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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I don't exactly see the AK boost, seems about the same to me.

And what about the Pistole/DE.50 auto-aim nerf? Another thing I don't see.

Apart from the mentioned pistol auto-aim this is as balanced as it gets for me where online multi player is concerned.


Down the Irons

Nah, the AK definitely feels a lot more powerful.

I vowed not to use the DE back in October because of how inconsistent it is.


Kittonwy said:
Fuck this no booster shit, everybody is using them, I'm going back to DTI.
dirty peasant

You can use boosters without contributing to the one major flaw of the game...


I'm not sure it's all lag. I've seen bullets fly out of my gun and curve sideways to hit somebody that was behind cover that I didn't even know was there. (Note: I only use DtI when testing to make sure it's still as broken as ever.)


highluxury said:
hahaha, hey good games earlier. :D

Hadn't seen you before, everyone was pretty suspicious of your tag. You should join the UC2 Gaf chat, if you want to party with the cool champs :). Much recomended for the awesome heated debates. :p
I was thinking "man, I hope these guys don't cuss me out for having their tag :D" And I lament that last game. I think you killed me 4 times in a row. And what's this GAF chat thing?


Confession: Having not used DTI since I hit the mid-40s, I decided to try it out last night and pair it with Half-loaded. HOLY CRAP. I was getting kills I know I wouldn't have if DTI was off. However, I also died a few times I would not have if I'd been using Rapid Hands instead. Load animation seems positively leaden without that particular booster equipped.

Didn't think about it when I went into the all-GAF games and didn't adjust my boosters. I would be proud of myself that I went into an all-GAF game with a negative booster equipped if I didn't also have DTI on. Sorry dudes! Luckily, the round where I did the best I kept rushing the rocket launcher which I don't think DTI helps much with.


with all due respect to dti and sa (situational awareness) booster but since 2 days ago I'm using Invalid booster that totally ruins my play,but its worth,because with killing 10-20 enemies I'll take 50000 $ just in a single deathmatch and now I'm going up to level 52 in this 2 days,even if it turns down my K/D ratio.:D


Razor210 said:
I was thinking "man, I hope these guys don't cuss me out for having their tag :D" And I lament that last game. I think you killed me 4 times in a row. And what's this GAF chat thing?

Hey, I was in those games too. We should've tried to get you into our group. Just not right playing against a GAF'er in a public match. :'(

I have room in my friendslist if you need an invite to the chatroom (text chat on PSN). It's the place to hang out if you want to avoid frustration from playing with random noobs. :)
CozMick said:
I don't exactly see the AK boost, seems about the same to me.

And what about the Pistole/DE.50 auto-aim nerf? Another thing I don't see.

Apart from the mentioned pistol auto-aim this is as balanced as it gets for me where online multi player is concerned.
Me, and other GAFers have noticed being downed way too quickly by AK's with no DTI. If they didn't upgrade the AK, then i could be a similar issue that happened in the beta. Like being downed with one or two AK bullets. Was probably caused by lag on their part. As for the Pistole/DE.50. After playing the 2 beta, and being there for all the updates for the main game. There seems to be a significant difference. It goes for all the handguns/some long guns. Maybe some are noticing it more than others, because they liked to fight at close range more?
Wowbagger said:
I'll send you a FR once you admit TB is more broken than DTI. :p
If only you had known my standing on the TB, before adding me. We would have been acquaintances forever.:D


Incredibly Naive
Irish said:
I'm not sure it's all lag. I've seen bullets fly out of my gun and curve sideways to hit somebody that was behind cover that I didn't even know was there. (Note: I only use DtI when testing to make sure it's still as broken as ever.)

I'm positive it's lag man, Regardless of the boosters you still can get hit behind cover due to the lag, happens to me all the time.

edit- I think you've missed the point of what DTI actually does.


I'd like to see a Kai skin (Heavenly Sword kitten woman) that comes equipped with the crossbow weapon.

I just can't believe it's lag when, from my perspective (w/ DtI equipped), it looks like I'm using the Bullseye from Resistance to hit a guy I've tagged that is standing not across from me, but next to me. It's just weird.

EDIT: DtI is supposed to increase the precision of your long guns, which it does, but it also has some BS side-effects.


Incredibly Naive
Irish said:
I'd like to see a Kai skin (Heavenly Sword kitten woman) that comes equipped with the crossbow weapon.

I just can't believe it's lag when, from my perspective (w/ DtI equipped), it looks like I'm using the Bullseye from Resistance to hit a guy I've tagged that is standing not across from me, but next to me. It's just weird.

I can tell you from experience of me using both it doesn't happen that way. DTI reduces recoil and adds a little extra auto-aim it does not make bullets lock onto a person.

edit- well I guess agree to disagree... it doesn't really matter to argue, but in my opinion there are no such side effects. Like I said I get killed from behind cover, I'll be running away then turn the corner and still get shot a second later, they don't have DTI on sometimes, other times they do. It's just a matter of lag, on their screen they got you before you turned the corner.

If you don't mind me asking what's your psn?


Has there been talks of uncharted 3? I was surprised that uncharted 2 was made even though the first didn't sell amazingly? Are they taking a loss on it ? Or are development costs not that high even though its an amazing game and seems like it has a high production value.

