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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Not as deep as he thinks
crispyben said:
I'm rather curious about this, Rewrite. Does it include Survival and Gold Rush? What kind of scores are you pulling now? Isn't it a bit tiresome since you must know the spawns by heart?
My scores are always pretty good. Most of the time, I'm always the one that gets the most points. I still have no idea how the point system works in the co-op arena modes. Sometimes, I have a lower kill rate than another person, yet I still have the most points. It's weird...especially for Gold Rush.

I know the spawns by heart in the old maps and know the good places to hide, but with the new maps I still haven't memorized everything by heart yet. And it's never tiresome to me because I play with random people 99% of the time and you never know what to expect with random people. Sometimes I get paired up with a good team and sometimes I get paired up with a bad team where I'm forced to save them under the most unimaginable scenarios. :lol

alr1ghtstart said:
LOL. Damn. How do people figure this shit out?


My friends and I have been playing UC2 multiplayer since the first beta. I can't think of any gameplay changes that we have actually preferred to the original. Each patch makes us enjoy the game less if that is possible.

I would prefer if the grand experiments in gameplay adjustments were kept to a separate mode. If over time a large majority of users were using the adjusted mode versus the standard, then Naughty Dog would know that overall people prefer the changes made.
Melfice7 said:
just played a few matches.. ugh grenades now unless it explodes right at your feet you can survive.. i loved the old grenades >_<

I would like them to increase the grenades radius by 2m. It seems trickier to catch someone in a grenade.

Now that these gameplay tweaks are made, can we please get new playlist options?


Love the new version.

Would love it more if I didn't run into glitchers whose excuse for glitching is "blame the game". How do you respond to people who think like that? Fucking assholes need to have their PS3s set permanently to February 29th, 2010.


Not sure what exactly it is, but it feels better now. The only thing that feels a ton different is the grenades. Definitely got killed by them less and only knocked down by them more. I don't really have a problem with that though. Also, got my first DLC trophy for winning 50 deathmatches. Now I have to try and dig into the other modes a bit more. Also, it's funny someone mentioned the propane tanks because I've seen a lot more people trying to use them tonight.


bish gets all the credit :)
Do the trophies really require you to play DM/Elim to unlock everything?

Tastes Like Chicken

Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games

So if I get a BBQ in a plunder or objective game, it doesn't count towards that? What's the rationale behind that?


alr1ghtstart said:
Do the trophies really require you to play DM/Elim to unlock everything?

Tastes Like Chicken

Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games

So if I get a BBQ in a plunder or objective game, it doesn't count towards that? What's the rationale behind that?
Keeping people from trying to farm trophies instead of going for objectives in objective games.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
alr1ghtstart said:
Do the trophies really require you to play DM/Elim to unlock everything?

Tastes Like Chicken

Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games

So if I get a BBQ in a plunder or objective game, it doesn't count towards that? What's the rationale behind that?
It won't count. I've done a couple of BBQ's in Plunder and the stats page still has that bar at 0.
I don't know what it was, but I was finally getting a lot of Sneaky and BBQ kills today. Well, more Sneaky kills than BBQ. I have like 14 Sneaky and 5 BBQ kills. They are very difficult to get. Though, getting a Tripled is even more difficult.


The DTI nerf WORKS! Thanks ND!


Well, I've decided to start and finish God of War III before I even touch FF13, so it looks like I'll have an extra week of screwing around with this new patch before I take a decently-sized break from this game. I'll be back at school (and my PS3) in a few days, I'll probably see some of you guys online over the weekend and see how these adjustments are myself.


Last night, Treble05, cbs11aliens, Qlaahrqueh, W0Wbaggr and me had two of the fastest Plunder wins I ever experienced, both on Facility, and if my memory serves well, the opponents were all in their 40's and 50's:




The patch didnt fix instant grenade spam at feet because grenades still explode almost instantly after touching a surface, this has become absolutely ridiculous.

Its amazing that such a simple change is so fucking hard to implement, just put a minimum timer on the nades FFS.

This shit would have been fixed in the first month from any other developer. Naughty Dog prove day by day they havent got a clue how to balance an online game or listen to the community.

Also the spawns are still broken on ice cave deathmatch with both teams spawning continuously from the lower snow cliff base one after another. Resulting in an infinite loop of shooting each other in the back until the game ends.

I am going to stop myself from commenting on the other changes because the problems introduced with the crushing health still remain. Camping is king, traversal gameplay is dead, gameplay is not as fun with less epic moments.


