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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Kills - 7780
Deaths - 3551
Assists - 1547
K/D Ratio - 2.19
Biggest Cluster Kill - 3
Matches - 495
Best Score - 29
Wins - 360
Losses - 135

Melee: 873 / 568
Fall to death: 17 / 17
92FS: 625 / 150
Micro: 223 / 40
Deagle: 332 / 62
AK-47: 950 / 1,173
M4: 301 / 159
FAL: 2,230 / 258
Dragon Sniper: 673 / 40
Moss: 135 / 229
SAS: 38 /21
RPG: 235 / 120
Mk-NDI: 1,186 / 783
Pistole: 213 / 88
GAU: 4 / 14
Hammer: 511 / 142
Irish said:
You would have been playing by yourself. :( We saved you from that. Tomorrow, we're going to play some AvP for a bit and then some U2. :p (What I'm saying at this very moment has no affect over what is actually going to happen.)
Wait... AvP has MP as well? Damn. I DL it but i thought it was just SP.:lol
Oh well I guess I'll get AvP out of the way early. Then it's back to teh uncharted.


Somehow, yesterday I dominated a GAF party in Deathmatch
Rifles & Pistoles
on Trainwreck :D


As for my stats, here goes nothing:

Kills - 2285
Deaths - 4186
Assists - 973
K/D Ratio - 0.54
Biggest Cluster Kill - 3
Matches - 358
Best Score - 250
Wins - 265
Losses - 93

Weapon stats are all negative of course, except Melee (but barely).


Well, I pre-ordered BFBC2, so now I have just a month left to play UC2 as my sole online game fix. I want to at least have the other two boosters unlocked by then so I'll be ready for the new maps/next double cash weekend, when wild horses couldn't keep me away from UC2.

Heck, I'll still mostly play UC2 even after BFBC2 launches--I much prefer the third-person perspective and less frantic pace. I doubt I'll ever reach a point in a game like BFBC2 where I have actual tactical awareness of what is going on and what the opposing team is doing, whereas with UC2 I know how the maps flow, where enemies are going to be, what the common tactics are.


I'm not even sure if I'm going to get BFBC2 and I actually liked it. :(

I don't want to wait until February 25th for the new DLC. I want it on the 14th (or whatever the proper day close to it is). XD


Yeef said:

Pretty sure I was Lazaravec, but not positive. It was so long ago I didn't save the video, but at the time I had Laz set for my Villain and Heist Drake for my Hero.

[Edit] Actually, I vaguely remember begin asked to set my skin to Tenzin for one of those matches, so I can't really say for sure who I was.

I can decipher when I'm back in the office tomorrow. Sort of, since we have 4 matches and I can't be sure exactly where all the video is from.


I have three open PSN friends list spots. Make sure when you send a friend request to write a note: blank requests get ignored.


Group camping is my worst enemy in this game. :( It's almost impossible to approach people that way.

Then again, it also works great for GAF parties with one afk guy. CELL, CJ, Viper, Lemm, and I were playing a sniper/pistole match where we ended up falling behind by like 12 or so kills. Being the clever fellow he is, CELL comes up with the plan to camp around Lemm's still body. So, after Lemm spawned in the red hall treasure spawn, we all set-up shop there with two Pistole guys behind the counter and a sniper on each side. We ended up catching up, but then lost by 4 kills. :(

U2 is a great way to cool down after an insane BFBC2 match. (Sniping in that game is so freaking fun. I also put my Uncharted CQC skills to good use by knifing and rapid firing my pistol at a group of guys who kept spawning right on me. I ended up dying after getting 8 CQC kills in a row.)


crispyben said:
Wow, cool! More details please!

My team consisted of me, vsrobot, scoredlastnight, two randoms and their team had CHRP, cj, mgviperman, broken and lemm. Our team got walloped in Elimination, won chain reaction and got walloped again in DM.



Any chance we can get at least some Drake sound bytes for the DLC?

Running around in utter stealth is taking the fun out of the game.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
ok it seems nd fixed glitches in village and lost city i tried them and my character died instantly :lol nice way to fix it but arne i found a new glitch in fort but its not that good for cheating :lol and have not seen any one using it


Gold Member
Kittonwy said:
My team consisted of me, vsrobot, scoredlastnight, two randoms and their team had CHRP, cj, mgviperman, broken and lemm. Our team got walloped in Elimination, won chain reaction and got walloped again in DM.

You need to fix up look sharp, kittonz :p


crispyben said:
Wow, cool! More details please!

