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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Ballistictiger said:
It's for loading purposes. ND wanted to make it seamless as possible.

It's not though since you can skip the FMV sequences the second they start (and they start near instantaneously from gameplay) and the next gameplay section starts immediately, even if it's in an entirely new area.


Milk Lizard said:
You cant skip all of them, had to do one part over and over on crushing and had to watch the same fucking video again and again.

Ive learned that you can skip the FMV ones, but not the in-engine ones.


AltogetherAndrews said:
I wouldn't bother, it was merely good in its day, and will probably feel like raw tripe after playing Uncharted 2.

I disagree.
The first one is still tons of fun to revisit. Still plays great, and it's got the harder Crushing run compared with U2.
To me, it's the game equivalent of one of those great movies you enjoy re-watching, like BTTF, even though you know them like the back of your hand.

Then again, if you look under my name, there might be some slight bias evident.


I think i'm starting to get addicted to the multi-player. I'm up to 23 or 24 now and regularly scoring 12-17 kills per match and i'm hovering a little over a 1:1 k/d ratio. I still have bad matches but it's usually cause I'll end up against a team of partied up roman numerals actually playing together.

I still kinda suck with grenades :( I'm alot better at evasion and moving about the maps though. Close encounters aren't as much of a pain as when I first started. My shoot then melee combo usually works more than it doesn't. I'm also not as hesitant to go get the stronger weapons and use them up(so that they're not used on me).

I think I do the best on the maps with the longer sight lines. I can play more defensively. However I am terrible at some of the smaller maps. Temple being the one that really destroys my face. Hate that map right now. Also not really a fan of sanctuary.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Shearie said:
It's not though since you can skip the FMV sequences the second they start (and they start near instantaneously from gameplay) and the next gameplay section starts immediately, even if it's in an entirely new area.
It's done precisely for that reason, otherwise, cutscenes would have to load as well (as they often feature assets and stuff that's not in the level you play before or after). This way their engine has only to worry about loading level data, while most cutscenes being a video file, can just play instantaneously when needed. From the presentation point of view it's basically a no brainer as it eliminates any loading pauses and makes the whole thing completely seamless.

Solo said:
Ive learned that you can skip the FMV ones, but not the in-engine ones.
They are all technically in-engine... I wish ND would release some cutscene viewer DLC that would have select custscenes stored as real time executables, and let you move the camera around them or rewind/forward, or reveal rendering passes, like in KZ2 Bullet TV Ad or MGS2 Document dics.


Im just starting my crushing run and having no fun :lol I love the Gears of War games on insane, but this seems to be less forgiving. Im already getting my ass handed to me on level 4 :lol


Had some awesome games with GAF crew last night. First time trying snipers and handguns and rockets which was a lot of fun.

I played a game of plunder and there was a GAF guy called Chirp something arather who managed to rack up 64 kills, in a short game. Astounding...

Thanks to Scored, for some intense co-op games to. Almost got up to level 10 before being gunned in action, gah. Had lots of PSN errors which was annoying getting booted!
Special mention to Gyrian who seems to have a horrible habit of wiping me out everytime we have a GAF on GAF game :lol

Still looking for partners for crushing co-op run so if anyone is down give me a shout.


Solo said:
Im just starting my crushing run and having no fun :lol I love the Gears of War games on insane, but this seems to be less forgiving. Im already getting my ass handed to me on level 4 :lol

That's funny considering Uncharted 1 on crushing is much, much, *much* harder than the sequel. :p


AltogetherAndrews said:
You shouldn't, it's really quite average, you would know this if you had better taste. Uncharted 2 on the other hand is great.
I agree with Gyrian. The game still holds up today quite well.


Just played two hours of GAF games, including a lot of Deathmatch RPG's, much to the joy of Negaiido and the dismay of Killthee and W0Wbaggr... The first one was dumb but awesome, the others not so much. Anyway, fun was has as always, even if I did not contribute much to the team's results :lol

EDIT: sorry SickBoy, you should join the gang instead of complaining!


AltogetherAndrews said:
You shouldn't, it's really quite average, you would know this if you had better taste. Uncharted 2 on the other hand is great.

Maybe it felt average to you, but not to me.

