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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Irish said:
That would make me PSN then, right?

It's all ur fault.


Some Zeliard Dude is also using that Dead Man avatar. I always think he's you. It's rather annoying.

Alt accounts are bannable!
Yeef said:
Some Zeliard Dude is also using that Dead Man avatar. I always think he's you. It's rather annoying.

Alt accounts are bannable!
:lol I was going through the HEAVY RAIN thread and saw the avatar without the dead man text. Thought he just changed it up a bit. Was thinking"What the.... oath doesn't even have HEAVY RAIN, yet he's saying he finished it."o_O


Kittonwy said:
I can't see my trophies anymore.

me too. I was playing single player tonight and found my 60th treasure, but the trophy didn't unlock. when I went to check my trophies, U2 doesn't even show up on the list.


cory said:
I hope you don't lose your Charted! trophy, if you finished it before 7pm EST and synced with PSN, you're good, but if after that, you might have lost it if you don't have a Slim.
Oh shit, got the "I Told You I Was Hardcore!" trophy last night just before midnight, turned off the PS3 without syncing and went too bed :( I know the consequences are still unclear, but there's a good chance that trophy is forever borked, no? I mean, the game will think it's already been awarded, while Sony's server won't have a trace of it...
I finally beat it :D

Love, love loved this game. So awesome. Nice ending too.

I enjoyed the bloody hell out of this game. I can't wait for U3 now. I played U1 and 2 back
to back so this wait is going to be excruciating. Fuck.

I died so many times trying to enjoy the vistas, heh.

I wonder what will be the supernatural creature for the next game is gonna be..
I ended up just stopped playing, the people were just too vastly good last night. There was this one group ( I was doing DLC only) and it was 5 of them in a party. Whenever one of them ended up on my team in a 4 v 4 match, they would always shoot at me and give away my position. Completely unfair.

(if youre wondering Im one of the old PS3 users). My trophies for the game are all still there, whatever was there since I last syncced two days ago.


crispyben said:
Oh shit, got the "I Told You I Was Hardcore!" trophy last night just before midnight, turned off the PS3 without syncing and went too bed :( I know the consequences are still unclear, but there's a good chance that trophy is forever borked, no? I mean, the game will think it's already been awarded, while Sony's server won't have a trace of it...

How does the game keep track of which trophies you've earned? I'm hoping we can just delete our local saved data, if it becomes necessary.

AFAICT, though, you only risk losing local trophy list for a game if you launch it, so as long as we don't play U2 until this issue has been fixed, we can probably sync our Hardcore trophy just fine later on.


Wowbagger said:
How does the game keep track of which trophies you've earned? I'm hoping we can just delete our local saved data, if it becomes necessary.
I've never read anything about that. I know you can't erase trophies from your PS3, but to be able to trigger missing ones by erasing game data or game save...

Wowbagger said:
AFAICT, though, you only risk losing local trophy list for a game if you launch it, so as long as we don't play U2 until this issue has been fixed, we can probably sync our Hardcore trophy just fine later on.
I hope you're right, but in the meantime, I guess I'll stay away from trophies altogether. Better, I'll go to the movies :D I'll still check my serial, since all consoles after and including CECHL seem to be fine somehow.


effingvic said:
I finally beat it :D

Love, love loved this game. So awesome. Nice ending too.

I enjoyed the bloody hell out of this game. I can't wait for U3 now. I played U1 and 2 back
to back so this wait is going to be excruciating. Fuck.

I died so many times trying to enjoy the vistas, heh.

I wonder what will be the supernatural creature for the next game is gonna be..
Well I would not call them supernatural though, more like high on juice.
alr1ghtstart said:
so, how many players is the game reporting?

Wow I just exited the game, I was still having full matches and such (playing on old PS3). I just realized that UC2 tweeted that I had 6.7 million $ earned and 25 trophys earned in the past 0 Days X_X


Rolling is super effective now, but I'm tired of sticking to cover while I'm trying to roll. Maybe they should have gone with an analogue solution or whatever.


My trophy for completing the coop maps on hard is gone (I unlocked it shortly before Apocalyps3). The thing is my stats page says I got it (3/3) but it isn't anywhere to be found in the XMB, I tried everything from deleting the data after backing it up to playing coop again but no dice. I know this isn't ND fault but... Arne? help? :(

edit: I guess if someone at ND could wipe that particular data from my server-side stats it would help, seems I can't delete that myself.
I'm not going to be playing this game for a while. Throughout the day, it has been lagging, and once it froze on me. Then, the last two rounds were something else. In the second to last one there was this dude who kept complaining about me, but I just ignored him, cause I knew I was doing nothing wrong. Then, the last round, I quit out of. It was saying I was throwing a grenade and killing someone when I didn't. The dude on the headset was saying I was running around cheating and glitching, when I wasn't. :/

Took some pictures of the exact moment this happened...

Me by the Heroes spawn point

Another dude at the top middle of the map

I masked everyone else's name that was in the match to protect their privacy. As you can see, the dude was far away when it said I killed him with a grenade. I don't glitch or cheat, and I don't want people thinking I am. So, because of this, I'm not going to play this until a patch is put out for this game. I really, really, hope the glitch fixes are in the next patch, and I hope the next patch comes soon.


