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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Beat the game this weekend, immediately after playing UC1 for the second time. UC2 was a rental.

I left it with mixed feelings. It improved in many ways over its predecessor: graphically, it was significant (and I mean SIGNIFICANTLY) more advanced the UC1. I also enjoyed the shooting a lot more in this one, I especially liked a lot of the new guns, like the FLAIL. Platforming was about the same for me, although I guess there were less times where I told him to move right but because of the odd perspectives he fell or anything. But at the same time, I think there was not as good control of the camera in this game, i.e. it would get locked into a really bad perspective, sometimes for dramatic effect, but it was nevertheless very annoying.

I was disappointed in how it took several steps back though. The most egregious offender was the seamless nature of the game. Obviously, the game is trying to be an interactive Indiana Jones movie, just like UC1, and what is very important to achieving that goal is for the experience to feel seamless, i.e. you never reach a moment where the immersion breaks. This happened a lot more in this game then in UC1, and it was almost always not knowing where to go. I was very impressed by UC1s ability to make it obvious from the level design what the next step was, and so I never found myself spending 4 minutes wandering around looking for what ledge I was allowed to grab. UC2 had this in spades though. I think it's partly due to the "wall porn," every wall has so much detail on it that you see ledges and holes all over the place that look identical to the ones you can grab, but these you can't. I swear there were a few times where I could grab one ledge while a ledge right next to it looked identical but not grabbable.

The pacing was also very off at points. The
gears machine in the mountain
was way too much platforming in a row. Just too much, for too long. I almost stopped playing the game there because I was losing interest so quickly. Also, why the hell did you go there?
I never understood why Schaefer sent you there, what you were supposed to learn other then that he killed his expedition, but did it ever explain what bad things happened?
Also, wtf was up with the character of
Schaefer, he's this nonsensical bit character who dies, and at the end your supposed to feel sad about it? The only thing I felt was, "wait, was this guy a Nazi? Very bad character creation/implementation whatever with him.

In the last act, what happened to the pistols? I found one pistol in the entire last section of the game. Which is unfortunate because the best big weapon in that section only carries 6 rounds, so you'd really like to be able to use your pistol to take out the weak guys. I'm assuming they were being coy by adding the
, their last game was criticized by having bullet-sponge NPCs, so they make the ultimate bullet sponge NPCs be the last bad guys you encounter.
At least until you find the crossbow.
I guess I enjoyed that.

I honestly didn't think they could make a worse final boss fight, but they did. They did take the criticism from the last game, where there was no gameplay, and this one instead you just have some lame metroid/zelda-esque mechanic that is the one fatal flaw to this invulnerable boss, but unfortunately, the shooting/gameplay isn't good enough to make such an experience enjoyable. It just feels lame.

LOVED the last conversation about fear on 1-10 scale. Best writing in both games combined.

Overall, good game. I'll buy it when it gets to $10 and play it again. Rental for now, since I don't play multiplayer. Definitely feel like it's incredibly overrated though, "once in a generation experience" indeed...


coopolon said:
Also, why the hell did you go there?
I never understood why Schaefer sent you there, what you were supposed to learn other then that he killed his expedition, but did it ever explain what bad things happened?
Also, wtf was up with the character of
Schaefer, he's this nonsensical bit character who dies, and at the end your supposed to feel sad about it? The only thing I felt was, "wait, was this guy a Nazi? Very bad character creation/implementation whatever with him.
I was always under the impression that Schafer thought that the Cintamani Stone would
turn anyone who found it into the Demon Yeti things or worse

As for his purpose he's based on a real person named Ernst Schafer. A lot of the story in the game is based in real history and mythology which is a big part of what makes it great.


i'm really not coming in here to hate, but...

i picked up the god of war collection a few days ago. and as good as this game is, the feeling of OMG that i got from god of war the first time i played it was much, much more overwhelming than this game.

but it seems like this is getting better reviews? or reviews on a par? IMO, for what they were upon their release dates in comparison to the competition, god of war blows this game away...

curious on other peoples thoughts


MaxSteel said:
i'm really not coming in here to hate, but...

i picked up the god of war collection a few days ago. and as good as this game is, the feeling of OMG that i got from god of war the first time i played it was much, much more overwhelming than this game.

but it seems like this is getting better reviews? or reviews on a par? IMO, for what they were upon their release dates in comparison to the competition, god of war blows this game away...

curious on other peoples thoughts
Well... they're completely different games. Different experiences and so on. I'm one of the few people I know who hated the campaign of UC1/2 but I like the UC2 online. I know I used to play with BrokenOath/Irish when it first came out/was in demo land.

