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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Somnium986 said:
Guess what? I've decided not to use TB anymore! Now i think Plunder, is more fun without it. Plus it's more challenging if the other team uses it. You know in a fun way. But you can't knock one person on the team for using it. I mean if we run into a good team,(you know the lag switchers, campers, and grenade whores.:p) Then you'll be glad at least one of us had it on.

It feels good not to be chained, by Treasure Bearer anymore. Kinda makes me wanna sing.

I don't use TB.
fuk yeah new tv, my first hdtv on the way, cant wait to start playing again! I want to ask you guys because I've played with a bunch of you and many had headsets
(and also because no one answered in the stupid questions thread)

Do your headsets allow sound to come into your ear as well as the ability to speak?
If so is it clear?
If I get a 32 inch LCD, should I get the hdmi cable or is that only for bigger screens?

Thanks guys can't wait to play with yall again with a real headset instead of that phone attachment crap.
JustHadToJoin said:
fuk yeah new tv, my first hdtv on the way, cant wait to start playing again! I want to ask you guys because I've played with a bunch of you and many had headsets
(and also because no one answered in the stupid questions thread)

Do your headsets allow sound to come into your ear as well as the ability to speak?
If so is it clear?
If I get a 32 inch LCD, should I get the hdmi cable or is that only for bigger screens?

Thanks guys can't wait to play with yall again with a real headset instead of that phone attachment crap.

My headset allows me to hear and speak. It can be set up on the PS3 if you want the output to come from you tv speakers or your headset.

If you want HD than you need HDMI or Component.
The Chimera skin is amazing. I would have payed $5 for that on it's own.

Voices would have been a nice touch. If ND gets a chance they should totally add them in a patch.


Dibbz said:
Couldn't they have just asked for some sound clips for all 3 games to put into U2? I'm sure GG would have a few clips of Helghast grunting etc.

This would involve paying royalties to the artists who recorded those voices, which sounds like a pretty messy proposition if we're talking gathering clips here and there.

KilgoreTrout said:
They'd probably have to renegotiate the contracts of the VAs.

I'd think you can get them in for a single session without a contract renegotiation.
Pay them for a one-off job. Come to think of it, it's something NDI has to be considering if new objective co-op content is on their plans at all (crossing fingers that snipped of info was accurate).

Look, I think we're all aware this isn't a simple matter and that it takes more money to take a stab at it.
I think many of us were hopeful given that Rika and Pinkerton do have original voice work (a great one at that).

For my part, I recognize that it's a small thing, I've said so in my earlier post.
I think it says a lot on how much we enjoy the game if this is the kind of minor gripe we've got to bring up.


Somnium986 said:
Guess what? I've decided not to use TB anymore! Now i think Plunder, is more fun without it. Plus it's more challenging if the other team uses it. You know in a fun way. But you can't knock one person on the team for using it. I mean if we run into a good team,(you know the lag switchers, campers, and grenade whores.:p) Then you'll be glad at least one of us had it on.

Knew you'd see the light! Friendslist inclusion justified! :)

When we run into a team that puts up a solid fight, I want a solid fight. A solid fight is a rare occurence when playing in a GAF party (I've been thinking a full-party-only playlist may be a good idea) and a lot of fun (when not due to network issues, which sadly accounts for the majority). I'm only glad to have TB users in our party in such fights when the enemy team also has them, cause when we don't and the enemy do, they tend to beat us or at least score some very cheap, very fast points while we spend way too long capturing (not always due to lacking TB, though -- I've noticed GAFers don't always go for the treasure as aggressively as they should).


In a "real" plunder match, TB doesn't make much of a difference. I use it so we can't get through the crappy matches as quickly as possible and get to a meaty plunder game.

Last night, I realized that I'm not really doing well or poorly at any given time, but I have a constant Prey Seen to Prey Killed Ratio. When my team is doing iffy, I do really well and give us a chance to still win it. When my team are kicking ass, I get shuffled to the background. It's all based around how many guys I can find at a given time.


