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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I have not used cocaine
VsRobot said:
You can't use tweaks in order to beat the game on crushing. However, tweaks don't stop other trophies from unlocking.

Thanks. So really there isn't much point in spending money on Single-Player bonuses when you could save them for Multiplayer.


All I really need to right now is the god damn glitches to be fixed.
Playing Sniper rifles and Pistoles on Ice Cave when some asshat is one hit killing everyone through the map is anything but fun.


Danielsan said:
All I really need to right now is the god damn glitches to be fixed.
Playing Sniper rifles and Pistoles on Ice Cave when some asshat is one hit killing everyone through the map is anything but fun.

Just had a similar game on Fort, a fuckin idiot glitched with a fal, got 60/9.

I aint no expert but fixing a hole in the geometry was piece of piss using the Source Engine (made a few maps over the years), surely it's the same for this engine?

If not, just remove the map from rotation until its sorted.


I'm not sure if I like Flooded Ruins, it feels off, like someone else said the hero spawn points seem unfair. Beautiful map, though.
The Facility is great.
Next MP pack should definitely include zombies, snow monsters, and guardians.


zombieshavebrains said:
Thanks. So really there isn't much point in spending money on Single-Player bonuses when you could save them for Multiplayer.

Money is mostly a non-issue in multiplayer due to the expensive stuff going up for purchase when each level is +200k. Might as well just buy everything.


DigiMish said:
Haven't touched the game for a month or two - downloaded all the new updates, and I gotta say - I can't really tell the difference in health, so I don't see what people are bitching about. It's very minor. Took me 3 clips with the FAL to kill someone not in the head, that seems fair to me.
3 Clips? I'm going to assume you meant 3 bursts otherwise your aim is AWFUL. Anyway, it only takes 2 bursts (or 1.67 technically) if your aim is true.

Good job Naughty Dog. I'm a little irritated though that you can't earn the new trophies unless you buy the pack (is it the map pack?), but I understand that it was a smart business decision.
I don't think it has anything to do with business. Sony, just like Microsoft, seems to allow only a set number of 'points' for on disc trophies and then a set number for downloadable games/DLC. I don't think Sony would have let them simply add more trophies for the hell of it if there were no DLC.


Just managed to swipe the "Made It" trophy.

I had a blast getting that one. I doubt I will ever get the Gold Rush trophy however. Overall the new maps are great and I love playing on them.

Most of my friends have gone off Uncharted 2 so trying to get Co-op objective on the hard difficulty is proving to be difficult, I never get host and I'm forced to play on Easy or Normal 9 times out of 10. =/

Oh, Eddy Raja rocks! :D
I was a hair late to the Uncharted 2 party but lucky for me the party is still going. Uncharted 2 is a PHENOMENAL game, and easily the best looking console game to date. What I got out of the single player campaign alone is worth the $60 which is good because I am not enjoying the multiplayer.

I can't pinpoint specifically what turns me off to the mp but it centers around controls and to an extent the physics surrounding those controls.

Everything feels extremely slow and sluggish around you while everything else moves at a quicker rate. I notice it a lot when I roll or pick up objects. Im not sure but I imagine part of the problem is lag.

Im not throwing in the towel yet as I just bought the new dlc, but boy is this frustrating.


Yeef said:
3 Clips? I'm going to assume you meant 3 bursts otherwise your aim is AWFUL. Anyway, it only takes 2 bursts (or 1.67 technically) if your aim is true.

Yea, I meant 3 bursts... 3 clips lol that is horrible. So you say it takes 2 - I should test it out in cinema mode or something. Oh, but I also don't like how the medals pop up COD style in the center - there's even a new BANG! sound as they pop up mimicking COD. The top right corner was better I thought.



They still show up in the top right corner for me?

I got a medal for "That was embarrassing..." what did I do to get it?


jett said:
the ruins map is completely FUCKED for plunder. Villains have a massive advantage. Was the map designer drunk?

so that's what happened to that bottle of bourbon we had the studio...

i'll be sure to forward your feedback.
After playing with the changes I actually don't mind them. It fixes 2 of my most hated things.

1. The fact that a guy with a shotgun could catch up to you while you unload a clip into him and he kills you in one shot.

2. Both players killing each other in a melee even when you attack much earlier.

Although the AK becomes a lot crappier at long range now that you die much easier and can't be standing around firing an entire clip.


Incredibly Naive
SuperSonic1305 said:
After playing with the changes I actually don't mind them. It fixes 2 of my most hated things.

1. The fact that a guy with a shotgun could catch up to you while you unload a clip into him and he kills you in one shot.

2. Both players killing each other in a melee even when you attack much earlier.

Although the AK becomes a lot crappier at long range now that you die much easier and can't be standing around firing an entire clip.

What's with people saying loading clips into them? It only took 10 shots, you must have TERRIBLE aim if it took full clips.


The new DLC maps are great...BUT not enough players. That's a shame. I basically have to play hilarious deathmatch variants all the time because plunder etc. only needs too much time to find a game. It's the same for KZ2, wanted to play some of the DLC maps this evening and I didn't find ONE GAME with the DLC maps running. Not ONE. Why did I buy them again? It also was a problem with warhawk back then...

I don't know if I'll buy further DLC, you just don't get to play it enough to justify the price... (even if the price by itself is fair, which it is for UC2).


Thrakier said:
The new DLC maps are great...BUT not enough players. That's a shame. I basically have to play hilarious deathmatch variants all the time because plunder etc. only needs too much time to find a game. It's the same for KZ2, wanted to play some of the DLC maps this evening and I didn't find ONE GAME with the DLC maps running. Not ONE. Why did I buy them again? It also was a problem with warhawk back then...

