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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Rewrite said:
I hope that for the next Uncharted there's a way to play the whole game with another person. That'd be sooooooooo cool.

I highly doubt it, as ND is all about delivering a first-class, immersive and compelling experience. I imagine that a game that is very much about good storytelling and character development would suffer from this.

I'd like to be proven wrong, though. I'm dying for a good (online) co-op experience on my PS3!

Maybe they'll take their time for the next Uncharted and work on even more seperate (and longer) co-op missions.


magicaltrevor said:

Now that we have those great Leaderboards, how about a variation on the current co-op Survival mode in which the rounds are endless, so we can try to survive the most rounds as a team and compare our stats to the world and or friends?

I imagine this wouldn't be too hard to do, right?

If we could do that, which I'm not sure about at the moment, here's the problem I see -- how do you make the difficulty progressively harder? Because if you plateau the difficulty, with competent teams, then it just becomes more of a test of pure endurance rather than endurance + skill (+ no mistakes).

I like the score attack idea though, I've always likened Survival (and similar modes in other games) to be a version of score attack anyway. I'll float it past the gang.


arne said:
If we could do that, which I'm not sure about at the moment, here's the problem I see -- how do you make the difficulty progressively harder? Because if you plateau the difficulty, with competent teams, then it just becomes more of a test of pure endurance rather than endurance + skill (+ no mistakes).
That seems obvious, so I must be missing an even more obvious point, but send in more enemies? Of course, that has its limits too, I can see a single grenade killing several enemies once the map gets real crowded :lol
arne said:
If we could do that, which I'm not sure about at the moment, here's the problem I see -- how do you make the difficulty progressively harder? Because if you plateau the difficulty, with competent teams, then it just becomes more of a test of pure endurance rather than endurance + skill (+ no mistakes).

I like the score attack idea though, I've always likened Survival (and similar modes in other games) to be a version of score attack anyway. I'll float it past the gang.

How about making less pick-ups available with every round/wave the team completes?
Or by spawning more of the 'difficult' enemies (those annoying ninja guys for instance, and the heavy gunners), rather than just more enemies?
Wowbagger said:
It can get a bit boring. I wish we had more objective modes as good as Plunder. Chain Reaction is quite good when facing a team that offers some opposition, but that rarely happens. I'd rather play 5-10 minutes of Plunder than 2 minutes of Chain Reaction, versus a weak team.

Chain Reaction would be nice as part of a multiple objectives mode ala Killzone 2's Warzone, though.

Actually a Warzone type play list would be cool, like 1 round of plunder(but with the chance for the other team to come and steal the treasure from the treasure chest), chain reaction, defend/assassinate, and then end with an elimination round.


arne said:
If we could do that, which I'm not sure about at the moment, here's the problem I see -- how do you make the difficulty progressively harder? Because if you plateau the difficulty, with competent teams, then it just becomes more of a test of pure endurance rather than endurance + skill (+ no mistakes).

I like the score attack idea though, I've always likened Survival (and similar modes in other games) to be a version of score attack anyway. I'll float it past the gang.

Add more ninja's, armoured shotty whores and Gattling people to the point where it's like playing survival on crushing where everyone has a skull head, even the most competant teams will fall eventually.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
arne said:
If we could do that, which I'm not sure about at the moment, here's the problem I see -- how do you make the difficulty progressively harder?
- Increasing progressively the ratio of stronger enemies vs. weaker enemies
- Increasing progressively the damage their shots deal
- Increasing progressively their health
All of this - of course - very, very slowly.

Downside: testing this difficulty increase would be pretty hard and add an element of unpredictability because it won't be tweaked manually. But, if balanced well, I think it could work.


Arne, the stats on the menu screen don't match the numbers on the leaderboards. Most are slightly higher for me, except Competitive Wins, which is 880 on the menu screen and 758 on the leaderboard. I know the leaderboard number hasn't been updated to reflect my wins the last couple days, at least, and I won a lot of matches those days.

What's going on? I want my 8.0 win ratio back, dammit. :'(
Kos Luftar said:
Actually a Warzone type play list would be cool, like 1 round of plunder(but with the chance for the other team to come and steal the treasure from the treasure chest), chain reaction, defend/assassinate, and then end with an elimination round.

Man that would be awesome, part of the reason I got hooked on Killzone 2 was because I could just load up a game and play for like 25 minutes straight just cycling through game types, I really dug that.


arne said:
If we could do that, which I'm not sure about at the moment, here's the problem I see -- how do you make the difficulty progressively harder? Because if you plateau the difficulty, with competent teams, then it just becomes more of a test of pure endurance rather than endurance + skill (+ no mistakes).

