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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Killthee said:
AFAIK, it is. You have to buy the pack from the UK store for the UK copy. IIRC, the same thing happened to a couple of people in this thread when the Eye of Indra skins were released.
Oh man, so they are dividing regions inside Europe as well now? That's just plain stupid.

I don't think I'll be buying it again. Will even start avoiding future DLC like this as well since I buy 99% of my games from the UK. :(


Why am I surprised that this thread turned to shit once the patch was released?

You guys will never be happy.........NEVER!

Time to move on?


CozMick said:
Why am I surprised that this thread turned to shit once the patch was released?

You guys will never be happy.........NEVER!

Time to move on?

To be fair I was saying the patch made things better, and was defending the fact that grenades are not infact useless. That did get lost in the crap yes :lol

CrushDance said:
Holy. Wow. o_O

Just trying to fill the void you've left in ma heart <3


FFObsessed said:
To be fair I was saying the patch made things better, and was defending the fact that grenades are not infact useless. That did get lost in th crap yes :lol

My post wasn't directed towards you, I saw your EPIC post and thought "Fuck that!" :lol


so scoredlastnight and FFO, did you see what I mean with the spawns in the new maps? fucking hilarious! :lol
every patch was for the worse, except grenade nerfing and glitch fixing that are awesome, hope the juniors at ND keep working on it and eventually roll everything else back to version 1.0 when it was fun (reeeeaally fun).
Lince said:
so scoredlastnight and FFO, did you see what I mean with the spawns in the new maps? fucking hilarious! :lol

yes i did. in fact i even killed someone, noticed I was right by the spot, tricked the game into thinking I was running away from it, turned around, guy spawned, and I killed him again. No joke. It's so sad


Starting to really get into the multiplayer now, even though I'm terrible at it. I dig how much of the Uncharted spirit they've brought across: no matter how many bad spawns or fatally unreliable cover/melee actions, it doesn't really bother me because it's the Uncharted gang! Lookit them running and jumping around and cracking wise under fire!

I wish more folks would fight inside the customs house on Flooded Ruins. It's a damn shame.

So, gentlemen, any general tips to suck less? I can't face manually going back through 7,000 posts of balance complaints and graphics arguments to find them myself.


D2M15 said:
I wish more folks would fight inside the customs house on Flooded Ruins. It's a damn shame.

you simply cannot, the game forces you to spawn across the map behind some fool's back, actually only a quarter of the map is used with this ugly spawn-in-your-face-or-in-your-ass system.


Lince said:
so scoredlastnight and FFO, did you see what I mean with the spawns in the new maps? fucking hilarious! :lol
every patch was for the worse, except grenade nerfing and glitch fixing that are awesome, hope the juniors at ND keep working on it and eventually roll everything else back to version 1.0 when it was fun (reeeeaally fun).

JustHadToJoin said:
yes i did. in fact i even killed someone, noticed I was right by the spot, tricked the game into thinking I was running away from it, turned around, guy spawned, and I killed him again. No joke. It's so sad

Yeah, I take back what I said about The Flooded Ruins being the worst for spawns, it's no doubt The Facility. Those games were hilarious tho. That level [X] guy who range quit after I killed him 3 times in a row. I killed him once, and he spawned literally right in front of me two more times :lol He was 1-5 before he left lol I got 5 kills that game from people just appearing right in front of me, and died 3 times in a row as I'd spawn with a 2 guys looking right at me. Crazy. Absolutely crazy.


It wasn't long before I got sick of playing just a little bit, but here's what I feel about 1.06.

-UHHH... The FAL (aka, all long-range game minus the sniper, as DTI is getting stripped down more and more) is pretty worthless now. It fires too slowly (change it to 5%, not 10%), and coupled with the old legshot damage (which is great btw), it is now way too hard to even have a chance at killing people at a distance.
-The sniper fires slowly (not really a complaint as I wouldn't have minded it if it was the way ORIGINALLY, but with all of these changes...).
-Grenade radius is pretty small now (awesome, keep it this way).

I still despise this low-health junk. Coupled with how crippled the FAL is (at least compared to how it used to be) just plain sucks to me. I have another week before I disappear from UC2, but I don't even think I'm going to use that week anymore. Don't think I can take much more.


love on your sleeve
Just to add on to the spawn hate, I killed a guy 4 times in a row just by correctly guessing where he would spawn next. That shouldn't be possible.


The spawning is definitely different even on the older maps. We were playing a pistole/sniper match a little while ago on Fort. I killed two guys in the basement, they both spawned back in the basement, killed me then I respawned back in the basement. I managed to kill one of them who respawned back in the basement.

Likewise, we were playing chain king of the hill (or was it turf war) on Facility and we were holding a spot in the map room and I killed a guy three or four times in a row and each time he respawned at the bottom of the stairs.

There were times pre-1.05 when people would spawn near one another, but it was never this bad. Part of me wants to believe that it's just that people dying more means more frequent spawns and therefore a greater chance of bad spawns, but even in 1.05 it wasn't as prevalent. I'm wondering if, like COD, the game now tries to spawn you 'near the action' to keep the intensity up.

Anyway, great games tonight guys. We ran into a fun little 3-man party that stuck with us for awhile. I thought they were a fairly affable group.


Prior to the new health system, I used half-loaded and racked up plenty of kills. You never needed a full clip to kill someone if you were hitting them.

GGs tonight Bleach, Kitton, Lemm. I actually had a lot of fun--it was awesome when a sniper hit my foot while I was capping the treasure. It was awesome when I got a BrokenOath style Triple-three steel fist kills in rapid succession. I got my first Protectorate and didn't get killed by a single FAL camper. I had a positive KDR all but one match. By far the best part of coming back for a night of UC2 mp was playing with some of the guys who didn't move on to BFBC2. I missed you nerds.

Negatives: WTF spawns. WTF matchmaking. Didn't see a single DLC map. Grenades were fine before.

Overall, 1.05 is a vast improvement over 1.04 but still not as fun as the game used to be. I would give it up totally in favor of BFBC2 If not for the Gaffers still playing.



GG tonight though guyz, I wuz playing like shit at the beginning, the last few plunder matches turned out ok though.
Jesus Christ, this is the only multiplayer game I've played where the "updates" are going backwards and the gameplay started from almost perfect and got worse with each one of them :lol

They've ruined the grenades now. Holy shit.


TheMissingLink said:
Short 'n sweet, agreed. I just have less fun now.

What makes it less fun? The only things that have really changed are the nerfing of the FAL and sniper rifle, DTI is nerfed, all of which are good things, and grenades being nerfed a bit WHICH PEOPLE ASKED FOR.
Kittonwy said:
What makes it less fun? The only things that have really changed are the nerfing of the FAL and sniper rifle, DTI is nerfed, all of which are good things, and grenades being nerfed a bit WHICH PEOPLE ASKED FOR.

Most people asked for some kind of system where the last second retaliation before someone kills you can't happen. Only a few argued against grenades and opinion was always divided on that.


I still enjoy playing it. I always keep running. I never sit there and camp. This is one game where I don't feel frustrated when I die. It's more fun to just keep running around.


Yeef said:
The spawning is definitely different even on the older maps. We were playing a pistole/sniper match a little while ago on Fort. I killed two guys in the basement, they both spawned back in the basement, killed me then I respawned back in the basement. I managed to kill one of them who respawned back in the basement.

Likewise, we were playing chain king of the hill (or was it turf war) on Facility and we were holding a spot in the map room and I killed a guy three or four times in a row and each time he respawned at the bottom of the stairs.

There were times pre-1.05 when people would spawn near one another, but it was never this bad. Part of me wants to believe that it's just that people dying more means more frequent spawns and therefore a greater chance of bad spawns, but even in 1.05 it wasn't as prevalent. I'm wondering if, like COD, the game now tries to spawn you 'near the action' to keep the intensity up.

Anyway, great games tonight guys. We ran into a fun little 3-man party that stuck with us for awhile. I thought they were a fairly affable group.

Sort of the same experience here but I never noticed bad spawns until 1.06. I was playing on the ice level on Deathmatch (sorry I'm bad with names) and a team mate and I both spawned on the upper left of the cliff edge end of the map just as two enemies from the other team spawned right in front of us, down at the center location where you take the plunder to.

