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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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CozMick said:
I wouldn't call 10,042 players online at this time small.

Apart from Modern Warfare 2 there's nothing out there on PSN that's more popular.

There are probably plenty of games with more concurrent online players; Little Big Planet has 19.7k people online right now. Uncharted 2 isn't the most popular game on PSN, and probably by a decent margin even though it might be in the top 10 (actually it might not be, to be honest).

Lagspike_exe said:
I believe that 10.042 is the number of players on just one server...

That sounds like wishful thinking.

About the new skins, couldn't they just... give them generic voices?
I have to admit, I get pretty frustrated that such a GOTY title like Uncharted 2 doesnt have the online following that it deserves, its a little embarassing when I connect online and it may show only 8000 players online, and my roommate who only plays MW2, a game with at least 750,000 people on XBL and 350000 on PSN at all times, sees that low of a number and chuckles... Gah! Its almost like we make better friends than roommates, since we moved in there has been alot of console tension... But at least he has alot of respect for Uncharted 2's amazing SP


Zen said:
There are probably plenty of games with more concurrent online players; Little Big Planet has 19.7k people online right now. Uncharted 2 isn't the most popular game on PSN, and probably by a decent margin even though it might be in the top 10 (actually it might not be, to be honest).

That sounds like wishful thinking.

About the new skins, couldn't they just... give them generic voices?
Actually I'm pretty sure the number on multiplayer screen is for people on that one server at a time. I think Arne said that.
Liquid Dust said:
I have to admit, I get pretty frustrated that such a GOTY title like Uncharted 2 doesnt have the online following that it deserves, its a little embarassing when I connect online and it may show only 8000 players online, and my roommate who only plays MW2, a game with at least 750,000 people on XBL and 350000 on PSN at all times, sees that low of a number and chuckles... Gah! Its almost like we make better friends than roommates, since we moved in there has been alot of console tension... But at least he has alot of respect for Uncharted 2's amazing SP

Its because the MP is unbalanced and people got tired of it and moved on. blame ND for not fixing their game


The only unbalanced thing is DtI. (and I think the AK got a power boost.) Compared to other games, it's almost a little too balanced.

Also, you were in a game every time I tried to invite you. :(
Irish said:
The only unbalanced thing is DtI. (and I think the AK got a power boost.)

This. And especially with the gimped blindfire now.

I don't think I've played a game as balanced as Uncharted 2. It's a wonderful thing.


I miss the awesome blindfire routine. :( I had so much fun playing hide-and-go-seek with the entire enemy team in a confined area. It was also cool to slowly move through entrenched enemies without being noticed.


haldalish said:
Its because the MP is unbalanced and people got tired of it and moved on. blame ND for not fixing their game
Everyone starts with the same weapons, both teams are equal except for the skins and you unlock the almighty DTI booster pretty quick. How is that unbalanced?
haldalish said:
Its because the MP is unbalanced and people got tired of it and moved on. blame ND for not fixing their game

I disagree, at no point have I felt that someone is playing cheap or exploiting some unbalanced issue that ND never addressed. I get those type of feelings from enough from MW2, so Im pretty sure I have a good idea between balanced and unbalanced

With the prospect of new DLC I am nowhere near being tired of multiplayer yet.


Liquid Dust said:
I have to admit, I get pretty frustrated that such a GOTY title like Uncharted 2 doesnt have the online following that it deserves, its a little embarassing when I connect online and it may show only 8000 players online, and my roommate who only plays MW2, a game with at least 750,000 people on XBL and 350000 on PSN at all times

Do you need to have 700k players playing to make you feel better or something? aren't 8k enough to easily find a match? how does a game being less popular is in the way of your enjoyment?

if anything it's those 700k players that are missing out, not you. why cant we just have fun with games and let everything else behind anymore :<


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Just went back into Drake's Fortune to grab the Platinum and, oh my God, the difference between the two games gameplay and graphics-wise is abyssal. The first game looks HORRIBLE compared to Among Thieves. And it seemed perfect back in 2007.

Naughty Dog is God.


IW needs to take a page from U2's multiplayer.

Don't show the amount of kills and deaths one has in an objective game. Holy crap, people actually try to win.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Zen said:
That sounds like wishful thinking.
That was said by one of the devs. It's the number of people on the server you connect to, and it's also the actual number at that moment, not in the last 24h, like most games count that.

