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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I could only play a few games last night, but that was enough to put me over level 42. I also beat my PB for cash: $20,750 in a Plunder game on Ice Cave with Treble05, cbs11aliens and Steroyd against some French guys :D Negaiido was put on the other team, and we shut down each other's streak :lol


bish gets all the credit :)
Dearest ND,
please add an icon similar to these in the kill notification area for pulldowns/kickoffs/stealth kills



And the ice cave glitch that you thought you fixed with a suicide still works somewhat. I tested it out and you can get in there half the time/the other half you're killed. Some idiot was doing it tonight in a plunder match.
*Sigh* You guys have short memory spans. I sugessted this match type and we played it back in 08 around when the game came out. Now although it went through, Pwonager I recall, kept using weapons anyway and it devolved into a shooting fest as usual.

I will concede that no ideas are truly unique and it's plausible that someone, somewhere may have already experimented with such a match type in the past. Maybe even in a alternate universe or time-space well where all ideas become true at the moment of conception. However it is a fact and thus can be scientifically proven by several others and or as an observer, watching said events unfold, if we were to follow the curvature of light around the universe to same moment in relative time*.

Now a post was made several years ago by an anonymous individual who proposed that he had in fact, found "true understanding" of the universe through Gran Turismo testing and the rotation of wheels. Unfortunately this man was rather ill and the true moment where all knowledge and understanding is made evident; can only be found in U2, melee only death match.

You see, Naughty Dog did not notice this crucial information when sending the master disc(s) to certification. It is widely theorized that the universe as we understand it, came into existence via the big bang. Now the problem for academics has always been that any explosion erupts with intense energy output and fades as energy is radiated from the epicenter. In short; those at the farthest edge will not suffer or even notice that such an event occurred. In short the "Big crunch" theory was born, along with heat death and so forth.

Contrary to such statements, I proposed another theory after my 200+ hours in U2. You see most modern games run on a well developed physics engine, and U2 is no exception, rather it is a standout. Quick research proved that Earth's physics sucked and I could not throw a propane tank as easily, jump from heights and survive or be as charming as Nathan Drake. Therefore I based my theory on U2's physics, which are more realistic, going back 5 billion years. When a player attempts to execute a melee maneuver, standing and facing an enemy. There is some leeway in regards to range and it is not necessary to be exactly beside your opponent.

Now imagine the first atoms as having the invalid booster equipped. They're weak and flimsy, no mass nuclear reactions have occurred yet to bond them with other molecules to create the basic elements of Hydrogen, Oxygen and so forth. Along comes another molecule, let us assume this is a new one, a level 14 player for example. It doesn't understand much, doesn't know how to approach other molecules and hasn't experienced a major reaction yet. Now lets say another molecule zeroes in on this new one, this one has been around for a long time but has sacrificed some of its defenses in order to grow faster(invalid). It attempts to collide with the new molecule like so:


Unfortunately due to the nature of the universe, the blue molecule loses electrons due to asphyxiatialwarpdampnerays and is destroyed upon impact. However, and here's the kicker. The red molecule did not need to be right beside it as stated before and thus not only steals energy, but creates a massive reaction upon returning to it's original position in the universe, that a massive pulsar is born and compresses to the point where the reactions after each "warp" lead to a complete, utter, meltdown and the big bang occurs.

And it is the same situation that plays out in U2 multi player. In summary, yes there was a big bang, no there will not be a big crunch. Rather imagine it as a rubber band, endlessly being strummed and stretched, extending rapidly to the edges of space and time, and then coming back to the same spot.

Naughty Dog has stumbled upon the secrets to the universe, but Sony Corp. Won't let this information out due to the power. All the papers are in my file and can be shipped out at any moment. However due to the nature of these claims, they can only be picked up at the Tengu Restaurant in Hollywood, California.

Free yourselves.
alr1ghtstart said:
And the ice cave glitch that you thought you fixed with a suicide still works somewhat. I tested it out and you can get in there half the time/the other half you're killed. Some idiot was doing it tonight in a plunder match.
Speaking of ice cave glitches, i've run into an annoy one as of late. While climbing up the ice legde near the high starting spwan, were the sniper rifle is, i die for no apparent reason. The game registers it as a suicide, like when you fall off a cliff. I climb up, move a little to the right then, BAM INSTA DEATH!!! This has happened on three separate occasions. All in the same exact spot. I'll test it out again( wish i could make a video), just to make sure i'm not going crazy.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm at the part where he gets to the monastery. It's all shooting, now! The game went from exploration and puzzles with a bit of shooting here and there to an all-out FPS. I didn't sign up for this shit.

