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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Chairman Yang said:
I'm about 3/4 of the way through UC2 (after completing UC1) and a few things annoy me:

* I've heard Drake referred to as an "everyman". Why? He's far from one, particularly with his capacity to absorb tremendous damage (and quickly regenerate it, of course) and his inhuman skills. Is it because he grunts with pain once in a while?

* Most of the characters--particularly the villains--are one-dimensional. It's cool that UC2 is trying to emulate a Hollywood movie, but did the writers really have to emulate as many boring cliches as they did?

* The puzzles aren't really puzzles, because they don't actually require any thinking.

Agree with all your points. For the the cliche comment, it's even worse in the first game IMO. I thought Uncharted 1 was actually a parody of Hollywood action movies instead of of one to be taken seriously.


Not as deep as he thinks
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
One more question about muting players while playing online.

On the 360, there's a universal system option where I can mute everyone but my friends. I can't seem to find this on the PS3 systems option. Does it have something like this?

I know in Uncharted 2 I have to mute players individually, but that's a pain. Is there a way I can mute everyone except maybe friends playing like the 360?

I hate hearing people talking through my TV. It's so annoying!

I don't think there's an option like that. However, to make things simpler for you, mute everyone (which will mute your friends) and just unmute your friends only...that way you don't have to manually mute and you'll only unmute your friends.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
LQX said:
Are you enjoying the game?
I think so. The shooting is solid and I like how well-integrated the stealth is. The environments are obviously amazing, and not just in terms of sheer technical prowess.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how much of my enjoyment is coming from seeing cool stuff happen during scripted gameplay instead of during cinematics. I wonder if this is the type of game that'll seem horribly dated and empty a few years from now.
Rich Uncle Skeleton said:
Everything else here is totally subjective I guess (though I never would've imagined someone was able to squeeze some enjoyment out of those jet ski portions), but the bolded is just silly. I shouldn't have to headshot my way through the game. I mean, hell, by your logic let's just make all the dozens of grunt enemies you fight in a single area be completely invincible in every body part except their heads. After all, if you're good enough....

Drake Fortune's enemies probably take the same amount of damage as U2. Yes the ones in DF only have wimpy shirts on but I could care less, its really the same thing as U2. In DF it's much easier to pull off a headshot. I think it's because you can't see the bullet and it hits the enemy instantly whereas in U2 by the time the bullet is about to reach the guy, he ducks out of the way. I love that i can just headshot my way through and finish the game in 6 hours. Most would view that as a bad thing but I don't.
Well, I'm thinking about picking up the DLCs today. But I'm confused. Is the Heroes skin pack a separate DLC pack from the bundle or is it included in the bundle?

And how many new maps are sold as DLC? I know one was free but how many more were added?

Thanks! :D


Awesome games tonight.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Well, I'm thinking about picking up the DLCs today. But I'm confused. Is the Heroes skin pack a separate DLC pack from the bundle or is it included in the bundle?

And how many new maps are sold as DLC? I know one was free but how many more were added?

Thanks! :D
There is the free DLC map "The Fort", the Heroes skins pack (which is not included in any bundle), and the bundle which includes the UC1 skins pack and two other maps (the skins and maps can also be bought separately, but only the maps unlock the DLC Trophies).
Brazil said:
There is the free DLC map "The Fort", the Heroes skins pack (which is not included in any bundle), and the bundle which includes the UC1 skins pack and two other maps (the skins and maps can also be bought separately, but only the maps unlock the DLC Trophies).

I guess I have to just download all of them!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Chairman Yang said:
* I've heard Drake referred to as an "everyman". Why? He's far from one, particularly with his capacity to absorb tremendous damage (and quickly regenerate it, of course) and his inhuman skills. Is it because he grunts with pain once in a while?
Once you realize he's not really absorbing any damage, but instead the bullets just graze him, until that last deadly one, this problem goes away :p His skills are also not any more inhuman than those of Indy Jones, and he's fallible just the same way, thus the moniker. Besides, I can't even understand why would you be annoyed by what someone called the character.
Chairman Yang said:
I'm about 3/4 of the way through UC2 (after completing UC1) and a few things annoy me:

* I've heard Drake referred to as an "everyman". Why? He's far from one, particularly with his capacity to absorb tremendous damage (and quickly regenerate it, of course) and his inhuman skills. Is it because he grunts with pain once in a while?

* Most of the characters--particularly the villains--are one-dimensional. It's cool that UC2 is trying to emulate a Hollywood movie, but did the writers really have to emulate as many boring cliches as they did?

* The puzzles aren't really puzzles, because they don't actually require any thinking.

The damage and health system has NOTHING to do with the personality of a character in this game or any other. What they mean by "everyman" is he's not some stoic, douche bag who goes in guns blazing in every situation. He's not ashamed to take a cheap shot and run. He's clumsy and he always improvises his next move.

The villains have been one-dimensional. It'd be nice to see their side from their own perspective in future titles. We've only been seeing Drake's POV which prevents the audience from getting to know more about the villain beyond their current goal.

Puzzles do need to be better.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The villains are like villains in James Bond and other such movies. We don't really need to see their point of view. They are terribad people who have hordes of henchmen working for them, and the world is a better place without them - that's all you really need to know. Did I care or remembered the motivations of the main bad guy in Casino Royale? Certainly not, but it was a great action movie nonetheless.

Puzzles were probably the weakest part of the game, much like in the first game, but they made them somewhat better this time. I managed to even stumble a bit on one or two of them (machine gun guy on the train and the spiked ceiling room where I thought at first I was supposed to put something into the gears to block them, and then died), and they were nicely integrated in level design and action. It's the kind of puzzles that doesn't stop the action, even if you fail you're going to figure it out quickly. Also, they need to be easy enough for someone who doesn't really play games, which means making them very logical. Where they failed again, as they did in the first game, is that they didn't make it so that you can solve every puzzle without opening the diary. Just make it be more difficult to solve it with no diary, and easy after you look there. Prime example of where they could have done this is that puzzle room in monastery chapter.


Awesome games tonight guys. We got destroyed on Sanctuary at the end there. I always remember that part being easy, but I'd never played it on Crushing.

Good competitive games as well. I was surprised how well I was doing considering how rusty I am. I'd still be playing, but I worked a 10 hours shift today and I have work in the morning so I needs my rest.


So.. today I just bought this:


One of those few times I'm happy of living in Japan, lol :lol :lol I will eventually print a better cover for Uncharted and put it on top of that one, because the current one is so hideous.
I played a bit of Uncharted back when it was released and I plan on playing through it in a bit, but I decided to give the multiplayer of Uncharted 2 a go before.

Anyway, because I live in Japan I guess things can get a bit laggy, but.. if someone wants to play with me or something, add me: Mik2121
I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how the multiplayer works though. If someone could briefly explain it to me, I'd be very happy :p


Uhmm.. so I was playing some online and there's something weird going on here..

Earlier I played up to level 7 and it was all fun and whatnot. Then I came back and I was apparently level 5 (!?) and after playing about 10 minutes the game froze while loading a new match, and after restarting I just got a message saying I got a penalty of $10,000 and a reduction in my skill rating. What the fuck is this bullshit?...

EDIT - Oh wow, now I'm level 4. At this pace I will end up with negative level, if the game keeps fucking freezing...
Mik2121 said:
Uhmm.. so I was playing some online and there's something weird going on here..

Earlier I played up to level 7 and it was all fun and whatnot. