EDIT: This might do a better job of explaining my bizarro world opinion (as far as the GAF thread goes I seem to be in the minority).
daxter01 said:
they should decrease accuracy of Down the Irons at least by 50% :lol
Sometimes I've forgotten to switch back on DTI (after playing on a game type where it would be less valuable than something else) and not even noticed the aiming difference. It does help, but it's not the be all end all, although I guess it makes difference for spraying with the AK at medium/close range.
I've logged a ton of hours into the game post 1.05, before I always felt like the health being so high meant that player skill as a difference maker wasn't all that important, and games became an issue of merely throwing bodies at the problem because everyone was such bullet sponges.
Killing people was a slow annoying process, and it was even unsatisfying to be killed. The game game people such a huge license to screw up or play stupidly with dozens of easy ways to escape without consequence, so most deaths then came from cheap tactics like shotgun running/grenade kills, or pull down/stealth kills. So the game felt... boring with too little player agency. The new health has really decreased the viability of Shotgun running, and increased the importance of playing smart, while still preserving the unique aspects of the game, like the mobility and melee (Melee was also improved by the lower health).
It's nice to see 1.06 be a slight tweak to enforcing mobility and all the very fun melee based options in the game, while still preserving the lower health, but making dealing damage to that health a bit more skill based than the already well balanced 1.05 (reducing weapon accuracy slightly).
I love the lower health, because the player skill and individual actions have greater importance than before, and the 1 hit kills don't feel nearly as cheap or of an 'easy out' as before, but rather mesh with the overall experience much more smoothly and compliment the experience.
Kicking someone off the top of Flooded Ruins never gets old. :lol
Irish said:
I'm actually seeing the exact opposite of that, Zen. The game is now even less about using cover and moving strategically through the battlefield and more about staying somewhere in the back of the map (with a FAL) where you have a pretty good view of the entire battleground.
You're no longer rewarded for having learned the maps and knowing how to think quickly on your feet. In fact, even moving between cover becomes difficult when the time it takes to get to cover no more than 3 yards away from you leaves you open to dying halfway through. Also, the ever persistent problem with DtI (shooting through and around cover) has been magnified two-fold.
Lost City is probably the one map where this is the case more so than others, but cover it hugely important since you have less health, and thus less livable distance to cover when you're under fire. Understanding the map, how to move through it, and what good cover points are and where they are exposed from is MORE important; you have to be more mindful of your initial positioning as your moving through the map. That's my feeling on it anyway, it's not like I move through the level exclusively by cover hoping, but knowing the cover points and making sure I'm using my camera properly to check for enemies make a bigger difference than they did before.
I agree with you that the 'back row' positioning has more importance now, but in any firefight I've been in, it hasn't dominated the encounter. Usually the front row progress is just as important, if not more so since it's not like the people moving up are unable to target the people using FAL.
Oh well, at least I can still claim that I'm one of the best players when it comes to one vs. three or more at close range.
My 1vX game has improved hugely since coming back, though I guess you were very good at targeting the upper body/head? For me, unless I was using a cheap tactic like a grenade (and when I was doing a good job of targeting the head), pre 1.05 was a bit more 'simple math' in the past. Now, say what you will about 'twitch', my split second decisions and tactics are having a far greater impact, and I'm not even that good (sub 1.0 K/D Ratio).
Another nice thing of the reduced health, it's far easier to shut people down who are using the Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, or Rockets. With how much health they had before, teams that got said weapons prior would be able to dominate the maps much more easily.