I like the score attack idea though, I've always likened Survival (and similar modes in other games) to be a version of score attack anyway. I'll float it past the gang.
If you can change the difficulty on-the-fly after round 10 you can have it jump up to hard and then eventually Crushing. Even if it's not unlimited rounds I think that'd make it a lot more challenging and interesting.
It's good to see that there's so much feedback in such a short amount of time on the idea of a Survival mode with limitless rounds.

I'm sure a lot of people will like it, if it would be added through a patch.
And if not... Well, maybe for Uncharted 3. :)

I've got another suggestion/idea for a competitive multiplayer-mode by the way:
I'd really like to see a variation on the Elimination mode, in which players can be 'downed' before dying, so teammates can revive their buddies and give them a second chance. Pretty much the same as the Execution mode in Gears of War actually.

I think it's good to not only release new maps/skins, but to also add new gamemodes to the multiplayer. This will keep things fresh. Someone else mentioned a Warzone-mode with different objectives that switch dynamically during a match... Maybe you guys (ND) could have a look at that, too. It sounds awesome.


In plunder, I've encounter this weird glitch on the Fort map where someone would toss the treasure idol into the waterfall and it would just get stuck there forever until the round ends. It happen to me quite a few times already.


Jocchan said:
- Increasing progressively the ratio of stronger enemies vs. weaker enemies
- Increasing progressively the damage their shots deal
- Increasing progressively their health
All of this - of course - very, very slowly.

Downside: testing this difficulty increase would be pretty hard and add an element of unpredictability because it won't be tweaked manually. But, if balanced well, I think it could work.

Why mess around? Start replacing the shotgun/choke guys with Lazarevic, and everyone else with tanks :)

I hope that for the next Uncharted there's a way to play the whole game with another person. That'd be sooooooooo cool.

I just hope there's some kind of local co-op, whether it be the campaign or some existing co-op modes. I firmly believe that local co-op (or local multiplayer of any sort) is how games really explode in popularity. I have friends with PS3s who aren't necessarily into this game enough to buy it or even download a demo. These are friends who also come over and game a lot. I could play Uncharted 2 with them, but only one person can play at a time, so we're clearly going to play something else. I can't sell them on the game because there's no way for us to play together without them taking action no their own.

Sure, there would have to be somewhat of a hit on graphics with local multiplayer, but I don't think anybody playing on half a screen really cares about the graphics that much. If Naughty Dog ever wants Uncharted to do Halo/Gears numbers, I think local multiplayer of some sort has to happen.


alr1ghtstart said:
I have found 3 player GAF parties make it much easier to max out my 50k (
please raise the cap to 100k

Also, arne or ND, please add different icons that show up when you kill someone. A specific icon for pulldowns, kickoffs, stealth kills would be nice. It looks a little boring with the vanilla melee icon.

The problem with raising the cap to 100k is it would turn plunder into one big campfest, it's already pretty bad, but 100k would make it twice as bad. A better way would be to decrease the amount of cash needed to level by about 1/4-1/3.

Treb said:
In plunder, I've encounter this weird glitch on the Fort map where someone would toss the treasure idol into the waterfall and it would just get stuck there forever until the round ends. It happen to me quite a few times already.

Yup, I had that happen last night, and in a couple matches later on Fort, someone threw it off the map and it was stuck.


thcsquad said:
Why mess around? Start replacing the shotgun/choke guys with Lazarevic, and everyone else with tanks :)

I just hope there's some kind of local co-op, whether it be the campaign or some existing co-op modes. I firmly believe that local co-op (or local multiplayer of any sort) is how games really explode in popularity. I have friends with PS3s who aren't necessarily into this game enough to buy it or even download a demo. These are friends who also come over and game a lot. I could play Uncharted 2 with them, but only one person can play at a time, so we're clearly going to play something else. I can't sell them on the game because there's no way for us to play together without them taking action no their own.

Sure, there would have to be somewhat of a hit on graphics with local multiplayer, but I don't think anybody playing on half a screen really cares about the graphics that much. If Naughty Dog ever wants Uncharted to do Halo/Gears numbers, I think local multiplayer of some sort has to happen.