My first Plunder match since the patch and I was spawned something like 4 times in a row directly in front of an enemy, including once in front of an enemy with a rocket.

Maybe it's just because I was itching to play Battlefield anyway, but the BS spawns and the super-quick deaths were irritating and not at all fun. I know it's really unfair to judge 1.06 after three matches but I just can't see myself putting in the time to get these new trophies--and I've been asking for MP trophies since day one.


Not as deep as he thinks
You know, I had completely forgotten about downloading the patch that when I was playing a round, I kept thinking that something was wrong with my controller because the FAL/Sniper Rifle felt weird as fuck....it wasn't until like my second match when it clicked in my head. Yeah, shut up. :lol


last night I changed my booster from invalid to situational awareness , and guess what.
I could see enemies names through walls,and after every 5 kills I've got my 'get off may lawn' medal.that was an awesome bug,but it happened just twice for me.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Kasra_2x4 said:
last night I changed my booster from invalid to situational awareness , and guess what.
I could see enemies names through walls,and after every 5 kills I've got my 'get off may lawn' medal.that was an awesome bug,but it happened just twice for me.
Its some sort of equip 3 boosters simultaneously glitch, I've experienced it several times now. It sucks when its triggered with a negative booster when you don't want that booster equipped for that round. I think it was introduced in 1.05 because I don't remember running into it before it.

Would you mind replaying the cinema files for the glitched matches to see what it says you had equipped? The last couple of times I triggered the glitch, I apparently had Walk Softly, Invalid, and Half Loaded equipped. During the match my screen said I only had WS and HL equipped, but when I ran the replay it said I had Invalid and HL equipped. I'm wondering if your replays show a similar outcome (Second Slot booster appeared during the match and in the replay, Booster 1 [invalid] only appears in the replay, and Booster 3 [walk softly for me, sit aware for you] only appeared during the match).


alr1ghtstart said:
Hows about respawning propane tanks? Everyone is stealing them now that there's a trophy.
totally agreed.everyone's going after that trophy.
Killthee said:
Its some sort of equip 3 boosters simultaneously glitch, I've experienced it several times now. It sucks when its triggered with a negative booster when you don't want that booster equipped for that round. I think it was introduced in 1.05 because I don't remember running into it before it.

Would you mind replaying the cinema files for the glitched matches to see what it says you had equipped? The last couple of times I triggered the glitch, I apparently had Walk Softly, Invalid, and Half Loaded equipped. During the match my screen said I only had WS and HL equipped, but when I ran the replay it said I had Invalid and HL equipped. I'm wondering if you're replays show a similar outcome (Second Slot booster appeared during the match and in the replay, Booster 1 [invalid] only appears in the replay, and Booster 3 [walk softly for me, sit aware for you] only appeared during the match).
I saw the replay.you're right my first booster was invalid in replay.how did you found out?
I cant imagine this glitch with two negative boosters or three!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Kasra_2x4 said:
totally agreed.everyone's going after that trophy.

I saw the replay.you're right my first booster was invalid in replay.how did you found out?
I cant imagine this glitch with two negative boosters or three!
I wanted to send somebody a replay of my Get Off My Lawn medal with Walk Softly equipped, but I noticed the replay only registered, the original booster, Invalid.


Played the game after the patch. I don't have any problems with any of the changes besides grenades. Like others have said, they're completely useless now.

It's become a meme with me and my friends to say to each other "Before the patch..." when we know we would have died from a grenade before the patch.

And we said it a lot.


Killthee said:
I wanted to send somebody a replay of my Get Off My Lawn medal with Walk Softly equipped, but I noticed the replay only registered, the original booster, Invalid.
ND destroyed the evidence,I think they send someone to kill me tonight.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Kasra_2x4 said:
ND destroyed the evidence,I think they send someone to kill me tonight.

My theory is that the window to trigger the glitch occurs after most of the background processes have already begun, but before the UI is loaded for the match. That's why the replay captures the original booster as equipped while the live match shows you have the 3rd booster equipped.


Killthee said:

My theory is that the window to trigger the glitch occurs after most of the background processes have already begun, but before the UI is loaded for the match. That's why the replay captures the original booster as equipped while the live match shows you have the 3rd booster equipped.
but it would be so good that everyone use 3 boosters in matches.I hope it comes in 1.7 patch.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Wowbagger said:

Might be a relatively easy fix, though. I mean, not like they have to tweak the level geometry of all the maps, just prevent a certain button combo.