Irish said:
In a "real" plunder match, TB doesn't make much of a difference. I use it so we can't get through the crappy matches as quickly as possible and get to a meaty plunder game.

We should do some GAF-only Plunder matches one night, one team using TB and the other not. I bet the TB team would win most of the matches, if not all.
Wowbagger said:
We should do some GAF-only Plunder matches one night, one team using TB and the other not. I bet the TB team would win most of the matches, if not all.

Just get 2 people to carry the treasure one at a time from one point to another, one with TB one without and we will time them.


The hell? TB is definitely faster, we're just trying to see if it's a total game changer. (I just think W0W is whining about the wrong booster)


To throw successfully, you'll have to provision three people to doing just that. It's also likely that you'd have to stop multiple times to guard the treasure.

With TB, you can assign someone who uses the pistol anyway and they don't loose their fighting abilities at all really. You'll still need to get at least 4 people to guard that guy.

I think the real problem W0W keeps running into is shitty spawns, which happen all the time in Plunder. If you spawn a mile away from the treasure, you're just not going to be able to stop a capture whether the other team is using TB or throwing it.


I'm glad the new skins are quiet--means I can finally use something besides the skeletons. I like sneaking up on people who are camping--something that is hard to do when your dude is grunting like a pig.


mr_nothin said:

Wow, is this really how ppl play? THAT bad?
No wonder people think that that it takes full clips to kill people.

My aim isn't quite that bad, but its still bad. Being able to react quickly and accurately to chaotic game conditions is a skill that takes a lot of practice. Some people just primarily play other genres, so they haven't built up that skill. That doesn't mean we can't enjoy the games too :)

Furthermore, that looks like a promo video done by a journalist. I'm sure the player didn't have that much time to play the game and get accustomed to the controls before making the video.


You know, in this game, a lot of crazy, really cool moments happen. Now, a lot of the time nobody is around to see you do something amazing. Other times though, you get to witness insanity in action.

What's the coolest thing you've ever seen anyone else do?

For me, it was seeing RyanardoDaVinci taking out 5 guys with out moving at all, besides a little pivoting. It happened in the village between the Hammer spawn and the Shield room (after the tank had knocked down that column). First, he snuck up on one guy and broke his back. Then, two guys came down on him from the top spawn, both of them he took out with an AK (rare, because he hardly ever uses it). Out of ammo, he switched to the weapon favored by most of GAF- his sidearm. A guy comes around the corner between the back BBQ house and the Shield room. He gets three bullets in the head. Finally, after a quick reload, he takes out a guy standing right next to the shield inside of it's spawn. It was absolutely insane. I can't believe he survived that long without moving. Unfortunately, I don't think he got a Five Not Alive. :(

So, what cool accomplishments have you guys been a first hand witness to?
Irish said:
For me, it was seeing RyanardoDaVinci taking out 5 guys with out moving at all
Seriously guys. Ryan, can stand in one place shouting at the top of his lungs. Meanwhile the opposing team basically says"Oh Hay Ryan! Fill me with bullets Pl0x!"

The craziest one i can remember as of late was, Gyrian , and Vsrobot's Rocket/Grenade launcher dual, in the Lost City. Stalked each other around the whole map. Then the last 3mins they had a showdown on the top of the Rocket spawn. robot shot 3 nade rounds, which looked like they hit. Gyrian, at the last split second of inevitable death, did a jumping blindfire rocket winning the match for us. Was made 10x more intense, by the fact that it was elimination.

For me i can't remember many. Last night in a plunder match: i took on four guys with a D.eagle.(rarely use that weapon) while carrying the treasure to the chest. Took the first guy out on in the ledge, were the eagle spwan. Took the remaining three out near the chest. I should have died, but the D.eagle wouldn't allow it! Unfortunately it did not result in a Connect four.:/

edit: Might have been two on the ledge, and two at the chest, or just three in total. Either way it was still awesome for me!
Irish said:
You know, in this game, a lot of crazy, really cool moments happen. Now, a lot of the time nobody is around to see you do something amazing. Other times though, you get to witness insanity in action.

