lots of pointless climbing about? Contradictory statements IMO.

Drake isn't an elegant character - so why he should elegantly be rolling in and out of cover doesn't wash with me...the cover system is just about as good as it can be, with some annoying features when trying to roll around cover (I watch people who haven't played it before really struggle, so I just show them how it's done and they find it much easier)

If you saw framerate issues in that first scene - it doesn't get any worse and could certainly get better. In fact I'd say U2 has one of the best console framerates out of any game released this generation - better than games that look half as good. (So if you can't stand U2's framerate, I'd stick to games played on a very powerful PC).

Anyway...get upto Chapter 7 - you'll know then whether it's for you, so far you haven't given it a chance :)


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deepbrown said:
...you'll know then whether it's for you, so far you haven't given it a chance :)
The fact that I even bought the second one was me giving it a chance. I had already written the series off after the first one, but was tricked into getting the second one because of the unanimous praise.


Killthee said:
You need to be invited by a person in your friend's list who has access to it. Send me a FR (PSN ID is the same as my user name) and I'll send you an invite tomorrow.

Send me one please. Not sure if I'll always join but if I get invited I might join. PSN is same as GAF ID.

-viper- said:

You might want to edit that. It's bannable in the FAQ now. Not backseat modding, just looking out as Bish just added it the other day.


I noticed more and more cheaters lately. Lots of people inside walls and floors who shoot from where they are.

Now I found a weird glitch where you move, but all the other players bodies stay where ever they spawned. It was like a race to kill the enemies at their spawn. No matter where you were you died when your body at the spawn died.
HoRNS456 said:
I noticed more and more cheaters lately. Lots of people inside walls and floors who shoot from where they are.

Now I found a weird glitch where you move, but all the other players bodies stay where ever they spawned. It was like a race to kill the enemies at their spawn. No matter where you were you died when your body at the spawn died.

that happened to me on deathmatch rpg in the train wreck. I was worried I was cheating somehow.

agaru said:
Welcome back, deep! After I hit level 57, I decided to take a break from the game. I might get back next week or when the new DLC is out.

wait what? DLC?
Ran into my first cheaters, finally, last night on the Plaza level.

They can shoot threw walls without hacking? It's weird, What a glitch.

I refuse to subject myself to that so it drove me to simply quit the match and turn the game off for the night.


So I need to apologize to the GAF players last night. After Gyrian left for some reason I was made group leader and without a microphone it made it rather confusing what modes people wanted to play.

It seems after an unbalanced Plunder session (Our team was short) everyone seemed to bail out when I selected King of the Hill. :lol Sorry chaps I was not sure how to change group leader, so sorry.

Still I managed to kill Kitty a few times in elimination, which gave me some satisfaction. I started playing over the weekend (Mainly co-op) and after first few rounds, I thought, wow some of these GAF players aren't that advanced over who I've been playing over in random match-making games.

That was until the first plunder game where mgviperman (I think that's his name) and BloodOath proceeded to rip me a new one :) So did Kitty...

I should be getting Microphone in next few days and look forward to playing with you guys more.


RubxQub said:
The fact that I even bought the second one was me giving it a chance. I had already written the series off after the first one, but was tricked into getting the second one because of the unanimous praise.
Chapter 6 ;)


deepbrown said:
Some people treat all the team modes like deathmatch...and often it's people on my team (sorry gaf :p) and I have to shout at them to help me. Sure enough when the match ends I have 5 kills and 20 deaths, to there 40 kills and 10 deaths - but hey we win.

I like it when we work in a team...and sometimes that team needs some brute force to keep the enemy back as 2 people do the treasure hunting :)

Hey, don't taint the name of GAFa with that GAFe nonsense. :p

Seriously though, most of our plunder matches have been ending in 5 minutes or less lately. We'd rather rush through all the rabble to get to a decent team. Unfortunately, even the #1, #2, and #3 ranked guys weren't worth our time.

master15 said:
Still I managed to kill Kitty a few times in elimination, which gave me some satisfaction. I started playing over the weekend (Mainly co-op) and after first few rounds, I thought, wow some of these GAF players aren't that advanced over who I've been playing over in random match-making games.

That was until the first plunder game where mgviperman (I think that's his name) and BloodOath proceeded to rip me a new one :) So did Kitty...