I was gonna keep learning BC2 today, but, with this new patch, I guess it's time for some more U2 instead.
Changing geometry is easier than reject input combinations.
Glad to see GAF happy with the patch.


The multiplayer was perfect when it came out. It was strategic and silly fun at the same time. Ever since the changes, like low health and all these other things I'm seeing now, the game has sucked. I liked jumping around a map and surviving awhile, and it was fun chasing someone down and trying to kill him. The extra health made it fun to maneuver and climb around.

I've seen tons of people complain about Down the Irons and shotgun autoaim hipshots too. Neither were a problem either for me, I don't know what everyone's smoking. I've died countless times to these techniques, and it never pissed me off. I liked how assault rifles were fairly equal and ranged with DtI. It meant that I could start out with a great gun, or go anywhere in the map and have a great gun too, depending on how I wanted to play.

The only change that ever needed to be made was to release maps sooner.

Wish I could change it back to the original release because it was different enough to make me keep coming back. It was a good formula, I don't know why they messed with it, but, I guess if you holler loud enough ND will make changes. Different strokes I guess. I'm sure someone here will come back and say that the things I pointed out are actually better for the game somehow. Anyway, good for you people that like these ridiculously crappy changes. :(


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
me and a fellow gaffer were in a 2 player party last night in that map voting procces he vote was lost city i mine was temple then strangest thing happend i was playing full 10 player(5vs 5)death match in temple and he was in a full 5 vs5 player deathmatch in lost city and yet we could talk to each other through headset:lol :lol
Changes happen. For better or for worse. I think most people always wish they could go back to older builds but you just got to go with the flow. :lol


daxter01 said:
me and a fellow gaffer were in a 2 player party last night in that map voting procces he vote was lost city i mine was temple then strangest thing happend i was playing full 10 player(5vs 5)death match in temple and he was in a full 5 vs5 player deathmatch in lost city and yet we could talk to each other through headset:lol :lol
That's a known glitch that's been around for a long time. It's really annoying, because the few times it's happened to me I didn't realize it until halfway through the match so I just thought that somehow everyone in my party had lost their skills.


Kittonwy said:
The DTI nerf WORKS! Thanks ND!

That's my first impression, too! :]
I'm shocked at being able to survive grenades where I'd see inevitable death regardless of what evasive action I took. I wouldn't call them ineffective now, contrary to some comments I'm reading, we were still scoring double downs with them.

Had a lot of fun last night, even though I ended up leaving early.
We put up a great international team, with Riky running his game in Spanish, me in French, and the others English. You can hear all of it on your end since it comes through the voice chat, heh.

I should be on to stay, this evening. :O
The change to the FAL has made it nearly worthless. People can take cover after the first burst cos of how much they slowed rate of fire. I couldn't believe it last night.

I used to pick up a FAL whenever I saw one...no longer.

I think this patch was a good thing. Will take time to adjust.
So anyone with an idea on what Tenzin's dialogue is? Did any fan ever translate it?

If this had been some obscure creepy dating sim you know 40 people would be translating it 24/7. :lol

Arne- any chance ND could include it as a bonus item on an upcoming patch?


daxter01 said:
me and a fellow gaffer were in a 2 player party last night in that map voting procces he vote was lost city i mine was temple then strangest thing happend i was playing full 10 player(5vs 5)death match in temple and he was in a full 5 vs5 player deathmatch in lost city and yet we could talk to each other through headset:lol :lol
may I ask who was your fellow Gaffer?


Yeef said:
That's a known glitch that's been around for a long time. It's really annoying, because the few times it's happened to me I didn't realize it until halfway through the match so I just thought that somehow everyone in my party had lost their skills.

Or, you know, you ended up with a bunch of my clones. :p

Anyway, fix the grenades or it'll be BFBC2 for good.


love on your sleeve
This is the best the game has been. Grenades are a joke now but there's no more getting shot while in cover or around corners which was the number fix the game needed. The reduction in limb damage was a perfect compromise just like I thought it would be.

As much as I am annoyed to die from a grenade, I really didn't think they needed to be fixed. Hard to believe this was only a 1 meter reduction.
I'm pretty happy with this patch. You still die quickly, but there is more chances to escape and take cover and fight back.

I think grenades are perfect right now. Not at all useless.

The spawning really needs fixing though. I spawned directly behind an enemy player a couple times and was shot in the back practically instantly a few others.
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