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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Easystride said:
What's the census on the DLC, worth it? I'm tempted, but with so many games coming out, I'm unsure of how much I'll be playing this even though I love it.

i say its pretty worth it.

if you were a big fan of the first game, the new skins are a great throw back. the 2 new maps are huge and well designed. flooded ruins is probably the best looking map the multiplayer offers. facility is just well designed, over all. lots of places to hide but not camp.


Not as deep as he thinks
Easystride said:
What's the census on the DLC, worth it? I'm tempted, but with so many games coming out, I'm unsure of how much I'll be playing this even though I love it.
For me, it was worth it because I play Co-op arena most of the time and as much as I love the maps that were in the game, it was starting to get a little stale. Now with these new maps, I have to get accustomed to where the weapons are, where the enemies are going to appear, which makes it more exciting. I haven't played the new maps in Plunder or Deathmatch games though, so if you mostly play that then someone else should probably fill you in if they're fun or not. Co-op wise? They're perfect.


It's awesome how the DLC maps DON'T show up on the playlist, despite setting it to "DLC". I love paying money for shit i can't use.

Just fucking excellent.
jett said:
It's awesome how the DLC maps DON'T show up on the playlist, despite setting it to "DLC". I love paying money for shit i can't use.

Just fucking excellent.

Well they do.... they're mixed in. I guess you want a DLC only lobby? (No thanks)


Yeah I wish they came up more in DLC matchmaking, but I realize that this is for longterm when you won't want to be playing those two maps everytime. I've only tried the Ruins twice. Still need some practice at it, but I did get a streak on it the second time. Also, ran into the Hammer just sitting when running around. Didn't realize where it was before that.I've had some good matches on The Facility. I feel like I have the hang of it now. I like how it's quite vertical. Also, not sure if this is true, but it feels like the players in DLC matchmaking are better. Like since these people like the game enough to buy maps there average skill level is higher than normal matchmaking. I've been a bit more inconsistent against them even on old maps which is what makes me think this. Anyway, love the DLC so far. Nice job ND.


Just finished UC2. What a ride!
I felt like there were too many cliffhanger moments, just to be honest. Oh no, will he fall this time!? Of course not. Great game.

Now for some multiplayer. Is it a must that I have a headset, and furthermore, what headset does everyone recommend?


bish gets all the credit :)
If anyone wants to join a share group for the new maps ($1 per person), I'll set it up. I realize that $4 is not a ton of money, but paying for maps I probably won't see that often (*cough* KZ2) is not something I enjoy. PM if interested.


Olivero said:
Now for some multiplayer. Is it a must that I have a headset, and furthermore, what headset does everyone recommend?

You should have one if you're always going to play with the same people (GAF or people on your friends list). If you're going to play mostly with strangers I'd recommend not using a headset and muting everyone before every match.

The official Sony/PS3 headset is good but not really comfortable IMO.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Olivero said:
What in the world, it just took me like 5 minutes to connect online.
It syncs the game files when you connect online; it should connect faster from now on.


My favorite graphical moment in Among Thieves:
When it's raining and you're in the waist-high water in Shambhala
The new maps are pretty good. However, the spawn points in the Flooded Ruins are horrible if you are the Heroes. Just played a match of Plunder, 5 Heroes vs 3 Villains and the Villains were able to give us a run because they kept spawning right by our drop point.

The new damage models suck and it is my opinion that the online for this game is now pretty much garbage. While I can get away from people some of the time, in most cases if I am being shot at I am going to die. God forbid you actually go for the treasure anymore. The time it takes to start picking up the treasure and then cancel out of it is longer then it takes someone to kill you with any weapon. The FAL with DtI is pretty much a win button, situational awareness gives a huge advantage (which forces everyone else to use a booster slotjust to counter it, if they have it) and the sniper rifle is now the best weapon in the game at any range. Thanks to the heavy lock on in this game you can blind fire the sniper at close range for an instant kill and its firing speed makes it great at mid to long range as well.

Why didn't ND just throw a Crushing play list up? I really can't imagine that a large percentage of the community would want the game to play this way. I love the cat and mouse type gameplay (the gameplay that the sp seems built around) and just get more and more frustrated the more I have to look at a respawn screen. Most people aren't so good that they would fare any better (just look at the KDRs after matches) so why would they want this?

Well, ND got my money for the dlc and I will play it a bit this weekend but they have definitely turned me off completely. I will be looking to other places to spend my money in the future (concerning mp centric dlc anyway!).
HMm.. I have been occupied with other games, but see there are a couple of new maps. What's the general consensus on these maps? Not interested in paying money for skins at all, so just the maps for me..


