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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Rikyfree said:
After putting in some serious time with mw2 I have come to this conclusion: while more rewarding in terms of leveling and as a whole with the community and all, I feel UC2 multiplayer is better.

You shoulda just asked me, I could told you that and saved you time and money, lol!
Rikyfree said:
After putting in some serious time with mw2 I have come to this conclusion: while more rewarding in terms of leveling and as a whole with the community and all, I feel UC2 multiplayer is better.

It's a lot better than MW2 just from a gameplay perspective. MW2's combat is so boring and bland, it doesn't feel like there's any skill involved, and you really can't stick your neck out at all because it's just instant kills. Uncharted 2's gameplay is a LOT more dynamic and engaging.
Yeh I never felt that a battle could go either way once you were spotted in MW2. Thats what I like about Uncharted; if you play your cards right you always have a chance
JustHadToJoin said:
Yeh I never felt that a battle could go either way once you were spotted in MW2. Thats what I like about Uncharted; if you play your cards right you always have a chance

Well, in MW2 the battle can, at times (very often), go either way...but that's entirely based on LAG and LAG only.


bish gets all the credit :)

Raise cash cap to $100k
Display boosters for all on loading page. Ideally they would display on the screen before the level load screen, as then you could see what your teammates are using and adjust yours accordingly.
alr1ghtstart said:

Raise cash cap to $100k
Display boosters for all on loading page. Ideally they would display on the screen before the level load screen, as then you could see what your teammates are using and adjust yours accordingly.

For the first, I would just say raise the cap to 250k for 50+ players. 50k for everyone else.

Booster Display would help too.
This game is pretty much the perfect sequel. I don't know what it fixed, but it's an improvement in every way, and ND managed to craft masterful action entertainment from a so so foundation. Impressive. Also, it has the best snow I've ever seen, and that includes Crysis and whatever other challenger anyone can come up with.


So I've put in 4 or 5 hours into the multiplayer the past few days finally. I even got to play a little co-op with a GAFer, but it was on crushing, and was my first time so I had no idea what I was doing and we died almost immediately. I did it on easy with someone else and found it quite fun. Wish I had some friends to just make it happen instead of waiting for the matchmaker :(

I'm only level 15 so far and enjoying it, but also find it quite frustrating. I think i'm seeing what it takes to get my K/D up over 1 and get lots of kills(on deathmatch), but I'm really not getting a grasp of it yet. I'd say 8/10 times when an enemy is close up on me they will more than likely get the kill and I don't know why yet. I have good aim and even if I know what direction they come from and stuff, it seems like I unload my clip into them but they will get the kill.

Also every single confrontation usually ends up with grenades immediately thrown with pinpoint accuracy at my feet. Everytime I throw them they usually sail over the person i'm aiming at. Do I need to start aiming at the feet, or is it my fault for standing still? Just continually run forward and I should be able to avoid the grenade?

Will things get easier as I level up? I'm already learning most of the maps so I can go find the guns I like(usually the m4, and an extra grenade). It just seems like the playstyle that I have to aquire to get lots of kills is one that involves less "aim" and more just running about grenading dudes and hip-firing at close range with a shotgun or something.

All this above nonsense aside, I'm still a newb and will probably just get better at the game which will make this above rambling unneccessary.


bish gets all the credit :)
Use L1+L2 to throw grenades
To throw grenades at their feet, just tap L2. Don't aim.
When blindfiring up close, pepper them with a few shots with the pistol and melee them

That said, if you don't use Down The Irons, you're at a huge disadvantage. They really need to either make it a standard or get rid of it completely.


I just got Down the Irons last night. My plan is to play a good 4 hours after work and try to work on some of the stuff and tactics that I'm complete garbage at(close range, killing enemy that I get the jump on quickly, better placement of grenades, evasion of grenades/people shooting at me, and using the pistol more often). I usually get 8-12 kills per match, so I think I have a foundation to stop sucking to my standards, but it'll just take some time.


Stay away from the temptation of Down the Iron's my young apprentice. It will devour you from the inside until you're nothing but a rotting shell of a person. Heed my warning and you will actually gain skill and knowledge as you level up.

Yeah, LER978's entire team was pretty garbage (and they ranked in the top 15) and were rocking DtI and Fleet Foot. The #3 guy (who we faced separately) wasn't that great either and all he was doing was camping our treasure chest.

HalyconTB12 said:
I'm only level 15 so far and enjoying it, but also find it quite frustrating. I think i'm seeing what it takes to get my K/D up over 1 and get lots of kills(on deathmatch), but I'm really not getting a grasp of it yet. I'd say 8/10 times when an enemy is close up on me they will more than likely get the kill and I don't know why yet. I have good aim and even if I know what direction they come from and stuff, it seems like I unload my clip into them but they will get the kill.

