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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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jayb said:
Would deleting my game data help make that 60 treasure trophy unlock? I hope I don't have to delete my game saves and start from scratch.

Pretty sure you have to start over using a game save from before you found your 60th treasure. Games generally don't store user data in the game data folder (LBP being the exception). Just be glad your glitched trophy is not one of the online ones, since progress for those are apparently stored serverside.


Wowbagger said:
Pretty sure you have to start over using a game save from before you found your 60th treasure. Games generally don't store user data in the game data folder (LBP being the exception). Just be glad your glitched trophy is not one of the online ones, since progress for those are apparently stored serverside.

well that sucks, considering I failed to keep a game save from before I found # 60.

So do I just start a new game with a new save? Do I have to copy my current saves to a flash drive, then delete them from my PS3 before starting over?


jayb said:
well that sucks, considering I failed to keep a game save from before I found # 60.

So do I just start a new game with a new save? Do I have to copy my current saves to a flash drive, then delete them from my PS3 before starting over?

When selecting New Game, you're asked whether you want to keep treasures and medals from your current one. No need to delete any game saves.


Honestly, I've been enjoying the game a lot more since the update; it's more tactical in any given situation since initial positioning and strategy is much more important. you can't just bullet sponge your way around doing whatever you want until you're focus fired down.

I've played every map since the update and I'm just having tons more fun. It feels much more rewarding, strategic and competitive, where as before it was just kind of a mess of people taking 50 million bullets and being able to exploit that for things like shotgun running and sloppy play and strategies.

Different strokes I guess, I think it's helping to emphasize that cover and strategy is a part of the game (and I have barely run into any cover campers), even though I am still able to be running and jumping, and pulling people off ledges.

Lince said:
I agree, don't know if it's the latest patch or the MW2 mentality, but the game is now full of campers and the pace of the game has changed/slowed down drastically. I'd say remove Situational Awareness and Down the Irons from the game, tweak the damage model again and fix the map glitches. Uncharted 2 climbing and cover mechanics (acrobatics) deserve more attention since they were the most fun in the game, now you're dead as soon as spotted and constantly afraid of climbing some wall.

Yeah I'm not having that problem at all, and I'm playing with Roman Numeral DLC players. When someone is camping cover it's easy enough to flush them out, either through going around them, using a grenade, pulling them down, whatever. If they do tweak the damage model they should only reduce damage per hit for legs and not increase damage for headshots. If people are complaining about twitch gaming now, putting heashots back in will just make things much much worse, where as decreasing damage for leg shots will help players reach cover and the like.


I guess it is unfair to say that everyone is camping now. However, there are plenty of matches where people won't leave their spawns, they just grab a FAL, start racking up Ks, and when you finally grenade them, you get a Shut Down medal.

I thought as people adapted to 1.05, the cheesy tactics would become less effective, but that hasn't happened.

If lag wasn't an issue many of these problems would go away- but when it takes me 3 FAL bursts to take someone down and they only need to hit me "once", how am I supposed to flush someone out? I'm dead if they look at me sideways. :(

I miss the game I put 200 hours into.


Never got any spawn/camping matches here. Oh wells.

BTW, what the hell is the deal with situational awareness? does not work as advertised. :p


bish gets all the credit :)
Figured as much. When 1.05 hit it didn't play that different, aside from a few people camping. In the two weeks since I've played, it seems like it's gotten (expectantly) worse. Oh well, BC2 is out now. I wanted to get that level 60 too, but 56 will have to do.


Having played the new maps quite a bit, I can almost guarantee you will find the following in most games--specially DM variants:

- Facility One or two people sitting in the upper floor, Hero side, hiding among the steam pipes that spawn grenades.

- Flooded Ruins Someone camping the main hall by the Villains treasure chest.

In a perfect setup, the new balance could make the game more tactical; something more like Counter-Strike.

In practice, if you roam the map at all, you will be shot in a near instant by a FAL or DTI AK.
The problem stems from not being able to react anymore. You won't hit cover in time, or DTI will allow some killing shots around through whatever you took cover in.

Another thing I'd look at re-balancing is player spawns.

Also, the new maps have clear advantages for the Villain side, especially in Plunder.
Closing that hole in the Hero house with the chest might be a start; or opening up the Villain's capture point.
if you haven't played UC1, you need to play it.

I'm playing it again, and the graphics and gameplay are amazing.

even after almost 3 years.

You could say UC1 is better then UC2 in some ways
djtortilla said:
if you haven't played UC1, you need to play it.

I'm playing it again, and the graphics and gameplay are amazing.

even after almost 3 years.

