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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I've owned this game for months, and thought I'd give multiplayer a try. I feel severly outgunned without any decent boosters. I don't know why these dev pull this bullshit. If you are LTTP, there's no way you can compete with higher level players with unlocks. If anything, it should be the other way around. Lower skilled players and newbies need more help. To take a player who is already skilled and give him access to even more of a competitive advantage via unlocks is complete bullshit.


Kittonwy said:
Fort still has a glitch somewhere, it's getting ridiculous, lithiumpain5050 was the last person I saw glitching date 3/10/2010 4:50AM.

People airwalk to reach previously inaccessible areas. :'(


palpabl_purpura said:
I've owned this game for months, and thought I'd give multiplayer a try. I feel severly outgunned without any decent boosters. I don't know why these dev pull this bullshit. If you are LTTP, there's no way you can compete with higher level players with unlocks. If anything, it should be the other way around. Lower skilled players and newbies need more help. To take a player who is already skilled and give him access to even more of a competitive advantage via unlocks is complete bullshit.
I use negative boosters in both my slots so technically you would have a greater advantage starting out than I would. You just need tough it out.


alr1ghtstart said:
Really, the boosters (now) don't really affect much, save for Launch Man (for the Hammer whores)

Yeah, they WILL help you for whatever you're doing, but they aren't the difference maker most of the time, and that's a pretty decent accomplishment for the MP, imo. Now I'm switching off DTI more often, and not really noticing the difference all that much aside from long distance AK shooting.

It seems that people are now using more boosters than just DTI in their first slot.

Kittonwy said:
Fort still has a glitch somewhere, it's getting ridiculous, lithiumpain5050 was the last person I saw glitching date 3/10/2010 4:50AM.

Yeah, I was playing a match on Fort where this 10 year old and his older brother were doing nothing but trying to glitch in Fort. I kept killing them as they were attempting it and they started calling me a faggot and saying 'all we want to do is glitch, stop killing us!'.

Make a private room for that, losers.

Although most of the Fort matches I've played have been blissfully glitch exploit free.

Cold-Steel said:
I logged on for the first time in ages to try out the new patch and the DLC I bought and was amazed to see 59k in player count.

Keep in mind - this was after the LAST time I played (which was for the month or so after the game came out and pre-MW2) the amount of players was like seriously 9k.

If it's unique players I'm extremely impressed.

Also my thoughts on the patch:

-Guns and shooting feels better and seems great.
-Grenades don't kill people anymore? WTF is this?!? I land a grenade perfectly on someone in an isolated sniper spot on Plaza and they don't die?
-Player movement seems a lot slower than before, not sure if I dig it or not.
-Spawn system blows now, reminds me of MW2. Preferred it when you could explore the map and not get shot in the back by someone spawning right where you spawned 5 seconds ago.

I LOVE the shooting in the game post 1.05/1.06.
Grenades had their radius reduced by 1 meter, they're still effective though.
Yeah the spawn system could use a little tweaking.

They switched up how the game counts players. Now it displays the total number of players who have played within the last 24 hour period.

Although, (I've never seen Arne confirm this?) apparently the game will only show the amount of players for the server you are logged into at that time.


palpabl_purpura said:
I've owned this game for months, and thought I'd give multiplayer a try. I feel severly outgunned without any decent boosters. I don't know why these dev pull this bullshit. If you are LTTP, there's no way you can compete with higher level players with unlocks. If anything, it should be the other way around. Lower skilled players and newbies need more help. To take a player who is already skilled and give him access to even more of a competitive advantage via unlocks is complete bullshit.
The only booster that would be a huge advantage over low-leveled players would be Situational Awareness. Most low level players are still learning the maps so being able to find them so easily basically amounts to free kills.

All of the other boosters give a small enough advantage that it's not worth complaining about and a lot of the low-level boosters are fairly good.

[EDIT] Last time I was playing we ran into a gun that was doing the grenade glitch in elimination on The Plaza to get on top of the roof across from the hero spawn. He'd just camp up there the whole match. It didn't help him since we killed him every time anyway, but it's still annoying.


Anyone else not like how spawn points work now? I've had it where I spawned literally next to an enemy player. I'm not sure if we spawned next to each other or if he was just there, but he was so close I almost spawned on top of him.

Multiple times I've seen 3 or 4 guys from one team spawn very close to me or vice versa. It's very unfair. You chuck a grenade and their team is dead (or would be if grenades weren't nearly useless now).

I find the patch comically bad and that is even though my stats have only improved with it. I hope ND rethinks some of the changes they made. I may have to quit playing MP at this rate. A few of my friends already quit playing because of 1.06 and UC2 was their favorite game.


Until ND fix the "air walking" I can't see myself playing this game again online.