There's definitely something up with spawns post 1.06.
Zen said:
Sort of the same experience here but I never noticed bad spawns until 1.06. I was playing on the ice level on Deathmatch (sorry I'm bad with names) and a team mate and I both spawned on the upper left of the cliff edge end of the map just as two enemies from the other team spawned right in front of us, down at the center location where you take the plunder to.

There's definitely something up with spawns post 1.06.

well actually that always happened I've been on both sides of that situation since I started playing this game.
Solid_Rain said:
What the hell has happened with the spawning system; I now seem to spawn right at the same time next to the other team.

I guess they took a break for the weekend, but Im shocked that they havent made a blog post on ND discussing the issue or future fixes. The spawning issue is definitely a major issue.


We had some great games last night with Riky, Kitton, Yeef, and cbs. :]
Here's how not to camp your enemy's capture point with a shotty, hah.


I'm enjoying this rule set quite a bit more than what was put in place with 1.05.
Grenades are far from useless now, but you've got a solid chance at evasion.


fortified_concept said:
Most people asked for some kind of system where the last second retaliation before someone kills you can't happen. Only a few argued against grenades and opinion was always divided on that.

How can people ask for something to be taken out when THEY USE IT ALL THE TIME? What they did by lowering grenade radius is require that last second effort to be accurate to be awarded with a kill, it should be fair enough.
Kittonwy said:
How can people ask for something to be taken out when THEY USE IT ALL THE TIME? What they did by lowering grenade radius is require that last second effort to be accurate to be awarded with a kill, it should be fair enough.

It's a cheap trick, but everyone uses it including me. I don't think it needs to be changed. They can't stop you from throwing a grenade when you're still alive and getting shot.
Kittonwy said:
What makes it less fun? The only things that have really changed are the nerfing of the FAL and sniper rifle, DTI is nerfed, all of which are good things, and grenades being nerfed a bit WHICH PEOPLE ASKED FOR.

There was more strategy before. If you get spotted now, you die. You can't roll away, can't get into cover - nerf the FAL to make it pretty much worthless and the game has just lost how dynamic it was with long, medium and short-range battles. Now it's just the same shit, over and over.


TheMissingLink said:
There was more strategy before. If you get spotted now, you die. You can't roll away, can't get into cover - nerf the FAL to make it pretty much worthless and the game has just lost how dynamic it was with long, medium and short-range battles. Now it's just the same shit, over and over.

If you get completely flanked and the other person has a clear and steady shot, why shouldn't you die?

FAL is still killing with TWO BURSTS, it's not worthless at all, actually it's still damn powerful, at the rate of fire before it was insane, even at three bursts it was immensely powerful, you complained about being spotted and killed, but then you're complaining about the FAL being nerfed, the FAL is the biggest reason why people won't dare to go out in the open and why the dynamic was ruined, because long-ranged combat became dominant with FAL and with DTI, both of which were RIGHTFULLY nerfed.

Right now with the FAL and DTI nerfed, one can certainly roll into cover.
Kittonwy said:
How can people ask for something to be taken out when THEY USE IT ALL THE TIME? What they did by lowering grenade radius is require that last second effort to be accurate to be awarded with a kill, it should be fair enough.

I don't agree with it either but that's what they were asking. Imo the game was almost perfect at the beginning and they're making it worse with each new update. Anyway the grenades aren't that bad now that I played more, might be worse but not that bad. It seems that my bitterness over the health system is clouding my judgment :D

I'll play even more before passing any judgment and make sure I'll not overreact next time ;)


fortified_concept said:
I don't agree with it either but that's what they were asking. Imo opinion the game was almost perfect at the beginning and they're making it worse with each new update. Anyway the grenades aren't that bad now that I played more, might be worse but not that bad. It seems that my bitterness over the health system is clouding my judgment :D

I'll play even more before passing any judgment and make sure I'll not overreact next time ;)

The game was fine at the beginning I agree, the problem is people will find anything to complain about, people don't go down fast enough, people go down way too fast and don't have time to roll away, grenade radius too wide, grenade radius too small, people getting killed by DTI annoyed because they're low level and don't have DTI, people using DTI don't want DTI taken away, people graduated to 50+ level and don't use DTI thinking DTI is noobish and people using DTI having an advantage over them, people who like to run and gun getting killed by FAL getting upset, people using FAL getting upset now that FAL is nerfed.