If anything, it's interesting that you hold the sequel to such high regard while dismissing the original. They're really not that different.
NDI just knew better what they needed more of (and less of) for their second time around.

master15 said:
I played a game of plunder and there was a GAF guy called Chirp something arather who managed to rack up 64 kills, in a short game. Astounding...

CHRP is a killing machine, I've yet to see someone else on his level.

master15 said:
Special mention to Gyrian who seems to have a horrible habit of wiping me out everytime we have a GAF on GAF game :lol:



crispyben said:
Just played two hours of GAF games, including a lot of Deathmatch RPG's, much to the joy of Negaiido and the dismay of Killthee and W0Wbaggr... The first one was dumb but awesome, the others not so much. Anyway, fun was has as always, even if I did not contribute much to the team's results :lol

EDIT: sorry SickBoy, you should join the gang instead of complaining!

I love Deathmatch RPG in the Ice Cave :D Staying at one particular spot makes you almost invincible :D except when everyone is gonna shoot only you.
Also Deathmatch RPG is just an awesome mode, spamming rockets. I guess I'm just a guy who likes destruction.
Gyrian said:
it's interesting that you hold the sequel to such high regard while dismissing the original. They're really not that different.

Yeah they are. One is great, the other merely average. Decent, harmless little action adventure. Uncharted 2 is masterful.

Eteric Rice

Well, I got this game for Christmas. I was a bit skeptical of how good it was, but I can safely say that this is one of my games of the generation, right up there with Galaxy.

Whats great is that there was a lot of action that WASN'T FUCKING CUTSCENES. I don't really have to name any of them, I'm sure you all know which sections I'm talking about.

The only thing I'd want added is more options in being stealthy. Maybe some silencers so I can try to pick off people all through the game rather than get into gun battles.

Other than that, one of the two games this gen I'd give a 10/10.


MidnightRider said:
I should play back through this on hard and see what happens.

Recently finished on Hard more and it was really satisfying. As a bonus, you'll also get that "cha-ching" sound of a gold trophy once you get there.

Do it!


jett said:
That's funny considering Uncharted 1 on crushing is much, much, *much* harder than the sequel. :p

Thank god I never tried it then :lol Im already dreading 5-6 scenarios later in the game that gave me enough problems on hard.

AltogetherAndrews said:
Yeah they are. One is great, the other merely average. Decent, harmless little action adventure. Uncharted 2 is masterful.

I dunno about that. I recently replayed Drake's Fortune, then immediately played Among Thieves through for the first time, and while there are many minor changes that make the overall package better, I didnt feel there was any real massive leap between the two games. Sure, if you add up all the small things UC2 does well, then it adds up to a large sum, but there isnt one major item that categorically outclasses UC1.


Man I hate the constant/persistent lag in this game. It also seems like the laggier someone is the bigger the advantage they got.
jett said:
Man I hate the constant/persistent lag in this game. It also seems like the laggier someone is the bigger the advantage they got.

Trust me, lag is not an advantage.

You get stuck to the ground, and can't move or aim.


Gyrian said:
CHRP is a killing machine, I've yet to see someone else on his level.

Yeah it was insane, I was struggling to get close to 10 kills and this guy was just bringing the pain.

We were playing a game yesterday and I was hiding in the truck with sniper rifle and you nailed me with a grenade. Times like those I can't help but admire...still I think I got killed a lot by you with the pistol, much to my chagrin.

jett said:
Man I hate the constant/persistent lag in this game. It also seems like the laggier someone is the bigger the advantage they got.

Yup, last week I've been getting lots of lag, where I simply can't move and become a stationary target for a free kill. Very, very annoying in plunder match as you're about to drop the treasure and just freeze...

Solo/ Do you play online at all bud?


master15 said:
Solo/ Do you play online at all bud?

I jumped in quickly just for the trophies, but it was a lot of fun, so I do plan to jump back in and sink some time into it after I clear out my backlog.


Well, finished on crushing, that was quick :lol
The game is really forgiving with all the check points, and that's not a bad thing since you can die almost instantly. Harder part of the game for me was this asshole of final boss. If I have to watch him kneeling on the ground and saying his stupid text one more fucking time... (saying the boss kneels is not a spoiler right :p ?)

Trying to get the remaining medals and having a lot of fun with the tweak, no gravity and some new skin.


