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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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For DLC if they're going to make it paid they should implement what Valve does and give it to everyone for free for the weekend to get you hooked, and then say for $4-5 dollars you can keep playing it.
If it were Valve, it'd be free though, period. I'm talking about how they got me and others hooked on TF2 that way.



Wow, I'll be ecstatic if a third of this is true. How I <3 you, NDI.
I was expecting support in the form of more U1 love, but this is something else.

Don't know how I feel about having characters from other famous Sony franchises in, yet. The idea is absolutely awesome, and at the same time, I just know players will pick them in droves. I love the charm of the Uncharted cast, and that's who I like to see running around, yelling their unique phrases (not so fond of Marco and Genghis for this same reason).

So happy we're getting a number of maps, too.
Please give me a thunder-storming Shambhala; hell, I'd even take the showdown ship from the U1 final battle.
Also, make that 'wet' shader apply to everyone, rather than just Nate. :]

PS: Good Games last night!
It was seriously funny to get lip from a level 40+ using DTI + Fleet Foot while at least two on our side went Invalid / Unboosted.



Where are my glowing red eyes? Fix this shit, GG! :mad:


Gyrian said:
Don't know how I feel about having characters from other famous Sony franchises in, yet. The idea is absolutely awesome, and at the same time, I just know players will pick them in droves. I love the charm of the Uncharted cast, and that's who I like to see running around, yelling their unique phrases (not so fond of Marco and Genghis for this same reason).

Yeah, I agree. I didn't expect this after they went to the trouble of creating a comic to introduce Rika and Pinkerton to make sure they would feel like a proper part of the Uncharted universe.


bish gets all the credit :)
hah, nice new DLC. I hope the maps are free, while they can charge for the other stuff. Want to kill your online game? Charge for map packs.

I hope people make some good Machinima with all the different PS3 main characters and villains.

Now I do not have to feel bad about not playing Killzone 2, or Resistance 2 as much because I can play them in Uncharted 2.


Crewnh said:
Hope the paid map packs don't completely split the online community. : /
So long as they don't take the same approach Guerrilla took, the community should survive.

Still, if the maps are free then :D :D :D


Negaiido said:
The maps shouldnt be as pricey as KZ2 mappacks were. The community will die if they do that.

If anything, they should be $5 per pack. Paying $10 for 1 or 2 maps is just overkill. Heck, if they only charged a couple bucks I think the amount of people buying them would offset the difference in pricing. At $1-2 I'm much more apt to buy something than if it's $5-10.

All devs should go to a system of bundling the maps together and selling them for the price of one after a period of maybe, 3 months or so. After that, your sales are probably negligible but if you throw any extra value in, I expect it would get some cheepskates like me to jump in.


The new character skins looks cool and all, but I'm definitely more excited to see some of the new maps and the new multiplayer mode. Hooray for new DLC's!

Edit: Just unbelievable support by Naughty Dog. I truly applaud you guys. I couldn't have asked for a better game than what you've given us.


Sony will decide pricing, after the cash is in they won't give a crap about anything else. There were a couple of good DLC maps for KZ2 but we never got to play them past the launch week, it's just like burning money to be honest.


Lince said:
Sony will decide pricing, after the cash is in they won't give a crap about anything else. There were a couple of good DLC maps for KZ2 but we never got to play them past the launch week, it's just like burning money to be honest.

This kind of statement makes me wonder if it'd be worthwhile for Sony to include unlimited DLC maps for the mythical Premium Playstation network memberships. Not sure if I'd support that, but it's an idea.


Lince said:
Sony will decide pricing, after the cash is in they won't give a crap about anything else. There were a couple of good DLC maps for KZ2 but we never got to play them past the launch week, it's just like burning money to be honest.

Maybe Sony learned of Home, that small prices make a lot of money.


I played the first uncharted and loved it and the wife loves drake so I must ask only one question and I will purchase based on the answer... does the last boss require and quick time event ?


I'm pretty late to this party, but I just got to the Monestary level last night and I am blown away at how good this game can be.

The set pieces continue to keep me hooked. Train level -> Snow Temple -> Village Shootout were three of the best back to back to back levels I've ever played.


Can't wait to hear the in-battle voice overs. I bet Sev will cuss after every move he makes. :lol

FFObsessed said:
edit: just imagine a pumping Helghast :lol :lol
lol, or this: Chimera blowing kisses :lol


FoeHammer said:
The set pieces continue to keep me hooked. Train level -> Snow Temple -> Village Shootout were three of the best back to back to back levels I've ever played.

the best is yet to come

<3 Metal Gear


Himuro said:
No, but Uncharted 1's final boss is still better.

hrmm this is kind of a let down... the final boss in uncharted 1 was terrible... well lack of quick time event means purchase this weekend for me then.

Oni Jazar

Himuro said:
+ The multiplayer. It is fantastic. Unfortunately, MW2 seems to have killed the servers. You're lucky to get more than 9k players on a server on a weekend. That's pretty..uh...bad. :(

It's actually been that way since launch. I always felt that the number was off.


Played against the GAF clan last night... and got rolled. You guys are good! That being said, I had the highest kill count on my team with SIX :lol


bish gets all the credit :)
what needs tweaking? The only thing I would change is the ability to attack someone if they're on the same ledge as you, and fix the taking cover when trying to roll.


Great to see Sony's studios working together. But we need Ratchet+Kratos![/QUOTE]

3rd parties would be awesome also
possibilities are endless.
Thanks Naughty Dog/Insomniac/SuckerPunch/Guerilla this is incredible.


alr1ghtstart said:
what needs tweaking? The only thing I would change is the ability to attack someone if they're on the same ledge as you, and fix the taking cover when trying to roll.
The only thing that needs tweaking is the deletion of Down the Irons.


alr1ghtstart said:
what needs tweaking? The only thing I would change is the ability to attack someone if they're on the same ledge as you, and fix the taking cover when trying to roll.

I wish they would alter their network code some. The lag is just too present, so to speak.
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