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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Well, I've never played anything online with my PS3 yet, so I guess I should.

Anyone down for a game?
Rewrite said:
If you don't like deathmatch there's always co-op.

You can try regular co-op where you team up with two other people to tackle on a mission. The missions are parts of the single player campaign with some slightly different tweaks.


You can try the Co-op Arena modess that include:

Survival - Survive 10 rounds of enemies.

Gold Rush - Take the treasure back to your base.

They're really fun.

Also, make sure you try a Plunder match. It's frustrating with random people and rewarding at the same time. It's like Gold Rush where you have to work as a team to bring back the treasure to your base. I love and hate that mode at the same time. :lol
My jaw literally dropped when I was playing with Bleach last week, and one guy on our team took the treasure and ran it towards the enemies base. I don't think I've ever been so stumped in a competitive match.


Not as deep as he thinks
CrushDance said:
My jaw literally dropped when I was playing with Bleach last week, and one guy on our team took the treasure and ran it towards the enemies base. I don't think I've ever been so stumped in a competitive match.
That's nothing. I posted my rant in here the other day...I had a quitter in my team and the rest of my team mates were IDLE players while all five members of the other team were playing. I was the only one on my team playing. Such bullshit. I was so pissed off I just kept fucking killing own idle team mates over and over. hahahaha


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Well, this sounds kind of fun. Anyone here want to play?
Rewrite said:
That's nothing. I posted my rant in here the other day...I had a quitter in my team and the rest of my team mates were IDLE players while all five members of the other team were playing. I was the only one on my team playing. Such bullshit. I was so pissed off I just kept fucking killing own idle team mates over and over. hahahaha
Gyrian tried to do that to me when I went afk to get some water :lol I came back just as he tossed a grenade...and missed. But I hear your sentiments about idle random teammates, for some reason it's becoming very prevalent as of late.

Dacvak said:
Well, this sounds kind of fun. Anyone here want to play?
There's a GAF chatroom where everyone hangs out in while playing. My friends list is full, so maybe someone else can invite you? You can also just play with randoms, we all do at times when parties are full or w/e.
deepbrown said:
No...the guy thrusts at him and he tries to get out the way and rolls off the cliff :lol

Yeh but the thruster throws a grenade down the cliff too, and I think the grenade kills the guy before he falls to his death.


CrushDance said:
Gyrian tried to do that to me when I went afk to get some water :lol I came back just as he tossed a grenade...and missed.

Well, of course! Everyone knows, my friendly fire (or otherwise) grenades are always hilariously unintentional;
I cheat myself out of kills if I'm trying to aim them proper. >:[

On another topic, I just remembered something.
Any news on what arne's 'experiment' match with us yielded?


Gyrian said:
On another topic, I just remembered something.
Any news on what arne's 'experiment' match with us yielded?
He's putting the finishing touches on evil clones of us. They've all got sinister goatees and plan to replace us, but in order to prove themselves they must first beat us in Uncharted 2.


JustHadToJoin said:
this game feels so unnatural and its only been a little over 2 weeks. Anyone planning to take a break from this game, don't do it. It's so awkward

I disagree, every other game feels unnatural after playing Uncharted 2.


Yeef said:
How'd you end up doing it?
Finally got someone on the phone from
my ISP that understood what I wanted to do. Put my ADSL modem into bridge mode, had to get them to authenticate me through my Linksys router, already had all the ports forwarded on my Linksys, worked like a charm. I did everything right yesterday, it was the ISP-side authentication that tripped me up.


VsRobot said:
Finally got someone on the phone from
my ISP that understood what I wanted to do. Put my ADSL modem into bridge mode, had to get them to authenticate me through my Linksys router, already had all the ports forwarded on my Linksys, worked like a charm. I did everything right yesterday, it was the ISP-side authentication that tripped me up.
Great! Hopefully you can play without any interruptions now :D
beast786 said:

What a fucking shit article! Greg Miller obviously likes RPG's better than Epic Action Packed Cinematic third person shooter's with a deep and robust Multiplayer. Wow, why the hell would you write that crap!