GAF vs. GAF is a very different beast from GAF vs. Randoms. We're all used to each other's play style, so we play in a different way from usual. Also, you got viperman's name right, but I'm BrokenOath, not BloodOath (even if BloodOath sounds a bit better.) :p

Also, we had 5 people, so we were wanting you to switch over to Matchmaking. When we bailed, you didn't happen to be on any of our friend's lists and another guy joined the remade party. So sorry man. Somebody was about to add you when a fifth joined. :( :(


Irish said:
GAF vs. GAF is a very different beast from GAF vs. Randoms. We're all used to each other's play style, so we play in a different way from usual. Also, you got viperman's name right, but I'm BrokenOath, not BloodOath (even if BloodOath sounds a bit better.) :p

Also, we had 5 people, so we were wanting you to switch over to Matchmaking. When we bailed, you didn't happen to be on any of our friend's lists and another guy joined the remade party. So sorry man. Somebody was about to add you when a fifth joined. :( :(

Ah yes BrokenOath, I should have remembered that name since my screen was flashing from being consistently killed by you :)

Fair enough, like I said it wasn't until the first plunder game where I started to see some of the skills you guys possessed. Plunder against half decent opponents requires a great deal of teamwork and co-ordination only second to chain-reaction, in my opinion. Like I said I am still rather new to the whole multiplayer only having started a few days ago so I can be found charging head first trying to capture treasure instead of clearing a path first.

Ah no problems I tried friend requesting Kitty but he was over the limit and another GAF'er I asked didn't respond. Once I get a mic I bet the experience will be a lot better.


bish gets all the credit :)
lol, no. We got raped the 4 times I've tried. But I have some fresh out of map glitches for you to fix.
arne said:
Anybody here finish Sanctuary co-op on crushing? just curious. :)

Anymore DLC news?

Never finished any co-op levels in harder than normal because I only played them with randoms, with no headsets. I wish I could play co-op split screen with my bro than maybe I could do Sanctuary co-op on crushing with only 2 people. :D


Lince said:
yeah, with different GAFers, the first time I think it was with FFO & FoxGirl.

Me, you and Dave kept trying and failing I remember. Then the next day you informed me you'd completed it with Dave and FoxGirl, once and for all confirming that FoxGirl>>> FFO :lol

Then myself, you & Vasilisk did it.
RubxQub said:
There were definitely frame-rate drops during that opening train sequence. I'm extremely sensitive to that type of stuff, so I can say with 100% confidence that it was there.


In general, though, I don't like climbing around environments at all. Loathe it actually. Too many times Drake just doesn't do what I want him to do, can't grab onto what I want him to grab onto, doesn't move in and out of cover elegantly enough.

The shooting always feels bland to me.

I don't give one ounce of shit about the story and it's presentation of the story.

I wouldn't bother arguing against my opinion, as it's extremely firm at this point and I've already conceded that this game just isn't for me. That little diddy up top was mainly me giving this series closure in my mind, not really a post looking for a rebuttal.

Just not a series for me, is all. I know it works for tons of other people and that's awesome, but it's not for me.

Sorry dude, but you are dead wrong.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm not wrong...it's what I saw. It happened.

That article that was linked doesn't show a straight line, so it's entirely plausible that it happened, and it did. (not to mention that that was an analysis of the multiplayer demo, not the single player campagin).

It wasn't horrible, it wasn't often or long...but it happened...and I mentioned it.

It's OK, people. I was out of this thread and you brought me back. :lol


Just finished it.. Great game, great atmosphere.. I did grew a little tired of the "oh fuck you're faling from cliff/bridge" moments and "somebody saved you just in time by reaching their hand". This happens way too much.

I loved the moments where you could just look around at the scenery.


E-phonk said:
I did grew a little tired of the "oh fuck you're faling from cliff/bridge" moments and "somebody saved you just in time by reaching their hand". This happens way too much.

I loved the moments where you could just look around at the scenery.

I definitely agree, that was one element I didn't particularly care for either.


E-phonk said:
Just finished it.. Great game, great atmosphere.. I did grew a little tired of the "oh fuck you're faling from cliff/bridge" moments and "somebody saved you just in time by reaching their hand". This happens way too much.

I loved the moments where you could just look around at the scenery.

Yup. Especially during that chapter where your just walking in the village. I just wanted to take pictures during that chapter.