Please tell me the rest of the game isn't like this. >=(


Dacvak said:
I'm at the part where he gets to the monastery. It's all shooting, now! The game went from exploration and puzzles with a bit of shooting here and there to an all-out FPS. I didn't sign up for this shit.

Please tell me the rest of the game isn't like this. >=(
That sand is really up there, isn't it?
I picked up a PS3 last week with this game and i'm having a ball. I've already finished the single player campaign twice on normal and hard and i've started my third run on crushing. I rarely replay games so early. It's so damn good.

I've played multiplayer a few times and it's a lot of fun. Would love to join in some gaffer games sometime.

I tried coop a few times as well, but someone was always idle and i couldn't continue. :/
Dacvak said:
Please tell me the rest of the game isn't like this. >=(

Sure, the Monastery is a bit action heavy. But there are some great stealth sections and climbing too.

And I must ask something about the story, maybe someone who completed the game can answer this one.
I've played this game to bits in single player (yet to reach platinum, 95%) but I never really got what the Ice Temple was all about when put in the storyline. What is it's connection to Shambala? Schafer pretty much tells Drake to go find his expedition, and that's it. Is it just some random temple where Schafer brought his men so he could kill them? I get that the gatekeepers are there because Drake is closing in on the secret of Shambala... but the temple itself, what is that place?
Maybe I am going too deep with this, after all it's still a game.


We are evolving to the next level of Uncharted competitive play.
Soon, we will melee only all games against randoms and beat their DTI loving butts.

Also, hats off to close combat Oath, who seems to manage very well in any battle situation that's got the 'right in your face' factor going. :p


Gyrian said:
We are evolving to the next level of Uncharted competitive play.
Soon, we will melee only all games against randoms and beat their DTI loving butts.

Also, hats off to close combat Oath, who seems to manage very well in any battle situation that's got the 'right in your face' factor going. :p
I don't understand why you people hate DTI. I mean its there because ND put it there which means we can use it. Its not like people using that are cheating...


CrushDance said:
*Sigh* You guys have short memory spans. I sugessted this match type and we played it back in 08 around when the game came out. Now although it went through, Pwonager I recall, kept using weapons anyway and it devolved into a shooting fest as usual.

I will concede that no ideas are truly unique and it's plausible that someone, somewhere may have already experimented with such a match type in the past. Maybe even in a alternate universe or time-space well where all ideas become true at the moment of conception. However it is a fact and thus can be scientifically proven by several others and or as an observer, watching said events unfold, if we were to follow the curvature of light around the universe to same moment in relative time*.

Now a post was made several years ago by an anonymous individual who proposed that he had in fact, found "true understanding" of the universe through Gran Turismo testing and the rotation of wheels. Unfortunately this man was rather ill and the true moment where all knowledge and understanding is made evident; can only be found in U2, melee only death match.

You see, Naughty Dog did not notice this crucial information when sending the master disc(s) to certification. It is widely theorized that the universe as we understand it, came into existence via the big bang. Now the problem for academics has always been that any explosion erupts with intense energy output and fades as energy is radiated from the epicenter. In short; those at the farthest edge will not suffer or even notice that such an event occurred. In short the "Big crunch" theory was born, along with heat death and so forth.

Contrary to such statements, I proposed another theory after my 200+ hours in U2. You see most modern games run on a well developed physics engine, and U2 is no exception, rather it is a standout. Quick research proved that Earth's physics sucked and I could not throw a propane tank as easily, jump from heights and survive or be as charming as Nathan Drake. Therefore I based my theory on U2's physics, which are more realistic, going back 5 billion years. When a player attempts to execute a melee maneuver, standing and facing an enemy. There is some leeway in regards to range and it is not necessary to be exactly beside your opponent.