Its apples to oranges. I'm sure there is someone out there who thinks Madden 2010 is better than Uncharted 2. In the end, it is about what games you like the most.


bish gets all the credit :)
AFKers need to be dealt with. Keep the current rematch system in place, but require a "Press X to rematch" buttons prompt at the end of the match. If it times out, boot them.


VsRobot said:
Finally got my PS3 to Nat 2!!

Woohoo!!!! Noticed you never got kicked out of the party earlier. Great news.

Now, if someone gives Kilgore a less shitty connection for his birthday, everything will be perfect. :)

alr1ghtstart said:
AFKers need to be dealt with. Keep the current rematch system in place, but require a "Press X to rematch" buttons prompt at the end of the match. If it times out, boot them.

Yeah, AFKers ruin a ridiculous amount of matches.


erotic butter maelstrom
^ That sucks. The worst is co-op plunder games where your teammates stay on the opposite side of the map from the treasure and just fight enemies. So annoying.

I had a pretty good co-op survival game tonight, but it ended badly.
We got up to round 10 with one life left... we were about halfway through, kicking ass but all three of us were taking cover behind the same wall when the guy next to me fires an RPG at a chaingun guy and hit the wall in front of us instead, killing all three of us instantly. Buzzkill.

I've been kicking ass at deathmatch though, I still got the touch after my break. If anyone needs someone to play with in any multiplayer mode just shoot me a message @ Snuggler86.


Is there a known bug with Survival rounds on The Fort taking a while to end afetr the last enemy has been killed? It happened about three times one match to me and my buddies and it was a total multiplier kill. Its a fun map to play Survival on, but running around trying to find an enemy when there isn't one is really frustrating.


Wowbagger said:
Woohoo!!!! Noticed you never got kicked out of the party earlier. Great news.

Now, if someone gives Kilgore a less shitty connection for his birthday, everything will be perfect. :)

Yeah, AFKers ruin a ridiculous amount of matches.

I think he went 19-1 in a match with me mhead cj and fizarf then got kicked, guy got to fix his connection.


We changed our tags to [HAPY], [BDAY], [KILL], [GORE] and then invited the birthday boy to our match, but he quit playing instead. Total bummer.

It's funny watching my K/D ratio go lower and lower the later it gets. Once it hits 1:2 I know it's time for bed.
I can't find any awesome gameplay shots of Uncharted 2 singleplayer ANYWHERE... I remember we took tons of awesome shots of UC1, can anyone help me out?
Awesome games tonight guyz! Really glad some of you were still logged on. Had some crazy stuff happen. Got a double down with one pistole shot. Then i got another Double down with one shotgun blast. Not unheard of , but still awesome. :D


I've really got to stick with one set of boosters. Switching from Invalid to DTI is really messing with my head. It also took me a week to get used to the reload speed after leaving Rapid Hands behind. I think Invalid/Keep Firing is going to be my default Booster set-up. I'll turn on Sit. Awareness in Elimination, and Treasure Bearer during (ug) Plunder.

Speaking of, I need a break from Plunder. I've completed 1322+ matches, and of those, 698 were Plunder matches. I still love Plunder, despite the garbage spawns and terrible Fort glitch, but I'm ready for an extended Plunder vacation. Hopefully when I'm ready to come back the new maps will be out. (assuming there aren't terrible treasure glitches in those :p )
VsRobot said:
We changed our tags to [HAPY], [BDAY], [KILL], [GORE] and then invited the birthday boy to our match, but he quit playing instead. Total bummer.

It's funny watching my K/D ratio go lower and lower the later it gets. Once it hits 1:2 I know it's time for bed.

Ah, I wish I would've came now. :D Had other plans though.

Kittonwy said:
I think he went 19-1 in a match with me mhead cj and fizarf then got kicked, guy got to fix his connection.

I always have that happen. About to get Rampant then I dc. -_-


VsRobot said:
Switching from Invalid to DTI


You should use neither. It's going to take you forever to level up to 60 anyway. Might as well worry about making sure I don't lose. :p

Hey, Crushdance, did that match contain nothing but Coles?