Anyways, you asked to hear opinions on it vs GOW? GOW was awful and UC1 and 2 (campaign, atleast) are passable at best. So... I pick UC over GOW?


Yesterday I played my first rounds of multiplayer, I enjoyed it a lot.

I saw everybody with skills equipped, but I can't figure out how to purchase or equip skills, I have not beaten yet the single player, is that why?

Any help on how to buy multiplayer skills will be appreciated.


OniShiro said:
Yesterday I played my first rounds of multiplayer, I enjoyed it a lot.

I saw everybody with skills equipped, but I can't figure out how to purchase or equip skills, I have not beaten yet the single player, is that why?

Any help on how to buy multiplayer skills will be appreciated.

You unlock boosters (skills) by earning money from playing online or unlocking medals in single player.

Press Square on the multiplayer menu to go to your profile to select boosters and other stuff, press R1 to go to the store to buy new things you unlock as you level up.


ZeroRay said:
You unlock boosters (skills) by earning money from playing online or unlocking medals in single player.

Press Square on the multiplayer menu to go to your profile to select boosters and other stuff, press R1 to go to the store to buy new things you unlock as you level up.

Thanks :)


Happy Phantom said:
Well... they're completely different games. Different experiences and so on. I'm one of the few people I know who hated the campaign of UC1/2 but I like the UC2 online. I know I used to play with BrokenOath/Irish when it first came out/was in demo land.

Anyways, you asked to hear opinions on it vs GOW? GOW was awful and UC1 and 2 (campaign, atleast) are passable at best. So... I pick UC over GOW?

curious why you say GOW (god of war, to be clear, not gears) is awful? i'm playing it again, must be what, 5/6 years after it game out, and i still think it's amazing. don't see how it can be classified as awful. just don't.

and i understand they're different games - not totally different, but different. but upon their release, they were both huge first party games, they were the technical pinnacles of the system, but neither was particularly original.


MaxSteel said:
curious why you say GOW (god of war, to be clear, not gears) is awful? i'm playing it again, must be what, 5/6 years after it game out, and i still think it's amazing. don't see how it can be classified as awful. just don't.

and i understand they're different games - not totally different, but different. but upon their release, they were both huge first party games, they were the technical pinnacles of the system, but neither was particularly original.
Not really the thread to talk about GOW, but short version:even on the hardest difficulty setting I found it painfully easy, non-engaging and too overblown. I'm also someone who doesn't care at all about story, and only really cares about gameplay.


Happy Phantom said:
Not really the thread to talk about GOW, but short version:even on the hardest difficulty setting I found it painfully easy, non-engaging and too overblown. I'm also someone who doesn't care at all about story, and only really cares about gameplay.

fair enough i suppose

yeah wasn't trying to hijack the thread - just feel like the two games are comparable for whatever they are to their respective systems and generations


GG tonight Qlaarqueh, Gyrian, and Kitton.

People who glitch in the Fort need to stop :p
It's pretty dumb.
also, sniper/pistole matches aren't too much fun anymore.


GG bleach, qlaarqueh, jaroof and adamastor.
Fuck, yesterday I left my Ps3 turned on for like 2-3 hours when playing online and I lost 3 levels due to penalties and shit*-* Was at level 49, now I'm at 46.
Mt Heart Attack said:
Fuck, yesterday I left my Ps3 turned on for like 2-3 hours when playing online and I lost 3 levels due to penalties and shit*-* Was at level 49, now I'm at 46.

? Do you mean that you were engaged in matchmaking but were not actually at your console? Similar to someone being on PC being away from their keyboard?


Haven't touched this game since I beat it back in January, but decided to load it up last night to see about earning a trophy or two - the easiest seeming to be 'play a match online'. I had no idea what to expect, but I also didn't really care. I was just going to play a single match, grab my trophy, and be done.