As a side note, 10K is 2x as much than I've ever seen that number a month or so ago.
Razor210 said:
IW needs to take a page from U2's multiplayer.

Don't show the amount of kills and deaths one has in an objective game. Holy crap, people actually try to win.

hahaha, hey good games earlier. :D

Hadn't seen you before, everyone was pretty suspicious of your tag. You should join the UC2 Gaf chat, if you want to party with the cool champs :). Much recomended for the awesome heated debates. :p


Razor210 said:
IW needs to take a page from U2's multiplayer.

Don't show the amount of kills and deaths one has in an objective game. Holy crap, people actually try to win.
Haha we played against you earlier, but weren't really sure if you were from gaf or not. Gotta get you into some games with us sometime. :D


Clearly, there are enough people playing online to make it worth ND's while to create additional content and offer it via DLC.

More important to me than the number of people the game displays as being in multiplayer is the number of people on my friends list who are playing it. Since that number is consistently in the double digits, I'm a happy, happy UC2 player.

In fact, there are more games going on sometimes than I can participate in. Besides the GAF clan, there are a few other online communities who have regular games I get invited to and enjoy participating in.
Melfice7 said:
Do you need to have 700k players playing to make you feel better or something? aren't 8k enough to easily find a match? how does a game being less popular is in the way of your enjoyment?

if anything it's those 700k players that are missing out, not you. why cant we just have fun with games and let everything else behind anymore :<

You're exactly right, 700k players on a given night are missing out on an amazing multiplayer. But no, 8000 players is not enough, maybe for regular deathmatch, but If I want to just hop into a co-op online mode it's slim pickens at times and it makes me think of everyone who is missing out.

How does a game being less popular get in the way of my enjoyment? Isnt that how multiplayer modes survive? By popularity? MW2 will still be popular online 6 months from now, hell, more than a year probably. So is it wrong to wish that kind of success and popularity to a game that I personally believe is a better product?

In no way does it have an impact on my singleplayer experience, thats for sure, but don't you want to see more gamers playing something that you enjoy so much?

But I must say that its exciting to see how many GAF players there are, let me know when any of you guys are getting a match together!


Oh man, had my best match ever, 19-0 on The Fort. I'll never get tired of this game, even with MAG in a few days. I need to get in some GAF matches since I have tomorrow night and all of Monday off.


Not as deep as he thinks
In regards to the online community, sometimes it takes a pretty long while to pick up people who want to play co-op Survival/Gold Rush. :( It sucks because I only have time to play online at nights and that's usually the time period where it's less active compared to let's say, mid-day.


Great Games tonight guys. I still can't believe Kitton, Riky, and I managed to win that Plunder match after our two teammates dropped at the beginning and we had to face an entire team of treasure campers.


Got a Wipe Out medal. :D Thank you Rocket Man!

Now I just need Rampant, the five stealth kill medal, and the rest of the badge of honor medals above my level.


Irish said:
Ha! I actually did well for once. Sorry you weren't on our team.

Yeah, lol. I didn't have a particularly good game, though I did let out a small cheer when I "Shut Down" one of you guys, cannot remember who, haha.


Liquid Dust said:
I have to admit, I get pretty frustrated that such a GOTY title like Uncharted 2 doesnt have the online following that it deserves, its a little embarassing when I connect online and it may show only 8000 players online, and my roommate who only plays MW2, a game with at least 750,000 people on XBL and 350000 on PSN at all times, sees that low of a number and chuckles... Gah! Its almost like we make better friends than roommates, since we moved in there has been alot of console tension... But at least he has alot of respect for Uncharted 2's amazing SP
That's not the total number of players - that's the number on your particular server. ND said they were going to fix this to show the actual number...but they haven't yet.

Plus MW2 is a MP game - that's what people buy it for. U2 is much more than that.


Irish said:
So, you got Five not Alive? Fuck you and Jocchan. :p
Nope, forgot about that one. Have plenty of Connect 4s (three of 'em!!). Might not ever get Ninja, 5 Not Alive, or Rampant.

Thought the same thing about Wipe-out, though, so hope springs eternal.


Liquid Dust said:
You're exactly right, 700k players on a given night are missing out on an amazing multiplayer. But no, 8000 players is not enough, maybe for regular deathmatch, but If I want to just hop into a co-op online mode it's slim pickens at times and it makes me think of everyone who is missing out.