Also, what does everyone's weapon stats look like?

Here's mine:

Weapon / Kills / Deaths:

Melee / 5,088 / 2,433
92FS / 3,218 / 856
Micro / 2,288 / 160
Desert 5 / 237 / 196
AK / 1,148 / 4,653
M4 / 369 / 466
FAL / 362 / 814
Sniper Rifle / 357 / 293
Moss-12 / 1,333 / 775
SAS-12 / 136 / 91
RPG / 1,138 / 863
Grenades / 4,740 / 3,272
Pistole / 820 / 706
GAU / 7 / 47
Hammer / 648 / 485

I only had 200 AK kills a week and a half ago. :(


Crush, your pictures bring a tear to my eye. ;_·

My weapon stats so far:
Melee 1,820K 1,698D
Suicide 42D
92FS 1,995K 674D
Micro 187K 144D
Deagle 345K 132D
AK 2,915K 3,123D (Holy DTI, Batman!)
M4 655K 310D
FAL 411K 467D
Sniper 342K 231D
Shotty 975K 590D
SAS 90K 65D
Rocket 818K 713D
Nades 2,019K 2,518D (damned grenade allergies)
Pistole 582K 453D
GAU 55K 39D
Hammer 378K 349D

Total 13,548K 11,465D

Checking the above, I noticed I'd won my 1000th match last night. D:

Irish said:
Here's mine

Close-quarters bias confirmed. ;]


Weapon: Kills - Deaths
Melee: 1,421 - 975
Fall to Death: 63 - 63
.45: 1 - 0
92FS: 1,132 - 512
Micro: 201 - 95
Desert: 562 - 95
AK-47: 4,955 - 2,263
M4: 1,172 - 233
FAL: 911 - 377
Dragon: 373 - 208
Moss: 1,238 - 319
SAS: 171 - 33
RPG: 1,292 - 575
NDI: 3,394 - 1,712
Pistole: 764 - 387
GAU: 30 - 32
M32: 651 - 248
Total: 16,572 - 6,839
K/D R: 2.42
Wins: 1034
Loss: 115


I die so much because I like to fight up-close and personal and end up getting shot by a guy a hundred yards away with DtI.

Total K/D

Kills: 22,022
Deaths: 16,244
Wins: 1671
Losses: 270 (a lot of my losses are recent :( - )


I'm so ashamed of myself.
Wow, you guys play too much!

My basic competitive stats = fail!

Kills 1098
Deaths 1383
Wins 88
Losses 62

Need to play more, die less and kill more.


According to the site. I feel like I've played a lot more than what's shown.


Kills 3888
Deaths 3099
Assists 1031
KDR 1.25
Matches 375
Wins 321
Losses 54
Treasures Captured 154
Territories Captured 336


		Kills 	Deaths By 	 
Melee 		801 	526
Fall to death 	15 	15
92FS - 9mm 	201 	204
Micro - 9mm 	142 	31
Desert - 5 	131 	53
AK-47 		1,008 	1,027
M4 		283 	104
FAL 		133 	165
Dragon Sniper 	89 	57
Moss - 12 	270 	141
SAS - 12 	35 	18
RPG - 7 	155 	136
Mk-NDI 		609 	734
Pistole 	263 	193
GAU - 19 	5 	8
M32 - Hammer 	177 	103

TOTAL		4,317	3,515


Peer pressured into trying BFBC2 instead of getting my UC2 fix and now I'm fiending. Can't wait to get back on tomorrow night and EFF SOME NUBS UP.
VsRobot said:
Peer pressured into trying BFBC2 instead of getting my UC2 fix and now I'm fiending. Can't wait to get back on tomorrow night and EFF SOME NUBS UP.
Oh come on! Don't try and act like you didn't have any fun.:p

I'll be back tomorrow night as well. We really need some more stuff in U2 MP soon.

Does anyone now how much of the other DLC form this was accurate?


You would have been playing by yourself. :( We saved you from that. Tomorrow, we're going to play some AvP for a bit and then some U2. :p (What I'm saying at this very moment has no bearing over what is actually going to happen.)
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