Naturally I got destroyed, I was lost, I had forgotten how to play the game, and I think I finished 0-8. But I got my trophy and that should have been that - except it wasn't. I got an itch to try again, and then again. I ended up playing online for the next four hours. I started learning the maps, I started killing dudes, and I started to have a lot of fun.

So I figured I'd post what I learned in my first couple of hours to give others new to the multiplayer an idea of what to expect, and maybe a helpful hint or two.

1. You don't know any of the maps, so you're probably going to wander right out into the open center and get your ass killed more often than not. Instead, try and get a feel for the shape of the map and stick to the sides, this way you have a better feel for which of your flanks is vulnerable at any given time - it's easier to be on the outside looking in than the other way around.

2. Every second you're running around on the ground is another second someone is going to whip around a corner and shotgun you to the face - so climb shit. Get up on roofs, in towers, whatever. Take cover and use your camera to peer over whatever you're hiding behind to get a feel for what's going on down there. If you see someone off in the distance and they're not looking in your direction, try and snipe them with your pistol. If you see someone running down an alley right next to you, jump down and follow them, the second they stop kill them with a melee attack.

3. Do not try and win any close quarters firefights. First of all, you suck and they don't. Second of all, they're running boosters and weapon upgrades and you're not. You'll win like 1 in 10 of these - which unfortunately is just enough to encourage you to keep trying to win these fights. Instead, the second you find yourself next to someone, stab him in the fucking face. Don't aim, don't fire from the hip, just mash your melee button and fuck that dude up.

4. You start with a pistol, an SMG, and your fists. I know it feels right to use your SMG for everything, but the game is balanced around pistols for long range, smgs for mid range, and melee for short range - so choose accordingly. In time you'll get a feel for what you're best at, and then you can start hunting down the weapon spawns that are best suited to your playstyle, like shotguns for close range, M4s for medium range, or Sniper Rifles/Fals for long range..
the_prime_mover said:
? Do you mean that you were engaged in matchmaking but were not actually at your console? Similar to someone being on PC being away from their keyboard?
Yeah exactly. I actually thought that the Ps3 was off, but it was not.


Dedication Through Light said:
Ive tried to stop meleeing (only for stealth kills), as I hate having that probability of both people killing each other at the same time.
Always shoot 1st and then melee. It works even if they hit you 1st.


Dedication Through Light said:
Ive tried to stop meleeing (only for stealth kills), as I hate having that probability of both people killing each other at the same time.

Two words: Steel Fist!


Irish said:
Two words: Steel Fist!
Steel fist only works well with the micro though. With any other gun the other person will also do the same thing and you end up killing each other (assuming you don't get the drop on them).


Irish said:
That may be true for you plebes, but not for me. :p
Psh, it's a matter of lag. Even though it never shows the opponent melee or shoot somehow you still die afterward. Obviously you must be some sort of lag-switching glitcher!
Are there still a lot of people playing online? I'm getting this soon with a PS3 and can't wait to play.

Hope the community for this and Killzone 2 is still active. :D
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Are there still a lot of people playing online? I'm getting this soon with a PS3 and can't wait to play.

Hope the community for this and Killzone 2 is still active. :D

I believe 65,000 daily players! UC2 online never gets old. I think Im at my 180th hour of online playtime.


Dedication Through Light said:
UC2 online never gets old.

It definitely got old and it wasn't due to the number of maps or modes. Here's a hint:
Title Updates

Seriously, I'd be willing to trade a de-nerfed DtI for the old grenades. Please?
Kos Luftar said:
I wonder if that number is unique players.

I logged on for the first time in ages to try out the new patch and the DLC I bought and was amazed to see 59k in player count.

Keep in mind - this was after the LAST time I played (which was for the month or so after the game came out and pre-MW2) the amount of players was like seriously 9k.

If it's unique players I'm extremely impressed.

Also my thoughts on the patch:

-Guns and shooting feels better and seems great.
-Grenades don't kill people anymore? WTF is this?!? I land a grenade perfectly on someone in an isolated sniper spot on Plaza and they don't die?
-Player movement seems a lot slower than before, not sure if I dig it or not.
-Spawn system blows now, reminds me of MW2. Preferred it when you could explore the map and not get shot in the back by someone spawning right where you spawned 5 seconds ago.