Just my god damn luck, my favourite multiplayer of this generation and it's full of fucktards wanting to glitch there arse off.

I'm not a happy bunny.

I suppose FFXIII will keep me occupied for a while :(


Kittonwy said:
Arne the spawns are a bit fucked up, need fixing, please kthx bye.

Fort still has a glitch somewhere, it's getting ridiculous, lithiumpain5050 was the last person I saw glitching date 3/10/2010 4:50AM.

I asked the guys to look at the spawns before I left for GDC. I'm pretty sure they can be adjusted to make unfortunate spawns less likely. What that will take and how long, I don't know right now.

Anybody have a cinema file they can send me of that Forth glitch? I'm sure our QA guys have found it or heard about it, but I'll make sure.

Wowbagger said:
People airwalk to reach previously inaccessible areas. :'(

This is definitely being addressed, not sure how soon can that happen.


hello thread, ND person here. We're aware of the airwalk issue, the existing Fort glitch and and the respawn issue. Can't say much more than that, but rest assured we're still grinding away at MP even more kick-ass :D




DCF in LA said:
hello thread, ND person here. We're aware of the airwalk issue, the existing Fort glitch and and the respawn issue. Can't say much more than that, but rest assured we're still grinding away at MP even more kick-ass :D


Does your user name update with your location?


DCF in LA said:
hello thread, ND person here. We're aware of the airwalk issue, the existing Fort glitch and and the respawn issue. Can't say much more than that, but rest assured we're still grinding away at MP even more kick-ass :D


and do you know about grenade's power?it was so much better the way was before.


I disagree, but everyone can have an opinion. The reduced radius makes them more tactical, easier to get away from at closer range (mitigating some of the problems with close nade drop timer being so very short) and less spam for kills.

I can still get kills with them, and they're still great for flushing people from cover.


Yeef said:
Does your user name update with your location?

Yeah this is a pretty silly user name, but a few years ago it didn't seem that silly at the time I regged. I go by EvangM on our PSN board if anyone cares.

As far as the grenade question, I'm in Zen's camp. They are still plenty effective, but you can't run around chucking them like a madman any more. Well, technically you can, but the amount of random kills from them should be significantly reduced. Pressing Circle to attempt to evade a 'nade now feels a whole lot more natural, but that leaves you vulnerable to getting shredded by bullets from whoever threw it (which is the intent, if that makes any sense).


Nope! I totally disagree. Grenades were much better before. Now, even if you land one on a guy's face he can roll away without even being stunned. I hate it.

I'm sorely disappointed with the turn this game has taken. It was my all-time favorite MP game at one point, but every patch has ruined the game a little more until it's become an unplayable mess for me. It's almost like I'm moving back in time considering it was damn near perfect near the start and has slowly gone downhill since.

Also, I'm allowed to freely bitch because I've put in 342 hours into the game. :p


GG broken and vsrobot.
This game needs the following MP maps:
- Turkish museum courtyard
- Nepal rooftops
- Sanctuary? (from UC1)
- Treasure Vault (also from UC1)

Also... the
Spaniards and Guardians skins and even the cross bow added to certain maps with limited ammo.


Little is the new Big
Ok so I got tricked like a lot of people too I got the uk version of the game and bought the DLC in my store and it's not compatible and it's telling me that I don't have the dlc blablabla. Anyone here from UK want to share it with me or have a way to fix it? Cheers, got all mad about it now :(


This just got posted at cgtalk:


What better way is there to start the Art of the Game series than with the Game of the Year? Ballistic Publishing has partnered with Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. and Naughty Dog, Inc. to produce The Art of UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves™.

The 272-page book showcases the amazing unseen art and ideas that helped make UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves one of the most universally and critically acclaimed games ever created. From concept art, to character studies, environment art, character modeling, game art, cinematics, motion-capture, animation, and effects.

The Art of UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves is the ultimate companion to the incredible PlayStation® 3 game.

there is a book preview thing there at the link where you can browse the pages. Looks fucking amazing.


Finally got my platinum trophy last night. I saved the 2 online trophies for last. I had a pretty good time with the co-op objective.

I think the online play was really well done. Unfortunately my DSL connection is shite so I won't be playing this online. =(
The spawning is so goddamn awful at the moment. Getting shot in the back by a newly spawned player, 2 seconds after you just spawned is so much fucking fun!

It has gotten to the point where you can predict where people will end up. I have appeared countless times in front of players that have their gun already trained on the spawn point. Instant death = NOT FUN.


Spotless Mind said:
The spawning is so goddamn awful at the moment. Getting shot in the back by a newly spawned player, 2 seconds after you just spawned is so much fucking fun!

It has gotten to the point where you can predict where people will end up. I have appeared countless times in front of players that have their gun already trained on the spawn point. Instant death = NOT FUN.

