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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Are people really still complaining about Uncharted2's visuals & performance?


edit: yea photobucket ruins all comedic timing doesn't it?


Usually we just use "GAF." For some reason people not familiar with the site assume it has something to do with homosexuality.


Completed U2 for the first time last night, i can say without hesitation that it was the most visually stunning piece of art i have ever endured.

What a phenomenal experience, doing my treasure run on crushing now and its as fun as ever.

ND give us U3 soon, thanks.


bish gets all the credit :)
ditto, can log in now.

Suggestion on the medals page: Even though the medals are separated by competitive and co-op, you should only list medals on each page that are able to be obtained in each said mode. (i.e. you can't get double downs/streaks in co-op, so they shouldn't be listed on the co-op page).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Is it just me, or does this game chew up and spit out newcomers like few other multiplayer games?

I just get completely hammered.

I got it for christmas and was shocked that I was near the top of the scoreboard from the very first games. It actually feels really easy to get into for me.

JustHadToJoin said:
What the a hand cannon?

The Wes?

I notice that and another pistol I can't recall off the top of my head are actually tracked on the site despite not being on any map.
Thanks Killthee for inviting me to the PSN Chatroom, I had a great time playing with GAFers tonight.

Thanks to,

for a bunch of great Plunder matches.


Papercuts said:
The Wes?

I notice that and another pistol I can't recall off the top of my head are actually tracked on the site despite not being on any map.

Yeah, the Wes 44.
Another pistol missing in action is the Luger, called P08 in the game if I remember correctly.


Arne, are there any plans to deal with the afkers? Maybe like a report system, or if you don't move yourself for 1-2minutes you get auto kicked from the match/auto banned


arne said:
And you guys wonder why we made the roman numeral levels so long in between. smh.

just j/k

Please, rise the cash cap from 50k to 100k. It was perfect during the double cash weekend.
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arne said:
And you guys wonder why we made the roman numeral levels so long in between. smh.

just j/k
People playing just for fun is so 90's



arne said:
or I need to fix things. :)

Come on, arne; surely you wouldn't let those lovely images of the guns made for the website go to waste? =D

Fersis said:
People playing just for fun is so 90's


Some of the most fun I've had is when we manage to assemble an all GAF 10-player party for elimination. No stats glory to be had, and I love every minute of it.

Yeah, some of you can't stay indestructible for ever,
Snipes424 said:
Arne, are there any plans to deal with the afkers? Maybe like a report system, or if you don't move yourself for 1-2minutes you get auto kicked from the match/auto banned

I'd rather they eliminate afkers than glitchers honestly
JustHadToJoin said:
I'd rather they eliminate afkers than glitchers honestly

Yeah, there is nothing worse then constantly getting rematched with 3 or 4 afk'ers. In Warhawk you would get autokicked if idle for a certain amount of time. Given the general match length, ND should kick the player back to the game mode select screen if idle for 1 min. It doesn't help the current match, but at least it would make the rematch function more useful.

What is it about this game that attracts these types of players? At first I thought it was because of the quit penalty, but these people don't even leave the server after the game ends. I see them in various game modes, so I don't think it has anything to do with auto-leveling in plunder matches. But I haven't really experienced this type of play in other games...


We were talking about people doing this yesterday.
It can get hard to find a Plunder game with all 5 players firing, which is really strange.
A downer for the competitive spirit.

If the rationale is to leave it on to rack up Plunder capture money without effort, then it's a flawed one. By not playing, you're dragging the team down while helping ensure that they make no captures.

With that said, the glitchers are definitely more aggravating in my opinion. I can't see how they derive any fun from it, unless ruining the game for everyone is how they get their kicks.
Well, I finally finished the game. I enjoyed it a lot more than the first Uncharted. I waited this long because I wanted a good stretch of time I could play at my own pace on my own time so this past week was perfect for me to start and finish the game for the first time. I'm gonna keep my impressions real short as I know most of you have finished the game awhile ago and are on to MP now.