Cold-Steel said:
I logged on for the first time in ages to try out the new patch and the DLC I bought and was amazed to see 59k in player count.

Keep in mind - this was after the LAST time I played (which was for the month or so after the game came out and pre-MW2) the amount of players was like seriously 9k.

If it's unique players I'm extremely impressed.

Also my thoughts on the patch:

-Guns and shooting feels better and seems great.
-Grenades don't kill people anymore? WTF is this?!? I land a grenade perfectly on someone in an isolated sniper spot on Plaza and they don't die?
-Player movement seems a lot slower than before, not sure if I dig it or not.
-Spawn system blows now, reminds me of MW2. Preferred it when you could explore the map and not get shot in the back by someone spawning right where you spawned 5 seconds ago.
Well that player count you saw when you last played was just a specific number of player on that server alone. There are more than one server, hence why the number is different than the tallied one you saw recently. Grenades do kill, but they are just not as effective any more. They are however excellent for stunning. Spawns are indeed fubared. Right on. Keep in mind when playing gaf, after we kill you, we say a prayer and dance over your corpse.

"And Shepherds we shall be

For thee, my Lord, for thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand

Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee

And teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who haze me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand and count me among Thy saints."

"Whosoever shed last blood. By man shall his blood be shed. For immunity of God make he the man. Destroy all that which is evil. So that which is good may flourish. And I shall count thee among my favored sheep. And you shall have the protection of all the angels in heaven."

"Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God. "

Yes, I do love the Boondock Saints. What makes you ask? :lol


I just played a match where 4 of us were Eddy Raja. Naughty Dog better find some way to bring him back to life for Uncharted 3. :lol


Zen said:
I just played a match where 4 of us were Eddy Rajah. Naughty Dog better find some way to bring him back to life for Uncahrted 3. :lol
That's easy. Say he survived the bite to the neck, killed that dude that bit him, then proceeded to escape off the island on a deserted boat. Problem solved. He'll just have a nasty scar on his neck now.


Or we could get Zombie/Ghost Eddy. I mean Uncharted has had a ton of supernatural elements, having the ghost of Eddy Raja aiding (and sometimes attempting to kill you through misinformation) would be pretty funny. :lol

But 'survive' is probably the best option.


Did the nade nerf also affect bbq's? I'm having a really hard time going for the trophy. Even when a canister blows up right above someone's head, it just knocks him down. And for every knockdown I get, four canisters blow up in my face cause my target spots me and shoots as I throw. I suppose I'm helping others get the trophy. :lol


I am not sure if it's a problem with the latest patch, but sometimes when I quit the game to go the XMB, the PS3 shuts down improperly and reboots. After playing online, I quit to the game's main menu, and I use the XMB function to quit. Then I hear three beeps.

It doesn't do it all the time, but it's a frequent occurrence. It did not do this before.


womfalcs3 said:
I am not sure if it's a problem with the latest patch, but sometimes when I quit the game to go the XMB, the PS3 shuts down improperly and reboots. After playing online, I quit to the game's main menu, and I use the XMB function to quit. Then I hear three beeps.

It doesn't do it all the time, but it's a frequent occurrence. It did not do this before.

This happened to me a lot early this year, before 1.05 was released. The game would crash on exit more often than not. Have only had it happen once or twice since 1.05. I don't recall any such crash between the beta and this year. It happened every time you exited the game in the beta (the closed beta, iirc).


womfalcs3 said:
I am not sure if it's a problem with the latest patch, but sometimes when I quit the game to go the XMB, the PS3 shuts down improperly and reboots. After playing online, I quit to the game's main menu, and I use the XMB function to quit. Then I hear three beeps.

It doesn't do it all the time, but it's a frequent occurrence. It did not do this before.

Yeah I've had that happen to me quite often before the latest patch. Now it occurs once in a while. Not exactly sure what it is that causes that to happen.


Arne the spawns are a bit fucked up, need fixing, please kthx bye.

Fort still has a glitch somewhere, it's getting ridiculous, lithiumpain5050 was the last person I saw glitching date 3/10/2010 4:50AM.


Bioshock finally pulled me away from UC2 MP, and when I get back from my honeymoon, GOWIII and JC2 will be waiting for me... Hopefully the April DLC drags me back in before I succumb to Split/Second or Blur :D
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