I don't know if I'll buy further DLC, you just don't get to play it enough to justify the price... (even if the price by itself is fair, which it is for UC2).

This if the first time I buy multiplayer DLC, and probably will be the last one. Nothing against ND or their maps, but I'd rather pay for DLC I can use any time I want.
That was a good game vsrobot...though I don't remember who won. :lol

Can't believe we ran into each other right after I left the GAF chat.

I'm WrenchNinja btw


Not as deep as he thinks
I haven't had a problem playing with people with the new maps since my specialty is co-op arena! I pick up players so quickly. You guys should play those modes more often.
The new maps are pretty awesome.

SuperSonic1305 said:
2. Both players killing each other in a melee even when you attack much earlier.
This still happens to me ALL THE TIME.

The game is still fun, but i enjoyed it waaaaaaaaaaaay more with the original health. What made the multiplayer so unique was the platforming elements. I loved hanging off cliffs and shooting with the pistol and trying to find a great place to pull down people. It isn't advantageous to play like that anymore. You die so damn quickly if you're caught. I have had to completely change the way i play and it makes it kinda frustrating. I loved this multiplayer so much because of epic duels you could have, by flanking or escaping by a hair. Dying basically instantly before you can duck around a corner is the total antithesis of what this game should be, given the tools the player has.

I really hope the limb damage and a few more tweaks find a better middleground between the current and pre-patch systems.
Oh my goose. I have never seen a person glitch before, or have had any trouble with anyone glitching, but my goodness it's getting out of hand now since I'm starting to see it. The first time I saw it was recently, in The Fort. There was somebody just hanging and shooting from inside of the map. That's not all, there was glitching going on in The Flooded Ruins. In a new map! It was hilarious just seeing a Drake character act like Jesus or something walking in mid air in the dome. Really, though, I don't see why people do this. Anyways, I'm still loving the new maps. I've been getting some trophies too. Got the Hardcore trophy, and the Survival and Gold Rush trophies. I love me some trophies. :)


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
at first i thought floooded ruins is a better map of dlc but after couple of matches i think the other one is better designed


Crewnh said:
That was a good game vsrobot...though I don't remember who won. :lol

Can't believe we ran into each other right after I left the GAF chat.

I'm WrenchNinja btw
Just stay in the chat, spots open all the time.

Sorry to the guys I played with tonight - the cold mdicine I toonk really fucked me up bad. I've never been drunk in my life, I can't handle this shit. Feel so loopy.


Note to ND,

An optimal match is not 4 Spaniards and 5 Japanese players when you're from the UK.

Every damn game is a lag fest, not enjoyable at all.


good games yesterday GAF, the new maps are quite good. I really need some time to adjust, specially since the game plays so different now and I haven't played U2 in a while (too much KZ2 and MAG). I see most of you take the game seriously and analyze the maps, weapons, animations and priorities etc, respect +1.

CozMick said:
Note to ND,

An optimal match is not 4 Spaniards and 5 Japanese players when you're from the UK.

Every damn game is a lag fest, not enjoyable at all.

well, when the server population is low you have to play with whoever is there, un/fortunately most of your fellow Brits are playing MW2.


Played against a couple of Naughty Dogs last night and I think I realized why they changed the gameplay up a bit.

Before, I never saw a ND guy go positive, but now they seem to "own". Self-serving patch much? :p

Actually, we lost to old Mojo in an RPG match in which we were talking about stuff other than the game. We never do well when that happens. I also blame AJ.

CozMick said:
Note to ND,

An optimal match is not 4 Spaniards and 5 Japanese players when you're from the UK.

Every damn game is a lag fest, not enjoyable at all.

You don't deserve a good match. :p


so which DLC do i buy? I'm just now getting into UC2 again and now there are 4 DLC packs for it???? decisions...decisions...decisions....


Holy hell, Vs, now I feel guilty for ever having said anything bad about you. I just looked at your stats page. :(

I also discovered that a bunch of people on my Friend's list are a bunch of damn cheaters. (Really, you're using THAT? :(

Sons, I am disappoint.


timkunedo said:
so which DLC do i buy? I'm just now getting into UC2 again and now there are 4 DLC packs for it???? decisions...decisions...decisions....

Just worry about getting the map pack unless you want all of the skins.
Lince said:
well, when the server population is low you have to play with whoever is there, un/fortunately most of your fellow Brits are playing MW2.
Another reason why splitting an already small community with DLC maps is fucking stupid.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
BeeDog said:
Seriously. I am extremely surprised at how they've managed to make such a large MULTIPLAYER level look so incredibly awesome.

Such statements require photo mode evidence! (Yes, I've seen the screenshots already posted, but that doesn't preclude the need for more!)


The thing I hate most about the patch is the fact that they changed shit months after the poll. Most of those people probably left. :( You can't go around changing stuff this late in the game. Save that stuff for the sequel. :(


jett said:
This if the first time I buy multiplayer DLC, and probably will be the last one. Nothing against ND or their maps, but I'd rather pay for DLC I can use any time I want.
I must be lucky because I've had no problems finding DLC match ups of any type.

Here's a question though, with the current setup how will they handle selecting more than one DLC pack? What happens if they release another one? Is there going to be a 'DLC2' Matchmaking option.


I'm so damn close to 50,

$165,000 to go (should take ten deathmatch games)

It's such a damn shame I play this alone,

Finishing with 22 kills and losing the game is fucking annoying because the next guy on my team has 6 kills :(
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