alr1ghtstart said:
Really, the boosters (now) don't really affect much, save for Launch Man (for the Hammer whores)
Yeah, they WILL help you for whatever you're doing, but they aren't the difference maker most of the time, and that's a pretty decent accomplishment for the MP, imo. Now I'm switching off DTI more often, and not really noticing the difference all that much aside from long distance AK shooting.
It seems that people are now using more boosters than just DTI in their first slot.
Kittonwy said:
Fort still has a glitch somewhere, it's getting ridiculous, lithiumpain5050 was the last person I saw glitching date 3/10/2010 4:50AM.
Yeah, I was playing a match on Fort where this 10 year old and his older brother were doing nothing but trying to glitch in Fort. I kept killing them as they were attempting it and they started calling me a faggot and saying 'all we want to do is glitch, stop killing us!'.
Make a private room for that, losers.
Although most of the Fort matches I've played have been blissfully glitch exploit free.
Cold-Steel said:
I logged on for the first time in ages to try out the new patch and the DLC I bought and was amazed to see 59k in player count.
Keep in mind - this was after the LAST time I played (which was for the month or so after the game came out and pre-MW2) the amount of players was like seriously 9k.
If it's unique players I'm extremely impressed.
Also my thoughts on the patch:
-Guns and shooting feels better and seems great.
-Grenades don't kill people anymore? WTF is this?!? I land a grenade perfectly on someone in an isolated sniper spot on Plaza and they don't die?
-Player movement seems a lot slower than before, not sure if I dig it or not.
-Spawn system blows now, reminds me of MW2. Preferred it when you could explore the map and not get shot in the back by someone spawning right where you spawned 5 seconds ago.
I LOVE the shooting in the game post 1.05/1.06.
Grenades had their radius reduced by 1 meter, they're still effective though.
Yeah the spawn system could use a little tweaking.
They switched up how the game counts players. Now it displays the total number of players who have played within the last 24 hour period.
Although, (I've never seen Arne confirm this?) apparently the game will only show the amount of players for the server you are logged into at that time.