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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Was anyone experiencing connection issues tonight?
I got disconnected from my party like 5 times tonight.
It was pretty weird.
It wasn't just one person getting disconnected, though.. Everyone was split from the party.


Irish said:
You have to be cool. Are you?

That's why VsRobot can't play with us and needs to find new friends. He's just not cool enough to join us.

you know,everybody tells me how much cool I am. :D
beside being cool I'm totally bad ass at U2 >:-D


JustHadToJoin said:
It really is the best rifle. I used to think the M4 was better but people the point of rifles is long range battles and nothing beats the FAL in that regard.

In that case wouldn't the sniper rifle be better?
Yeef said:
Depends on the map. A lot of the maps aren't big enough for the FAL to make a huge difference, but on maps like Train Wreck and Fort it's invaluable.
I don't know, I really can't seem to make it work for me. Then again, my tactics don't really involve staying on one side of the map and picking off targets. I still like the AK and M4 over it.


Rewrite said:
Please fix the idle players. :|

I fucking hate idle players more than those damn rage quitters.

I probably already know the answer, but are people idle so they can leave the console and continue to level up?
_RT_ said:
I probably already know the answer, but are people idle so they can leave the console and continue to level up?
Well they might level up in Plunder if the rest of their team is good, but I've seen tonnes of idle players in Deathmatch. All they are is a free kill, they'll earn zilch.
Jaroof said:
Was anyone experiencing connection issues tonight?
I got disconnected from my party like 5 times tonight.
It was pretty weird.
It wasn't just one person getting disconnected, though.. Everyone was split from the party.

I personally didn't have any issues last nigh, but I had everyone in my party drop out twice last night. It sucked balls!!!!!


Incredibly Naive
Jaroof said:
Was anyone experiencing connection issues tonight?
I got disconnected from my party like 5 times tonight.
It was pretty weird.
It wasn't just one person getting disconnected, though.. Everyone was split from the party.

Happened to me all night to with some friends. There were a ton of weird glitches, like for instance I'd be talking to them, but we weren't in the same round... people kept freezing and then the round would freeze, which actually lead the countdown to negative numbers. Anybody ever seen that?

Also to comment real quick on the idlers I had the same theory they are doing it to rack up points... if you leave deposit on you can get up to 10,000 in a good round of plunder. I guess idlers being in death match kills the theory though. There is such an easy fix to this, just basically make it so you have to confirm you want to continue to the next round. Also what's with the people who spend entire rounds doing taunts? They must have one of those turbo controllers and keep the x button being pressed.


Incredibly Naive
JustHadToJoin said:
The easiest way to confirm that you want to go to the next rounds is to force everyone to vote on the next map & game type I'd say. no vote, gtfo

Ehh i disagree, I wouldn't wanna wait on that or get kicked if I'm running to grab the phone or something. Like I said just make it so you have to press X after the round is complete then go right back into matchmaking, simple as that.
From an LA Times article on Amy Hennig:
Her most recent game -- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, released in October -- has sold more than 2.5 million units worldwide and garnered 15 nominations for Interactive Achievement Awards, the video game industry's Oscars, the most of any title this year.
I had not heard an updated figure recently. This number also represents the barometer Garnett Lee cited on ListenUp several months back for what represents a smash hit in the gaming industry.



msdstc said:
Ehh i disagree, I wouldn't wanna wait on that or get kicked if I'm running to grab the phone or something. Like I said just make it so you have to press X after the round is complete then go right back into matchmaking, simple as that.
Heh..That was how how it was implemented before one of the patches, right? You had to choose if you want to be in a party or go to matchmaking..
Was having weird lag issues tonight all night in competitive. One guy, in particular, was throwing grenades that were taking 12 seconds to finally blow up :lol Everybody in my party was laughing so hard....


Has anything been said about adding voices to the DLC skins? Half the people use the skins now, but that just ends up making games so much more quiet.
Plus, the DLC skins have an unfair advantage in that they make considerably less noise.


Not as deep as he thinks
-Winnie- said:
Has anything been said about adding voices to the DLC skins? Half the people use the skins now, but that just ends up making games so much more quiet.
Plus, the DLC skins have an unfair advantage in that they make considerably less noise.
I don't think they're going to add any, unfortunately. :(

I agree with your sentiment. I love the skins, but it'd be better if they had voices...even generic ones.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Wario64 said:
They released the results of the poll for the experiment weekend...


39% liked the crushing health changes...

"Our upcoming Title Update 1.05 will reveal the minor weapon damage and attribute balancing we’ve done based on this poll, which we feel evolves our multiplayer game and keeps it fun to play and true to our gameplay philosophy."
Not sure if want.... : /


bish gets all the credit :)
fuck that. I'm probably done then.

then 24% of all respondents didn’t like the change to player health.

not really.

Didn't like it + Own playlist + Too Much = 56% didn't want it in all modes.

Love it + Not enough = 44% want it



I'm interested in seeing where this is going. I'm not going to say I'm done just based on the fact that they are rebalancing. I can see how this could turn UC2 into an online game I don't enjoy, but there are definitely lots of opportunity to rebalance the game and keep it essentially the same game I fell in love with.