Plus where do you guys think the 3rd would be set? I think atlantis would be cool.

The only part of both games i didn't like were the 'monsters' :p


I guess we've just had different experiences then.

EDIT: BrokenOath, I know our little group has played against you dozens of times. :p

It's just a matter of lag, on their screen they got you before you turned the corner.

I'm talking about what I've seen from my screen when I've had it equipped. :( I've actually seen my bullets curve and hit guys I couldn't even see that were standing diagonally from me.


Incredibly Naive
idwl said:
Has there been talks of uncharted 3? I was surprised that uncharted 2 was made even though the first didn't sell amazingly? Are they taking a loss on it ? Or are development costs not that high even though its an amazing game and seems like it has a high production value.

Plus where do you guys think the 3rd would be set? I think atlantis would be cool.

The only part of both games i didn't like were the 'monsters' :p

I hated them also :(, but it's still an amazing game... favorite of generation so far. They sell decent, nothing amazing, but I'm sure the third will sell even better with the recognition this one got. They're definitely not taking a loss, the game sells a couple million at least each time.

edit- I've played against you guys a few times. Just making sure this argument wasn't coming from bleachex. I'm sure he complains about this kind of stuff every round.


Yep, that's Bleach for ya. :p

This is still one of the most balanced MP games I've ever seen and one of my personal favorites.


Incredibly Naive
Irish said:
Yep, that's Bleach for ya. :p

This is still one of the most balanced MP games I've ever seen and one of my personal favorites.

I agree... I play a ton, but I haven't played much recently, was going for my valor grand cross on KZ2, so I dedicated my gaming this week to that. It's a toss up between this and resistance 1 for my favorite MP this gen. I want some new maps, but I'm nervous that with the already small community it will be split even more.


msdstc said:
I hated them also :(, but it's still an amazing game... favorite of generation so far. They sell decent, nothing amazing, but I'm sure the third will sell even better with the recognition this one got. They're definitely not taking a loss, the game sells a couple million at least each time.

Hahaha was it even possible to kill them in the second game? I would just keep running away like an idiot
idwl said:
hahaha well i don't feel stupid right about now :p ( i mean the ones in the suit not the later 'warriors')
Ooooh. Yeah i only think you can run/shoot till a cutscene or whatever happens.
I'm mean come on their Yetis for crying out loud!


CozMick said:
I don't exactly see the AK boost, seems about the same to me.

And what about the Pistole/DE.50 auto-aim nerf? Another thing I don't see.

Apart from the mentioned pistol auto-aim this is as balanced as it gets for me where online multi player is concerned.

Took long enough for this misconception to get here. It's been on the PS.com forums for about a week now.

Nothing has changed with weapon accuracy or damage. It's all in your head :)
arne said:
Took long enough for this misconception to get here. It's been on the PS.com forums for about a week now.

Nothing has changed with weapon accuracy or damage. It's all in your head :)

So blindfire hasn't been touched at all?


Something happened, I just know it. There's no way in hell I could have taken three guys down with a single clip with the AK before.


KilgoreTrout said:
So blindfire hasn't been touched at all?

Since launch? I can't be sure on that one unless I ask someone, which will have to wait until tomorrow.

Irish said:
Something happened, I just know it. There's no way in hell I could have taken three guys down with a single clip with the AK before.

Nothing's changed. Believe.


So weird. AK and Blindfire both feel off. I guess I'm just losing it.

Oh well, I know how you can make up for it. You have to be on my team in a couple more GAF games. I don't think I've ever done so well in a GAF game other than a rare time or two.
arne said:
Since launch? I can't be sure on that one unless I ask someone, which will have to wait until tomorrow.

Nothing's changed. Believe.
Then it must be lag. While everyone's getting easier kills with the AK, i'm just getting killed faster. T-T


Irish said:
Something happened, I just know it. There's no way in hell I could have taken three guys down with a single clip with the AK before.
I remember when I first started that I couldn't hit crap without DtI.

Now, it seems like they jacked up the base accuracy a bit. At least I'm not the only person who's gone crazy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, have they patched the game so level requirements to get the last level 45+ rewards less insane/grind for months to get, or am I still going to have to pass on the game?

(*mumble grumble* last co-op item is level 50 and I can't unlock it as it'll take me three months of straight play to get *mumble grumble*)
alr1ghtstart said:
the shotgun autoaim has definitely been toned down, which is fine by me.
Yeah even if the camera is facing the opposing player it's not a guaranteed kill. Feels mostly 50/50 now. The SAS however is a different story.


I had a terrible night other than one fantastic occurrence. I finally got a Five Not Alive medal. Awesome! Now I need to level up so I can get the other medals that I don't have access to yet. I also need to finish up a few explosive Co-Op medals.


Irish said:
I had a terrible night other than one fantastic occurrence. I finally got a Five Not Alive medal. Awesome! Now I need to level up so I can get the other medals that I don't have access to yet. I also need to finish up a few explosive Co-Op medals.
Please, you got that medal through a weird glitch!


I got two, not in the same match. Eat it, Q-man! Even that one didn't come easy. Everyone was hunting them down and they all just happened to spawn together when noone else was around.
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