Massive sales has NOTHING to do with local co-op, it's how much money is being spent on marketing, they could have spent alot more on marketing Uncharted 2 instead of splitting the marketing between Uncharted 2 and Ratchet ACIT, when Uncharted 2 is a legitimate blockbuster title and Ratchet was not, Uncharted 2 should have gotten WAY more marketing, there's absolutely not reason why the endcap of ANY bestbuy gaming section wasn't featuring Uncharted 2, it should have been the PS3's feature game.


Jocchan said:
- Increasing progressively the ratio of stronger enemies vs. weaker enemies
- Increasing progressively the damage their shots deal
- Increasing progressively their health
All of this - of course - very, very slowly.

Downside: testing this difficulty increase would be pretty hard and add an element of unpredictability because it won't be tweaked manually. But, if balanced well, I think it could work.

Progressive increase in enemy health is a terrible idea, the last thing they should do is make ANY enemy a bullet sponge, all it does is slow the game down. Right now what the game does RIGHT is that enemies are always vulnerable to headshots, even the chaingun enemies, it would be completely wrong to ever change that.

In crushing the player is already very vulnerable to enemy shots, any less health the players would be constantly turtling, if they're not already.

The ratio of tier 3 enemies to tier 1 enemies will eventually plateau.


I think they should add an extra treasure spawn to a couple of maps just to mix it up a bit.

Plaza- on top of the balcony overlooking The Pit
Temple- Deagle Balcony
Train Wreck- Above the middle spawn, right in the open spot of the train car next to Deagle
Sanctuary- The little ledge all the way down the hall from the Hammer spawn
Fort- On shotgun spawn
Village- Deagle spawn
I can't think of a good one for Lost City :(

I hope some of those new maps coming in Feb. have a rope to swing on and allow for a lot of Close Quarters surprise attacks.


Kittonwy said:
Massive sales has NOTHING to do with local co-op, it's how much money is being spent on marketing, they could have spent alot more on marketing Uncharted 2 instead of splitting the marketing between Uncharted 2 and Ratchet ACIT, when Uncharted 2 is a legitimate blockbuster title and Ratchet was not, Uncharted 2 should have gotten WAY more marketing, there's absolutely not reason why the endcap of ANY bestbuy gaming section wasn't featuring Uncharted 2, it should have been the PS3's feature game.

Marketing is a big part of it, too, sure. But you can't discount the word of mouth amplification that local multiplayer represents. Why bother telling your friends about a game when you can show them?
Some of us were talking about this the other night. You know those random occurrences In MP? Tank, Chopper, and DF plane. What about CPU controlled enemies popping up? The monsters/guardians from MP, or the monsters from DF. Maybe just one or two waves, or a reward for getting however many kills, or how fast you got them. Players would have to fight the monsters, and worry about the opposing team. This cloud be a new playlist.

I dunno. Sound too RE Mercenaries'ish?


Kittonwy said:
Massive sales has NOTHING to do with local co-op, it's how much money is being spent on marketing, they could have spent alot more on marketing Uncharted 2 instead of splitting the marketing between Uncharted 2 and Ratchet ACIT, when Uncharted 2 is a legitimate blockbuster title and Ratchet was not, Uncharted 2 should have gotten WAY more marketing, there's absolutely not reason why the endcap of ANY bestbuy gaming section wasn't featuring Uncharted 2, it should have been the PS3's feature game.

wow I appreciate the passion. haha.

the marketing spends aren't "split" between any games like this per se. so, our and my relationship with Insomniac notwithstanding, however much money we had to spend wasn't affected adversely (or positively) with RACIT or any other game in the portfolio.


Somnium986 said:
Some of us were talking about this the other night. You know those random occurrences In MP? Tank, Chopper, and DF plane. What about CPU controlled enemies popping up? The monsters/guardians from MP, or the monsters from DF. Maybe just one or two waves, or a reward for getting however many kills, or how fast you got them. Players would have to fight the monsters, and worry about the opposing team. This cloud be a new playlist.

I dunno. Sound too RE Mercenaries'ish?

I think there's something there.

To me, the 'events' at the different maps were a real highlight. Sometimes a neat detail, like Sully's plane, sometimes an unforeseen turn of events; I've seen the Tank in village come in and prevent the Villain team from following the hero's capture route.

I'd like to see more of these. Every map could have something.
Having guardians pop up in Lost City could be pretty interesting.

On another note, see you all tonight. Been missing U2 online. :]


Kos Luftar said:
Do you guys UC2 will get updated at all once UC3 is in full swing?

