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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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So, I've been wanting to try out the green screen feature for some time.
I went down to campus and used visionlab to make this. Let me just say it took way too long since I had never seen the software before. It should be a bit easier after this. This is silly but I thought of this scene for some reason. I used the chroma key and added some barrel flashes to the gun.

Here's the longer version I couldn't make small enough.


JSnake said:
OK time for some impressions. I'm only on chapter 6 or 7 (I forgot which D:) so keep that in mind.

First off, what I really like is the pacing and the fact that you get to travel to different locations. As you guys know, you were confined to the jungle in Uncharted 1 so being able to travel to cities, to the artic, etc really keeps things fresh. There's a level of excitement, a feeling of wanting to know what's around the next corner in terms of not just gameplay and setpieces but environments too and that's something I thought Uncharted was lacking. You get to venture beyond this jungle and that doesn't allow for just different environments but variations on the gameplay. The jungle, of course, has very different terrain than, say, a city. So in the city you get to climb lamp posts and jump across debilitated buildings and, especially in combat, this provides a very different take on the established gameplay mechanics as you progress through the game because suddenly you're in a new place completely unlike the one before it and so you have to kind of figure that out. You know, maybe what worked in the jungle won't work in the city and vice-versa. And as soon as you start to get tired of one locale, the game ships you off to another.

So far I've found the game to be very good at introducing new things. I know this is a bizarre comparison but it reminds me of Mario Galaxy because in Mario Galaxy, there's something new around every turn. You're never encountering the same situation twice and you get to experience a lot of new things. It's the same in Uncharted 2. There is a lot of variety. From stealth sections to chase sequences, you're not just shooting and then platforming, shooting and then platforming, etc. Or maybe you are and it's just so well disguised that I can't notice. Either way it's awesome. The action never lets up. Even from the beginning, you're shuttled into a harrowing experience and it just keeps ramping up from there with new obstacles and some truly exciting setpieces.

The combat has been noticeably improved too. Your enemies are smarter for one. I'm playing on normal and many times they've been trying to flank me while I'm in cover. You know, I'm standing behind my little brick fence or whatever and two or three at a time come bumbling over and I have to stand up to fend them off. Next thing I know, a guy out farther back is shooting me while I have my hands full. Even so, I'm finding I can still wing it. I'm only on normal of course so I imagine if you play on hard or crushing you're gonna have to plan out your steps but on normal there seems plenty of room for improvising (which I like). But yeah, AI is improved for sure. I do like the streamlined melee moves. You can come up from behind a guy and take him down with a single button without alerting his friends (think Batman: Arkham Asylum). I'm sure you've seen the videos where Nate is hanging from ledges and he pulls the guys down out of the window or something. It's all done with a single button and feels very, very good.

The graphics are insane. I think they're better than KZ2 actually. Character models are awesome. You can see all the little pores in the character's foreheads and the dirt on their faces. There's so much attention to detail as well as a lot of fancy shmancy graphic jahiggers. It looks really, really good because the world is so dynamic. Shrubbery waves around in the wind as do flags hanging from clotheslines. It just looks soooo good. Oh and yes, SP looks noticeably better than MP.

Oh and Chloe is hot.

This is what excites me. Simply can't wait.


O god some people are funny. People that have no clue that the demo has been available for weeks for some. "Dang this boy lvl 42 already, he ain't got no life, he be playing this shit 24/7" :lol :lol
KilgoreTrout said:
K, we've got room the the GAF only game. 2 spots.

Add me if you want in. Look at my profile for my PSN.

I had to jump off real quick to eat. I like playing with you guys (especially kilgore) just so i can check out the replays and see you guys just wrecking people. I was just happy I finally reached up and grabbed someone to kill them. I love this game.


Without a shadow of doubt the best online console game I've played. RTCW on the original Xbox, back when I laid off PC for awhile, probably the only other console one I've majorly gotten into though. The modern stuff like CoD, Warhawk, Halo, Gears, etc never really did anything for me at all. I just play em for 2-3 days off and on then go back to TF2 PC.