First of all, since it's what I last looked at, seeing there's a store to but a bunch of different stuff that will make replaying the game even better is amazing. May have to look up how to actually unlock some of these items but I can't wait to try it again. Will make the eventual trek through Hard and Crushing doable. I wasn't sure if I'd replay it again for awhile but this definitely changes my mind on that.

On to the single player. I enjoyed almost all of the game. There were a lot of sections I don't like in the first game and that's because it felt to me that I was doing the same thing over and over again. I'm glad we had many locations to go to in this game. Even traveling around in an area felt better than traveling through the jungle. I actually enjoyed most of the shoot-outs this time around. I also thought from the early trailers when we saw the destroyed city we were going to be in for awhile that I was going to be disappointed. Not true this time around. The city was one of the best parts for me. So awesome climbing buildings and lights that aren't just cliff edges.

The part I knew I wasn't going to like from hearing about it before was the crazy yeti's. Luckily, for awhile besides the one in the cave we didn't really have to fight them which was nice. And once you find out they are just costumes, for some reason, it actually made me happier because it wasn't just a supernatural thing for me like the zombies. Once I realized the guardians in the costumes were supernatural themselves, I sort of wished they weren't but it was still better than yeti's. Once I got a hold of their crossbow they weren't so bad anyways. The ending is weaker for me than the beginning just because we lose out on that exploring feeling once it all comes together. I would have really liked a big exploring part in Shambala because it was one of the best looking areas in all the game. Still, I couldn't really be happier with this game. One of the best games I've played this generation.

One thing I hope they do with Uncharted 3 if they make it is no supernatural stuff. I know it's probably in the game so some don't get bored when Drake goes to an area where the enemy won't be, but I'd really rather a more grounded story next time with all the hidden temple stuff. :lol

Now I can finally try out the multiplayer and see how far behind everyone I am.


Gyrian said:
Some of the most fun I've had is when we manage to assemble an all GAF 10-player party for elimination. No stats glory to be had, and I love every minute of it.

Yeah, some of you can't stay indestructible for ever,

Yeah, this is where I have the most amount of fun. Also, I wish I were indestructible. :(

Hey, I wouldn't mind starting out with a .45 every once in a while. Crossbows and the Wes are also welcome. (I'd like to see some rope swinging action in one of the new maps as well.)

New Mode Ideas:

A mixture of Plunder and Chain Reaction where the team would have to carry the treasure through a total of five different points in a certain order before delivering it.


A mixture of Plunder and Turf War where the team would have to set the treasure down in their "zone" and have to defend it until you reach a certain point/time limit.

Anyway, I'll probably be on tomorrow night guys. I've been working the past couple of days. :( (I have to afford spring 2010 somehow.)
Irish said:
New Mode Ideas:

A mixture of Plunder and Chain Reaction where the team would have to carry the treasure through a total of five different points in a certain order before delivering it.

I can see an endless "tie game" for this idea!

A mixture of Plunder and Turf War where the team would have to set the treasure down in their "zone" and have to defend it until you reach a certain point/time limit.

I like this. It's kinda just king of the hill though:p


I'm seeing some of the same idle players from when the auto-rematch system started--only now they are in their mid-50s, level-wise. Awesome to see cheaters at a higher level than me!

On a related note, a while back I played against a level-60 who was simply not that good at the game--and he was part of a party of five, and his team barely beat my team of randoms in a Plunder match. Have to think he cheated his way to 60--if he'd put the time in, surely he'd be better at the game?


Also, I hope the upcoming DLC is more than just new maps/skins. I would love to see new game-types, new medals, and, most of all, new trophies.
VsRobot said:
On a related note, a while back I played against a level-60 who was simply not that good at the game--and he was part of a party of five, and his team barely beat my team of randoms in a Plunder match. Have to think he cheated his way to 60--if he'd put the time in, surely he'd be better at the game?

Hey sometimes we all have bad games man


VGChampion said:
One thing I hope they do with Uncharted 3 if they make it is no supernatural stuff.

I'd say it's a given to expect some supernatural element in the next installment, it's part of the formula now. Think of it as what you would see from an Indiana Jones movie.