Heh, have you ever played the original Quake online? Spawn order was predictable. Matches were won/lost by team's camping the spawn points.


Animal said:
This is something I really wanted after looking at the unlockable art in game.

But that's ridiculously expensive. The bloody game on launch day costs less then the regular edition of the book. You tell me which was more expensive to make.

I agree. I want that artbook. But I'll wait till the price drop. Thats just crazy.


Well, I was after the Special edition of the book since I prefer hardbacks and the book combined with postage to the UK equals around £112. :lol

I love Uncharted but no way could I justify spending that much for it. I'm hoping a retailer in Europe can get their hands on it to at least knock the postage down.

The book does look amazing but at that price it's no deal.


Dedication Through Light said:
Well theres a page for it on Amazon as well (extremely limited info)

Missed your quote. I'm going to email Amazon and ask if they will be receiving the Special Edition version as well, hopefully they will.
Ikkarus said:
Well, I was after the Special edition of the book since I prefer hardbacks and the book combined with postage to the UK equals around £112. :lol .

About the same with shipping to Sweden :lol Wow, who is supposed to buy this book?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DCF in LA said:
Yeah this is a pretty silly user name, but a few years ago it didn't seem that silly at the time I regged. I go by EvangM on our PSN board if anyone cares.

Did Patch 1.06 fix the health system to where people aren't camping and can actually... you know... move around without fear of FALs?

It's funny how nearly every new patch from ND drives me more and more away from the multiplayer. It's like they're listening to the WRONG people on what makes the multiplayer fun, IMO.


TheSeks said:
Did Patch 1.06 fix the health system to where people aren't camping and can actually... you know... move around without fear of FALs?

It's funny how nearly every new patch from ND drives me more and more away from the multiplayer. It's like they're listening to the WRONG people on what makes the multiplayer fun, IMO.

Word, the game loses 10k people after every patch. Jesus what is wrong with them

O wait ......


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
JudgeN said:
O wait ......

Maybe it's just me, but I prefer 1.00 Uncharted 2 over every other patch since then. Fixing the balance, sure. Reducing health for new players and making the FAL even better than it was before, is bullshit.

Sorry, but not everyone can like the changes ND does.


TheSeks said:
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer 1.00 Uncharted 2 over every other patch since then. Fixing the balance, sure. Reducing health for new players and making the FAL even better than it was before, is bullshit.

Sorry, but not everyone can like the changes ND does.

And you don't have too like it but don't post bullshit like " O NOES THEY BE KILLING DA COMMUNITY" when the number state that they are not. If you want to see a game were patches killed the community go look at KZ2.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There's a soft cover version of that book for $60 as well, and hard cover one for $120. It's only the uber quality one that's $300.


I tried playing with the new patch.
This is it, I'm done with this game's multiplayer (at least until the new patch).
The fun is completely gone. Hell, I even enjoyed 1.05, but the current state of affairs is just a mess.


I've finally gotten around to playing this game. Sat through around about a 5hr session. Just couldnt tear myself away. My mind hurts and my eye are bleeding from over-exposure to awesomeness. Why didnt anybody tell me this game looks, plays, is so good

OK i'm lying the reviews said it was good. But then they said that about games like H3 too and that was rubbish. So i was skeptical and didnt buy into the hype. I expected to be in for a mediocre ride but now... Just wow, i'm a believer


GAF's Bob Woodward
Lonnnnng, good interview with Evan Wells here from GDC:


A couple points that strike immediately:

- They're looking for a partner to work on Uncharted for PSP. Did they confirm this before? News to me.

- They've posted the source code for UC2 on the sony first party network, as they did with UC

Lots of other stuff in there about DLC, the new offices, Move, the happenings at Infinity Ward etc.


Naughty Dog should increase the fire rate of the FAL and/or decrease the accuracy of the AK.

With the way it's set up now, the FAL is practically worthless and it seems almost the entire online community has migrated over to the AK as it still provides near-effortless instant kills from the 1.05 patch.

Really, throughout every match now all you hear is the following:


Also, yeah, spawning is an issue.


gofreak said:
Lonnnnng, good interview with Evan Wells here from GDC:


A couple points that strike immediately:

- They're looking for a partner to work on Uncharted for PSP. Did they confirm this before? News to me.

- They've posted the source code for UC2 on the sony first party network, as they did with UC

Lots of other stuff in there about DLC, the new offices, Move, the happenings at Infinity Ward etc.

Ready at Dawn is either:
1) Still on their 'no more PSP development' thing
2) Busy (Doing whatever or working on God of War CoO PSP sequel as was rumored some time back around the PSP 'comeback')

Uncharted PSP would be an amazing technical challenge, and potential accomplishment.
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