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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Maps are great... I ran into a glitch in one of them though it looked like the sun was changing positions or something. Maybe they are adding day/night cycles? :O
Also am I imagining this or is it raining/not raining sometimes in that new ruin stage?


I just experienced my first trash talking game on U2. I found it all rather hilarious. :lol

jett said:
the ruins map is completely FUCKED for plunder. Villains have a massive advantage. Was the map designer drunk?
I'm really liking the new maps, plunder is always a blast however I agree. The disadvantage is huge.

I'm still in two minds on how I feel about the one hit kill sniper rifle. A sick twisted part of me loves it but the Village level can turn in to a royal pain when you get two fairly decent people getting you from afar.


I'm trying to connect online for the first time in a while, downloaded and installed two patches and while connecting it "syncs LiveData" over and over then says "error syncing models"

WTF is this shit?

I deleted the 1.05 data to try again and now I have to download 5 patches again :lol



Gold Member
FFObsessed said:
I'm trying to connect online for the first time in a while, downloaded and installed two patches and while connecting it "syncs LiveData" over and over then says "error syncing models"

WTF is this shit?

I deleted the 1.05 data to try again and now I have to download 5 patches again :lol


Manchester United won the league cup, so the interent there is ruined with dirty mancs posting manu love videos on youtube.


Facism said:
Manchester United won the league cup, so the interent there is ruined with dirty mancs posting manu love videos on youtube.

LOL well, guilty as charged!

Well, deleting all the patches and redownloading/installing them has worked. Thank god! I like how as soon as I connect a message pops up saying I havn't bought the map pack and do I want to go to the store and buy it? It just took me about an hour to connect so I can play with Lince/Viper so no, go to hell! :lol


You guys need to change your hours up so you can play with the greats. :p Hell, I sometimes stay up until 6, so if you do that as well, I'll catch you for at least two hours. Then, you can get up at ten and play some more with me. :p

(Seriously, don't play with Som, Vs, or Ryan. Losers, the lot of them.)


JustHadToJoin said:
i cant tell if you guys are joking or you really dislike each other

Well, Scored, I'm sure I'm disliked by quite a few people, but I don't really quarrel with anyone with any seriousness. I do know that some people dislike others in our little group though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Irish said:
Well, Scored, I'm sure I'm disliked by quite a few people, but I don't really quarrel with anyone with any seriousness. I do know that some people dislike others in our little group though.



I was just playing co-op with Lince and Ryan and they tell me you need to pay for the DLC maps in order to get any of the trophies? Even tho the trophies have absolutely nothing to do with the DLC maps...

Is this definitely true? Because if it is, to me that is complete bullshit.


love on your sleeve
CozMick said:
I'm so damn close to 50,

$165,000 to go (should take ten deathmatch games)

It's such a damn shame I play this alone,

Finishing with 22 kills and losing the game is fucking annoying because the next guy on my team has 6 kills :(
So what is the amount of money required for level 50 anyway?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
FFObsessed said:
I was just playing co-op with Lince and Ryan and they tell me you need to pay for the DLC maps in order to get any of the trophies? Even tho the trophies have absolutely nothing to do with the DLC maps...

Is this definitely true? Because if it is, to me that is complete bullshit.
Its true, its the way the system works. Can't add more achievements/trophies without including them in paid DLC.

Chamber said:
So what is the amount of money required for level 50 anyway?


I like how my first competitive game is with a bunch of redneck assholes calling me a "n*****" the whole game. PSNs were Slimrod, Fr3shTilDe4th9, twich9. Thank you mute option.

The new health system, I didn't notice too much of a change initially but became quite significant during a few shootouts. Killing was far too easy at times if you got the jump on someone, lack the intensity of the previous damage system as you could counter with some acrobatics and such. Also it was a plunder game and the other team would just put the treasure near their base and camp it. Luckily they were pretty terrible and failed miserably at it. I can only imagine getting camped by a good team, the "farming" during Plunder games has always been bad and now it'll just be worse I imagine.

I didn't really have an issue with damage before, surprised they've made such a drastic change months after launch. Doesn't make sense really, has anyone else ever done this before?

My main issue with Uncharted 2 multiplayer and which went a long way to stopping me playing it was the cheap bullshit grenades. I hate how you can just shit one out just before you die and you can't dive out of the way fast enough. It was so cheap and annoying. Still an issue for me. As is the ridiculous auto-aim with the shotgun and pistole when really close. Just press R1 and get an autokill. I used it myself a lot and it was just ridiculous. I also got 1 shotted with a sniper from the hip which was annoying.


FFObsessed said:
As is the ridiculous auto-aim with the shotgun and pistole whenj really close. Just press R1 and get an autokill. I used it myself a lot and it was just ridiculous. I also got 1 shotted with a sniper from the hip which was annoying.

This has been drastically reduced in my opinion, because now the players ain't bullet sponges.

Running towards you with there Pistole is now suicide.


CozMick said:
This has been drastically reduced in my opinion, because now the players ain't bullet sponges.

Running towards you with there Pistole is now suicide.

Well, it was bad when people used to just run and weave in between 3 guys pressing R1 and getting 3 kills with no aiming. I guess the instances in which that would occur would now be reduced but it could still happen. I'd personally rather they just reduced the auto-aim from shooting from the hip with those weapons and changed the grenades while keeping the health the same. But it's been changed now, I doubt they'll chage it back completely now, maybe they could compromise and have a health system half way between the two.


