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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Irish said:
I have been extremely awful these last few days. Not only that, but we've been playing with new GAFfers. :( Oh well, at least you guys know for sure that I really am one of the worst players you'll ever meet in Uncharted.

You're awesome at CQC. :p


alr1ghtstart said:
grenades were extra laggy tonight for some reason. It would also be nice if you would all have some honor and not run for the hammer at the beginning of every elimination match (it shouldn't even be there in the first place).

You were hiding on a wall in the ice caves and I had to get u down somehow lol.


I usually just rush the hammer to keep other people from getting it. I can usually get it before anyone else, but I suck with it so it ends up getting me killed.


I really need to change up my Elimination strategies a bit. The very first thing I do is rush for the Uzi and then go grab a grenade. This seriously cuts down on my surprise attack time. Then again, I suppose it keeps me alive a tad bit longer in the Plaza, Sanctuary, and Train Wreck.
Same here, since I'm usually going toward the Desert 5 or Pistole. I think Kitton got me a couple times last night just knowing what I was going for.


Irish said:
Why do GAF games always have to be so punishing? :p

I had a great time tonight though. I even got to hear CHRP's voice in an unaltered state. Now all we need to do is get him and Joe talking on a regular basis. (Yes, we can be annoying, but it's worth it, damn it!)

Also for some reason, I was actually doing well in a full party. That almost never happens. I still do so much better against groups of people instead of one on one which is kinda weird. The closer they get to me, the quicker they die. I still suck at long range though. (Well, as long as I don't have any grenades. If I do, prepare to explode. :p) I'm working on it though. I've even been using my AK every once in a while.

I was sorely tempted to put boosters on.
Irish said:
I really need to change up my Elimination strategies a bit. The very first thing I do is rush for the Uzi and then go grab a grenade. This seriously cuts down on my surprise attack time. Then again, I suppose it keeps me alive a tad bit longer in the Plaza, Sanctuary, and Train Wreck.

I usually don't have a clue where all the good guns are. I just take FAL or whatever is close to me and go guns blazing. :lol
Yeef said:
I usually just rush the hammer to keep other people from getting it. I can usually get it before anyone else, but I suck with it so it ends up getting me killed.
Lol same here. I always end up killing myself or some shit like that.
I hate that thing, but it makes me feel so powerful:(


What kills me in elimination is that I *knew* exactly where Kittonwy was going to go every time in the Village, yet this knowledge did not allow me get a single kill. I tried m4, shotgun, pistol, grenade--he always took me down. WTF, Kitton, WTF.


I think everyone has gotten a lot better. That's why the GAF games seem so much harder nowadays. Randoms are a joke after playing the improved GAF. Teams that would put up somewhat of a fight before can barely touch us now. (Well, as long as they don't camp our treasure chests. Deathmatch is no contest though.)


VsRobot said:
What kills me in elimination is that I *knew* exactly where Kittonwy was going to go every time in the Village, yet this knowledge did not allow me get a single kill. I tried m4, shotgun, pistol, grenade--he always took me down. WTF, Kitton, WTF.

I knew YOU knew exactly where I wuz going everytime in teh village.
Just want to say to all the new juniors:

You are juniors, and have junior members.

If you want to be part of team GAF, you have to have a big member (with the exception of aj2good4you2, and Lyulf).


KilgoreTrout said:
Just want to say to all the new juniors:

You are juniors, and have junior members.

If you want to be part of team GAF, you have to have a big member (with the exception of aj2good4you2, and Lyulf).

My TV annoys me... I have to constantly mind my surrenderings by sight. Playing with no sound output is a pain.

But hopefully it will strengthen my sense of awareness, at the times Im able to play with sound.


gg all earlier, sorry i could only stay for one, work duties and all that. i'll redeem myself soon, just so aj2good4you2 and i don't remember who know can get a shot at me. or many shots at me.


Just passed this fucking awesome game! WOW! Totally surpassed everything from the original, Can't wait for the next one.



KilgoreTrout said:
Crying doesn't make your member bigger.

Nothing to be done, then.
U2 online is dominating my free time, so it's more likely that I'll finish the grind to level X before I lose the Junior over here.

Good games last night, GAF.
The team that tossed the treasure outside of the map in Plaza pissed me off, though.
It burns me that some people out there log on exclusively to suck the enjoyment out of the game for others.