Now imagine the first atoms as having the invalid booster equipped. They're weak and flimsy, no mass nuclear reactions have occurred yet to bond them with other molecules to create the basic elements of Hydrogen, Oxygen and so forth. Along comes another molecule, let us assume this is a new one, a level 14 player for example. It doesn't understand much, doesn't know how to approach other molecules and hasn't experienced a major reaction yet. Now lets say another molecule zeroes in on this new one, this one has been around for a long time but has sacrificed some of its defenses in order to grow faster(invalid). It attempts to collide with the new molecule like so:


Unfortunately due to the nature of the universe, the blue molecule loses electrons due to asphyxiatialwarpdampnerays and is destroyed upon impact. However, and here's the kicker. The red molecule did not need to be right beside it as stated before and thus not only steals energy, but creates a massive reaction upon returning to it's original position in the universe, that a massive pulsar is born and compresses to the point where the reactions after each "warp" lead to a complete, utter, meltdown and the big bang occurs.

And it is the same situation that plays out in U2 multi player. In summary, yes there was a big bang, no there will not be a big crunch. Rather imagine it as a rubber band, endlessly being strummed and stretched, extending rapidly to the edges of space and time, and then coming back to the same spot.

Naughty Dog has stumbled upon the secrets to the universe, but Sony Corp. Won't let this information out due to the power. All the papers are in my file and can be shipped out at any moment. However due to the nature of these claims, they can only be picked up at the Tengu Restaurant in Hollywood, California.

Free yourselves.


kikanny said:
I don't understand why you people hate DTI. I mean its there because ND put it there which means we can use it. Its not like people using that are cheating...

The issue we take is that it offers a very clear advantage, with the other boosters being more subtle. Creates a situation where you sort of have to have it on as well. Then, you wonder, why not take it out or make it standard?

That aside, it can get really annoying when compounded with lag.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Kittonwy said:
Progressive increase in enemy health is a terrible idea, the last thing they should do is make ANY enemy a bullet sponge, all it does is slow the game down. Right now what the game does RIGHT is that enemies are always vulnerable to headshots, even the chaingun enemies, it would be completely wrong to ever change that.

In crushing the player is already very vulnerable to enemy shots, any less health the players would be constantly turtling, if they're not already.

The ratio of tier 3 enemies to tier 1 enemies will eventually plateau.
You probably missed the very, very slowly, and the goal was moving the actual plateau so far that almost no one would ever get there :p
Considering the number of enemies you can have at the same time can't be increased beyond a certain extent and considering the stronger/weaker enemies ratio does obviously plateau, there's not much room left to increase the difficulty further.


Gyrian said:
The issue we take is that it offers a very clear advantage, with the other boosters being more subtle. Creates a situation where you sort of have to have it on as well. Then, you wonder, why not take it out or make it standard?

That aside, it can get really annoying when compounded with lag.
I see what you mean. Yeah, they should just make it standard. Also, CrushDance, are you high?


Jocchan said:
You probably missed the very, very slowly, and the goal was moving the actual plateau so far that almost no one would ever get there :p
Considering the number of enemies you can have at the same time can't be increased beyond a certain extent and considering the stronger/weaker enemies ratio does obviously plateau, there's not much room left to increase the difficulty further.

Enemy HP increase is simply a really cheap way to do difficulty increase and should just be avoided, because the strongest armored enemies all require headshots as the only solution anyway, not really getting the need to do infinite survival mode, maybe that's why survival ends after 10 rounds.


CrushDance said:
*Sigh* You guys have short memory spans. I sugessted this match type and we played it back in 08 around when the game came out. Now although it went through, Pwonager I recall, kept using weapons anyway and it devolved into a shooting fest as usual.

I will concede that no ideas are truly unique and it's plausible that someone, somewhere may have already experimented with such a match type in the past. Maybe even in a alternate universe or time-space well where all ideas become true at the moment of conception. However it is a fact and thus can be scientifically proven by several others and or as an observer, watching said events unfold, if we were to follow the curvature of light around the universe to same moment in relative time*.

Now a post was made several years ago by an anonymous individual who proposed that he had in fact, found "true understanding" of the universe through Gran Turismo testing and the rotation of wheels. Unfortunately this man was rather ill and the true moment where all knowledge and understanding is made evident; can only be found in U2, melee only death match.

You see, Naughty Dog did not notice this crucial information when sending the master disc(s) to certification. It is widely theorized that the universe as we understand it, came into existence via the big bang. Now the problem for academics has always been that any explosion erupts with intense energy output and fades as energy is radiated from the epicenter. In short; those at the farthest edge will not suffer or even notice that such an event occurred. In short the "Big crunch" theory was born, along with heat death and so forth.