Also every single confrontation usually ends up with grenades immediately thrown with pinpoint accuracy at my feet. Everytime I throw them they usually sail over the person i'm aiming at. Do I need to start aiming at the feet, or is it my fault for standing still? Just continually run forward and I should be able to avoid the grenade?

Will things get easier as I level up? I'm already learning most of the maps so I can go find the guns I like(usually the m4, and an extra grenade). It just seems like the playstyle that I have to aquire to get lots of kills is one that involves less "aim" and more just running about grenading dudes and hip-firing at close range with a shotgun or something.

CQC does require a bit of practice to get used to, but is a necessary tactic created back in the Beta Days to fight off the scourge of DtI. Also, aim grenades with L1 then press L2 to throw them. It's really the only viable way to throw grenades.

Also, I'm not sure I like your tone in regards to the Close Quarters Combat. You act like it's the easiest thing in the world to handle, but it really isn't. You have to stay relatively stealthy, be able to handle yourself against three or more opponents at a time, have expert knowledge of the maps, know when to fire/reload, have the ability to move the environment while never exposing yourself, and be able to track the the movements of every single person around you.


Snipes424 said:
Arne, are there any plans to deal with the afkers? Maybe like a report system, or if you don't move yourself for 1-2minutes you get auto kicked from the match/auto banned

Listen to this ND, we also need this for glitchers :(


HalcyonTB12 said:
So I've put in 4 or 5 hours into the multiplayer the past few days finally. I even got to play a little co-op with a GAFer, but it was on crushing, and was my first time so I had no idea what I was doing and we died almost immediately. I did it on easy with someone else and found it quite fun. Wish I had some friends to just make it happen instead of waiting for the matchmaker :(

I'm only level 15 so far and enjoying it, but also find it quite frustrating. I think i'm seeing what it takes to get my K/D up over 1 and get lots of kills(on deathmatch), but I'm really not getting a grasp of it yet. I'd say 8/10 times when an enemy is close up on me they will more than likely get the kill and I don't know why yet. I have good aim and even if I know what direction they come from and stuff, it seems like I unload my clip into them but they will get the kill.

Also every single confrontation usually ends up with grenades immediately thrown with pinpoint accuracy at my feet. Everytime I throw them they usually sail over the person i'm aiming at. Do I need to start aiming at the feet, or is it my fault for standing still? Just continually run forward and I should be able to avoid the grenade?

Will things get easier as I level up? I'm already learning most of the maps so I can go find the guns I like(usually the m4, and an extra grenade). It just seems like the playstyle that I have to aquire to get lots of kills is one that involves less "aim" and more just running about grenading dudes and hip-firing at close range with a shotgun or something.

All this above nonsense aside, I'm still a newb and will probably just get better at the game which will make this above rambling unneccessary.

I think my grenades are so accurate that I can aim it to kill my target AND somnium every single time, so yes you can get pretty damn good with grenade accuracy.

Melee takes away half your health, so if someone is blind-fire rushing you and gets close enough to melee you, and you can't stop him in time, he'll win, on the other hand you can basically do the exact same thing to him, if you're aiming, you'll get more damage on him and your melee will kill him first.


Irish said:
Stay away from the temptation of Down the Iron's my young apprentice. It will devour you from the inside until you're nothing but a rotting shell of a person. Heed my warning and you will actually gain skill and knowledge as you level up.

Yeah, LER978's entire team was pretty garbage (and they ranked in the top 15) and were rocking DtI and Fleet Foot. The #3 guy (who we faced separately) wasn't that great either and all he was doing was camping our treasure chest.

CQC does require a bit of practice to get used to, but is a necessary tactic created back in the Beta Days to fight off the scourge of DtI. Also, aim grenades with L1 then press L2 to throw them. It's really the only viable way to throw grenades.

Also, I'm not sure I like your tone in regards to the Close Quarters Combat. You act like it's the easiest thing in the world to handle, but it really isn't. You have to stay relatively stealthy, be able to handle yourself against three or more opponents at a time, have expert knowledge of the maps, know when to fire/reload, have the ability to move the environment while never exposing yourself, and be able to track the the movements of every single person around you.

I've said this before and I'll say this again, playing with DTI is like Goku training on 10x gravity.


I think your analogy skills are sorta lacking. What you obviously meant to say is this: "Using DtI is like training for the Olympics in Zero Gravity."

Also, your grenade kills sound an awful lot like mine. Usually I hit at least one enemy and Somnium.



crispyben said:
Fuck it, I cannot join any party tonight (PSN is Grandben, arne). WTF?

I couldn't stay in a party for more than a minute tonight before I'd get automatically removed. Got signed out of the GAF chatroom about a dozen times, too. Some kind of PSN issue, nothing U2 specific.
Irish said:
I think your analogy skills are sorta lacking. What you obviously meant to say is this: "Using DtI is like training for the Olympics in Zero Gravity."