You could say UC1 is better then UC2 in some ways

How so? You didn't like how UC2 removed all the six-axis controls?


I'm actually seeing the exact opposite of that, Zen. The game is now even less about using cover and moving strategically through the battlefield and more about staying somewhere in the back of the map (with a FAL) where you have a pretty good view of the entire battleground.

You're no longer rewarded for having learned the maps and knowing how to think quickly on your feet. In fact, even moving between cover becomes difficult when the time it takes to get to cover no more than 3 yards away from you leaves you open to dying halfway through. Also, the ever persistent problem with DtI (shooting through and around cover) has been magnified two-fold.

Oh well, at least I can still claim that I'm one of the best players when it comes to one vs. three or more at close range.


I also hope they make some tweaks again. It's just not as fun anymore. I'm still playing though. Who knows maybe I just wasn't into it last night.

Dumb question: If I beat the co-op missions required for the trophies with people who don't have the DLC but I do have it, I'll still get the trophies right?


Not as deep as he thinks
Let me just say that despite my complaints in my last post, the matchmaking was actually pretty fast in picking up players with the DLC maps for the Plunder matches. That's pretty awesome if you ask me.
Kos Luftar said:
How so? You didn't like how UC2 removed all the six-axis controls?

yeah the grenade aiming and throwing sucks in UC1, but you can use the left stick instead.

anyway just wanna say that everybody should try the game.

I enjoyed the exploring and platforming in the first chapters of UC1, something I think is lacking in UC2


Villains have a much shorter path to the sniper rifle in the Facility. Heroes have to traverse the full length of the map to be at the same distance from it as the villains can be just by climbing up through the hole in the corner of their base.


Wowbagger said:
Villains have a much shorter path to the sniper rifle in the Facility. Heroes have to traverse the full length of the map to be at the same distance from it as the villains can be just by climbing up through the hole in the corner of their base.

This could be helped by adding a second rifle for the heroes side (odd, most maps have this setup); but that prime sniping spot would still favor the villains.
I agree with U:DF being better than UC2 in some areas.

Firstly, I loved the setting. Sure, 2 had amazing set pieces but you were never in one area long enough for them to become a personality as the island had in part 1. The fort, the jungle, the tombs, the monastery, the flooded city... all of this was part of one island which made it seem grand and I'd say it was a character in itself.

I'd like to see UC3 have a more focused setting as in 1 than globetrotting like in 2.... just my opinion.


I just wished the sniper rifle was the way it used to be. pistole is useless in sniper matches now...and i loved me using some pistole...
Plunder on Flooded Ruins is just chaos. My team was down a man so we went down by two early and then it was a stalemate for over 5 minutes until we made a huge push and scored 3 in a row. Then they tied it and scored another quick one before the game ended with the tying treasure just meters away from the box.


Kos Luftar said:
Thanks to this patch my KD is always >1. :D

Everyone getting back to playing U2 online sometime in June once everyone finishes God of War 3?
...Prepatch, I might go a game where I'm less than 1:1 in terms of KDR every, oh, 40 games (to be safe). Most of the time, I was at least 2:1 and usually more.

Now? Every other game I'll go under 1:1.

I don't know about you guys, but this patch has seriously screwed me up, maybe more than most of you I play with.
I played some awesome Plunder matches today, that were intense. Nobody was camping, that I know of, and I just had an amazing time. I love it when people play games right, instead of the wrong way.


Lince said:
good games GAF, that Plunder match where we scored with 10 seconds left was epic, in your face "WEED" idiots!

Definitely a highlight this evening, those raging racists didn't have a lot to say afterwards. :]

Beating that team of cheaters in Fort was very sweet, too. The first guy to go through a wall kept denying it, then accused us of doing it, then encouraged his team to do it too because they were on their last legs!

Overall, I had more fun playing the default maps tonight. Felt as if the ruleset of the new update wasn't as marked as you would experience in the DLC maps.

Sad we lost you earlier, vs. ;_;


Those ragers were hilarious. They stayed for three or so matches and kept accusing us of lagswitching and other glitches. One guy was even complaining about me not being stumbled when he hit me once with the hammer and I killed him. I explained that I had Sure Foot on and he and another guy on his team insisted that I should have still stumbled anyway.

I fear with BC2 being released today this is probably the beginning of the end for most of the GAF Uncharted crew. I still need to do one more run through of Heavy Rain to get the platinum and then on Thursday I'll be doing a few playthroughs of the RE5 DLC. Next week I'll probably pick up FF XIII so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be sticking with Uncharted. I'm sure I'll be back whenever the next wave of DLC hits though.