I saw we were matched up right away, but it seems took them a bit longer to notice us. :p I was all "Hey guys. HEY GUYS." and finally I heard CJ respond "Holy shit!" (or something to the effect.) We massacred them in Chain Reaction, it wasn't even close. I'm terrible in Elim, really let our team down. Got one (cheap) kill on Broken when I had him pinned down and he decided he was going to make a run for it. A few burts with the FAL and he was done. As soon as I killed him I jumped down from my perch and was immediately hit with a grenade that was aimed at someone else. From my death cam I could see CELL coming to kill me with a BBQ, so if Broken would have just stayed put he'd have been fine.

The last mast was a Pistols/Grenade match if I recall correctly. One of our randoms went 0-11. His only kill the entire match was yours truly. Luckily all the games were super casual and we were all having fun so I didn't even mind that CJ's game plan was just to let me kill him and then throw out a grenade as soon as he died. :p (J/K CJ, LOL, pretty sure this only happened twice.)

I actually made the same joke about the Capt when match-making didn't find enough opponents for us and he got put on the other team. I got the drop on him a couple of times and he ruined my clean kills with grenades tossed out right before he died.

As an Invalid user, I'm actually super cheap with my grenades. I always make sure I have two, and any time I turn the corner and find myself in a surprise CQC moment first thing I do is chuck a grenade at my feet. One melee and I'm dead, so if I don't have the space to attempt a steel fist I at least want to get an Afterlife medal.

My only regret was that we didn't have full parties on both sides.


I finally started playing deathmatch without Down the Irons...it's different. I didn't have great accuracy to begin with so DTI helped get kills but it's so annoying to have people kill you by curving bullets past cover sooooooo i'll try without.


I'm pretty new to Uncharted 2 Online, got headset, bumped into a few people on there the other day playing online (LaunchOctopus).


crispyben said:
WTF, nobody playing?!? Damn BFBC2 and AvP demos :(

I'm out of town for a few days, already missing U2. ;_;

That trailer was great!
I remember playing as Lazarevic, neat to see that stealth kill to Tenzin making it in. :]


I'm hoping they take the opportunity to add some multi-player trophies with the new DLC. Confining the platinum to (mostly) SP trophies was a good decision, but no reason not to add more for us multiplayer fiends.

As long as I'm posting pipe-dreams, I'd love to see more crap in the multi-player store to spend my money on. I have untold millions and only two boosters and two skins left to buy once I level. :\

Finally, no one took me up on my offer to add 'em as a friend and possibly bring them into some Gaf games. WTF.


How often does this game crash on you on exit? It's been happening a lot to me lately. Maybe as much as 75%, certainly at least 50%. Don't remember it crashing on exit at all last year, but maybe my memory is failing me. Could the latest patch have anything to do with it? Maybe my PS3 dying? I'm getting a bit worried. My other games don't crash on exit, though.


Wowbagger said:
How often does this game crash on you on exit? It's been happening a lot to me lately. Maybe as much as 75%, certainly at least 50%. Don't remember it crashing on exit at all last year, but maybe my memory is failing me. Could the latest patch have anything to do with it? Maybe my PS3 dying? I'm getting a bit worried. My other games don't crash on exit, though.
It happened every time during the Beta, but they fixed it. I have 0 problems since then.


GG Somnium, Ryanardo, CHRP, and BrokenOath.
Good to be back after like a week and a half..
It felt so much longer than that, though ;_;


Kasra_2x4 said:
but mommm, I want to be in a GAF party.

You have to be cool. Are you?

That's why VsRobot can't play with us and needs to find new friends. He's just not cool enough to join us.


As do I.

I'm already seeing myself passing on U2 just to play the BFBC2 Demo. Don't get me wrong, I love U2, but I'm running out of new experiences with it. Then again, I also need to work on getting my Kills W/ higher than my Deaths By in the assault rifle categories. (and the GAU)


Irish said:
As do I.

I'm already seeing myself passing on U2 just to play the BFBC2 Demo. Don't get me wrong, I love U2, but I'm running out of new experiences with it. Then again, I also need to work on getting my Kills W/ higher than my Deaths By in the assault rifle categories. (and the GAU)
Rapid Hands and Keep Firing will do the trick.


It seems like Rapid Hands and Bandoleer would be the better pairing. It's going to be weird going back to Bandoleer after using Keep Firing for so long. The main thing I need to change is my playstyle. I need to quit running around with the pistol weapons and melee-ing people and start firing from afar. I'll also have to tone down on the grenades.
ClearCELL said:
FAL is perfect. Three timely presses of R1 and the enemy would think it was automatic.

It really is the best rifle. I used to think the M4 was better but people the point of rifles is long range battles and nothing beats the FAL in that regard.


JustHadToJoin said:
It really is the best rifle. I used to think the M4 was better but people the point of rifles is long range battles and nothing beats the FAL in that regard.
Depends on the map. A lot of the maps aren't big enough for the FAL to make a huge difference, but on maps like Train Wreck and Fort it's invaluable.
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