KilgoreTrout said:
Just want to say to all the new juniors:

You are juniors, and have junior members.

If you want to be part of team GAF, you have to have a big member (
with the exception of aj2good4you2, and Lyulf).



So I put maybe 20 hours into the multiplayer and I think i'm gonna give it a rest for awhile. It's definately fun, but I don't think it's fun enough to grind from level 30-60. None of the boosters seem all that great, and I don't really care about skins, so I don't feel like there's enough carrot on a stick to keep me going. I think maybe if I had a headset and a stable group of friends to play with(as well as a stable amount of time for myself to play) I'd be able to enjoy it more.

This is probably more a complaint at my own lack of time and ability to enjoy online games, but I feel like if U2 had maybe more boosters, or rpg-like elements where I could hone different skillsets to my player I'd be able to keep going and get to 50+. As it is I don't see the incentive other than just enjoying the basic mechanics of the game. Which I do, just not in a "OMG I must play deathmatch with 9 other idiots for 200 hours" sorta way.

Does anybody else feel like it's ever a massive grind with little payoff?


KilgoreTrout said:
Just want to say to all the new juniors:

You are juniors, and have junior members.

If you want to be part of team GAF, you have to have a big member (with the exception of aj2good4you2, and Lyulf).

i'm a junior, and i've been playing team gaf for ages. love you kilgore. <3


I just started playing and love the game so far but I have to say this and it's probably been said before

The dagger looks a lot like the one from the movie "The Golden Child"


Getting past all this nonsense about who is and isn't a junior (and for the record my GAF account is two years older than KTs :p ), something I've been thinking about is how our crew can get even better. Our losses when we have 5 GAFfers in Plunder are rare, but they do happen when they shouldn't. The things we need to improve on as a group are obvious, so please don't take this as me dictating to players who are considerably more skilled than I am.

One of the things we need to improve on is tactics and communication. When we get in those close, heated games, we'll get in a mode where either everyone is rushing the treasure, leaving us open to giving away easy Doubles and Triples to our opponents, or we'll all try to flank and engage the enemy 1 on 1, and our opponents will get an easy score when their Treasure Bearer is able to rush their capture box while we're all occupied killing his team mates. In those situations, only the Bearer is worth our attention.

In my opinion it would help us as a group if before the match we decide who the Bearers are going to be (and they should have Treasure Bearer equipped) and who is going to give them cover. We should know what route our Bearers are going to take so we can offer them cover and flank the enemies. When we're going up against another party of five it would be helpful if we changed our Boosters accordingly. I love Invalid, but it's not appropriate for every match-up.

What do you guys think? I know a lot of you probably are a lot better at this kind of pre-game planning than I am, so share your wisdom please.


Jeramii said:
i'm a junior, and i've been playing team gaf for ages. love you kilgore. <3

Used to play with us... Don't tell me Somnium is here too. :(


I just need someone to stand on the bridge in Sanctuary because I always seem to get the treasure first.


VsRobot said:
One of the things we need to improve on is tactics and communication.
I still remember a deathmatch game we had a couple weeks back and after losing one of the guys on the other team said to his teammates, "See how they used teammwork and beat us? That's what I'm always telling you guys."

Of course the second they left pretty much everyone in the GAF party chimed in that we were just running around the map and not using teamwork at all.

The moral of the story is that my W/L ratio is pretty high. Obviously all you need to do to win is convince me to start playing more often. :smug
Amon37 said:
I just started playing and love the game so far but I have to say this and it's probably been said before

The dagger looks a lot like the one from the movie "The Golden Child"
It's also a lot like the one in the beginning of the movie The Shadow. The reason is that the knife design is a real one.
GG's last night guys. That first plunder match last night was terrible though. It didn't help that the one random was garbage! I hate losing to a bunch of annoying shit talkers. We spent the rest of the night trying to find those guys again to no avail. Oh well, we have beaten those bitches before and I am sure we will beat them again!


cjtiger300 said:
GG's last night guys. That first plunder match last night was terrible though. It didn't help that the one random was garbage! I hate losing to a bunch of annoying shit talkers. We spent the rest of the night trying to find those guys again to no avail. Oh well, we have beaten those bitches before and I am sure we will beat them again!

