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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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alr1ghtstart said:
trip trip triple BBQ. :D I won't name and shame those who were blown up.

Yeah, I was Sev in there... Not to worry, I took out my aggression later on on another group with a triple grenade.


:lol at W0Wbaggr and me trying to take a break from UC2 MP this week and failing miserably on Monday already :D It was fun nonetheless!


I was doing okay until Kit called me out for sucking. Then I played like the worst newb in history. Ready to snap my game in half. Fml


Nah, you really weren't doing all that bad. I was sucking way worse (but that's usual for me.)

I think I'm starting to get bored with the game. Hopefully we'll get a Double Cash.medals weekend during Valentine's or whatever. Or, that map pack could be released around then. Oh well, I still love the game. Maybe I should just take a break for a couple of nights.
Awesome games tonight! Complete, and utter GAF domination has resumed! >=(
VsRobot said:
I was doing okay until Kit called me out for sucking. Then I played like the worst newb in history. Ready to snap my game in half. Fml
It's not that you suck. It's your connection brah. The whole time we we're in the party you had no bars, not one. It has to be PSN, or the new update. I don't remember random disconnects/lag being this bad before.:/


Is anyone else disappointed with the story and dialogue in this game? It's like it was pushed aside for set piece after set piece. The story in the game seems like book ends to the action because any development is only in the beginning and the end. There are entire levels where there's not a bit of story at all which is disappointing because the first game is famous for having short snappy cut scenes moving the story forward before jumping back into the action. The action itself can also tell a story but they don't take that initiative either.

As far as the dialogue, to me there's far too many one liners to the point where it feels like the characters aren't really interacting, or levels where the companion barely says a thing because the plot is so by the numbers they have nothing to talk about at all. It's about as boring as The Mummy 2 which also had a bad case of sequelitus.

Just to be clear the gameplay is great (well the combat part, platforming not so much if you could even call that gameplay, as simple as it is) and the performances of the actors are excellent. It seems to me that in the process to make the game a much better shooter that they lost some of the charm of the first game. I felt hollow at the end of the second game.
Shai-Tan said:
Is anyone else disappointed with the story and dialogue in this game? It's like it was pushed aside for set piece after set piece. The story in the game seems like book ends to the action because any development is only in the beginning and the end. There are entire levels where there's not a bit of story at all which is disappointing because the first game is famous for having short snappy cut scenes moving the story forward before jumping back into the action. The action itself can also tell a story but they don't take that initiative either.

As far as the dialogue, to me there's far too many one liners to the point where it feels like the characters aren't really interacting, or levels where the companion barely says a thing because the plot is so by the numbers they have nothing to talk about at all. It's about as boring as The Mummy 2 which also had a bad case of sequelitus.

Just to be clear the gameplay is great (well the combat part, platforming not so much if you could even call that gameplay, as simple as it is) and the performances of the actors are excellent. It seems to me that in the process to make the game a much better shooter that they lost some of the charm of the first game. I felt hollow at the end of the second game.

You are wrong.


Shai-Tan said:
Is anyone else disappointed with the story and dialogue in this game? It's like it was pushed aside for set piece after set piece
"Ah, my shadow. You are the reporter that's been biting at my heels. You'd better pray that he is not bluffing."

"Dance with the one you came with, love."

"I'm so sick of climbing shit!"

"I'm sweating like a hooker in church."
"You took a hooker to church?"

I love the dialogue in this game.
you guys rap about down the irons so much. Something about group dynamics where you guys have like a hive mind. some of you don't even hate it you just feel like you should. It's annoying. I wanna hear about good games and strategies you guys had and interesting comments not "oh we lost but we're better cuz they had DTI.'


Gyrian said:
We went out with a bang, it's the elimination match we totally botched. :]
Regardless, I blame vs, by default.

They're never perfect, are they?
They could shoot rather well, had great teamwork, even a little rage here and there; but they were all DTI users. ;_;

Still, <3 <3 <3.

I've got one of them in my friends list, so look out for a re-match.

I felt bad for the guyz on their team, completely emasculated.


JustHadToJoin said:
you guys rap about down the irons so much. Something about group dynamics where you guys have like a hive mind. some of you don't even hate it you just feel like you should. It's annoying. I wanna hear about good games and strategies you guys had and interesting comments not "oh we lost but we're better cuz they had DTI.'

I dislike DTI mainly because I don't use it anymore, but then with DTI I was racking up kills from across the map with the AK. I think GAF loses when we have people ending up shooting at the same target and getting flanked, which happens quite a bit.