Contrary to such statements, I proposed another theory after my 200+ hours in U2. You see most modern games run on a well developed physics engine, and U2 is no exception, rather it is a standout. Quick research proved that Earth's physics sucked and I could not throw a propane tank as easily, jump from heights and survive or be as charming as Nathan Drake. Therefore I based my theory on U2's physics, which are more realistic, going back 5 billion years. When a player attempts to execute a melee maneuver, standing and facing an enemy. There is some leeway in regards to range and it is not necessary to be exactly beside your opponent.

Now imagine the first atoms as having the invalid booster equipped. They're weak and flimsy, no mass nuclear reactions have occurred yet to bond them with other molecules to create the basic elements of Hydrogen, Oxygen and so forth. Along comes another molecule, let us assume this is a new one, a level 14 player for example. It doesn't understand much, doesn't know how to approach other molecules and hasn't experienced a major reaction yet. Now lets say another molecule zeroes in on this new one, this one has been around for a long time but has sacrificed some of its defenses in order to grow faster(invalid). It attempts to collide with the new molecule like so:


Unfortunately due to the nature of the universe, the blue molecule loses electrons due to asphyxiatialwarpdampnerays and is destroyed upon impact. However, and here's the kicker. The red molecule did not need to be right beside it as stated before and thus not only steals energy, but creates a massive reaction upon returning to it's original position in the universe, that a massive pulsar is born and compresses to the point where the reactions after each "warp" lead to a complete, utter, meltdown and the big bang occurs.

And it is the same situation that plays out in U2 multi player. In summary, yes there was a big bang, no there will not be a big crunch. Rather imagine it as a rubber band, endlessly being strummed and stretched, extending rapidly to the edges of space and time, and then coming back to the same spot.

Naughty Dog has stumbled upon the secrets to the universe, but Sony Corp. Won't let this information out due to the power. All the papers are in my file and can be shipped out at any moment. However due to the nature of these claims, they can only be picked up at the Tengu Restaurant in Hollywood, California.

Free yourselves.

You drank too much tang, my friend.


alr1ghtstart said:
And the ice cave glitch that you thought you fixed with a suicide still works somewhat. I tested it out and you can get in there half the time/the other half you're killed. Some idiot was doing it tonight in a plunder match.

I guess this is why I sometimes inexplicably commit suicide when climbing up from the DE spawn in the Lost City or onto the tall crate near the DE on Train Wreck. Cause the game thinks I'm about to exploit a glitch, I mean. I'm not even aware of glitches at those spots. Sucks if I'm being punished for others wrongdoing.


JustHadToJoin said:
freaking college man i havent been on in nearly 2 weeks now >:O

Yeah that's why you just gotta give up on your future and stop going to class to play video games like I have. Actually that's probably not the best advice.


It may be because my old TV was on its last legs, but finally playing this in HD is like playing a whole game. I'm hearing things I never heard before, everything looks astounding, and more importantly I'm a lot better online. So much easier to aim and get shots on a better screen.


Wowbagger said:
I guess this is why I sometimes inexplicably commit suicide when climbing up from the DE spawn in the Lost City or onto the tall crate near the DE on Train Wreck. Cause the game thinks I'm about to exploit a glitch, I mean. I'm not even aware of glitches at those spots. Sucks if I'm being punished for others wrongdoing.

They really need to fix the lost city bug where the underground side exits have ledges that kill the player instantly for no reason unless the player climbs the far side. I've died multiple times trying to climb up.


Gyrian said:
We are evolving to the next level of Uncharted competitive play.
Soon, we will melee only all games against randoms and beat their DTI loving butts.

Also, hats off to close combat Oath, who seems to manage very well in any battle situation that's got the 'right in your face' factor going. :p

YEAH! It's all about the melee and pistol. When it's not melee only, I actually do better against groups of people at a time instead of 1 vs. 1. I think it's because it's easier to trick a group of people into a situation where they're totally screwed. My favorite place to do this is near those corner boxes where the grenades are kept in the Sanctuary. I could go around the boxes or through them or a little bit of half and half.

Also, I couldn't believe how many times and in how many spots I randomly fell to my death last night. It was absolutely insane. Were there really that many spots to glitch into the geometry?


alr1ghtstart said:
Some idiot was doing it tonight in a plunder match.