If they rebalance in such a way that playing smart and using cover stops being a viable play-style than I probably will be done. What stands UC2 apart is the traversal, the cover. If I can't use that to my advantage to escape danger and then turn a probable death into a kill than a lot of what makes UC2 fun is lost. If I wanted to play a game where it becomes more about who sees who first than who makes better decisions about how to react to an encounter I'll play freaking Cod4pt2BluntedEdition or whatever.

The MP portion of the game is great and us GAF guys for the most part are really still into it. I purchased the DLC pack last week or whicher week it came out :p And while it was fun to run around with those characters, I can't help but feel bored.

There's really nothing on the horizon after 50+, worse of all it's gotten to the point where it just feels too samey. I know you guys said you have new maps coming soon, can we get any tidbits about that? What about new medals? For me it seems like the game is starting to wind down with people leaving to other games and the multiplayer becoming repititive. I'm highly considering WKC and GoW is coming in March along with a ridiculous amount of great titles.

This is the only game I play every day since November and I'd like to keep with it since I met a ton of cool people online. The reason I say this is because I know that after March it'll be insane and I'm not sure if I should keep grabbing DLC if you guys are done with the game.

Might finish my grind to 60 though :p


bish gets all the credit :)
I agree it's getting a little stale. Now with this new rebalancing, DTI whoring will be at an all time high (which is really the only thing that is extremely unbalanced).


This sucks ass!

Any kind of health lowering/damage increasing/accuracy increasing will make the game worse :( I'm not sure how this will actually work. Maybe they'll make the bullets damage a little more but make it where you have to actually use burst fire (which means they lower the accuracy of the weapons). Basically like BF: Bad Company 2 is. If it's like that then I guess it wont be too bad. But if its anything like the experimental weekend then F this game. :/

Hopefully they get it right.


Wario64 said:
They released the results of the poll for the experiment weekend...


"Our upcoming Title Update 1.05 will reveal the minor weapon damage and attribute balancing we’ve done based on this poll, which we feel evolves our multiplayer game and keeps it fun to play and true to our gameplay philosophy. "

Removal of the auto-aiming shotty/pistole? god I hope so.


Has anyone beat the Sanctuary Back-to-Back?

My two friends and I finally beat it on Crushing, and that took so much work.
I came close to beating it back-to-back one time, but died right at the end :p


alr1ghtstart said:
I agree it's getting a little stale. Now with this new rebalancing, DTI whoring will be at an all time high (which is really the only thing that is extremely unbalanced).

We would still be pwnin dem DTI whorez who dat.


Wario64 said:
They released the results of the poll for the experiment weekend...


39% liked the crushing health changes...

"Our upcoming Title Update 1.05 will reveal the minor weapon damage and attribute balancing we’ve done based on this poll, which we feel evolves our multiplayer game and keeps it fun to play and true to our gameplay philosophy. "

I wish they weren't so vague with the changes. The 3 things I'd like to see tweaked - grenades, melee, and off-the-hip auto aim.


Jaroof said:
Has anyone beat the Sanctuary Back-to-Back?

I almost beat it with another GAFer. Our camping spot in the final courtyard was poorly chosen. :'(

Arne on ND blog said:
There’s a ton more about Title Update 1.05 we have yet to talk about.

Spill the beans, man, spill them!!


bish gets all the credit :)
grenade lag, please fix the grenade lag. From massive splash area to immediately blowing up, it's pretty annoying. The lagtastic melee and PD/KO should be fixed too.


Not as deep as he thinks
Before the grenade lag fixes, I'd rather have them fix the annoying idle players issue & The Fort glitches. I cannot believe high level players glitch in those maps and purposefully throw the treasure into the ocean so that no one can get it in Plunder matches. :|

Implement a kick function or something.

Although the kick option could have its bad effects by players voting to kick the "best" player...


Not sure what I think of these changes coming up. I guess I'll have to know what they actually are first. I like the multiplayer for the most part at the moment just fine. I'm dying for some new maps though. Also, hope we get some Drake's Fortune skins. Would love an Elena one plus some new villians to use like Eddie Raja and Navarro (though I realize some people have them or something like them already).


Rewrite said:
Before the grenade lag fixes, I'd rather have them fix the annoying idle players issue & The Fort glitches. I cannot believe high level players glitch in those maps and purposefully throw the treasure into the ocean so that no one can get it in Plunder matches. :|

Implement a kick function or something.

Although the kick option could have its bad effects by players voting to kick the "best" player...
Kick function is stupid as it would imbalance the teams since many would abuse it.


I didn't get to play during the Crushing weekend, but I'm optimistic about the balance changes. Obviously we all enjoy the game enough to have stuck with it this long so I trust ND's ability to keep the game well-balanced even after the tweaks.

As far as new content is concerned: More than new maps I'd like to see some new modes. There are plenty of new modes that could be experimented with even if they're ripped right from other games. A VIP/Hero mode could be a lot of fun (though granted it could also suck if the AFK problem isn't dealt with and one of them becomes VIP). PvPvE modes have already been suggested. How about a plunder variation of some kind? Something like Turf War where you get points for holding the treasure or a mode with 3 different treasures. They could each have different point values and weights to them or maybe they're all the same but need to be captured all at once. I'm sure ND can come up with some interesting new modes that don't require too much work to implement on their part.
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