How does a game being less popular get in the way of my enjoyment? Isnt that how multiplayer modes survive? By popularity? MW2 will still be popular online 6 months from now, hell, more than a year probably. So is it wrong to wish that kind of success and popularity to a game that I personally believe is a better product?

In no way does it have an impact on my singleplayer experience, thats for sure, but don't you want to see more gamers playing something that you enjoy so much?

But I must say that its exciting to see how many GAF players there are, let me know when any of you guys are getting a match together!
People don't do matchmaking co-op...because if just one person drops out the 40 minute long game ends and you lose all your currency earnt. Not worth it. Better to play with friends.


Ninja and Rampant actually weren't as hard as I thought they would be. Then again, I got my Ninja from a guy who was AFK. I'm such a cheater. :p


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Help me. I'm at a part where the chick just blew up a truck with a rocket launcher and now we're trying to exit this part of the town, but a door is locked. My guy said "I'll see if there's a way I can get around" or something.

I don't know where the fuck to go and this game is too god damn detailed for me to figure out what I can and can't interact with. Christ.


Fuck this no booster shit, everybody is using them, I'm going back to DTI.
Dacvak said:
Help me. I'm at a part where the chick just blew up a truck with a rocket launcher and now we're trying to exit this part of the town, but a door is locked. My guy said "I'll see if there's a way I can get around" or something.

I don't know where the fuck to go and this game is too god damn detailed for me to figure out what I can and can't interact with. Christ.
You have to climb a lamp or something like that.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Mt Heart Attack said:
You have to climb a lamp or something like that.
Yeah, I just found it. It's ALWAYS a lamp, lol.


Dementia said:
Good games tonight guys... I was surprised how many of you were still on at 5 in the morning.:lol
So that's who you are on here :D It was actually 11 AM here, but I stopped playing at 4 AM even though I said I'd take some rest this weekend...


Neo Member
I have to say that even though I loved Drake's Fortune, Naughty Dog definitely exceeded my expectations with among thieves. My favourite game this gen and one of favourite games ever. I don't know how they will top this but I know they will.

Naughty Dog pretty much fixed all the minor gripes I had with the first game. The gameplay is tighter and there's more variety. I really liked the stealth sections. I would have liked to see even more platforming and harder puzzles. Especially at the end parts of the game there's quite a bit of gunfights, so it would have been nice if there would've been more calm moments.

The plot is nothing original but it's very well written and entertaining. The excellent characters on top of excellent gameplay and all around amazing technical performance are what really make the game so damn enjoyable.

I hope in the next game the plot revolves around Atlantis. They searched for the golden man/Eldorado in the first game and Shambala in the second, so Atlantis seems like an obvious place to go to in the third game.

I also love the multiplayer. I've been playing it quite a bit and i'm now at level 55. I hope they have dedicated servers in the next game, because lag is always apparent even when my connection shows five bars. This leads to weird kills and deaths, where someone manages to kill me after they have already been killed an so on.

Things I don't like about the multiplayer are things that probably have been beaten to death here, in other words down the irons, grenades and the skeleton skins.

Dti is simply broken and it should be nerfed a lot or removed completely. The auto-aim with dti is ridiculous. I mean it's kinda obvious that something is wrong with the booster when the majority of people you play against are using it. I mostly use fal nowadays so I don't use Dti anymore but at times it feels like you are at disadvantage when you are not using it.

Grenades should always have a proper throwing animation and detonation time. It's annoying to get killed by a grenade that just magically appeares near your feet and explodes immediately by a guy you were shooting in a one on one situation. I also do this but it doesn't make it any less annoying.

I find the skeleton skins very cheap. They are sometimes hard to see and don't make any noise. I hate players who only use skeletons. I've noticed that that they also usually are players who only use shotguns and pistole. The skeletons should make a similar sound when moving as those dudes with the heavy armor and have a shining heart like the skeletons during the Halloween-weekend to make them less cheap.

Anyways I'm kinda getting tired of playing with strangers so if anyone, especially eurogaf, likes to add me my psn-id can be found under my username. I mostly play deathmatch but I can also play the other types as well. I also have a headset.


Kittonwy said:
Fuck this no booster shit, everybody is using them, I'm going back to DTI.

Whoa, slow down there Kit. There are other boosters you can use besides DtI. Now that you know that it's broken, going back to it is a crime and you shall be punished. :p
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