I don't know how to define 'full swing'. I think its possible that we'll still be seeing DLC three to six months from now, and I would assume by then UC3 would be taking up the majority of the team's time. In a year? Probably not.


arne said:
wow I appreciate the passion. haha.

the marketing spends aren't "split" between any games like this per se. so, our and my relationship with Insomniac notwithstanding, however much money we had to spend wasn't affected adversely (or positively) with RACIT or any other game in the portfolio.

I r militant kitton.


Irish said:
I think they should add an extra treasure spawn to a couple of maps just to mix it up a bit.

Plaza- on top of the balcony overlooking The Pit
Temple- Deagle Balcony
Train Wreck- Above the middle spawn, right in the open spot of the train car next to Deagle
Sanctuary- The little ledge all the way down the hall from the Hammer spawn
Fort- On shotgun spawn
Village- Deagle spawn
I can't think of a good one for Lost City :(

I hope some of those new maps coming in Feb. have a rope to swing on and allow for a lot of Close Quarters surprise attacks.

Throw teh treasure dammit.


There is an anomoly online where I get a connection error but still stay with the party and can still talk, isn't there any option to rejoin? :(


Somnium986 said:
Some of us were talking about this the other night. You know those random occurrences In MP? Tank, Chopper, and DF plane. What about CPU controlled enemies popping up? The monsters/guardians from MP, or the monsters from DF. Maybe just one or two waves, or a reward for getting however many kills, or how fast you got them. Players would have to fight the monsters, and worry about the opposing team. This cloud be a new playlist.

I dunno. Sound too RE Mercenaries'ish?
I thought the new co-op mode would be zombie mode with the enemies from uncharted 1 :lol :lol :lol
wizword said:
I thought the new co-op mode would be zombie mode with the enemies from uncharted 1 :lol :lol :lol
Actually, it kinda makes me wonder why the guardians haven't been included yet in co-op. Would make for a more hectic survival mode.


Somnium986 said:
Actually, it kinda makes me wonder why the guardians haven't been included yet in co-op. Would make for a more hectic survival mode.

Hm, I never considered this, although that would be insane fun. I appreciate both online competitive and co-op in games, but co-op just feels more rewarding to me.
Kittonwy said:
Throw teh treasure dammit.
No! Use teh Treasure Bearer dammit! >=(
Irish said:
I hope some of those new maps coming in Feb. have a rope to swing on and allow for a lot of Close Quarters surprise attacks.
I can already see the amount of glitches that will be found if they implement this.:lol But I'm kinda confused about what you actually mean by this. What benefit would it have? Swinging on a rope just for CQ take downs? i r confuze....


Somnium986 said:
No! Use teh Treasure Bearer dammit! >=(

I can already see the amount of glitches that will be found if they implement this.:lol But I'm kinda confused about what you actually mean by this. What benefit would it have? Swinging on a rope just for CQ take downs? i r confuze....
Throwing is still far quicker even with treasure bearer.


Somnium986 said:
Some of us were talking about this the other night. You know those random occurrences In MP? Tank, Chopper, and DF plane. What about CPU controlled enemies popping up? The monsters/guardians from MP, or the monsters from DF. Maybe just one or two waves, or a reward for getting however many kills, or how fast you got them. Players would have to fight the monsters, and worry about the opposing team. This cloud be a new playlist.

I dunno. Sound too RE Mercenaries'ish?

I knew there was something I was forgetting to post here. I mean, there's nothing like calling upon a "Gaggle of Yeti" to come and attack everyone after you get your rampant.

I actually think it could provide a unique dynamic where both teams have to stop fighting against each other and team up to take down these creatures. Maybe each Creature Kill can award the team with a medal worth a thousand or so dollars.

Kittonwy said:
Throw teh treasure dammit.

"Guys, are we even trying to win here?"

"Throw the damn treasure!!! I don't care if you're right next to the chest, you're not a running back."


I think you should add the option of tossing it directly into the chest so we can make Kitton happy. It would be a great option for a lone guy with a team of five about to descend upon him. :p

Somnium986 said:
I can already see the amount of glitches that will be found if they implement this.:lol But I'm kinda confused about what you actually mean by this. What benefit would it have? Swinging on a rope just for CQ take downs? i r confuze....

Nah, I just want a rope to swing on for the crazy mad jumps. I also want most of the new maps to be close quarters centric. Two different things I want to see in the new maps.
Irish said:
"Gaggle of Yeti"

"Guys, are we even trying to win here?"