Irish said:
I'll have some interesting pics up in a while that deal with the ranges of all explosives.

When do you, kittonwy and everyone usually play? I'd like to join again. I'm guessing late? Might only be able to join weekends then.


I generally start at 10:00 pm EST, which I believe is 4:00 am for you. Others get on a couple hours earlier than me though.

Here's that explosiony stuff I was talking about:


What this little circle represents is the explosive range for your BBQs (inner-3 square cross), grenades, RPGs, and grenade launcher. (6-square cross) Now, the stun range on grenades, BBQs, and RPGs are exactly one square outside of their respective crosses. The grenade launcher has a slightly bigger stun radius. The same principles apply to heights as well. (6 squares above a grenade and you will die.) Yes, I do suck at explaining this. (It's really RyanardoDaVinci's work.)

Here's something else we discovered involving shields: They're basically impenetrable when you stand still. You can take grenades, BBQs, RPGs, and GL rounds without even flinching. A grenade, BBQ, and Car combo is a little more dangerous, but you should still survive, as evidenced by this:




I'm gonna try to get to blue(lvl 10) right now, hopefully I won't get any PSN disconnects (lousy dorm room connection).
I've never played with anyone on PSN, or any other online games really.
EDIT: PSN seems to be down for a lot of people, I guess I'll just continue with KZ2 SP.


FFObsessed said:
Well, it was bad when people used to just run and weave in between 3 guys pressing R1 and getting 3 kills with no aiming. I guess the instances in which that would occur would now be reduced but it could still happen. I'd personally rather they just reduced the auto-aim from shooting from the hip with those weapons and changed the grenades while keeping the health the same. But it's been changed now, I doubt they'll chage it back completely now, maybe they could compromise and have a health system half way between the two.

They're working on an update that changes the damage you take from limbs

Making the chest/head the more effective shot.

Irish, that last screenshot is all kinds of awesome, Eddy Raja 4 life!


FFObsessed said:
When do you, kittonwy and everyone usually play? I'd like to join again. I'm guessing late? Might only be able to join weekends then.

Buy DLC, play with me, forget the other guys, kthxbye.


Thrakier said:
Buy DLC, play with me, forget the other guys, kthxbye.

ok ok you win. I'll buy the goddamn DLC, *sigh* I always regret buying map packs. At least I'll be able to get some of those damn trophies.

I still want that Helghast but there's no way I'm paying £4 for that.


The one thing that pisses me off is that everytime I go online, I get a "GO BUY THE MAP PACK" message.

Don't want to buy the map pack.


you speak so well
Just beat the single player for the first time. What an incredible ride, easily one of the best games I've played in a long time. Now time to dive into multi.


Tucah said:
Just beat the single player for the first time. What an incredible ride, easily one of the best games I've played in a long time. Now time to dive into multi.
I hope you don't lose your Charted! trophy, if you finished it before 7pm EST and synced with PSN, you're good, but if after that, you might have lost it if you don't have a Slim.


I hope Sony fixes whatever they tucked up quick so I can get back to getting shot in the back 3 seconds after I spawn in this dumb game.

I blame Broken for the global PS3 meltdown. He was glitching in Bioshock 2 mp when it happened. Coincidence? I think not.


you speak so well
cory said:
I hope you don't lose your Charted! trophy, if you finished it before 7pm EST and synced with PSN, you're good, but if after that, you might have lost it if you don't have a Slim.

It was after 7pm, but I have a Slim so I should be fine?


I was gonna go to sleep but can't so thought I'd play a few games. Had a handful of games. Some were great some were awful. Depends on the map really. The games on the Village map were great, very intense. It's a "flat" map mostly with a lot of cover and the game was much more of a cover shooter than a run and gun blindfire shotgun shooter. But then you play on a map with a lot of verticality like The Lost City, and it's absolutely terrible. It's made worse by just how poor the spawn system is at times, a guy spawns nearby and you're dead before you can roll out of cover, the verticality and platforming (which is what sets U2 apart from other cover based shooter) become useless as you're killed so quickly if spotted. You can tell the maps just weren't designed for this type of damage system and it just doesn't work with some of the maps. You do get a lot of campers who get to the high ground and just stay there picking people off with ease. I didn't run around like a headless chicken before but I did like to move all over the map and climb up everything, that was a major part of the fun, try that now and you get killed straight away. There's also been a few times where I'd spawn, walk forward a few steps and get shot in the side and killed straight away with no chance of any defence.

It also unbalances some weapons. Getting killed instantly across the map by a FAL is annoying to say the least. The sniper being a one hit kill, if you're getting some lag in a game, you see the bullet fly miles past you yet you still die instantly. I still hate the grenades, I actually snuck up behind someone and choked him, as I was choking him he dropped a grenade which blew up instantly and killed me WTF. He didn't even have that booster on where you drop one when you die.

I just don't understand why they wouldn't add a "hardcore mode" and have this health system along with no boosters. Changing something as large as the damage model across the whole game months after release just seems crazy. Still, I enjoy the game and playing in GAF parties is always fun.

Oh, I appreciate most of this has probably been gone over numerous times but I'm LTTP in regards the patch.
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