I never understood the point of farming in plunder. Each kill is only worth $50 whereas each captur eis worth 1000~2000. You make more money by ending the game quickly and getting into another one and winning again. I could see maybe holding off until you get one of the negative booster medals, but it shouldn't take the whole 10 minutes or whatever time is left to get to 50k then.
Yeef said:
I never understood the point of farming in plunder. Each kill is only worth $50 whereas each captur eis worth 1000~2000. You make more money by ending the game quickly and getting into another one and winning again. I could see maybe holding off until you get one of the negative booster medals, but it shouldn't take the whole 10 minutes or whatever time is left to get to 50k then.
The point of farming isn't really the kills, it's the medals you get with them. But even then it's not really worth it.


Some dude called EXEDEATH glitching last night in The Lost City



Andvary said:
Some dude called EXEDEATH glitching last night in The Lost City

I am running into this issue more and more. It seems fairly easy to get into the glitch area, but you can't really do it by accident. I don't even really understand where the fun in such a situation would come from. I mean, the player has to realize (on some level) that no one really cares about the final score in a random game of U2.


bish gets all the credit :)
yep, I know of 2 fort glitches (linked in that video I posted), 1 new ice cave glitch, and 1 lost city glitch. All of the glitchers I've run across are 50+.
mgviperman said:
The point of farming isn't really the kills, it's the medals you get with them. But even then it's not really worth it.

Not true. If you don't have Negative boosters, the medals pile up pretty fast. When you do have the negative boosters, it doesn't take long to hit 50k...which really should be removed once you hit 50, as once you're capped, you don't have anything to do, really.

In other news, the wifey was frustrated last night, until I switched around her boosters, and then she went 49-21, 54-18, 34-12, 38-12, etc.

I'll let you guess what Booster she turned on.


bish gets all the credit :)
The Match History section on the website seems a little broken. The pages should start at the latest match anyways, not the other way around. The pages are broken as it doesn't list up to the end (i.e. there are actually 75 pages, but my little selector on the bottom only goes up to 69).


Irish said:
Hey, don't taint the name of GAFa with that GAFe nonsense. :p

Seriously though, most of our plunder matches have been ending in 5 minutes or less lately. We'd rather rush through all the rabble to get to a decent team. Unfortunately, even the #1, #2, and #3 ranked guys weren't worth our time.

GAF vs. GAF is a very different beast from GAF vs. Randoms. We're all used to each other's play style, so we play in a different way from usual. Also, you got viperman's name right, but I'm BrokenOath, not BloodOath (even if BloodOath sounds a bit better.) :p

Also, we had 5 people, so we were wanting you to switch over to Matchmaking. When we bailed, you didn't happen to be on any of our friend's lists and another guy joined the remade party. So sorry man. Somebody was about to add you when a fifth joined. :( :(

I only play with GAFa and I love it :D


Incredibly Naive
One thing that needs to be changed are the clan tags. I have my clan tag going, and people will randomly steal it before a match begins to be assholes. It should be an invite thing.


alr1ghtstart said:
The Match History section on the website seems a little broken. The pages should start at the latest match anyways, not the other way around. The pages are broken as it doesn't list up to the end (i.e. there are actually 75 pages, but my little selector on the bottom only goes up to 69).

The sorting is on our end. We've been working on it, but I wanted to get the new stats up before the end of Dec. We'll figure this out. The last one is also something we have to figure out too -- the pages are calculated by the number of matches played as recorded in the system, but there seems to be a delta between the two that causes the inconsistency. Either way, we're working on it.

For anyone who has gotten the "Invalid GET data" I need some help to narrow it down a bit.

Can you try logging in and tell me what time you tried the login (GMT or PST preferred) and your PSN ID (if it's not obvious). You can post here or PM me.

arne said:
For anyone who has gotten the "Invalid GET data" I need some help to narrow it down a bit.

Can you try logging in and tell me what time you tried the login (GMT or PST preferred) and your PSN ID (if it's not obvious). You can post here or PM me.


Time: RIGHT NOW (23:30 GMT)
PSN: Lagspike_exe

Also, the site didn't even give me the Playstation Store log in box, it just gave me INVALID GET DATA, without even asking me for my user name...

EDIT: Tested with both Firefox and Chrome.


arne said:
The sorting is on our end. We've been working on it, but I wanted to get the new stats up before the end of Dec. We'll figure this out. The last one is also something we have to figure out too -- the pages are calculated by the number of matches played as recorded in the system, but there seems to be a delta between the two that causes the inconsistency. Either way, we're working on it.

For anyone who has gotten the "Invalid GET data" I need some help to narrow it down a bit.

Can you try logging in and tell me what time you tried the login (GMT or PST preferred) and your PSN ID (if it's not obvious). You can post here or PM me.


Login attempt: 3:40 pm PST
PSN: Snipes424
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