Hahahah I started another playthrough of the campaign today to find remaining treasures and get weapon medals and just noticed that if there are no enemies around and you take aim at a propane tank Nate will quietly say "boom!" in various tones almost every time. :lol
So many awesome subtleties to this game.


cjtiger300 said:

Seriously. Official threads are enough of a clusterfuck already (you get eight different threads of conversation in one cumbersome package), when they become "room's open dudes, let's go" for pages and "great game guys," what the hell is the point? I like to read other players' opinions, not online game planning. At that point an "official thread" becomes a club thread for the few dozen people who are playing online actively.

It's unfortunate people don't check the online forum, since that's what it's there for, but I know from a lot of other games that it's a problem across the board. So not directed at this group in particular, just venting about the wider problem.

crispyben said:
EDIT: sorry SickBoy, you should join the gang instead of complaining!

I will once I'm finished campaign. I have one or two chapters left it looks like (don't know why this series feels the need to veer this way at the end all the time... but all in all I'll say it again -- monstrous improvement over the first game. Unfortunate that I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't get it for cheap, because I'd have been missing out on a fantastic game)


anyone help me here for a sec on a noobish question?

when do online leaderboards get updated? ive been stuck on the same level and kill/death ratio for almost 4 days without updating.

my player profile says im currently level 31. how ever on the leaderboards, it says im still level 28.


Not as deep as he thinks
celpacius said:
anyone help me here for a sec on a noobish question?

when do online leaderboards get updated? ive been stuck on the same level and kill/death ratio for almost 4 days without updating.

my player profile says im currently level 31. how ever on the leaderboards, it says im still level 28.
For me it updates pretty quickly, like when I'm done playing for the night it updates for me.


Rewrite said:
For me it updates pretty quickly, like when I'm done playing for the night it updates for me.

yah it was always like that for me. but for some reason, it hasn't updated for over 4 days.

i should have been more specific though. my stats on the competitive kills dont update but everything else does. my win's section says my current level and how many wins i currently have. but not my kill/death ratio section.


GG tonight guyz, only got to play a few rounds before everybody else called it for the night though. Part of me wanted to put my boosters on, part of me just wanted to keep playing with none.
master15 said:
Had some awesome games with GAF crew last night. First time trying snipers and handguns and rockets which was a lot of fun.

I played a game of plunder and there was a GAF guy called Chirp something arather who managed to rack up 64 kills, in a short game. Astounding...

Thanks to Scored, for some intense co-op games to. Almost got up to level 10 before being gunned in action, gah. Had lots of PSN errors which was annoying getting booted!
Special mention to Gyrian who seems to have a horrible habit of wiping me out everytime we have a GAF on GAF game :lol

Still looking for partners for crushing co-op run so if anyone is down give me a shout.
Is there a way to watch one of his matches? I find that incredibly hard to believe, in a good way.


Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Is there a way to watch one of his matches? I find that incredibly hard to believe, in a good way.
I also did that...
Me and CHRP have almost identical stats

DAMN him and that 1 less death! I have more assists and I actually scored.
We also had 1 less person.

Going back through the pages of matches...I'd say 85% of the time I'm number 1 in the match. Unless I'm idle or I'm letting my nephews play under my PSN.
So for the first time playing MP tonight, I saw someone with a new Heroes skin. A girl with a yellow top. Is that supposed to be Rika Raja? I haven't gotten around to watching that comic yet. I didn't see her on the list of available Skins, is there DLC that's out?

Oh and the same matches went up against a RUTHLESS team in deathmatch in the Sanctuary. One guy knew where the Pistole was, would go on a killing spree with it, and timed it perfectly so he could acquire more ammo before his would run out. The bastard was untouchable!


Tried the multi, absolutely loved the coop mods but hated PvP... For me the single player play style doesn't transit well for players confrontation, you need too much bullets to kill one dude or maybe I'm just too bad (and grenades are a joke, and not a funny one).
I'll stick with coop, those missions are really hard even on easy :lol How can you choose hard and crushing difficulty ? Do you need to finish all the mission in normal first ?