Also, your grenade kills sound an awful lot like mine. Usually I hit at least one enemy and Somnium.


If you train in zero gravity, you're going to be shit outta luck when it comes to the real thing. He had it right.


I wish this game was more "compatible" with the in-game xmb. It takes over 30 seconds to get to opening a private message while you're playing.

ili0926 said:
Is it just me or are the treasures way harder to find this time around =(

Way. Protip: look up. :p


jett said:
Way. Protip: look up. :p

But it ruins the pacing!

I know most people do a 'treasure run' afterwards anyway...and I've already missed a bunch, but I still find myself scouring areas I've passed for any flashes of white. It's actually taking a lot of the enjoyment of the game for me. I hate myself sometimes.

Chapter 6 was so gorgeous...the jump in quality between this and the first Uncharted is incredible.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
If you train in zero gravity, you're going to be shit outta luck when it comes to the real thing. He had it right.

You sir, have missed my point. When using DtI and then going without, you're going to suck ass. (rightfully so, because DtI is ridiculously broken and shouldn't be used in the first place)

EDIT: What in the hell? Absolutely nobody besides Joe is playing tonight... I hate you guys. :p


bish gets all the credit :)
yep, I'm using Invalid now which takes up the first booster slot, so no DTI. I have to stick with the normal pistol to do any long distance fighting (unless I find the m4). You will get annihilated as 99% of people at least use DTI. They need to remove it or make it the default aiming, as if you don't use it you're at an extreme disadvantage. It's like trying to beat a well organized team in Plunder if they all have treasure bearer on. It's possible, but you need to be good.


Not as deep as he thinks
I don't even use boosters. I think I only use deposit and that's it. I dislike boosters in general. Everyone always has Down the Irons and Fleet Foot. It's ridiculous.
Kinda new at the multiplayer...is there a way to effectively dodge grenades? Like some sort of timing issue? And can you cook grenades at all?

I'm not very good at throwing them either. It seems that every time I get a kill, the other guy has a grenade at my feet.
ili0926 said:
Is it just me or are the treasures way harder to find this time around =(


Look up a lot, for those ones you can shoot down. That was a neat new wrinkle they added. And in a few cases, look down. Use the vantage points, because sometimes those vantage points are designed to help you see the treasure glinting in the distance. There are even some this time around that you can only get to while hanging, so sometimes you might want to see if those ledges go past the obvious spot you need to go to to get to the next area.

Really, it's a whole new level of challenge to find them all in Uncharted 2. But it's really satisfying.

Some of them are super hard to find though. Personally, I like the extra challenge. I knew it was going to be harder this time around right away, when I finally found the last two I was missing in the trainwreck level. The last one I was missing was in a pretty insane spot.

I'd recommend not ruining the pace of the game looking for them all your first time around. I'm going through my hard run right now, and picking up a lot of missing ones. I'm still missing a few still that I'll go and find later with the fire fights set to an easier level, but I'm going to get them all. I'm not using a guide, since I really like to do it on my own.


Not as deep as he thinks
I said I wouldn't use a guide for the treasures, but I only managed to find like 75 of them on my own. Some of them are hidden in extremely insane spots. Spots I wouldn't have considered checking at all!


Wow. Just had my first experience with a glitcher on the lost city. anytime I stood still I got snipered!:lol The user id was lithiumpain5050. That was some annoying shit.


Yeah we were. I tell you what, I may seem like a chump in a full party, but get me partied up with just one other person and I become a madman.


alr1ghtstart said:
yep, I'm using Invalid now which takes up the first booster slot, so no DTI. I have to stick with the normal pistol to do any long distance fighting (unless I find the m4). You will get annihilated as 99% of people at least use DTI. They need to remove it or make it the default aiming, as if you don't use it you're at an extreme disadvantage. It's like trying to beat a well organized team in Plunder if they all have treasure bearer on. It's possible, but you need to be good.

Try using the FAL. Wasn't until I unlocked Invalid that I gave that rifle a proper chance. Definitely has a learning curve, but it's pretty damn effective once you get the hang of it. I find it easier to aim with it than the M4 at long range, and it's much easier to obtain one.

As for DTI, I don't miss it much now that I mostly ignore the AK. If ND tweaked the AK so it would still be fairly shitty at long range with DTI, I think DTI would no longer be a problem.


One thing I don't understand is how the multiplayer community can be so small (4-6kish). The game sold a very healthy amount and after MW2 it should be the biggest multiplayer game on PS3 in terms of popularity. Is it just that when you make a game with a single player so good, everyone forgets there is an online mode as well?


Bebpo said:
One thing I don't understand is how the multiplayer community can be so small (4-6kish). The game sold a very healthy amount and after MW2 it should be the biggest multiplayer game on PS3 in terms of popularity. Is it just that when you make a game with a single player so good, everyone forgets there is an online mode as well?

