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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Irish said:
Who just taps L2 anyway? I always, and I mean always, aim my grenades with L1 first.

I just think you guys (Lince, FFO, and vLper) were all on the bad end of Euro lag. :p
I'm in the US and it's like that for me also.
Maybe it's Irish-Luck or you're just blinded!


Gyrian said:
I'm with you on this, one of the most welcome tweaks for tomorrow. :]

Well, one last night with the current rule-set to enjoy.
I'll be on, hope to see some of you still.

I'll be there, with my new and shiny Helghast suit :D


Really hope this update fixes 'Error syncing player models'. Haven't been able to play multiplayer for so long because of that.
FINALLY dti is getting taken down a notch but I really hope the melee attacks get fixed too; I alway's found it strange how two players can die at the same time. Last thing to fix would be adding something to stop people from dropping grenades when they die coz it reminds of the worst part of MW1.


mr_nothin said:
I'm in the US and it's like that for me also.
Maybe it's Irish-Luck or you're just blinded!

I think it's because I actually play pretty stupidly. I'm not very predictable so people have trouble aiming grenades at me. I'll run at somebody to get into cover instead of to the sides. I also tend to climb stuff without any reason just to attack a guy standing right next to me.


Well, to be honest, I'm not convinced that the new patch will fix things to the way they were before (or at least similar). But it is a start.

Things I believe would help:
-More time in between grenade throws (including prep time needed for first throw)
-Reduced accuracy of AK maybe?
-Spawn the sniper with 5 rounds instead of 6
-Spawn the grenade launcher with 2 more rounds, the rockets with 1 more

All assuming the current health system will still be kept obviously.

Also, Arne, how much has DTI been reduced? I already noticed since 1.05 that it's not nearly as useful as it used to be, and I'm just curious as to how much it's been brought down since the game has been on the shelf.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
alr1ghtstart said:
why in the world would you give the hammer and rpg more ammo?



Darkatomz said:
Things I believe would help:
-More time in between grenade throws (including prep time needed for first throw)
Reduced accuracy of AK maybe?
Slow down there. It's already the least accurate Rifle in the game. Probably the least accurate gun over all if you don't include the ones no one aims (shotguns and pistole).
-Spawn the sniper with 5 rounds instead of 6
I can agree with this, but I think it also needs to have a similar respawn time to the RPG and Hammer.
-Spawn the grenade launcher with 2 more rounds, the rockets with 1 more
You must be on drugs. I say this as someone who generally rushes the Hammer at the beginning of every match. The amount of ammo you get with both of those guns is perfect as is. The hammer I think is perfectly balanced, but I think the RPG should probably reload a little faster and/or have a large blast radius (or at least be affected by Rapid Hands). Considering it only appears as a normal weapon on 3 maps it deserves to be a little better than the hammer.


Update sounds good. Should improve things a bit. Also, really like The Flooded Ruins. I think I've only played it like 5 or 6 times. I wish it came up more often in DLC matchmaking. I've played The Facility like 12 probably. I don't like it quite as much. One time people actually picked Sanctuary over The Flooded Ruins. That was kind of disappointing. Those people must of gotten there fill of Flooded Ruins quickly. Anyway, looking forward to seeing how the update feels. I just haven't been enjoying it quite as much lately.
The fact that this patch is coming as quick as tomorrow is awesome. Right on Naughty Dog!

DTI being reduced is like amazing. I was getting sick and tired of being shot when I'm in cover, where a gun cannot shoot at me. Hopefully, the reduction fixes that. The sniper is also the most annoying thing in the game currently, and I'm glad it's getting reduced. The FAL is really annoying on The Fort, so maybe The Fort will be a better map to play on now. The hitboxes being fixed is a definite amazing addition. I also hope the glitches on other maps besides The Fort are fixed too. I know I saw glitching on the new maps and also on The Ice Cave.


Decreased kill radius of grenades by 1 meter

Wow they really nerfed them. Not sure if I like, I enjoy abusing grenades. :p

But they never talk about upgrading the netcode. Are we doomed with laggy matches and bullshit melee kills forever?


Yeef said:
In regards to the AK rate of fire, the reason why I put the ? is because I don't know exactly how fast the FAL can kill a person after the changes tomorrow. Aside from the shotguns, the AK could very well be the fastest killing non-power weapon after tomorrow (which may not be a bad thing).

But think about the explosive weapons for a minute. Right now, you can get up to 6 kills with a fully-loaded sniper. Assuming you only take down one person with a Hammer or rocket round (big assumption, I know), that amounts to 3 and 2 kills, respectively (without the boosters which boost ammo count upon pickup). Compared to the sniper, it's half as many kills. But a longer respawn time on the sniper would be nice.