Drac said:
Tried the multi, absolutely loved the coop mods but hated PvP... For me the single player play style doesn't transit well for players confrontation, you need too much bullets to kill one dude or maybe I'm just too bad (and grenades are a joke, and not a funny one).
I'll stick with coop, those missions are really hard even on easy :lol How can you choose hard and crushing difficulty ? Do you need to finish all the mission in normal first ?
Yeah, I prefer the coop modes pretty much exclusively too, as pvp enjoyment really depends on your team a lot.

Each of step of the difficulties unlock as you complete any mission on the previous difficulty. Remember to set your preferred difficulty in your profile settings first, but this won't guarantee your selection as it's determined by the lowest choice of your trio.


Gold Member
CHRP's so good because of all the Supernatural he watches. We should all watch Supernatural too, if we ever want to get close to his level :(

[edit]Himumu, we were all born with the skills. PM crushdance for tuition ;p


Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Is there a way to watch one of his matches? I find that incredibly hard to believe, in a good way.

Next time we get him on a match, I can protect and send you the cinema file so you can see his tactics for yourself.
He is... one with the game, haha.

Kittonwy said:
GG tonight guyz, only got to play a few rounds before everybody else called it for the night though. Part of me wanted to put my boosters on, part of me just wanted to keep playing with none.

Feels great without boosters, I wouldn't mind seeing a playlist for it.
What the hey, let's make it no-booster Tuesday tonight.
I need to stop relying on some of these perks too much.


Had one of my all-time favorite moments in a party with Gaffers playing Plunder last night. Everyone wiped except for me, I'm in their treasure room with stock weapons (AK and 91FS), and there are three of them coming, one of whom is lobbing Hammer shots into the small room. I'm hearing "hold out! hold out!" in my headset as I take out the first guy who comes in by aiming at the doorway from the corner. The second guy rushes in behind him and I circle strafe blind-firing my AK until he dies. The third guy comes in and kills me, and while I'm hearing "you did the best you could" in my headset, from my death cam I watch him take the treasure right to the box and die from a grenade one of his team-mates threw in there blind hoping to kill me. By then all my team-mates had respawned. They quickly made it down there, nabbed the treaure, and hauled it all the way across the map for a quick cap.

I got so loud celebrating that I got in trouble with the wife. It was totally worth it, though.

Gyrian said:
Feels great without boosters, I wouldn't mind seeing a playlist for it.
What the hey, let's make it no-booster Tuesday tonight.
I need to stop relying on some of these perks too much.

If we're playing Plunder, I'll still be using Veiled / Deposit. Neither one gives me any sort of competitive advantage. :p


Choppasmith said:
So for the first time playing MP tonight, I saw someone with a new Heroes skin. A girl with a yellow top. Is that supposed to be Rika Raja? I haven't gotten around to watching that comic yet. I didn't see her on the list of available Skins, is there DLC that's out?

So far Pinkerton and Rika are Euro-only. I'm sure the US will get 'em eventually.
VsRobot said:
Had one of my all-time favorite moments in a party with Gaffers playing Plunder last night. Everyone wiped except for me, I'm in their treasure room with stock weapons (AK and 91FS), and there are three of them coming, one of whom is lobbing Hammer shots into the small room. I'm hearing "hold out! hold out!" in my headset as I take out the first guy who comes in by aiming at the doorway from the corner. The second guy rushes in behind him and I circle strafe blind-firing my AK until he dies. The third guy comes in and kills me, and while I'm hearing "you did the best you could" in my headset, from my death cam I watch him take the treasure right to the box and die from a grenade one of his team-mates threw in there blind hoping to kill me. By then all my team-mates had respawned. They quickly made it down there, nabbed the treaure, and hauled it all the way across the map for a quick cap.

I got so loud celebrating that I got in trouble with the wife. It was totally worth it, though.

Doing well against GAF really is like the ultimate feeling. I'll bet that if you did that against randoms it wouldn't have been quite as epic. I remember once it was me vs 3 on GAF elimination and I managed to take the round, I felt the same as you did. Luckily I was in the basement!


One thing I loved when I tried multi was that melee attacks actually worked. I mean, they do in SP obviously, but I figured youd just get mowed down in MP. But nope, I killed quite a few people this way :lol
Uuuuh nice! more people hopping aboard the Uncharted 2 MP wagon. I should make my glorious return some day soon :p

Does Jocchan still play though being busy with the dudebro thing?
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