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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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From the Joystiq interview:

Maybe we could go to Jak and Daxter as the next project. Maybe we stick with Uncharted [laughs]. Maybe we come up with a new IP.

Evan Wells, you tease. Don't laugh at my pain! I would sell a kidney for a Naughty Dog developed Jak game on PS3.

Also, I really don't want an Uncharted game for the PSP. I love the series but it might not transfer well and other third person shooters on the system haven't interested me.


I'd be in the dick
I bought all the DLC last night and finally have gotten a chance to play since the changes. I never played 1.05 but I am enjoying 1.06 quite a bit. Still getting used to the weaker grenades but after a few games of adjusting to the damage changes I'm doing a lot better than I did before. I didn't think that I would like the change either.


Zen said:
Ready at Dawn is either:
1) Still on their 'no more PSP development' thing
2) Busy (Doing whatever or working on God of War CoO PSP sequel as was rumored some time back around the PSP 'comeback')

Uncharted PSP would be an amazing technical challenge, and potential accomplishment.

Read at Dawn are probably busy with their engine.


gofreak said:
Lonnnnng, good interview with Evan Wells here from GDC:


A couple points that strike immediately:

- They're looking for a partner to work on Uncharted for PSP. Did they confirm this before? News to me.

- They've posted the source code for UC2 on the sony first party network, as they did with UC

Lots of other stuff in there about DLC, the new offices, Move, the happenings at Infinity Ward etc.

Awesome interview, thanks for posting the link gofreak.


SCReuter said:
Naughty Dog should increase the fire rate of the FAL and/or decrease the accuracy of the AK.

With the way it's set up now, the FAL is practically worthless and it seems almost the entire online community has migrated over to the AK as it still provides near-effortless instant kills from the 1.05 patch.

Really, throughout every match now all you hear is the following:


Also, yeah, spawning is an issue.

FAL is still way more effective long-range and is a two-bursts-kill, it's just that more people are using AK with DTI, the problem isn't FAL getting nerfed, it SHOULD be nerfed because at the rate of fire before people have no chance in the open or even up-close, DTI+AK is still pretty strong but after the DTI nerf if you're good enough you do stand a chance, unless it's DTI+AK+fleet foot.

Spawn IS an issue though.
$65 isn't that expensive for an art book....I've paid way more for artists with less presence than a big game studio like Naughty Dog. :|

It's definitely going into my library!


I don't understand the mentality of people who try to teamkill in co op games. The thing about UC2 is they usually fail unless your other teammate is in on it or dumb.
Cday said:
I don't understand the mentality of people who try to teamkill in co op games. The thing about UC2 is they usually fail unless your other teammate is in on it or dumb.
Don't play with randoms when it comes to co-op.


Pai Pai Master said:
$65 isn't that expensive for an art book....I've paid way more for artists with less presence than a big game studio like Naughty Dog. :|

It's definitely going into my library!

Yeah, thats fine except the shipping is an extra $30. Sigh, I'll have to wait and see if it appears in local stores here.


I just picked this up and started playing SP over the weekend. Got a bit restless and decided to dip my toes into the MP. Easily the best fun I've had in recent memory. I have a few questions though, as a total noob.

-Where do I get boosters? Everyone else is using them but I don't have any available?

-Is there a guide to how to play the various games, such as Plunder, King of the Hill, etc? I find myself just running about aimlessly and killing people (or getting killed more often the case). Like, in Plunder, what is the goal? Where do I take the treasure?

-Does nobody play Co-op? I could never find a game.

-What's wrong with spawning in this game (I'm relatively new to MP in general and didn't notice anything bad with spawning)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
electroshockwave said:
Evan Wells, you tease. Don't laugh at my pain! I would sell a kidney for a Naughty Dog developed Jak game on PS3.

Nolan North has already said he's due to voice Drake again this year. Meaning, if ND do go back to Jak for the PS3, it won't hit shelves until 2013 at the earliest (assuming a 2011 release date for Uncharted 3).


handofg0d said:
I just picked this up and started playing SP over the weekend. Got a bit restless and decided to dip my toes into the MP. Easily the best fun I've had in recent memory. I have a few questions though, as a total noob.

-Where do I get boosters? Everyone else is using them but I don't have any available?

-Is there a guide to how to play the various games, such as Plunder, King of the Hill, etc? I find myself just running about aimlessly and killing people (or getting killed more often the case). Like, in Plunder, what is the goal? Where do I take the treasure?