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
DownLikeBCPowder said:
HMm.. I have been occupied with other games, but see there are a couple of new maps. What's the general consensus on these maps? Not interested in paying money for skins at all, so just the maps for me..
Maps are awesome, buy them right now!


Not as deep as he thinks
j-wood said:
Did everyone here really like emptying an entire clip into someone before they died?
You didn't have to empty the entire clip in order to kill someone before IF you aimed. However, since it took a little bit longer to kill someone prior to the patch, it allowed you to escape and climb places knowing you can technically make it on time. Now though, that is highly unlikely since you die a lot quicker. With these new maps (especially The Facility), there's a lot of places you can climb, but what's the point in attempting to climb up in the open when you're just going to get shot down in a matter of seconds? And forget about equipping the Invalid booster now. I equipped it in one Plunder match to see what it would be like and man, grenades that weren't even that far away from me killed me. :lol

Anyway, despite this I like the patch in co-op mode. I wasn't offended by the patch in Plunder matches since I was used to having half health due to always having the Invalid booster on me. The thing that gets to me though is that from the plunder matches that I've played, I'm like the only guy on my team that tries to get the treasure. lol


cory said:
My favorite graphical moment in Among Thieves:
When it's raining and you're in the waist-high water in Shambhala
Cool, but I was blown away in the part where
you awake in the village where you meet Tenzin. Seriously, that whole village was beautiful and the details were amazing.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
In the works…


Earlier this week, we blogged about how we are listening to the conversations in our player community about our recent Title Update 1.05. To close out the week we wanted to share some of the things we’ve been looking at and testing internally within UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer—all based on feedback from our community.

Just to be clear – these are some of the adjustments and refinements we’ve been talking about and we’ve been testing internally to date.

By no means does this mean any of this is guaranteed to happen.

And now the list…

Auto-shoulder switching
We’re thinking about removing this entirely and/or adding a toggle to your online profile.

Medals being obscured when you have been killed
If you happen to get medals right as you’re killed, the scoreboard comes up and you can’t see the medal and cash award. I think it’s safe to assume we’ll address this.

Limb damage
We’ve been testing out changing the hitboxes so that shots to the limb require require damage than torso hits or headshots to dispatch your opponent.

We’ve been looking at different adjustments to grenade damage and radius to see how those adjustments fare.

We’ve been playing around with balance adjustments to some boosters.

Glitches and exploits
This is a little bit of an on-going process, but addressing these are definitely things we’re working on and have been updating consistently over time.

When we’ve made more solid decisions regarding any adjustments or refinements to multiplayer, we’ll be sure to let you know in detail.​
j-wood said:
Did everyone here really like emptying an entire clip into someone before they died?
That's great, make a comment about how awesome you must be to be able to magically roll away from gunfire without dying and follow it up with something that proves you're living in fantasy-land.

j-wood said:
Did everyone here really like emptying an entire clip into someone before they died?

I have to echo the claim, i tell my roommate that who plays under my account all the time; the person clearly didnt die because the the aim was off. Certainly it should never take someone 3 shots with the Pistole to kill someone X_X


Thoughts on the different things that they're looking at:

Auto-shoulder switching: I think the best way to go is to make it an option. "Default over-the-shoulder camera: Left, Right, Auto."

Limb damage: I think this was the biggest problem with the patch for me personally. It greatly reduces the need to aim for center mass or a head shot. I don't really have too much of an issue with health reduction since it only takes one less bullet to center-mass to kill compared to pre-1.05.

Grenades: Most of the inconsistencies with grenade explosion radius I've assumed to be attributed to lag. The fuse/delay is the real issue in my opinion. It's annoying that someone can toss a grenade at their feet a split second before they die and you don't even have time to react because the fuse is so short. It's especially annoying when they're in the middle of an animation (reloading, melee or stun) and still manage to some how toss out a grenade even though I killed them before the animation was finished.

One thing I did notice when we were playing a Crushing private match last night is that it's not a very useful variation at this point. You go down so fast it's ridiculous (2 shots from the default pistol or one melee). The no boosters thing isn't a big deal because usually in GAF private games we play self-imposed no booster matches. It'd also be nice to be able to do elimination with the other variation types (pistols and grenades, sniper, etc.) rather than just Crushing.
Killthee said:
In the works…


Earlier this week, we blogged about how we are listening to the conversations in our player community about our recent Title Update 1.05. To close out the week we wanted to share some of the things we’ve been looking at and testing internally within UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer—all based on feedback from our community.

Just to be clear – these are some of the adjustments and refinements we’ve been talking about and we’ve been testing internally to date.