VsRobot said:
On a related note, a while back I played against a level-60 who was simply not that good at the game--and he was part of a party of five, and his team barely beat my team of randoms in a Plunder match. Have to think he cheated his way to 60--if he'd put the time in, surely he'd be better at the game?

Keep in mind that levels are only a good indicator for how much you've been playing. He may have peaked on how skillful he's going to get at the game. Something else to consider is that many higher level players live with negative boosters. Invalid makes you exceedingly fragile, and your ratio will suffer for it.

Nice mode suggestions from Irish, btw.


Gyrian said:
Keep in mind that levels are only a good indicator for how much you've been playing. He may have peaked on how skillful he's going to get at the game. Something else to consider is that many higher level players live with negative boosters. Invalid makes you exceedingly fragile, and your ratio will suffer for it.

The guy I'm talking about was using DTI/Fleet Foot, not negative boosters. I mostly remember him because of his rage whenever I would kill him.


VsRobot said:
On a related note, a while back I played against a level-60 who was simply not that good at the game--and he was part of a party of five, and his team barely beat my team of randoms in a Plunder match. Have to think he cheated his way to 60--if he'd put the time in, surely he'd be better at the game?
I got to 30 by playing a lot of coop first, then competitive with GAFers. That allowed me to earn 800,000$, but does not make me a solid player in any area. I do have fun, though.

By the way, I messaged you to join you (PSN: Grandben), but no answer... See you tomorrow :D


bish gets all the credit :)
VsRobot said:
The guy I'm talking about was using DTI/Fleet Foot, not negative boosters. I mostly remember him because of his rage whenever I would kill him.

sounds like the guy we played the other night (lvl 60 #1 on leaderboard). He got owned for 5-6 straight matches and kept telling us we got dominated, even though we never lost. He provided the laughs though.
alr1ghtstart said:
sounds like the guy we played the other night (lvl 60 #1 on leaderboard). He got owned for 5-6 straight matches and kept telling us we got dominated, even though we never lost. He provided the laughs though.

Yeah, the guy who sounded like Vin Diesel! Not the cool Vin Diesel from the fast and the furious, but the lame one from The Pacifier! What a loser that guy was!


Had a ton of fun playing with GAFfers tonight -- even if no one remembered me from Gaf. Definitely better than playing solo.


Anyone else have problems with Co-op Arena on The Fort map?

After the first round, we will kill everyone we can find on the map but it doesn't move onto the next round. Instead we run around for a couple minutes and then finally it will switch to the next round despite us not killing anyone else (because as far as we can tell, there is no one else to kill). This happens for every round after the first one. I'm wondering if we are just blind or if there is a bug on that level. We search the entire level every round , but never find any other enemies that are hiding. It's annoying because it slows down the pace of the game and we lose our multiplier scores because we are waiting around for the next round.


Not as deep as he thinks
Rugasuki said:
Anyone else have problems with Co-op Arena on The Fort map?

After the first round, we will kill everyone we can find on the map but it doesn't move onto the next round. Instead we run around for a couple minutes and then finally it will switch to the next round despite us not killing anyone else (because as far as we can tell, there is no one else to kill). This happens for every round after the first one. I'm wondering if we are just blind or if there is a bug on that level. We search the entire level every round , but never find any other enemies that are hiding. It's annoying because it slows down the pace of the game and we lose our multiplier scores because we are waiting around for the next round.
Usually, there's a guy in one of those buildings at the corner of the map. You can hardly see him, but he's up there.
Rugasuki said:
Anyone else have problems with Co-op Arena on The Fort map?

After the first round, we will kill everyone we can find on the map but it doesn't move onto the next round. Instead we run around for a couple minutes and then finally it will switch to the next round despite us not killing anyone else (because as far as we can tell, there is no one else to kill). This happens for every round after the first one. I'm wondering if we are just blind or if there is a bug on that level. We search the entire level every round , but never find any other enemies that are hiding. It's annoying because it slows down the pace of the game and we lose our multiplier scores because we are waiting around for the next round.

happens to everybody. Not sure about why this bug happens though.


After putting in some serious time with mw2 I have come to this conclusion: while more rewarding in terms of leveling and as a whole with the community and all, I feel UC2 multiplayer is better.
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