What's the coolest thing you've ever seen anyone else do?

For me, it was seeing RyanardoDaVinci taking out 5 guys with out moving at all, besides a little pivoting. It happened in the village between the Hammer spawn and the Shield room (after the tank had knocked down that column). First, he snuck up on one guy and broke his back. Then, two guys came down on him from the top spawn, both of them he took out with an AK (rare, because he hardly ever uses it). Out of ammo, he switched to the weapon favored by most of GAF- his sidearm. A guy comes around the corner between the back BBQ house and the Shield room. He gets three bullets in the head. Finally, after a quick reload, he takes out a guy standing right next to the shield inside of it's spawn. It was absolutely insane. I can't believe he survived that long without moving. Unfortunately, I don't think he got a Five Not Alive. :(

So, what cool accomplishments have you guys been a first hand witness to?

This screams for video.

Best one I've was actually my girl can her best match, a 68-16. In the Sanctuary, she killed the Treasure Bearer, and threw it down. As she rolled, one guy was running up on her with the Pistole, she thanked him with her AK, took his weapon. Another guy tried to snipe from the Tower, she switches back to the AK, takes him out. Grenade. She moves, jumps out of the way, takes cover. Dude that threw the grenade rolls up, punches her--catches a Pistole to the face for his trouble. Two enemies have come back, moves towards the treasure--she picks up the propane tank, tosses it over, BBQ. She starts pumping...one more guy runs up behind her, she runs back, Pistoled.

Ridiculous. She's 57 now, and I'll buy the skins later so I can start leveling again.


Did you use the pistol previously? Did you blindfire?

Now, arne may say differently, but it seems like blindfiring with the pistol (or anything for that matter) is nowhere near as useful as it was before. When everyone who plays like this says it feels differently, something I've felt myself, I'm inclined to believe it. The AK also feels a little more powerful.

Of course, this could just be the insane rantings of people who have played the game for far too long.


Did you recently take off Down the Irons? Are you having more trouble getting kills with the Pistole? (I'm checking out your weapon stats and perk usage to see what your problem may be)
Irish said:
Did you recently take off Down the Irons? Are you having more trouble getting kills with the Pistole? (I'm checking out your weapon stats and perk usage to see what your problem may be)

I've never bothered changing my boosters so no and the only match I used a Pistole since the patch I missed quite a few times although I don't use point and shoot.


SuperSonic1305 said:
I think the AK is weaker myself. Also there seems to be an influx of players with superhuman accuracy and pinpoint grenades.

I can land a grenade from across the map right on your head, it's true.


SuperSonic1305 said:
I've never bothered changing my boosters so no and the only match I used a Pistole since the patch I missed quite a few times although I don't use point and shoot.

Have you been playing at a different time? That can cause issues. Sorry I can't be of more help. :(

Kittonwy said:
SuperSonic1305 said:
I think the AK is weaker myself. Also there seems to be an influx of players with superhuman accuracy and pinpoint grenades.

I can land a grenade from across the map right on your head, it's true.

Yeah, I've been a master in regards to the baseball grenades since the beta. :p
Ugh this is the perfect example of the luck i've been having. I had a DE and the other guy had the 92FS. We started shooting at each other exactly the same time and not moving yet somehow he kills me first.


Yeah, the DE has always been unreliable to me. It seems like I can put 5 bullets into a guy's chest and still not kill him. :( It happens all the time, but it may just be weird lag.
I wonder if they have any maps in the works. I'd love one where it was dark and raining like when you were
running away from Lazarevic with Chloe


TSAGoodness said:
I thought these skins were going to be free?

From Joystiq:
The first content pack will be free and in the Store on January 28 -- and it's kinda weird. It contains multiplayer character models of Resistance 2's Nathan Hale and a Chimera, InFamous' Cole (in both "good" and "evil" forms) and Zeke, and Killzone 2's Tomas Sevchenko and a Helghast soldier.


They didn't update the post after we let folks know that some of the info in that last was pretty inaccurate. I know I told JC after he sent me an e-mail, guess it was too late.
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