Apologies to you and Kit--I sort of lost my mind that game and stopped playing Plunder and started playing "TK the Glitcher". I don't really want to win a game of Plunder when someone on our side is glitching. I was hoping he'd TK me back enough I could kick him. I TKed him 4 or so times but no dice.


bish gets all the credit :)
we_are138 said:
why the update?

Starting today, the next time you connect online with UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves you will be prompted for a Title Update.

Title Update 1.04 makes the following change:

* Allows players affected by “error syncing player data” issue to connect again to multiplayer

While the Title Update 1.04 changelist isn’t copious, the update does address something we’ve been monitoring and looking into for a little while now. Late last year, we spotted a small percentage of our player base receiving the “error syncing player data” message, which was preventing those players from connecting to UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer from that moment forward. As soon as we spotted this, we started looking into the issue, replicating it locally and investigating possible solutions so that everyone who wanted to participate in multiplayer would be able to do so. It’s been in the words a little longer than anticipated, but a solution to the “error syncing player data” issue has finally arrived with this Title Update.

There is, however, one important detail—addressing this issue has required us to roll back only the affected accounts to Level 1.

Just to be clear, this is going to happen ONLY to the accounts who couldn’t connect because of “error syncing player data.” Anyone who has been able to play normally will be entirely unaffected.

This was not an easy decision for us to make. Over time it became clear to us that there we absolutely no other option remaining to eliminate this issue for all affected and ensure it doesn’t happen again. Our team here was tireless looking for a solution over the last few months—we took a look at every possible way to address this using every possible approach we could think of and even ones we didn’t think of initially. At the conclusion of our efforts to address this issue, we were left with the single solution we implemented in Title Update 1.04—to roll back accounts to Level 1 as part of the solution to clear up the “error syncing player data” message.

We understand that some of our players that were affected by this issue may find the solution less than ideal and we completely understand how you feel. If there was alternative that didn’t require rolling back the affected accounts, we would have implemented that in a second. We hope that those of you that weren’t able connect until today’s Title Update 1.04 will consider joining us again in multiplayer despite the Level roll back—we look forward to playing with and against you online!

buncha typos in there, arne. :p


Irish said:
Also, I couldn't believe how many times and in how many spots I randomly fell to my death last night. It was absolutely insane. Were there really that many spots to glitch into the geometry?

That reminds me, one of the great 'discoveries' of the night was how easy it is to bump people off ledges. :D


Definitely. I also discovered that being the last one to hit the ground in melee only equates to being the first to die.


bish gets all the credit :)
Is there some sort of way to drop down one level consistently? Some ledges let you drop down a level, while most drop you to the floor if you hit circle. For instance, in the Ice Cave's (high side) middle hole, you can drop down one level on the sides of the hole, but if you try to drop down on the side facing the spawn, it drops you to the floor.
alr1ghtstart said:
Is there some sort of way to drop down one level consistently? Some ledges let you drop down a level, while most drop you to the floor if you hit circle. For instance, in the Ice Cave's (high side) middle hole, you can drop down one level on the sides of the hole, but if you try to drop down on the side facing the spawn, it drops you to the floor.
There's ledge on the side there, that's why. But there's none on the side facing the spawn.

Anyways, I had some fun earlier today in LC.

Kickoff with grenade=4 kills.

This guy got lucky due exploding grenade shaking him free from my grip. But...



Can you find Chloe?

Victim number 3.

wtf indeed cbs

DAT Carnage



VsRobot said:
Apologies to you and Kit--I sort of lost my mind that game and stopped playing Plunder and started playing "TK the Glitcher". I don't really want to win a game of Plunder when someone on our side is glitching. I was hoping he'd TK me back enough I could kick him. I TKed him 4 or so times but no dice.

I don't get this, he could have just kicked you and continue glitching, while we would have still lost the plunder match because we were short two people, anyway what's done is done.


Kittonwy said:
I don't get this, he could have just kicked you and continue glitching, while we would have still lost the plunder match because we were short two people, anyway what's done is done.

Yeah, like I said, lost my mind. Hate glitchers way more than I hate losing. What's worse is my headset was charging so I couldn't communicate my extreme displeasure to you guys/him/the other team. :/

I hate glitchers more than you hate people carrying the treasure to the treasure box.


bish gets all the credit :)
CrushDance said:
There's ledge on the side there, that's why. But there's none on the side facing the spawn.

there is a ledge there (it's lined with snow, just as the ledges on the side are). you can climb up the two ledges from the bottom.
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