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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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These are all slight tweaks in response to some people who have complaints about 1.05 balance. They aren't upending the table or anything.


alr1ghtstart said:
oh god, this glitch could get bad


Might be a relatively easy fix, though. I mean, not like they have to tweak the level geometry of all the maps, just prevent a certain button combo.

I was gonna keep learning BC2 today, but, with this new patch, I guess it's time for some more U2 instead.


Had 2 games,

Sniper takes 2 shots when hitting the legs first,

Grenades are faaaaaaaaaar less likely to kill you at a few feet, likely to stun you,

Delay between shots is awesome, miss the first time and, well...........

Fal is the best fix, from a distance with Dti it takes at least 3 bursts,

Oh and I haven't been killed from behind a brick wall yet :lol

Awesome patch ND


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
djtortilla said:
how do you get into GAF games? do you guys play with boosters?
You have to be invited to the chatroom by somebody in your friends list. Send me a FR and I'll toss you an invite.

We usually equip boosters when using MM, while GAF only custom games are usually booster free.


Great Scott!

I wish I could be a fly in the wall to see the moment in which these ludicrous glitches are discovered. I haven't met this last one online yet, let's hope it stays that way.

At least it looks like it needs a good moment to be set up, giving out chances to kill any fools attempting it.
alr1ghtstart said:
oh god, this glitch could get bad
I saw this glitch whenever I played The Flooded Ruins. They were in the dome and just walking in the air. Seriously, I don't see why people think it's fun to glitch and get points the wrong way. I hope ND puts a stop to this glitch sooner rather than later.


My buddy has been on the "waiting list" here for a few weeks, and he was looking to get into some online games of UC2 with some GAFers.

He's a beast, so add him if you can:

PSN: shotandrun


msdstc said:
What a ridiculous glitch... how the hell does somebody figure that out:lol
A bunch of GAFers tried it in a private game, and it's not that easy to pull at all, nevermind consistently! Then you have to make something out of it... All in all, not that big a deal except in Fort, as always.


bish gets all the credit :)
I tried to do it, but I've always sucked at button mashing. That one done on the Plaza where he goes across the map, damn.


Eh, I really hate the new grenades. They're pretty much worthless now. I can land on a grenade and still survive. Worst. Change. Ever.


Wish that my friends would buy this game so I could get back to playing online. Since they got their ps3s last month all they ever play is MW2 though so I'm stuck there.


Irish said:
Eh, I really hate the new grenades. They're pretty much worthless now. I can land on a grenade and still survive. Worst. Change. Ever.

Aaaaaaannnd it starts..........

The new grenades are awesome, be precise and they are lethal, as it should be.

This patch and Socom 4 announcement make it the gaming day of the decade so far:D


I just got the latest issue of Game Developer. The cover story is a postmortem on Uncharted 2 by Richard Lemarchand. Below are some of the interesting details covered in it.


ND outsourced some of the animation and artwork to various groups. Some of the animation was outsourced to SCE San Diego and to Technicolor. Including ND's own animators and the outsourced partners, they had a total of 32 animators (more than total animators on all their previous projects combined). They also outsourced some of the artwork to XPEC in Taiwan and Ladyluck in the Philippines.

What Went Wrong:
1. Not quite enough planning
So even though a lot of people who play Uncharted 2 don't notice anything amiss with the end of the game, when we play it through we feel that there aren't quite enough strong story beats in the monastery to match the length and intensity of the gameplay there, and it's the first place in the game where the pace begins to flag.

2. Ran out of time and space
-ND started too late on creating cutscenes and implementing in-game dialog.
-They decided to add co-op partway though full production.
-They ran out of space on the single-layer blu-ray disc they were using. Unfortunately, since they hadn't planned ahead for a dual layer blu-ray disc, they had to remove some bonus content and compress some assets more than they wanted to.

3. Boss difficulties
...ran out of time to create special gameplay (and polish) for both humanoid bosses.
By the time you read this we will already have implemented some boss ideas for our next project and we're determined not to make the same mistakes again.

4. Some small stuff we couldn't sweat
…it was hard to reach a consensus, with each side pulling hard toward either function or aesthetics. Our game ended up with too many low "grabbable"-looking ledges that you couldn't grab, making things confusing and frustrating for the kind of player whose play style tended toward "perimeter scans" of any level in which they felt stuck, as they jumped up against every wall looking in vain for something to climb on.

5. Crunchtastic times

General development stats:
Number of developers: 90 full time + 15 contractors
Length of development: 22 months


alr1ghtstart said:
oh god, this glitch could get bad

KilgoreTrout said:
Shouldn't have posted it. Already talked to Arne about it last week. Now even more people know about it.

I saw it on Sanctuary.

That's being fixed. It didn't make it into TU1.06 mostly because 1.06 was put out there quickly to fix a few backend things. We were just fortunate that the two gameplay changes in 1.06 were small/quick enough to add in.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I was wondering, has anyone ever translated Tenzen's dialogue at all?

I wish subtitles for Tenzin were added as an easter egg in an update. :p

come on arne~


Nice breakdown, Gribbix! Beautiful cover on that mag, too.
I'll have to track down a copy; really enjoyed reading the UDF postmortem a while back.

