:lol I was going through the HEAVY RAIN thread and saw the avatar without the dead man text. Thought he just changed it up a bit. Was thinking"What the.... oath doesn't even have HEAVY RAIN, yet he's saying he finished it."Yeef said:Some Zeliard Dude is also using that Dead Man avatar. I always think he's you. It's rather annoying.
Alt accounts are bannable!
At least your playing said opponents...Dedication Through Light said:Ugh Ive been playing against some extremely challenging opponents!
Right there with you buddy......Somnium986 said:At least your playing said opponents...*Tries not to cry*
Kittonwy said:I can't see my trophies anymore.
Somnium986 said:At least your playing said opponents...*Tries not to cry*
Promise?Irish said:It's okay, hon. We can play pretend UNCHAWTED together forever.
Oh shit, got the "I Told You I Was Hardcore!" trophy last night just before midnight, turned off the PS3 without syncing and went too bedcory said:I hope you don't lose your Charted! trophy, if you finished it before 7pm EST and synced with PSN, you're good, but if after that, you might have lost it if you don't have a Slim.
FFObsessed said:I was gonna go to sleep but can't so thought I'd play a few games.
crispyben said:Oh shit, got the "I Told You I Was Hardcore!" trophy last night just before midnight, turned off the PS3 without syncing and went too bedI know the consequences are still unclear, but there's a good chance that trophy is forever borked, no? I mean, the game will think it's already been awarded, while Sony's server won't have a trace of it...
I've never read anything about that. I know you can't erase trophies from your PS3, but to be able to trigger missing ones by erasing game data or game save...Wowbagger said:How does the game keep track of which trophies you've earned? I'm hoping we can just delete our local saved data, if it becomes necessary.
I hope you're right, but in the meantime, I guess I'll stay away from trophies altogether. Better, I'll go to the moviesWowbagger said:AFAICT, though, you only risk losing local trophy list for a game if you launch it, so as long as we don't play U2 until this issue has been fixed, we can probably sync our Hardcore trophy just fine later on.
Well I would not call them supernatural though, more like high on juice.effingvic said:I finally beat it
Love, love loved this game. So awesome. Nice ending too.
I enjoyed the bloody hell out of this game. I can't wait for U3 now. I played U1 and 2 back
to back so this wait is going to be excruciating. Fuck.
I died so many times trying to enjoy the vistas, heh.
I wonder what will be the supernatural creature for the next game is gonna be..
alr1ghtstart said:so, how many players is the game reporting?
cory said:ApocalyPS3 Over, now I can get to level 10!
lastinline said:I masked everyone else's name that was in the match to protect their privacy. As you can see, the dude was far away when it said I killed him with a grenade. I don't glitch or cheat, and I don't want people thinking I am. So, because of this, I'm not going to play this until a patch is put out for this game. I really, really, hope the glitch fixes are in the next patch, and I hope the next patch comes soon.
I'm with you, though I never was much of an asset for my team when playing with GAF. But now, whatever little understanding of the game I had wrangled has disappeared, replaced by bewilderment and sighs and swears. I'm definitely having less fun, which is a shame since UC2 MP was the rare game where n00bs like me could enjoy themselves among the more hardcore. I respect ND's and Arne's stances, though, but regret their consequences for me (and others it seems).VsRobot said:I am unable to evolve with this game. I am not a good twitch gamer.
Cause I thought the game was making me glitch when I wasn't glitching at all. I usually mute people, but when I heard him say that I was doing wrong I left cause I didn't want people thinking I was a glitcher. So, yeah, thanks for telling me about the phantom grenade stuff. I think I'll continue playing tomorrow then.VsRobot said:My question is, why the hell didn't you mute him? You should ALWAYS mute the opposing team, especially if getting called a cheater bothers you.
Of all of the things since the patch, you're gonna complain about DTI?? Oh well, at least you're not pooping yourself dry like web01 is...Kittonwy said:Get rid of fucking DTI, it's fucking awful.![]()
Darkatomz said:Of all of the things since the patch, you're gonna complain about DTI?? Oh well, at least you're not pooping yourself dry like web01 is...
Rewrite said:I am fucking DONE playing Plunder matches. omfg. This shit is so fucking broken and it's not even fun anymore. Every single god damn match I played today were awful. People camping in every single damn match and don't even get me started on the bullshit Sniper Rifle. That weapon wasn't even used that much in plunder matches, but now everyone tries to go after it since it's such an easy cheap kill. Ugh. I am so mad right now that I'm just going to avoid playing any other modes besides co-op so that I don't get frustrated.
VsRobot said:I am unable to evolve with this game. I am not a good twitch gamer.
rest of post
You mean April, right?Kos Luftar said:Thanks to this patch my KD is always >1.![]()
Everyone getting back to playing U2 online sometime in June once everyone finishes God of War 3?
Yes you are right, I do not know my months. :lolcrispyben said:You mean April, right?![]()