I got the bundle maps and stuff, but do you guys think the Heroes pack is a cool treat to have?
I'm thinking about downloading it 2nite!
I'm thinking about downloading it 2nite!
What DLC? Is it more maps?Somnium986 said:So the DLC is still scheduled for the 15th? I might try it get in to U2 again but i'm gonna be hella rusty.
New skins and maps apparently. Taken from thisTheFLYINGManga_Ka said:What DLC? Is it more maps?
Yeef said:Drop-in multiplayer doesn't always work well.
Yeef said:There are plenty of reasons to quit, but not many reasons to quit frequently.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Also, I know there was a free multiplayer map but I didn't see the download on PSN. Was it downloaded automatically when I first logged on online?
Glad you liked it.GamaFu said:I just completed Uncharted 1 & 2. Wow... What a game.
It has become one of my favorite series now!
Can't believe it took me so long to get PS3 and play this game.
The story is quite interesting. Conversation is well written, it always makes me laugh.
I finished 2 just last night. Now I try to get into MGS4,
and I just don't like it that much, with all the boring cutscenes.
It's going to be hard to find a game that can top Uncharted.![]()
That's the thing. I consider a game where people are joining and leaving all of the time to be less fun. Hopping from game to game is equally a sedating, especially if you're rolling with a party, but to each his own.PedroLumpy said:I've never seen it not work well. I've never seen a Modern Warfare match 9v2. But the brilliant thing is, that's beside the point. In a match where it's 9v2, and you can't find those 2 people to kill? Leave and find another match in 20 seconds. Bam, you're back to the fun.
It's that redundant?Rikyfree said:AFW? Arrogant French Walrus?
Just remember that arne said to take that info with a grain of salt. If it is accurate though, I'm very curious to see what the new skins and the new co-op mode (?) are.Somnium986 said:So the DLC is still scheduled for the 15th? I might try it get in to U2 again but i'm gonna be hella rusty.
Wowbagger said:It sucks that you can only carry six shots for the sniper rifle in co-op modes now. Its damage wasn't increased in co-op, so I assume this was an unintended change. Please fix, ND!
And let us pick what hero to use in the co-op arena modes, dammit!
Yeef said:Hopping from game to game is equally a sedating, especially if you're rolling with a party, but to each his own.
offtopic but what game is that in your avatar ?PedroLumpy said:To each their own is basically what I'm preaching. You're free to do what you want but don't decide for me how I play.
Yes it is more difficult to move around in a party, but should everyone else have to suffer because of that?
This reminds me of a great matchmaking solution though, the no parties playlist like Mercenary TDM in Modern warfare. All the transient lone wolves go there, free to come and go as they please. Thus it's more likely in other playlists to have two groups playing each other. Groups are less likely to leave so everyone is better off.
Maybe. It was Easter weekend, after all.womfalcs3 said:Also, I didn't see the usual weekend bump in daily players this week. Hopefully it's just a random occurrence.
jett said:WOW just had a spectacular 3v3 plunder match on the raining ruins. Just awesome. First time I reach the 50k limit(and without deposit). Also made level 50 coincidentally!Man I know what I just said but this game keeps pulling me back in. :lol
womfalcs3 said:4 new maps?
It'd be great if we could buy maps individually. If it's going to be $2 a map like the first pack, I don't want to spend $8 for all of them. We can just watch videos of the maps and decide which ones appeal to us.
Also, I didn't see the usual weekend bump in daily players this week. Hopefully it's just a random occurrence.
Boombloxer said:I'd really like to see a Heist-type mode, where you transport the treasure to a getaway point, like the museum with a driving section, or something like that. Or a post-story mode mission.
webcivilian said:I finished the game when it was released but never got Platinum. Have been playing multiplayer on and off. Started playing the single player again for plat. Almost there just need the GAU 19 trophy![]()
Anyways, this game rocks the single player experience.
VsRobot said:When can previous purchasers of Indra comics expect their skins?
Also, I don't really care if you quit or not, but don't complain that you got docked. You getting docked sucks, and being part of an imbalanced game sucks, so it evens out in my book.
Prior to the penalty system, no matches finished 5v5 ever. EVER.
Kittonwy said:Buy teh maps plz thx (if and when they come out).![]()
Well since that first leak everything has turned out to be true. Just got the pricing wrong last time.Yeef said:Just remember that arne said to take that info with a grain of salt.
I knew you missed my totally mature outbursts of witty banter.Gyrian said:cj and Somnium debating a return?
What a throwback; can't wait to hear the banter, too. :]
I can't think of any recent game that's impressed me as much graphically, and I'm a PC gamer. The technical prowess of the graphics is one thing, but the developers also picked really diverse, cool, relatively underused environments and packed them with little details.JB1981 said:man i really want to play the SP campaign again ... still the best looking game on the system
JB1981 said:man i really want to play the SP campaign again ... still the best looking game on the system
Massa said:The feature was added because a significant number of players would quit the game after realizing they weren't going to win it. It affected everyone playing the game negatively.
The solution was designed to not affect people with legitimate reasons for quitting and it works quite well in my experience.
If you treat unraked games as not serious stuff then surely having a bad experience in matches is worse than losing a few meaningless points?
Mik2121 said:BTW, I've been playing the online for just two days but in that time I've seen around 5 or 6 girls.. what's the deal with that? All girls play this game? :lol :lol
I'm sure he's referring to real ones.Teknoman said:Character models or actual women/girls?
thaOwner said:Anyone else getting disconnected from games a lot ? and by a lot I mean, every game ?
Jaroof said:Getting on in a few minutes, if anyone wants to join
GG tonight, Bleach, Jett, & Kitton.
Even though I was playin like some poopoo
Fun games.
And lol @ Jett killing TheAdamastor over and over in that one match :lol
I didn't get to play with CJ :/ Haven't played with that guy in quite a while...jett said:Yeah good games guys, CHRP and cjtiger300 too. It was pretty awesome getting back with the old gaf crew.
Was I not supposed to?![]()
What! There was a reunion while I'm out of town?We're dragging you all back in for the weekend. >:[cjtiger300 said:Had fun in the the Reunion!!!! Awesome games Kitton, CHRP, Qlaarq, and Jett!!! Good stuff!!!