JustHadToJoin said:
you guys rap about down the irons so much. Something about group dynamics where you guys have like a hive mind. some of you don't even hate it you just feel like you should. It's annoying. I wanna hear about good games and strategies you guys had and interesting comments not "oh we lost but we're better cuz they had DTI.'
I'm with you man. I just wanna have some fun. Never got the whole point of hating something because it doesn't make you hardcore enough.


bish gets all the credit :)
DTI is not cheating per say, but it gives you a huge advantage over someone not using it. DTI users will win in a firefight against someone who doesn't have it 100% of the time. If you don't have it on, you will have to change your playstyle in order to play against DTI users.
alr1ghtstart said:
DTI is not cheating per say, but it gives you a huge advantage over someone not using it. DTI users will win in a firefight against someone who doesn't have it 100% of the time. If you don't have it on, you will have to change your playstyle in order to play against DTI users.

Hell it will shoot around corners and over cover so it doesn't matter if the other person has DTI equipped and it basically comes down to if you can get them in your sights or not.


bish gets all the credit :)
LVL 55: $17,456,850 (what i'm at)
LVL 60: $62,965,000
$45,508,150 (to get to 60)

/50,000 per match limit
911 more matches at minimum to get to 60
:lol :lol :lol

fucking ridiculous. Please raise the cap to at least $100,000. If you're worried about people farming, just raise the cap in DM modes, not plunder.


JustHadToJoin said:
you guys rap about down the irons so much. Something about group dynamics where you guys have like a hive mind. some of you don't even hate it you just feel like you should. It's annoying. I wanna hear about good games and strategies you guys had and interesting comments not "oh we lost but we're better cuz they had DTI.'

It's not a hive mind situation, everyone's just seen the light.

The funny thing about our parties is this: we don't use strategy. We're really just a bunch of lone wolves who happen to be partied up together. We all go our own separate ways as soon as the match starts.

Now, we've tried staying together as a team in a couple rounds, but that fell apart after the first match. I mean, we did go 23-0 at the start, but then we just became easy targets.


Somnium986 said:
It's not that you suck. It's your connection brah. The whole time we we're in the party you had no bars, not one. It has to be PSN, or the new update. I don't remember random disconnects/lag being this bad before.:/

Check your NAT-type. The reason you couldn't see my bars is we weren't connected. It's also the reason we couldn't voice chat. Everyone who was connected to me saw my bars. My NAT sucks and if you are also at 3 then that explains why we couldn't connect.

The reason I was terrible is I was overly tired and pissed that I was getting called out for sucking when I was playing decently. I play sloppy when I'm raging.
JustHadToJoin said:
you guys rap about down the irons so much. Something about group dynamics where you guys have like a hive mind. some of you don't even hate it you just feel like you should. It's annoying. I wanna hear about good games and strategies you guys had and interesting comments not "oh we lost but we're better cuz they had DTI.'
Ok.. We rarely lose. Even when people have DTI. The problem like someone said is that you lose fire fights that you shouldn't be. To make make matters worse they often have DTI paired with fleet foot. This gives you a HUGE advantage against other players. I remember this one match were i could not kill this opposing player. He just moved sided to side while firing the M4. Killed me every time even when i shot first.

Then he pulled of a miracle. I saw him walking up the stairs with his back turned. Now I'm thinking "YES!!! Now I'll be able to kill this guy!" So i shoot his back for myabe half a second, he instantly turned around, moved side to side an killed me.... Oh yeah completely unwarranted hate right there. -_-


JustHadToJoin said:
you guys rap about down the irons so much. Something about group dynamics where you guys have like a hive mind. some of you don't even hate it you just feel like you should. It's annoying. I wanna hear about good games and strategies you guys had and interesting comments not "oh we lost but we're better cuz they had DTI.'
My win ratio is something like 10.7 on the leaderboards. I don't lose often whether I'm playing solo or in a GAF party. The problem with DTI is people get a lot of bullshit kills with it. I don't have any real proof, but I suspect that it's a combination of lag and hitscan bullets. I'm pretty sure that even though you see a bullet trail the actual shots are hitscan and the trail is just shown after the fact. Add latency and the ultra-accuracy of DTI to that and you end up dying when you shouldn't have. If Uncharted works like most other online MP games these days then if they see you on their end and shoot you you still take the damage even if on your end you've long since left the area. I've been killed through walls because of that sort of crap (and I don't just mean around corners, I mean literally through walls).

Obviously these problems exist regardless of boosters, but DTI magnifies them to the point where they sorely stand out (I suspect Sure Shot would as well if the pistols had the range and fire rate of the assault rifles).

It's not just about winning and losing either. Last week we were playing against a team where every member had DTI. We won every game (they stayed for a few rematches), but most of us had ratios that were about 1:1 (meaning we were doing as good as they were with DTI without it). I started getting annoyed by all of the cheap deaths, so I decided to roll with DTI for one round and ended up going nearly 4:1. Even while I was playing there were a lot of kills that I felt like I didn't deserve. DTI is definitely broken.