It's a no-win situation.

Some of us once played a clan who were all using DTI complaining about us kicking their asses because some of us weren't using negative boosters, this is the fucking screwed-up world we live in.



JustHadToJoin said:
whats up with the hive mind in this place?!!!? Why do you all like Eddy so much?

Or, rather, what's your problem with him?
You're quick to pin the hive mind label, too.
I can't say I've spent the last pages here reading never ending praise for Eddy.

Personally, I like his character design, the not-entirely-bad-has-history-with-drake angle, and his voice acting. He's hilarious to play as.
Oh wow. Got a PS3 with Unchie 2, what a great game OMG! I loved the first game and the second is just as awesome! Best IP this gen!

I'm on chapter 22 already... am I close to the ending?

My only complaint is about some bugs here and there which really annoyed me... but other than that... 10/10 game. And that is just the SP campaign.
Gyrian said:
Or, rather, what's your problem with him?
You're quick to pin the hive mind label, too.
I can't say I've spent the last pages here reading never ending praise for Eddy.

Personally, I like his character design, the not-entirely-bad-has-history-with-drake angle, and his voice acting. He's hilarious to play as.

ahh calm down Gyrian your a cool guy didn't mean to make you upset, just felt like everyone is always like Eddy Eddy eddy (I've definitely seen it on multiple pages)! I have no problem with him though


JustHadToJoin said:
ahh calm down Gyrian your a cool guy didn't mean to make you upset, just felt like everyone is always like Eddy Eddy eddy (I've definitely seen it on multiple pages)! I have no problem with him though

I'm not; didn't mean to come off so strong. :]
I like Eddy, but I like Navarro better. Now there's one that doesn't get much praise, especially with so many who dislike the final showdown in UDF.


VsRobot said:
It was awesome when I got a BrokenOath style Triple-three steel fist kills in rapid succession.

You see, this is the kind of BrokenOath stories I like to hear. Not the embarrassing ones where I kill myself with grenades. :p

VsRobot said:
Overall, 1.05 is a vast improvement over 1.04 but still not as fun as the game used to be. I would give it up totally in favor of BFBC2 If not for the Gaffers still playing.

Er... I think you mean 1.06 over 1.05. (The way the game came out was pretty damn perfect except for the bullshit that occurred with DtI. Every patch has been a downgrade.)

Kittonwy said:
people graduated to 50+ level and don't use DTI thinking DTI is noobish and people using DTI having an advantage over them

I've thought it was Noob-ish once I turned level 18 in the fucking Demo/Beta.

CozMick said:
Time to move on?

Please do... :p

Lince said:
in your PS3, our laggy screens were still showing footage of your previous game and we were shooting you 'through space and time' ™

Hm, makes sense. :p (I love all my European Brethren. I just love to taunt you guys more. Blame AJ.)

Gyrian said:
I'm not; didn't mean to come off so strong. :]

Fuck that, call him a little bitch. Scored has always been more of an asshole towards GAF than even me (I thought it was impossible). :p

Me said:
Hey, Irish, what's with the massive quote-filled post?

Well, you see, I left my mic at my brother's house and don't feel like driving other there to get it. I'm a big attention whore, so I feel as though I can't play online Multiplayer games without talking to other people. I was actually going to play Uncharted MP tonight at that. >=(-X


Gyrian said:
Get yourself here, then!
Where is everyone tonight? Don't say the Oscars! :s

Heavy motha fuckin' Rain

(I shall return tomorrow. I hope I'll still be in the mood for some Uncharted then.)


Irish said:
Heavy motha fuckin' Rain

(I shall return tomorrow. I hope I'll still be in the mood for some Uncharted then.)
I'm finishing up Heavy rain tonight as well. I'll probably play some Uncharted in an hour or so if anyone else is still around.
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