By no means does this mean any of this is guaranteed to happen.

And now the list…

Auto-shoulder switching
We’re thinking about removing this entirely and/or adding a toggle to your online profile.

Medals being obscured when you have been killed
If you happen to get medals right as you’re killed, the scoreboard comes up and you can’t see the medal and cash award. I think it’s safe to assume we’ll address this.

Limb damage
We’ve been testing out changing the hitboxes so that shots to the limb require require damage than torso hits or headshots to dispatch your opponent.

We’ve been looking at different adjustments to grenade damage and radius to see how those adjustments fare.

We’ve been playing around with balance adjustments to some boosters.

Glitches and exploits
This is a little bit of an on-going process, but addressing these are definitely things we’re working on and have been updating consistently over time.

When we’ve made more solid decisions regarding any adjustments or refinements to multiplayer, we’ll be sure to let you know in detail.​

Now they need to hurry that crap up!

I will say this, they new maps are pretty friggin awesome!


Basically, pre-1.05 you'd always aim down the same shoulder then you can hit R3 to switch. After 1.05 if you're close to a wall (or other obstacle) you automatically aim down the side opposite the wall. A lot of people are used to the old style so end up switching shoulders when they don't need to.

I personally haven't had any issue with it, but I seem to be in the minority.


So first time i've played in a long while. Had 3 updates to install. First game loads and now i'm stuck at a black screen, music looping, and 1.05.546 in the top right of the screen. what the?

edit: ugh...happened twice in a row....forces the ps3 to reboot itself. nice

final edit: finally got it working. just had to delete and reinstall the updates.


I have not used cocaine
Have a question about trophies. If i beat the game once on Hard...or whatever the second hardest is then i play through on Crushing but with the One Hit kill and infinite ammo bonuses, will that effect me getting the gold trophy for beating it on Crushing?


zombieshavebrains said:
Have a question about trophies. If i beat the game once on Hard...or whatever the second hardest is then i play through on Crushing but with the One Hit kill and infinite ammo bonuses, will that effect me getting the gold trophy for beating it on Crushing?

I believe you can only use cheats/tweaks for the highest difficulty level you've actually finished, so if you unlocked them on Hard, you can't use them during your Crushing run until you've finished the game once on that difficulty.


Incredibly Naive
j-wood said:
Did everyone here really like emptying an entire clip into someone before they died?

Why do people always say this? It took smoething like 10 shots or 6 to the head prior to the patch, if you can aim at all, it does NOT take an entire clip... hell it doesn't take half a clip.

edit- Liked the DLC maps rom what I played, gotta play a few rounds see if they'll grow on me.


Yeef said:
Thoughts on the different things that they're looking at:

Auto-shoulder switching: I think the best way to go is to make it an option. "Default over-the-shoulder camera: Left, Right, Auto."
My take on shoulder switching would be to just remember the last position of the camera when you let go of the aim. If you ended off with the camera on the left side the last time u aimed then the next time you aim it should still be on the left side. Worked well in Socom


I have not used cocaine
BeeDog said:
I believe you can only use cheats/tweaks for the highest difficulty level you've actually finished, so if you unlocked them on Hard, you can't use them during your Crushing run until you've finished the game once on that difficulty.

I was mainly asking if i used tweaks (infinite ammo, one hit kills, etc.) do i still get trophies like beating the game on crushing, XX kills with <insert weapon>, etc.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
i think im going to kidnap that dog at nd office[ pacco was the name] and force nd to undo all changes they made to health system


zombieshavebrains said:
I was mainly asking if i used tweaks (infinite ammo, one hit kills, etc.) do i still get trophies like beating the game on crushing, XX kills with <insert weapon>, etc.
You can't use tweaks in order to beat the game on crushing. However, tweaks don't stop other trophies from unlocking.


The limb damage adjustments sound like an awesome compromise for those that love and hate the new damage system.

Trust ND to make us all happy, what will you guys whinge about then?


I would bang a hot farmer!
CozMick said:
The limb damage adjustments sound like an awesome compromise for those that love and hate the new damage system.

Trust ND to make us all happy, what will you guys whinge about then?
Nothing, that's what!


Haven't touched the game for a month or two - downloaded all the new updates, and I gotta say - I can't really tell the difference in health, so I don't see what people are bitching about. It's very minor. Took me 3 clips with the FAL to kill someone not in the head, that seems fair to me.

Good job Naughty Dog. I'm a little irritated though that you can't earn the new trophies unless you buy the pack (is it the map pack?), but I understand that it was a smart business decision.

Keep your head up high Arne - you guys are doing a great job with the balancing and the new content. Really cool to gun down some Chimera :D
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