Oh, and if you have qualms with the reload speed of the explosives, there's a trick to speed it up.
Maybe I shouldn't have posted that here...


Darkatomz said:
Oh, and if you have qualms with the reload speed of the explosives, there's a trick to speed it up.
Maybe I shouldn't have posted that here...
I'm familiar with 2 tricks. I've done once of them tons of times by accident.

Anyway, I'll only have a little while with the patch tomorrow before work and I probably won't have time to play again until Friday night.


VsRobot said:
Cautiously hopeful about 1.06. DTI / FAL / Sniper all nerfed? Game might actually be playable again.

It's plenty playable now though. :|

Title Update 1.06 includes a couple under-the-hood fixes we needed to make that don’t affect gameplay. Beyond that, we’ve also made the following updates:

* Removed automatic shoulder selection when players click the L1 shoulder button to aim

Personally I really liked it, it was barely ever a on the wrong side for me and I never was in a situation where it cost me a life or anything, would have been nice to make it optional.

* Delayed the appearance of the scoreboard to allow time for players to view any medals received simultaneously with player death

Nice tweak.

At the same time the Title Update is released, we’ll also be pushing live updates to other aspects of our multiplayer. These updates include:

* Adjusted hitbox attributes so that players will take less damage to the character’s legs
* Decreased kill radius of grenades by 1 meter
* Decreased accuracy of Down the Irons by 15%
* Reduced rate of fire of the FAL by 10%
* Reduced rate of fire for the Dragon Sniper by 10%
* Collision and geometry changes to “The Fort” to prevent intentional glitching by players

These all sound like decent changes for people complaining about not being able to move around, frankly the players just had too much health pre 1.05, but at the same time this seems like the best compromise between how it was prior and how it is now. It might end up being better than either. DTI got a slight nerf which is cool and will hopefully help push players to try out different skills, but I'm glad that the Sniper Rifle is still a 1 hit kill, but making is slightly slower seems like a great idea.


EDIT: This might do a better job of explaining my bizarro world opinion (as far as the GAF thread goes I seem to be in the minority).

daxter01 said:
they should decrease accuracy of Down the Irons at least by 50% :lol

Sometimes I've forgotten to switch back on DTI (after playing on a game type where it would be less valuable than something else) and not even noticed the aiming difference. It does help, but it's not the be all end all, although I guess it makes difference for spraying with the AK at medium/close range.

I've logged a ton of hours into the game post 1.05, before I always felt like the health being so high meant that player skill as a difference maker wasn't all that important, and games became an issue of merely throwing bodies at the problem because everyone was such bullet sponges.

Killing people was a slow annoying process, and it was even unsatisfying to be killed. The game game people such a huge license to screw up or play stupidly with dozens of easy ways to escape without consequence, so most deaths then came from cheap tactics like shotgun running/grenade kills, or pull down/stealth kills. So the game felt... boring with too little player agency. The new health has really decreased the viability of Shotgun running, and increased the importance of playing smart, while still preserving the unique aspects of the game, like the mobility and melee (Melee was also improved by the lower health).

It's nice to see 1.06 be a slight tweak to enforcing mobility and all the very fun melee based options in the game, while still preserving the lower health, but making dealing damage to that health a bit more skill based than the already well balanced 1.05 (reducing weapon accuracy slightly).

I love the lower health, because the player skill and individual actions have greater importance than before, and the 1 hit kills don't feel nearly as cheap or of an 'easy out' as before, but rather mesh with the overall experience much more smoothly and compliment the experience.

Kicking someone off the top of Flooded Ruins never gets old. :lol

Irish said:
I'm actually seeing the exact opposite of that, Zen. The game is now even less about using cover and moving strategically through the battlefield and more about staying somewhere in the back of the map (with a FAL) where you have a pretty good view of the entire battleground.

You're no longer rewarded for having learned the maps and knowing how to think quickly on your feet. In fact, even moving between cover becomes difficult when the time it takes to get to cover no more than 3 yards away from you leaves you open to dying halfway through. Also, the ever persistent problem with DtI (shooting through and around cover) has been magnified two-fold.

Lost City is probably the one map where this is the case more so than others, but cover it hugely important since you have less health, and thus less livable distance to cover when you're under fire. Understanding the map, how to move through it, and what good cover points are and where they are exposed from is MORE important; you have to be more mindful of your initial positioning as your moving through the map. That's my feeling on it anyway, it's not like I move through the level exclusively by cover hoping, but knowing the cover points and making sure I'm using my camera properly to check for enemies make a bigger difference than they did before.

I agree with you that the 'back row' positioning has more importance now, but in any firefight I've been in, it hasn't dominated the encounter. Usually the front row progress is just as important, if not more so since it's not like the people moving up are unable to target the people using FAL.

Oh well, at least I can still claim that I'm one of the best players when it comes to one vs. three or more at close range.