-Does nobody play Co-op? I could never find a game.

-What's wrong with spawning in this game (I'm relatively new to MP in general and didn't notice anything bad with spawning)

-You can purchase boosters from the store. When you first login to U2 Multiplayer press R1 and you will be able to buy a few things, most will be locked until you reach higher levels.

-Not sure about a guide. The idea of plunder is to bring the idol (treasure) back to your camp, only your enemy is trying to do the same as well. Once you pick up the idol you then have to place it in to the treasure chest to secure a point. First to 5 wins.

-I like Co-op but I tend to get people playing it on Easy so most of the time I dont bother with it. There are plenty of people that do play it however.

-The spawning issue has only really surfaced in the latest patch. Basically on some maps you will just respawn right in front of an enemy, if you're not quick enough to react you will just die again in close succession. A few instances people have spawned under the Tank and have died straight away!


Ah, thanks. I had that spawning issue work in my favor on a sniper match, spawned right next to an enemy who was staring down his scope, haha. But I can see how that would be a problem.

I'm ~lvl 10 right now so I should be able to pick up at least a few boosters - thanks for the help.


JaseC said:
Nolan North has already said he's due to voice Drake again this year. Meaning, if ND do go back to Jak for the PS3, it won't hit shelves until 2013 at the earliest (assuming a 2011 release date for Uncharted 3).

Could it not be that Nolan North is voicing Drake for a PSP outing this year?


Neo Member
Such a great game if they could iron out some of the issues online. Regardless I'll still be playing until I get all the trophies at least.


Not as deep as he thinks
I haven't played online for 3 days...I don't even want to know what rank I'm at in the co-op global leaderboards. I used to be Rank 56. :(


Danielsan said:
I tried playing with the new patch.
This is it, I'm done with this game's multiplayer (at least until the new patch).
The fun is completely gone. Hell, I even enjoyed 1.05, but the current state of affairs is just a mess.

They barely changed anything with 1.06.


I think 1.06 was mostly for the better. I don't care either way with the grenades, but the spawning is really awful now.


Yeah, I think 1.06 is better than 1.05, but the spawns are a mess. If they fix them I think I can deal with everything else in 1.06. But man those spawns are driving me kind of crazy.


I don't understand why were spawns messed with. Nobody EVER complained or had anything bad to say about it before. It was pretty much perfect...


Not true. The spawns on the ice cave have always been annoying at the lower base. The same is true (to a much lesser degree) of the spawns in Plaza at the hotel. It was never uncommon to spawn on the opposite sides of the stairs. I've gotten a lot of kills on that map by rushing the opposite side whenever I spawned at the hotel. Likewise, I've gotten killed a lot of times when taking cover against the walls perpendicular to the hotel spawns.


jett said:
I don't understand why were spawns messed with. Nobody EVER complained or had anything bad to say about it before. It was pretty much perfect...

Well, there's two sides to this.
They weren't messed with but with the rate and frequency of kills, any balance issues with spawns was made clear (obviously more so than internal testing did.)

Or, an attempt to balance spawns (i wasn't told if there was this attempt) actually led to an imbalance again because it would be challenging to really see what happened in real-world situations.

I actually never asked about either of these options, but it's likely one of those two explanations.

We playtested some changes to the spawning today at work. I know they were last week.


JustHadToJoin said:
chat rooms' lookin kinda empy lately GAF whats goin on.. DONT YOU QUIT ON ME!
FFXIII, BC2 and GoW3 have split our precious group. I'm sure a good chunk will return whenever the next DLC is released (Even if only for a little while).


havent been following the thread so dont know if its known but the retarded fort glitch made it to plaza, guys on top of buildings hiting everyone through walls


arne said:
Well, there's two sides to this.
They weren't messed with but with the rate and frequency of kills, any balance issues with spawns was made clear (obviously more so than internal testing did.)

Or, an attempt to balance spawns (i wasn't told if there was this attempt) actually led to an imbalance again because it would be challenging to really see what happened in real-world situations.

I actually never asked about either of these options, but it's likely one of those two explanations.

We playtested some changes to the spawning today at work. I know they were last week.
I noticed this way back during the experimental weekend. ESPECIALLY on Sanctuary....I complained about that a bunch during that weekend.