Tonight was awesome. Stayed positive almost every DM--with Invalid no less. Glad I went back to negative boosters. Lot more satisfying and I play more carefully.


alr1ghtstart said:
LVL 55: $17,456,850 (what i'm at)
LVL 60: $62,965,000
$45,508,150 (to get to 60)

/50,000 per match limit
911 more matches at minimum to get to 60
:lol :lol :lol

fucking ridiculous. Please raise the cap to at least $100,000. If you're worried about people farming, just raise the cap in DM modes, not plunder.

Why not just lower the required amount to level? It doesn't seem it would be that hard to do.


VsRobot said:
Tonight was awesome. Stayed positive almost every DM--with Invalid no less. Glad I went back to negative boosters. Lot more satisfying and I play more carefully.

I know what you mean.
Lately, I've been faring way better while running invalid because it encourages me to be more careful. It's also very satisfying to come out on top with. :]


bish gets all the credit :)
Snipes424 said:
Why not just lower the required amount to level? It doesn't seem it would be that hard to do.

they could do that, but raising the cap would be fine. I don't think they were thinking when they decided how much it takes to level/price of things money wise. I have $8 million sitting in the bank right now, which is pretty much enough to buy what's left in the store (if it were available to me). If I ever make it to 60, I'll have an excess of $45 million in my wallet.
I had a very productive night until we started talking gaming way too much! Awesome convo's, but it was murder on my productivity! I am really glad we closed the night out with a win against those assholes!!!! That was great!!!!


Alright, that fucking Fort Plunder glitch needs fixed asap. 20 minute deathmatches without a goal are so fucking fun. :/


Not as deep as he thinks
Rank 188 on co-op, baby! :D

I gotta keep on going up!

And that glitch in The Fort for Plunder does need to get fixed. I swear to god, there's been so many times where I've heard people from the team that is losing to their team mates to throw it at the water so that it glitches on purpose. That's ridiculous.
GGs tonight guyz. I'm getting kinda bored though, like some people . The new DLC can't come soon enough.

Might have to take a break from U2 anyway. Wanna try out WKC, and definitely some Heavy Rain when it comes out. Though i know i'll fail miserably at staying away from U2. :lol

I know i whine a lot. I'll try to tone it down. It's kinda hard though. Like when I see a grenade coming from 3miles away, and still get blown up. Or when I shoot 2 pistole shots in a players face, and he's still alive. :/


Bah, lousy personal day tonight... I'm gonna take a day's break from this, I got a bunch of stuff I gotta get done for Thursday. GG guys.


Irish said:
Alright, that fucking Fort Plunder glitch needs fixed asap. 20 minute deathmatches without a goal are so fucking fun. :/
Only fun part was pissing off that cheating witch. She was getting really upset.


erotic butter maelstrom
I just got back to the multi tonight after not playing it for a couple months and gotdamn, it is so much fun. I'm definitely sticking with it and going for level 60.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
YAY! I just beat Uncharted 2!

Am I part of the gang now?
Dacvak said:
YAY! I just beat Uncharted 2!

Am I part of the gang now?
No. You must get at least a triple BBQ first.

Edit: Sorry I haven't been on in ages guys, been reevaluating a lot of things in my life, will be on a little today. :p

Snuggler said:
I just got back to the multi tonight after not playing it for a couple months and gotdamn, it is so much fun. I'm definitely sticking with it and going for level 60.
Make sure you pace yourself. Equip the invalid booster and go for 50k every match, you only need 10 kills for 40k with it on. You should go for 20 games over two days and you'll climb quickly.

Oh, and when you do take off the invalid booster, you'll feel invincible.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
What the fuck? There's multiplayer in this game?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
So am I to assume that it's good?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Sounds like a plan. I enjoyed the single player, at least. So what are the best modes in multiplayer? I'm not typically a straight-up deathmatch kind of guy.
Dacvak said:
So am I to assume that it's good?
It's all the great climbing, jumping and ducking of single player, rolled into a sweet and rewarding multiplayer experience.

Dacvak said:
Sounds like a plan. I enjoyed the single player, at least. So what are the best modes in multiplayer? I'm not typically a straight-up deathmatch kind of guy.
You can start off with co-op, you play with randoms or with friends in either story co-op or against cpu enemies where you try and steal treasure or survive. There's also a "all competitive" playlist that mixes all modes together randomly.


Not as deep as he thinks
If you don't like deathmatch there's always co-op.

You can try regular co-op where you team up with two other people to tackle on a mission. The missions are parts of the single player campaign with some slightly different tweaks.


You can try the Co-op Arena modess that include:

Survival - Survive 10 rounds of enemies.

Gold Rush - Take the treasure back to your base.

They're really fun.

Also, make sure you try a Plunder match. It's frustrating with random people and rewarding at the same time. It's like Gold Rush where you have to work as a team to bring back the treasure to your base. I love and hate that mode at the same time. :lol
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