Hated UC2 tonight. Died after one punch on full health in Elim. WTF. I'll still hop on to play with some of y'all, but I've lost my hard-on for the MP.

SP is still my second favorite of all time-- after UDF. :p


1,000,000 cash for 50 to 51?

One friggin' Million!!!!

Don't think I can be arsed to carry on, levelling up was such an incentive but that's just ridiculous

Especially since the Matchmaking has decided i'm Japanese, :(
CozMick said:
1,000,000 cash for 50 to 51?

One friggin' Million!!!!

Don't think I can be arsed to carry on, levelling up was such an incentive but that's just ridiculous

Especially since the Matchmaking has decided i'm Japanese, :(

hehehe, yeah the constant 1 bar connections is getting nuts now.
Was playing with Gyrian, Lince, csb & Yeef last night and even though we weren't dominating it was a lot of fun, but we were facing some racist assholes. I was wondering can you report someone for racism?


Yeef said:
Those ragers were hilarious. They stayed for three or so matches and kept accusing us of lagswitching and other glitches. One guy was even complaining about me not being stumbled when he hit me once with the hammer and I killed him. I explained that I had Sure Foot on and he and another guy on his team insisted that I should have still stumbled anyway.

I fear with BC2 being released today this is probably the beginning of the end for most of the GAF Uncharted crew. I still need to do one more run through of Heavy Rain to get the platinum and then on Thursday I'll be doing a few playthroughs of the RE5 DLC. Next week I'll probably pick up FF XIII so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be sticking with Uncharted. I'm sure I'll be back whenever the next wave of DLC hits though.

I will still be playing this mainly but last night I couldn't find anyone on after 11pm. >:|


I haz given in to peer pressure and bought zee map pack. :3

After playing all afternoon finally got to see one of the maps I just paid for! lolz

The Flooded Ruins, it looks nice! Water reflections mmmm

The Facility wow


FFObsessed said:
I haz given in to peer pressure and bought zee map pack. :3

After playing all afternoon finally got to see one of the maps I just paid for! lolz

The Flooded Ruins, it looks nice! Water reflections mmmm

have you set your matchmaking preference to "DLC"?


Kittonwy said:
I will still be playing this mainly but last night I couldn't find anyone on after 11pm. >:|
I stopped playing around Midnight (Eastern) last night. I think everyone else got off at around the same time.


Sorry about last night, Vs. I was in a full squad the entire time. :(

Anyway, I really loved U2 MP at one time, but now I see myself becoming disgusted with the game after a few matches each day. I'm playing less and less now and that disappoints me. :(


I love playing glitch police on Fort. :lol

Just sitting at the entrance of the glitch to go out of the map and having the entire other team attempting to kill me
and failing

The abuse I get is hilarious!



Irish said:
Sorry about last night, Vs. I was in a full squad the entire time. :(

Except you were in my squad FIRST you jackhole. :( Imma write a rap song about how you abandoned me and it made me dead inside.

Kittonwy, feel free to invite me whenever. I still want to play some UC2 now and then, but right now I'm having more fun learning BFBC2 than I am getting spawnkilled, glitched, and exploited in the unbalanced mess UC2 has turned into.
Finally picked this up today. I had a blast playing 75% of the single player during the holiday (I rented it) and I look forward to replaying the story and trying out online. MAG was fun, but I just need a good single player component.

I even deleted all my old trophies and saves, so I could start fresh again.

Edit: That was so nice of Naughty Dog to remind me that I didn't have any DLC after I first connected. Still bought it right away (well the maps, could care about the skins). :D
icarus-daedelus said:
After playing the demo I realized that Claudia Black voices a character in this game, and now I want it, nay, need it so much more. It's times like these that I hate being poor.

Well if it helps, you can download all the making of's of the PSN and the first comic, all are free and honestly give you 30-70 minutes (more on the high end) of Uncharted footage and story, you also get interviews with Claudia Black and get to watch her mocap.


VsRobot said:
Except you were in my squad FIRST you jackhole. :( Imma write a rap song about how you abandoned me and it made me dead inside.

Kittonwy, feel free to invite me whenever. I still want to play some UC2 now and then, but right now I'm having more fun learning BFBC2 than I am getting spawnkilled, glitched, and exploited in the unbalanced mess UC2 has turned into.
yo,yo .
I know a good composer for your song.


"We are Eddy Raja!"


"Gotta make that landing perfectly."


"All your statue are belong to us!"


"We three kings..."


VsRobot said:
Except you were in my squad FIRST you jackhole. :( Imma write a rap song about how you abandoned me and it made me dead inside.

Who's producing? :p

(Photos from RyanardoDaVinci)
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