Kos Luftar
Everyone late's try to be on this Saturday (morning & afternoon), maybe we can get a lot of GAF a few GAF games going.
Do go on...Jaroof said:So I found a Uncharted 2 shirt while I was in Hot Topic...
You got it, didn't you?Jaroof said:So I found a Uncharted 2 shirt while I was in Hot Topic...
Rewrite said:You got it, didn't you?
RECOGNIZE!Jaroof said:guy buttersnaps
:lol :lolJaroof said:Well, ya see, it's pretty funny because I---
Yeah, I got it.
FerranMG said:I have Uncharted 1 and 2 on my shelve.
I have not played Uncharted 1 nor 2.
I have a lot of games to play and limited time to do so.
Question is: is it really worth to play both games, or I can just play #2 and go "ok Uncharted 1 is gonna be the same but a little worse in every aspect" and never look back?
(in fact, I once started Uncharted 1, got to the submarine place very early in the game, and left it there because my brother's ps3 hunged every single time I tried to reach the sub, so I got super mad and started playing inFaumous.)
jett said:One thing I don't get is how come the winning team doesn't get anything? Like in KZ2 you get double the amount of points...
Kos Luftar said:Are you sure? I always thought you get an extra $1000 for winning.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:How much do you guys think the next DLC will be?
Since it's four new maps and five new skins, hope it won't be expensive like the Stimulus Pack for MW2...what am I saying, this is Naughty Dog not Activision!
I'm sure it'll be reasonably priced!
I'm guessing about $6.99. Unlike Craptivision and $15 map packs.
Yeef said:No, you don't get anything for winning other than the satisfaction of being superior. There are some medals that require you to get though (That Was Embarassing, for example).
I'm not sure how I'd feel about a win multiplier. During the beta I thought it'd be a good idea, but I think it'd just lead to even more farming in plunder matches.
I was actually thinking of that. Something like the multiplier in Gold Rush where it slowly drains over time. The longer you take to win the lower the bonus. It could be added to every mode and I'd probably be happy with it.Rikyfree said:Easy fix for that- multiplier goes away after 8 minutes.
You think that was bad you should have seen me after you left. Played even worse. :/ Also...Kos Luftar said:GG last night.
Som is so bad, he was worse than me in some matches.
I had no idea Rickyfree = Clarkehh
No one should feel bad about Gaia.
Somnium986 said:You think that was bad you should have seen me after you left. Played even worse. :/ Also...STFU!
Yeef said:I may or may not play tonight. It all depends on whether or not I want to play tonight. If I want to play tonight I will play, but if I don't want to play tonight then I probably won't play.
The whole thing is illusion, do you see? D:Kos Luftar said:You are so committed to the cause.
Kittonwy said:GG tonight. Not sure I'll be able to move on to another game, especially 3rd person, this game does so many things right that other games just don't get, especially in SP.![]()
I warned everybody back during the experimental weekend. I WARNED YOU ALL!!! Yall (im from the south) didnt want to believe me but it happened! I explained why I thought it was happening too (increased deaths overloading the game's spawning system). Gimme back the original UC2 setup got dammit!Snuggler said:Whoa, so I just played this for this first time since the new Battlefield came out.
I like everything about the new patch (gimped 'nades, YAY), except for the spawning.
I'm sure that you guys have drivin this issue into the group but what the hell happened...
It was fine before, now I'm spawning in front of enemies, in the middle of the battle field or the enemies are spawning right in front of me. It was really bad on the Fort level, before you'd always spawn on the side with your team but I just spawned on the same side as the enemy team and got gunned down instantly.
It feels so random, it was fine before....
wtfTheFLYINGManga_Ka said:it takes so many bullets just to kill someone
PS3s don't have a disk tray.VsRobot said:Very frustrated that twice I quit the game I was playing to accept GAF invites only to be left waiting in the lobby or have my spot given away while I'm physically taking the game I was having fun with out of my tray and putting in UC2 so I could sit in the MP lobby and watch you guys play without me, which was totally worth losing all my progress in Bayonetta to do.
Yeah, no. no no no no no.TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:I love the game and the multiplayer is fun but it takes so many bullets just to kill someone! Gets me so frustrated!
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Any tips on how to kill more effectively? The crosshairs is tough to aim with and I get so pissed everytime I pump a full magazine on a guy right in front of me but they kill me with a handgun or a melee attack!
:|TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:I love the game and the multiplayer is fun but it takes so many bullets just to kill someone! Gets me so frustrated!
Any tips on how to kill more effectively? The crosshairs is tough to aim with and I get so pissed everytime I pump a full magazine on a guy right in front of me but they kill me with a handgun or a melee attack!
Fun game though. Love it but...kind of hate it sometimes, LOL!
You can blame Kittonwy for one of them.VsRobot said:Very frustrated that twice I quit the game I was playing to accept GAF invites only to be left waiting in the lobby or have my spot given away while I'm physically taking the game I was having fun with out of my tray and putting in UC2 so I could sit in the MP lobby and watch you guys play without me, which was totally worth losing all my progress in Bayonetta to do.
:lolDementia said:PS3s don't have a disk tray.
Dementia said:PS3s don't have a disk tray.
VsRobot said:Very frustrated that twice I quit the game I was playing to accept GAF invites only to be left waiting in the lobby or have my spot given away while I'm physically taking the game I was having fun with out of my tray and putting in UC2 so I could sit in the MP lobby and watch you guys play without me, which was totally worth losing all my progress in Bayonetta to do.
Spawn camp moar.aj2good4you2 said::lol :lol cry moar