Played a couple games last weekend, to my surprise UC2 has an ample supply of shit talking asshats. I'm a lvl 16 and was playing against some lvl 56+ mofos, they started the smack talk when they killed a couple of us.
I just told my team mates to hang together and we raped them.


agaru said:
Welcome to NeoGAF. :D

Where have you been? Still on your U2 sabbatical?
It's time, agaru. :D

vs, agreed. Sometimes, our lack of team tactics hurts us to the point of an occasional loss to a really annoying team. We can be especially bad at organized recovery when the others are running treasure bearer.

I'll be around tonight, if we decide to try something new or wing it as we often do. :)


Gyrian said:
Where have you been? Still on your U2 sabbatical?
It's time, agaru. :D
Man, FIFA 10 is so damn addicting. Tons of stuff to learn and 100% skill-based multiplayer. I'm hooked! I'll get back soon to U2, miss playing with you guys. :p

arne, where's our new DLC? D:


I can count the times I've lost when I've been partied with GAF team mates on one hand. I think we're good enough that we can make losses even more rare if we try. We can still win against an organized team who co-ordinate their boosters (like on Temple when one player has Launch, one has Rocket, two have Bearer and one has Fleet Foot in their secondary slots) but it's a lot tougher than it should be.

Of course, don't think any team has ever beaten us twice in a row (at least not while I've been on). Had a match where we lost 5-4 and then came back in the next match to win 5-0 and have the other party immediately back out. :D

Best moment last night was the guy in that one party freaking out that Kittonwy was in our party. Guy has fans. Rawr.


HalcyonTB12 said:
So I put maybe 20 hours into the multiplayer and I think i'm gonna give it a rest for awhile. It's definately fun, but I don't think it's fun enough to grind from level 30-60. None of the boosters seem all that great, and I don't really care about skins, so I don't feel like there's enough carrot on a stick to keep me going. I think maybe if I had a headset and a stable group of friends to play with(as well as a stable amount of time for myself to play) I'd be able to enjoy it more.

This is probably more a complaint at my own lack of time and ability to enjoy online games, but I feel like if U2 had maybe more boosters, or rpg-like elements where I could hone different skillsets to my player I'd be able to keep going and get to 50+. As it is I don't see the incentive other than just enjoying the basic mechanics of the game. Which I do, just not in a "OMG I must play deathmatch with 9 other idiots for 200 hours" sorta way.

Does anybody else feel like it's ever a massive grind with little payoff?

Not really, it's a lot of fun playing with friends, either against each other or teaming up against n00bs. It was NEVER about the grind. MP games should never be about the grind and leveling up in the first place.


cjtiger300 said:
GG's last night guys. That first plunder match last night was terrible though. It didn't help that the one random was garbage! I hate losing to a bunch of annoying shit talkers. We spent the rest of the night trying to find those guys again to no avail. Oh well, we have beaten those bitches before and I am sure we will beat them again!

You guyz were like "we need to run into those guyz".



VsRobot said:
I can count the times I've lost when I've been partied with GAF team mates on one hand. I think we're good enough that we can make losses even more rare if we try. We can still win against an organized team who co-ordinate their boosters (like on Temple when one player has Launch, one has Rocket, two have Bearer and one has Fleet Foot in their secondary slots) but it's a lot tougher than it should be.

Of course, don't think any team has ever beaten us twice in a row (at least not while I've been on). Had a match where we lost 5-4 and then came back in the next match to win 5-0 and have the other party immediately back out. :D

Best moment last night was the guy in that one party freaking out that Kittonwy was in our party. Guy has fans. Rawr.

That wuz awesome.


VsRobot said:
I can count the times I've lost when I've been partied with GAF team mates on one hand. I think we're good enough that we can make losses even more rare if we try. We can still win against an organized team who co-ordinate their boosters (like on Temple when one player has Launch, one has Rocket, two have Bearer and one has Fleet Foot in their secondary slots) but it's a lot tougher than it should be.

Of course, don't think any team has ever beaten us twice in a row (at least not while I've been on). Had a match where we lost 5-4 and then came back in the next match to win 5-0 and have the other party immediately back out. :D

Best moment last night was the guy in that one party freaking out that Kittonwy was in our party. Guy has fans. Rawr.

I was in that one =D We did that in record time...and everytime they killed me all I could hear was them shouting at each other :lol


Those >5 minute Plunder wins are a blast. Turns into a metagame for me: can I get a Badge of Honor medal before the last treasure is capped?
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