I am unable to evolve with this game. I am not a good twitch gamer.

Before 1.05, I felt I was a "high-level" player, and I'm not referring to the number next to my name. My hard-won knowledge of the maps (200+ mp hours) meant flanking, taking cover, and always having an exit plan was as second-nature to me as breathing. I have never been "good" at an online game before, although to be fair my resume includes only SF4, Burnout Paradise, a few matches in Gears 2 and about 15 hours in COD4. Anyway, even using Invalid I never felt like I was holding my team back.

The game has changed fundamentally. The patch has had time to settle and it seems to me that now high-level play is all about twitch skill and much less about strategy. Tonight's low player count meant we were getting matched with a ton of people with less than optimal connections meant lag was a constant issue, which only makes that more obvious. I had one game of Plunder where there were some people I just could not kill no matter what. I was dying from grenades I never saw an animation or indicator for, and from a single burst of the FAL. Every time I got a bead on someone they would just shimmy back and forth while repeatedly hitting me with FAL bursts. Even with DTI/M4 and shooting first I would still die.

So what is high level play now? Situational Awareness, a FAL, and a room with a single point of entry. DTI/FF and jostling back and forth to make yourself a poor target. Finding high ground overlooking a spawn point. Host advantage. Always staying on the edge of the map.

My active style of play means I'm constantly at the mercy of players who go to one spot on the map and stay there.

I'm a fucking anchor on my team and I used to feel like I was integral to our success. All I'm good for is killing myself over and over trying to move the treasure a foot or hold some Turf for a few seconds.


lastinline said:
I masked everyone else's name that was in the match to protect their privacy. As you can see, the dude was far away when it said I killed him with a grenade. I don't glitch or cheat, and I don't want people thinking I am. So, because of this, I'm not going to play this until a patch is put out for this game. I really, really, hope the glitch fixes are in the next patch, and I hope the next patch comes soon.

There's some kind of weird glitch where people will spawn and then immediately die from a phantom grenade.

My question is, why the hell didn't you mute him? You should ALWAYS mute the opposing team, especially if getting called a cheater bothers you.


One more, for Arne/Sony/NDI/whoever:

Ban the tag NAZ!. Seriously, these scum don't deserve to live, much less have a fancy clan tag to promote their message of hate.


I brought the maps you can tell they were designed around the old health system.
You can’t go into any of the open or elevated areas which are plentiful without getting killed before you even realize you are being shot. Doesn’t help the maps are a campers paradise with all the obscure cover placed around the levels. They NEVER would have played this bad before the crushing health patch because camping was super ineffective with that system. The skins were held back from the original release also which is BS. It would not surprise me if it was the same for the maps too, it would explain why the base game only had only seven maps.

DLC implementation is terrible; it is really hard to find a game on the new maps. Splitting the player pool between four versions of the same gameplay mode playlist is ridiculous.

Anyway it’s all pointless as the online for the game really is screwed, Naughty Dog is never going to fix it or make it as fun as it used to be. The only thing they might address is the limb health issue though they don’t even guarantee that. No mention of fixing the LOL 1 SHOT sniper, camping and increased lag all caused by the consequences of the crushing health patch. Even boosting the health somewhere in between the old and new system would be a nice compromise but it’s never going to happen.

Also they say they are looking at balancing boosters, don’t see how that would make the game any better at all. If they reduced the accuracy of DTI or shooting in general you turn it into a game of luck. Most of the other boosters are fine are fine as is. They talk about changing grenade damage and radious but cant get it through their heads THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Its people spamming a nade at their own feet a millisecond before death taking an opponent with them who doesnt deserve to die. All this proposed change would do is make grenades useless being thrown at long range and still effective in close range the exact opposite of the fix that is needed.

Though the story game speaks for itself as a fantastic game Naughty Dog has to be one of the worst online developers this generation in regards to balance and listening to the community.

Naughty Dog lacks transperancy when it comes to patch information all we get is vague comments about what has been changed while other console devs release complete change logs for the community.

Are there any other examples of a developer ruining an online game this much through design/balance changes this generation? I don’t think anyone has screwed up this bad by implementing such bizarre changes that go against everything players love about Uncharted and what makes it unique.

Its clear Naughty Dog hasn’t got a clue how they want this game to play.
The health balances suggest they want i to play like a twitch tactical shooter like rainbox six or call of duty.

The map design simply doesnt match with this decision as its clearly designed around the game we were all playing and loved before the crushing health was introduced.


VsRobot said:
I am unable to evolve with this game. I am not a good twitch gamer.
I'm with you, though I never was much of an asset for my team when playing with GAF. But now, whatever little understanding of the game I had wrangled has disappeared, replaced by bewilderment and sighs and swears. I'm definitely having less fun, which is a shame since UC2 MP was the rare game where n00bs like me could enjoy themselves among the more hardcore. I respect ND's and Arne's stances, though, but regret their consequences for me (and others it seems).