"Throw the damn treasure!!! I don't care if you're right next to the chest, you're not a running back."
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Irish said:
Nah, I just want a rope to swing on for the crazy mad jumps. I also want most of the new maps to be close quarters centric. Two different things I want to see in the new maps.
That's what i thought. :/
As for CQ centric maps. If they didn't nerf blindfire, I'd be all over this.


Somnium986 said:
Well if that's true then, why does WOW hate it so?:D
I don't know. I'm always shouting THROW! Another advantage with throwing is that if you're getting shot at..you can get a good long throw in before dying. If you're just running you'll just drop it.


There should be an instant kill, pulldown style, if you could time hitting the melee button as you fall on top of a guy from a high altitude. There's why you would want the swinging rope, too. Imagine the kills that would come from that. :p

I've hoped too for a straight toss into the treasure chest for Plunder. It would be very satisfying to pull, haha.
deepbrown said:
I don't know. I'm always shouting THROW! Another advantage with throwing is that if you're getting shot at..you can get a good long throw in before dying. If you're just running you'll just drop it.
Well sure, but with TB on facing zero opposition= way faster treasure score, tossing it just makes it seem faster than it actually is. Plus you can still throw with TB on no? If i have TB on, but see enemies on my tail I'm going to throw it of course.


Somnium986 said:
Well sure, but with TB on facing zero opposition= way faster treasure score, tossing it just makes it seem faster than it actually is. Plus you can still throw with TB on no? If i have TB on, but see enemies on my tail I'm going to throw it of course.
Throw in tandem....like pass the parcel =D Depends on the situation and the environment you're in...but throwing is often much faster.


Kittonwy said:
Massive sales has NOTHING to do with local co-op, it's how much money is being spent on marketing, they could have spent alot more on marketing Uncharted 2

My store is still getting new POP (point-of-purchase) displays advertising Uncharted 2. Just this Monday I put up a sign advertising the new skin-pack and pushing PSN cards. Could Sony have done more? Sure, you can always do more. But as someone trying to sell the game I was pretty pleased with the co-marketing efforts and awareness of the title it created. Both Uncharted and Uncharted 2 were hard to keep in stock over the holiday selling period. I'm expecting a decent sales bump after this Thursday when the single-player demo goes up on PSN. Maybe not a top-ten NPD bump, but a nice bump nonetheless.


Treb said:
In plunder, I've encounter this weird glitch on the Fort map where someone would toss the treasure idol into the waterfall and it would just get stuck there forever until the round ends. It happen to me quite a few times already.

It doesn't get stuck. It respawns, but on the far side of the ocean, where it can obviously not be reached. Don't remember if you had joined us yet, but we had this happen to us again today. Enemy team took the lead, then threw the treasure in the water to ensure victory. To add insult to injury, one of them started glitching out of the map.


Nah, I wasn't with you guys yet when it happened to me. But yeah you're right, it does respawn but no one could reach it. It's pretty annoying.


Somnium986 said:
Some of us were talking about this the other night. You know those random occurrences In MP? Tank, Chopper, and DF plane. What about CPU controlled enemies popping up? The monsters/guardians from MP, or the monsters from DF. Maybe just one or two waves, or a reward for getting however many kills, or how fast you got them. Players would have to fight the monsters, and worry about the opposing team. This cloud be a new playlist.

I dunno. Sound too RE Mercenaries'ish?
You're a dirty thief Somnium! I filthy, no good thief! (I don't care if you didn't have an account then!)

Gyrian said:
There should be an instant kill, pulldown style, if you could time hitting the melee button as you fall on top of a guy from a high altitude. There's why you would want the swinging rope, too. Imagine the kills that would come from that. :p

I've hoped too for a straight toss into the treasure chest for Plunder. It would be very satisfying to pull, haha.
I would love some maps with more environmental interaction. Propane tanks and Helicopters are all well and good, but I'd like to see stuff like precarious footholds that crumble at random, walls and ledges that can be destroyed with explosive weapons to open new routes or drop [fatal] debris onto your enemies and things along those lines.
Yeef said:
You're a dirty thief Somnium! I filthy, no good thief! (I don't care if you didn't have an account then!)
Yeef said:
using the guardiansas the computer players would make sense, but I could see why ND might shy away from that since it'd be a huge spoiler and people who hadn't finished the single player might be annoyed.
Never thought of it that way. But, COME ON!! It would be way more fun to fight them, instead of mercs you've seen for the 1000th time. People Shouldn't be playing MP, before SP anyway. :p
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