I was one of those people who expected the multi to drag the single down as well. =/ After all of the freak random multis in games that dont need it the past few years, it was a simple assumption. Online competitive! No campaign co-op! Very much annoyed me at first but man did it pay off for them.

I think Im gonna stop playing though, rank 19, man. I need to finish Arkham before Demon's Souls.
Good games, everyone.

Kinda bummed about still having lag and disconnection issues even though my connection is great.

I got kicked, so I'm done for the night.
Excellent work on the OT as usual boys.
Cannot wait. I almost named to BL thread, "BRUTAL LEGEND official thread of goddamnit motherfuck why are we launching against Uncharted 2".


Banstick Emeritus
brandonh83 said:
ok that does it wheres mah keys Im headin over to naughty gods to get the game now brb

OT, but that happened about 30 minutes away from my house. How that wasn't a huge pileup on the King George Highway, I have no idea.


Incredibly Naive
bishoptl said:
OT, but that happened about 30 minutes away from my house. How that wasn't a huge pileup on the King George Highway, I have no idea.

Was there any collision at all, or did they thread it?
bishoptl said:
OT, but that happened about 30 minutes away from my house. How that wasn't a huge pileup on the King George Highway, I have no idea.

Wow, I just ran across that gif a couple of hours ago. That's crazy that it happened near you and likewise that the car made it through without causing an accident :lol


GeeDuhb said:
Ok...seriously?...I am falling in love with this game the more I play it. Just took a look at the video replay feature, which is PHENOMENAL. The graphics as you fly around are stunning. The character models...I am just in awe. The faces look so realistic, the textures on the levels are pretty impressive, and even the small stuff like the snow falling on Ice Cave...I am speechless.

I know this is probably going to be a DUH moment, and I am sure most of you already know these...I found some cool control things that I didn't know until I started fooling around, so I am sure that there is at least one person who will find this info helpful.

When you are aiming down the sights, there are 2 things I found really cool. First off, the only control aspect that I really despise, is the fact that to change weapons, you basically have to a) stop moving to use you thumb to change on the D-pad, or b) use your left hand to switch your weapon...AWWWWWWWWKWARD. I just figured out that if you hit triangle while aiming down the sights, you can switch weapons! Really cool stuff. Second, did you know that the FAL has a reflex scope? Hit X while aiming and you can use it! You can also zoom in a little if you do it with other weapons, like the AK. I know, not that exciting, but I was really happy when I found out about these things.

Feel free to let me know if you have any other tips that might make me giddy XD

I did not know this!


brandonh83 said:
Wow, I just ran across that gif a couple of hours ago. That's crazy that it happened near you and likewise that the car made it through without causing an accident :lol
You've just been waiting for an excuse to use it. HAVEN'T YOU??


does anyone know if they added a 'center' button for the camera? I hate having to spin it around to get it behind me


speaking of pistols, so many people overlook the DE. It's a borderline power weapon, 2 shots to kill..good accuracy and distance, manageable recoil. It's not great off the hip since it has such limited ammo.





GAF matches tonight were awesome :D

I had some good matches (went 27-9 in the 2nd[?] deathmatch) and bad matches (0 kills and 4 deaths in elimination >_<) throughout the night, though. :p
But man was tonight fun! :D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Yoboman said:
Arghhh why can't it be October 13 already
seriously. it's going to be one awesome day (Brutal Legend AND Uncharted)


The DE is always so iffy for me. Sometimes, I'll pull off one-shot body kills, but other times, I could unload 8 bullets into a person's chest and still not kill them with it.
This beta/demo is spectacular. I enjoy 3rd person online shooters more than FPS and this is one of the best 3rd person shooters I have ever played online. I will be hooked for a long time.
UC2 MP is the best I've ever played.

I just played a 1 vs 1 snipers match in The Village against a friend and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. The only complaint we have is that we couldn't talk to each other as it only appears to support team chat. Can it be turned on somehow? When playing custom deathmatch games I want to be able to talk to my friends.
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