Gribbix said:
-They ran out of space on the single-layer blu-ray disc they were using. Unfortunately, since they hadn't planned ahead for a dual layer blu-ray disc, they had to remove some bonus content and compress some assets more than they wanted to.

Thought as much, with some of the behind the scenes featurettes not being on the disc itself.
I've got them all downloaded in HD in my external drive, very entertaining. :]

Shame about the asset compression, too. There's visible artifacts in the cutscenes.
If they'd been able to crank up the quality by using a double layer BRD, it would be a lot harder to determine which ones not being rendered in real time by the engine.
A few games seem to have this going on, recently, such as Heavy Rain.

On the other hand, something like Final Fantasy XIII had plenty more space to go around looking like a blu-ray movie for its cutscenes. :s


Interesting post-mortem stuff there. Thanks for posting that. I loved the game, but the bosses could use some work. I liked the addition of them, but I feel like they could be better particularly the last one. Already looking forward to what they come up with next.

Also, will try the update tonight. I like how it sounds so far. I will have to try and use the grenades for myself. Hope they are still useful.


arne said:
That's being fixed. It didn't make it into TU1.06 mostly because 1.06 was put out there quickly to fix a few backend things. We were just fortunate that the two gameplay changes in 1.06 were small/quick enough to add in.

I actually like it. Well, I like the fact that you can use it to get to a part in the Fort that you should have been able to reach in the first place. (Glitch spots behind it suck though.)


Gyrian said:
Nice breakdown, Gribbix! Beautiful cover on that mag, too.
I'll have to track down a copy; really enjoyed reading the UDF postmortem a while back.

Thought as much, with some of the behind the scenes featurettes not being on the disc itself.
I've got them all downloaded in HD in my external drive, very entertaining. :]

Shame about the asset compression, too. There's visible artifacts in the cutscenes.
If they'd been able to crank up the quality by using a double layer BRD, it would be a lot harder to determine which ones not being rendered in real time by the engine.
A few games seem to have this going on, recently, such as Heavy Rain.

On the other hand, something like Final Fantasy XIII had plenty more space to go around looking like a blu-ray movie for its cutscenes. :s

What I don't get with their "we ran out of space" comment is that UC2 takes up less than 20GB on the BD...


Just got off from playing the new patch.

Overall I'm liking it.
The FAL is more balanced now, as to the Sniper rifle.

Grenades no longer gives people cheap kills who just throw the grenades on the floor the second they get hit anymore either.

I've yet to ever encounter a glitcher yet but I cant believe how the guys even find them in the first place.


bluehat9 said:
Wish that my friends would buy this game so I could get back to playing online. Since they got their ps3s last month all they ever play is MW2 though so I'm stuck there.
Tell them there is a reason that this game has won so many game of the year awards. My RL friends mostly play MW2 on ps3, that doesn't stop me from spreading the info on how fuck awesome U2 is. They ask me to come play with them, but I just tell them that U2 is so much more funner.


jett said:
What I don't get with their "we ran out of space" comment is that UC2 takes up less than 20GB on the BD...

Not in all regions. Remember we have full voices in our game and in some regions (I'm looking at you EU), there were a lot of languages we had to include. We had to account for the extra space needed for those, even if in some regions (like North America) we didn't have as many launguages on disk.
Gribbix said:
So even though a lot of people who play Uncharted 2 don't notice anything amiss with the end of the game, when we play it through we feel that there aren't quite enough strong story beats in the monastery to match the length and intensity of the gameplay there, and it's the first place in the game where the pace begins to flag.
I noticed that, the game is really awesome until the monastery, then it begins to show some flaws (too many gunfights for example). The whole Shambala part is downright mediocre and felt a little rushed to me.

Btw, it may be a coincidence but after the new patch I had two awesome matches, the most fun I had since.. well since before the 1.05 update:D


arne said:
Not in all regions. Remember we have full voices in our game and in some regions (I'm looking at you EU), there were a lot of languages we had to include. We had to account for the extra space needed for those, even if in some regions (like North America) we didn't have as many launguages on disk.

Well that fucking blows that we all got subpar video quality because of that shit.


jett said:
Well that fucking blows that we all got subpar video quality because of that shit.
You can always enjoy what's there; I know I've gotten great mileage out of the localizations. :]

HINT: they work online, too!


DTI finally nerfed?


Y'know, even though I hated the changes in 1.05, this is enough to make me come back.


just played a few matches.. ugh grenades now unless it explodes right at your feet you can survive.. i loved the old grenades >_<
Played 5 or 6 games so far, liking the changes so far, hits a nice blend before 1.04 and 1.05 for me. However, first game I play is on Fort and bam, some guy is doing the same glitches from before (jumping into ocean and getting underneath the level) bluesbrother123 was his name. Other than that stuff (which I'm sure will come eventually) everything was awesome, love it!


Melfice7 said:
just played a few matches.. ugh grenades now unless it explodes right at your feet you can survive.. i loved the old grenades >_<

I never had a problem with Grenades, even when I was getting killed by them it was like 'darn that was cool. :lol
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