They said there are multiple servers and that 4k-5k you see online are only for the server you are connected to.
Fuck this game for now. I don't know if anyone else has been having connection issues, but I'm getting them on every single match I've played for the last week now. It can't be my internet, everything else is running fine and I haven't changed any settings. Something wrong with the PSN?
Bebpo said:
One thing I don't understand is how the multiplayer community can be so small (4-6kish). The game sold a very healthy amount and after MW2 it should be the biggest multiplayer game on PS3 in terms of popularity. Is it just that when you make a game with a single player so good, everyone forgets there is an online mode as well?

I'm a huge Uncharted fan, but I haven't had time to even finish out the SP yet. I'm a little over 2/3 done with my hard run then on to Crushing. I'll be coming into the MP late too, and getting owned, I'm sure.


-viper- said:
yeah gatecrashing a party is unwelcome.
Then why did I get so many invites ? :p (thanks Killthee)

Wowbagger said:
I couldn't stay in a party for more than a minute tonight before I'd get automatically removed. Got signed out of the GAF chatroom about a dozen times, too. Some kind of PSN issue, nothing U2 specific.
I hope so, I wouldn't want to be deprived of my UC2 MP fix! Thanks for sharing.


Those invites were lies, Ben. Dirty Euro lies. :p (I really need to play more in the afternoon so I can play with you, Dave, FFO, Lince, and all my other Brothers Who Sleep As I Play.)


ConradCervantes said:
Fuck this game for now. I don't know if anyone else has been having connection issues, but I'm getting them on every single match I've played for the last week now. It can't be my internet, everything else is running fine and I haven't changed any settings. Something wrong with the PSN?

Played a bunch of games today with my friends, no problem at all.


Irish said:
Those invites were lies, Ben. Dirty Euro lies. :p (I really need to play more in the afternoon so I can play with you, Dave, FFO, Lince, and all my other Brothers Who Sleep As I Play.)
I guess that means you're on the other side of the Atlantic! I cannot play as often as I'd like, but the wife was out last night, and it was so frustrating to see the guys talk shit on the GAF chat while I couldn't join a single party... Oh well, at least I managed to beat the first two Sisters of Fate in GoW II :D I'm sure we'll cross paths, maybe next week-end (Jan 16-17) as it will be a celibate one for me.


So I played another 4 hours or so last night. Did a buncha different co-op objective games. I really enjoy that even if I was playing with random people. It's suprisingly difficult even on easy I feel. I'm sure if I had a mic and people I know we could take it up to normal or crushing.

Anyway, got to level 18 or 19 from 14. I did better than I did the other day. I was focusing more on evading, trying to throw my grenades a little better, and kiting in close range situations.

I was score leader on 3 or 4 games for my team, but still had a few bad games. I think sometimes the teams are just unbalanced and I'm getting rocket'd/swarmed without much I can do.

Also, what's the deal with the map rollout. It seems like 70% of the time the map is lost city. Is that just everyone's favorite map? I think it's a fun balanced map, but would like to learn some of the other ones as well.


Rewrite said:
I don't even use boosters. I think I only use deposit and that's it. I dislike boosters in general. Everyone always has Down the Irons and Fleet Foot. It's ridiculous.
Hey buddy, some of us aren't partied up with the unwanted unwashed masses. All Hail the glorious badge of honor master race! Or, for Kittonwy, just one word: Curahee!!


Irish said:
Those invites were lies, Ben. Dirty Euro lies. :p (I really need to play more in the afternoon so I can play with you, Dave, FFO, Lince, and all my other Brothers Who Sleep As I Play.)

sleep... with my finals coming up and my brain refusing to give up on my gaming habits I discarded that option :lol

study -> play random game -> GAF -> quick nap -> clean the cat's stuff -> shower -> eat
HalcyonTB12 said:
Also, what's the deal with the map rollout. It seems like 70% of the time the map is lost city. Is that just everyone's favorite map?
Yeah, pretty much. It seems to me that Lost City, Village and Sanctuary are the most voted maps. I just don't manage to play Train Wreck anymore, I'm always the only one voting for it (which is a shame, it's an awesome map):(
Thats strange, I get a healthy share of all the maps. I'm pretty sure thats bad luck, I looked on my matches list on naught dog and on each page there are barely any repeated maps.

And speaking of maps, taking 10 minutes to learn the map layouts has helped me out tremendously. Knowing where people are going to run for weapons is invaluable :) Anyone who wants to get better, do that.


Gold Member
Lince said:
sleep... with my finals coming up and my brain refusing to give up on my gaming habits I discarded that option :lol

study -> play random game -> GAF -> quick nap -> clean the cat's stuff -> shower -> eat

You're lucky you'll still have a cat's stuff to clean in a couple of weeks :'(
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