I'll probably buy the pack to check out comics 2-4, and it's cool that the skins are finally coming to the US. Might be a little late for me though.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
pix said:
Just bought this game today. On chapter 5 so far. Really amazing presentation so far. :)
As good as the presentation is, it's what I'm most least impressed by. The game is 'that' good.


My friends list continues to be mostly populated by the U2 GAF crowd.
I know lately it's been Heavy Rain, BFBC2, and now GOW3; but I'm not done with this one yet, and I hope a number of the regulars aren't either. :]

Past couple of nights have been dead, ended up using my game time on SFIV and Tekken 6. I'm kinda missing them anyway. Still, you can always hit me up for a game if you see me online.

Great news about Rika and Pinkerton, too, I've been waiting for them.

Also, the art book; Good God. I was hoping one would be made, but this one's looking well beyond my expectations. The shipping's awful coming from AUS, but I'm finding this one really hard to resist. :s


Gyrian said:
My friends list continues to be mostly populated by the U2 GAF crowd.
I know lately it's been Heavy Rain, BFBC2, and now GOW3; but I'm not done with this one yet, and I hope a number of the regulars aren't either. :]

Past couple of nights have been dead, ended up using my game time on SFIV and Tekken 6. I'm kinda missing them anyway. Still, you can always hit me up for a game if you see me online.

Great news about Rika and Pinkerton, too, I've been waiting for them.

Also, the art book; Good God. I was hoping one would be made, but this one's looking well beyond my expectations. The shipping's awful coming from AUS, but I'm finding this one really hard to resist. :s
Don't worry buddy, I'll be on there soon. Just playing the CRAP out of GoW3.
Decided to give the MP of this game another try and boy is it fun. I realized that I hated using the AK. I love just running around with the pistol in plunder matches and getting the jump on fools.

The only thing I hate is the slow matchmaking/loading. Also, it froze twice on me (in a row) yesterday when trying to enter a match.


Finally got this game the other day, only played an hour worth of single player since my gf demands that I only play it when she's watching! She loved watching the first so it's no surprise, so I got to play quite a bit of versus and co op instead, I played in the beta, and I got up to level 8.

I love this game, so much fun.


My gaming backlog is crazy. For reasons owing to the daily grind of life (I run my own business and have a 3 year old son) I received this game at Christmas but have never played it :( in Part because I haven't finished the first game.

It's a classic. I know.

Question: Should I go back and finish UC1? Which given my time constraints might be difficult...

Is the experience of UC2 enhanced greatly by completing the story arc of the first game?

I'm sure this has been asked many times over....My apologies if that's the case.


Not as deep as he thinks
That's cool.

I played last night again after not playing it for like six/eight day (forgot) and it's still fun. I'm rank 67 now. ;(
FuturusX said:
My gaming backlog is crazy. For reasons owing to the daily grind of life (I run my own business and have a 3 year old son) I received this game at Christmas but have never played it :( in Part because I haven't finished the first game.

It's a classic. I know.

Question: Should I go back and finish UC1? Which given my time constraints might be difficult...

Is the experience of UC2 enhanced greatly by completing the story arc of the first game?

I'm sure this has been asked many times over....My apologies if that's the case.

Yeah you should, the characters mean a lot more to you. I know its probably not what you wanted to hear but I suggest you finish the first.


This game keeps getting worse and worse why the fuck did they change the spawns when they were fine before.

Then again that could be said of all the changes since the dreadful crushing health patch.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I saw someone using the Rika skin when I played today. They must have thought I was a complete freak because I followed them around for a few seconds because I could tell they were using a skin I had never seen before.


web01 said:
This game keeps getting worse and worse why the fuck did they change the spawns when they were fine before.

Good to see you're still playing, and enjoying yourself, too.

One small thing, though you probably won't take it from arne, we're told spawning wasn't tinkered with.
It's the combination of the other changes that made the situation more visible.

On another topic, lucky Euros with their Pirates, Baseball Shirts, and Indra guest characters; we're closing that gap soon.
It'll be fun to pit Eddy against his sister, and Drake against another major nemesis.
There's a great team to be made there, with Roman + Navarro + Lazarevic + Pinkerton + Eddy. ;]


So I just beat the game. Holy FUCK was this an amazing experience. I absolutely loved the ending. Drake has an awesome persona. Man I want Uncharted 3 right now. My first playthrough was on Hard, and the last boss was pretty frustrating at times was felt very rewarding when I beat him. 10/10 for this game. Jesus... no words...
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