Oh, and W0W, I got my trophy alright. You?
VsRobot said:
My question is, why the hell didn't you mute him? You should ALWAYS mute the opposing team, especially if getting called a cheater bothers you.
Cause I thought the game was making me glitch when I wasn't glitching at all. I usually mute people, but when I heard him say that I was doing wrong I left cause I didn't want people thinking I was a glitcher. So, yeah, thanks for telling me about the phantom grenade stuff. I think I'll continue playing tomorrow then.


Darkatomz said:
Of all of the things since the patch, you're gonna complain about DTI?? Oh well, at least you're not pooping yourself dry like web01 is...

I'm fine with the health with respect to pistol and AK damage, sniper and FAL should probably be toned down a wee bit. DTI makes bullets curve around just a bit too much.


Not as deep as he thinks
I am fucking DONE playing Plunder matches. omfg. This shit is so fucking broken and it's not even fun anymore. Every single god damn match I played today were awful. People camping in every single damn match and don't even get me started on the bullshit Sniper Rifle. That weapon wasn't even used that much in plunder matches, but now everyone tries to go after it since it's such an easy cheap kill. Ugh. I am so mad right now that I'm just going to avoid playing any other modes besides co-op so that I don't get frustrated.


Well said by a few guys on this page, I pretty much feel the same way. . .even though I bought the DLC pack as soon as it released, besides a couple games with GAF guys I haven't even really touched the game at all since the patch or the new maps, I'd say maybe 5 hours top. . .and what VsRobot said was entirely true. . .I don't know what 'top level' play is anymore, and Plunder games are just ridiculous. What used to be one of my favourite modes now turns into 20 minute grind sessions with no end result that I find myself hating to play. I rush in to pickup the treasure first and get the medal, then I'm done with it. . .And the sniper rifle. . .my goodness. . .

If it wasn't for the hope of ND doing something to fix it I'm seriously tempted to sell my Limited Edition for BFBC2 or something. . .


Rewrite said:
I am fucking DONE playing Plunder matches. omfg. This shit is so fucking broken and it's not even fun anymore. Every single god damn match I played today were awful. People camping in every single damn match and don't even get me started on the bullshit Sniper Rifle. That weapon wasn't even used that much in plunder matches, but now everyone tries to go after it since it's such an easy cheap kill. Ugh. I am so mad right now that I'm just going to avoid playing any other modes besides co-op so that I don't get frustrated.

I actually enjoy playing the Temple map because of this.

The Sniper rifle is hands down the most unbalanced powerful weapon in U2 MP. While the RPG is lethal you only get 2 rounds (without the booster) which balances it out. The Hammer while also powerful takes two shots to take someone down which depletes the ammo rather quickly. As for the Sniper Rifle the one hit kill which is easily achieved without even needing to zoom in is a bit too far in the power range in my book, not to mention you get 6 bullets to play with.


I agree, don't know if it's the latest patch or the MW2 mentality, but the game is now full of campers and the pace of the game has changed/slowed down drastically. I'd say remove Situational Awareness and Down the Irons from the game, tweak the damage model again and fix the map glitches. Uncharted 2 climbing and cover mechanics (acrobatics) deserve more attention since they were the most fun in the game, now you're dead as soon as spotted and constantly afraid of climbing some wall.


Just a quick FYI, I have my matchmaking preference set to DLC and I use the playlist "all competitive modes."

I have had zero problem getting to play the new maps quite often, and on all game modes (plunder, elimination, king of the hill, ect), and the matching making itself is pretty fast as well.

For those who can't seem to get the new maps, use this playlist. Seems to be what most people are using.
Thanks to this patch my KD is always >1. :D

Everyone getting back to playing U2 online sometime in June once everyone finishes God of War 3?


I think the whole leap year date fiasco screwed up one of my trophies. I found my 60th treasure while the PSN was down (and before I found out I shouldn't be playing), but the trophy didn't unlock.

Then last night after the PS3's internal clock fixed itself, I found my 70th treasure and got the trophy for it, but I still don't have the 60 treasure trophy! I was hoping that the game would give it to me once I got to 70, but it didn't.

Would deleting my game data help make that 60 treasure trophy unlock? I hope I don't have to delete my game saves and start from scratch.


VsRobot said:
I am unable to evolve with this game. I am not a good twitch gamer.


rest of post

I know exactly what you mean.

My first impressions of the update were good, but shortly after, the player base adjusted.
We're playing a very different game now; my experience with it since could be condensed to the word frustrating.

I'm trying to adapt, become more of a long range player, but it's been difficult.
You listen to the voice chatter of the usual players you meet every night, and it's angrier, embittered, and it sounds like everyone is just having less fun.

I'm not ready to give up on U2, however. This may not be my favorite bundle of gameplay tweaks, but NDI is genuinely interested in improving their game.

On that note, I understand that balance is still being experimenting with, and there is even talk of changes in boosters. DTI is easily the poster child for a booster re-balance, but my suggestion at this point would be to simply delete it. Same for sure shot, to even the slate.

Everything that made DTI frustrating to live with has become more prominent since the last update.
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