My 1vX game has improved hugely since coming back, though I guess you were very good at targeting the upper body/head? For me, unless I was using a cheap tactic like a grenade (and when I was doing a good job of targeting the head), pre 1.05 was a bit more 'simple math' in the past. Now, say what you will about 'twitch', my split second decisions and tactics are having a far greater impact, and I'm not even that good (sub 1.0 K/D Ratio).

Another nice thing of the reduced health, it's far easier to shut people down who are using the Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, or Rockets. With how much health they had before, teams that got said weapons prior would be able to dominate the maps much more easily.


Zen said:
Personally I really liked it, it was barely ever a on the wrong side for me and I never was in a situation where it cost me a life or anything, would have been nice to make it optional.

We're working on this -- if we can implement the option, we will. That's TBD at the moment.


Update looks bloody brilliant.

Can't wait! :D

Will this update stop me from playing Japanese players all the damn time? because it's becoming a joke.


Not as deep as he thinks
Yo arne, will it ever be possible to choose your "Hero" character in the co-op arena modes (Survival/Gold Rush)?

Man, trying to go up the ranks is tougher now. I'm rank 57 on the global leaderboards and to reach Rank 56 is a pretty big gap!


Rewrite said:
Yo arne, will it ever be possible to choose your "Hero" character in the co-op arena modes (Survival/Gold Rush)?

Man, trying to go up the ranks is tougher now. I'm rank 57 on the global leaderboards and to reach Rank 56 is a pretty big gap!
I'm rather curious about this, Rewrite. Does it include Survival and Gold Rush? What kind of scores are you pulling now? Isn't it a bit tiresome since you must know the spawns by heart?
Looking forward to trying this update tomorrow :D

By the way, Arne, I know there were a ton of people complaining about the more significant changes and all, but is there any word on fixing the Cinema glitch with the "missing" models and such? Just got my Hauppauge 1212 and was looking forward to digitally capturing and compiling my greatest moments I've been saving up and ever since 1.05 I can't access some of my saved matches :(


Great games last night, GAF. :]

Rewrite said:
Yo arne, will it ever be possible to choose your "Hero" character in the co-op arena modes (Survival/Gold Rush)?

This would be a nice little detail to add somewhere down the road.
We were playing Facility last night, thinking out loud that it would be cool to run it with UDF characters like Drake + Elena + Sully, or Roman + Atoq + Eddy (yes, villains like treasure too!).

Also, getting way ahead of time here, but I hope some of the online functionality can someday be accessed off PSN, like cinemas, survival. and machinima. I shed a tear for the day this game won't have a running server and we won't be able to see some of that content anymore. Hell, in a perfect world, we could see LAN play being patched in before we get there. ;]


Irish said:
Who just taps L2 anyway? I always, and I mean always, aim my grenades with L1 first.

I just think you guys (Lince, FFO, and vLper) were all on the bad end of Euro lag. :p
it's not vLper its viper. :p

Tapping L2 while getting shot to death = instant martyrdom. So it needs to go!


Lince said:
Arne did you get my PM? is there a way to wipe out my "I told you I was hardcore" stats from the server? I have that glitched trophy since the infamous system clock incident, I know it's not your fault but Sony's, but I don't know who to turn to anyway. Help?

ooh, if it is actually possible to do something on the server, could it also be done for the single player trophies? My 60th treasure trophy did not unlock for me during the clock problem.

I've mentioned this before in here, but I have since gotten the 70th treasure trophy, but the 60th is still locked. Lince or someone suggested that I have to start over from scratch, but it would be great if there was a workaround.

If ND can't do anything, I wonder if it's possible for Sony to trigger an unlock from the PSN trophy servers? (yeah, that would be a long shot, I know).

I did send an email to ND today, but haven't yet heard back on their suggestion.
update sounds good and glad to hear its here so soon

but so many updates and so soon kinda worries me...

shouldn't this stuff have been fixed in the beta?

and isn't ND kind of flip-flopping?


djtortilla said:
update sounds good and glad to hear its here so soon

but so many updates and so soon kinda worries me...

shouldn't this stuff have been fixed in the beta?

and isn't ND kind of flip-flopping?

I still think the best version of U2 multiplayer was the one we got when the game launched (except for the map glitches).


djtortilla said:
but so many updates and so soon kinda worries me...
shouldn't this stuff have been fixed in the beta?

Would you prefer that there be no regular updates?
As for the beta, running one isn't the same as having the finished game out there in millions of hands. It's very helpful to conduct one, but it's not the end-all.

Think of how many (all, I'd say) games that continue making balance changes, or even features / mechanics post beta.
well the thing that worries me, is if ND is making updates without testing the changes carefully enough

This new update is out pretty quickly after the last update.
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