Zen said:
No, you said "You can't say he deserved anything because you weren't in the game", as in "You can't comment one way or another".
That's not what it meant! Key word there is deserved. You said it sounded as if he deserved his kills, you can't say he
deserved anything, as in any of his kills/deaths or whatever, as you weren't.in.the.game. Do you understand?
Strategy is a form of skill, if he was able to get the drop on you, or use the situation to his advantage than he is making smart tactical decisions.
Exploiting a games cheap mechanics is strategy now? Wow, heard it all. I guess exploiting auto-aim is also a good skill/strategy as well. Glitching out of the map, spawn camping. Aaaall good strategies.
I defensively came to a conclusion? I'm not the one who said "You can't say anything because you weren't there", as a preamble meant to discredit me before actually explaining the situation in sufficient detail.
I didn't say anything of the sort. I didn't say you couldn't say anything or comment, I said you couldn't say one way or the other what he deserved as you weren't there! What is so hard to understand about that? And what is there to discredit? You came to some stupid conclusion that some guy who you didn't see play "deserved" the cheap kills he got without enough information, I was simply explaining to you how wrong you were to come to that conclusion without knowing anything of what happend. If you wanted more info on his "strategies" initally because you want to discuss it then just ask before claiming he deserved the kills. This is all very silly and meaningless so I don't get why you're making a big deal out of it and acting as if I got mad by just explaining to you what he did.
I 'assumed' that he was able to kill you with a grenade by running up to you, throwing one, and running away? Isn't that exactly what you said he did? That doesn't sound like much of an assumption. A better word would be 'extrapolate', since I extrapolated that him doing that, as you'd (in a lacking fashion) explained it, would mean that he probably deserved those kills since I assumed you guys were shooting etc and not just standing there, and I pointed that that if he got the drop on you, then the result would be largely the same even without grenades.
No that's not what I said. First of all when talking about what he did, most of it was done to other GAF members on my team. I said he only got me once. And that was when I snuck round the back of cover to take out someone my teamates were shooting at only to discover he was hiding behind cover waiting to greande anyone that came close. He dropped a grenade, I dropped one to retaliate, both of us rolled away and he got shot while I got blown up. That wasn't what I was complaining about, it was his tactics while getting double kills on other gaffers. And the fact he
only used the grenades the entire match and managed to get so many kills by dropping grenades at his feet the whole time. I never said he survived every time, I infact said he killed himself and other teammates on occasions. He'd dropa grenade just before he'd die and get a kill on one or two guys. Sometimes when an enemy dies, you don't see any grenade dropping animation and it just falls out of him.
That doesn't sound like much of an assumption. A better word would be 'extrapolate', since I extrapolated that him doing that, as you'd (in a lacking fashion) explained it, would mean that he probably deserved those kills
since I assumed you guys were shooting etc and not just standing there, and I pointed that that if he got the drop on you, then the result would be largely the same even without grenades.
He would drop a grenade at the feet of other GAF players while they were shooting at other players, with a quick tap of L2 and they would blow up almost instantly killing them. You shouldn't be able to drop a live grenade instantly like that and have it blow up faster than when you throw it a long distance. And you keep saying "you" as if he did this to me constantly. Once again I'll tell you he only killed me once with a grenade the whole game, it was his bullshit getting kills on other gaffers that I saw which was bullshit. But good for him for exploiting the silly grenade mechanics! What a great strategiest and great player!
Realize that I even said the Distance/Detonation timing could be looked at.
Looked at? :lol It's as if you can't even comprehend how stupid it is.
That would result in cheap kills in much the same way the 'dropping it at your feet' are cheap. The Alleged 'unavoidable death' that you're complaining about. Being 'based on skill' didn't stop them from being used for 'cheap' kills like in Killzone.
"unavoidable death" is not a phrase I ever used, nor is it one I consider to be "cheap" You don't seem to know what "cheap" means. Unavoidable death can happen in any online game to any player. That is not "cheap" I've already explained how silly the grenade mechanics are and how they can be exploited as shown by the player we are discussing. If you can't comprehend or understand that then that's your problem but stop putting words in my mouth and acting like I'm saying things I'm not.
Maybe you're ok with such things, but I hate them in all games. I hate boost/rockets in KZ2, I hate pretty much everything about MW2 and I hate the grenade mechanics in this game. It's not because they cause "unavoidable death" it's because the stupidity of the design simply annoys me because they can be exploited for cheap bullshit shown by K-Blu-ray.
Personally I see 'grenade cooking' being dangerously close to just another type of 'cheap kills' that people would end up complaining about.
Probably due to your misunderstanding about what "cheap" actually is. Some people will complain and blame the game no matter what type of death occurs. I'm simply complaing about the grenade mechanics because I think they are ridiculous. And can't believe how others, even if they like getting grenade kills, cant/wont admit that dropping a live grenade, instantly with one button press which explodes faster when you drop it at your feet insn't ridiculous.
Actually that would be very easy to do, all you'd need would be an increased glow intensity and a sound indicator- exactly like Killzone 2 in fact, minus the comparable complexity of the KZ2 visual indicator. Heck even just a sound indicator would work fine.
Well, you seemed to think the grenades in KZ2 are abused, when they're not so I was coming up with a way to make them even more difficult to cook and use.
So, Silent Grenades (You said you wanted no form on inticator and rather have people remember the timing) that could be timed to blow up in someone's face? Sounds rage inducing. :lol
Only if it blows up in your own hand, which is the risk that balances out the advantage when cooking a grenade. You can't allow cooking to be too quick, or too easy to time. You need to have experience with it to use it well, otherwise it could become overpowered and frustrating. And I'm not talking about the grenade indicator after you've thrown it, I'm just talking about cooking it. They could have an indicator and I wouldn't mind if they did, I was just thinking of a way to make it even more difficult to cook and get kills with.
You sure know how to tar and feather someone, dayum :lol Honestly if they just increase the grenade time up close, that would be a much less overt change that maintains the feel of the game for the community, rather than adding in entirely new mechanics that aren't in single player.
Well it's easy when someone misunderstands/misinterprets someone elses post, puts words in their mouth and fails to understand very simple words and phrases. I agree that making the detonation times the same whether you throw them short or long distanves should be the case and would be the simplest change to implement. I said that months ago. Personally I think they are changin too many things. I think they should have kept the health the same, despite not personally having an issue with the new health system (except for the spawns), I just want them to think about the mechanics for Uncharted 3. I enjoy the game as it is and I think the grenades are much better now, are less overpowered and it's less easy to exploit the mechanics now. I did infact start off my innital post stating things are better now. The story about K-Blu-ray was actually to reassure people you can still get those cheap kills if you wish and that greandes have not been made useless.
Now, hopefully that's clear for you, but if you want to keep "discussing" such an unimportant thing with such dedication, I suggest we take it to PMs from now on.