I'm really liking the new maps, plunder is always a blast however I agree. The disadvantage is huge.jett said:the ruins map is completely FUCKED for plunder. Villains have a massive advantage. Was the map designer drunk?
FFObsessed said:I'm trying to connect online for the first time in a while, downloaded and installed two patches and while connecting it "syncs LiveData" over and over then says "error syncing models"
WTF is this shit?
I deleted the 1.05 data to try again and now I have to download 5 patches again :lol
Facism said:Manchester United won the league cup, so the interent there is ruined with dirty mancs posting manu love videos on youtube.
JustHadToJoin said:i cant tell if you guys are joking or you really dislike each other
Irish said:Well, Scored, I'm sure I'm disliked by quite a few people, but I don't really quarrel with anyone with any seriousness. I do know that some people dislike others in our little group though.
So what is the amount of money required for level 50 anyway?CozMick said:I'm so damn close to 50,
$165,000 to go (should take ten deathmatch games)
It's such a damn shame I play this alone,
Finishing with 22 kills and losing the game is fucking annoying because the next guy on my team has 6 kills![]()
Chamber said:So what is the amount of money required for level 50 anyway?
Its true, its the way the system works. Can't add more achievements/trophies without including them in paid DLC.FFObsessed said:I was just playing co-op with Lince and Ryan and they tell me you need to pay for the DLC maps in order to get any of the trophies? Even tho the trophies have absolutely nothing to do with the DLC maps...
Is this definitely true? Because if it is, to me that is complete bullshit.
Chamber said:So what is the amount of money required for level 50 anyway?
Dedication Through Light said:So for people in like Europe, and other countries is the games currency still dollars?
FFObsessed said:As is the ridiculous auto-aim with the shotgun and pistole whenj really close. Just press R1 and get an autokill. I used it myself a lot and it was just ridiculous. I also got 1 shotted with a sniper from the hip which was annoying.
CozMick said:This has been drastically reduced in my opinion, because now the players ain't bullet sponges.
Running towards you with there Pistole is now suicide.
Irish said:I'll have some interesting pics up in a while that deal with the ranges of all explosives.
FFObsessed said:Well, it was bad when people used to just run and weave in between 3 guys pressing R1 and getting 3 kills with no aiming. I guess the instances in which that would occur would now be reduced but it could still happen. I'd personally rather they just reduced the auto-aim from shooting from the hip with those weapons and changed the grenades while keeping the health the same. But it's been changed now, I doubt they'll chage it back completely now, maybe they could compromise and have a health system half way between the two.
Probably won't be able to play that either.Somnium986 said:so PSN is down for everyone then?Just when i get the urge to play again too.
Oh well on to HEAVY RAIN!
FFObsessed said:When do you, kittonwy and everyone usually play? I'd like to join again. I'm guessing late? Might only be able to join weekends then.
OMG your right. WTF! no seriously WTF! since when can't you play an SP offline. ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......cory said:Probably won't be able to play that either.
LMAO! That what you get for being a douche.Irish said:Get owned, Som. (PSN is working for me...)
EDIT: I logged out and can't get back in now...![]()
Thrakier said:Buy DLC, play with me, forget the other guys, kthxbye.
I hope you don't lose your Charted! trophy, if you finished it before 7pm EST and synced with PSN, you're good, but if after that, you might have lost it if you don't have a Slim.Tucah said:Just beat the single player for the first time. What an incredible ride, easily one of the best games I've played in a long time. Now time to dive into multi.
Irish said:Get owned, Som. (PSN is working for me...)
EDIT: I logged out and can't get back in now...![]()
You don't know the half of it.http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=388872Kittonwy said:What's wrong with PSN is it broken.![]()
cory said:I hope you don't lose your Charted! trophy, if you finished it before 7pm EST and synced with PSN, you're good, but if after that, you might have lost it if you don't have a Slim.
Yeah Slims don't seem to be affected.Tucah said:It was after 7pm, but I have a Slim so I should be fine?
Kittonwy said:What's wrong with PSN? Is it Broken?![]()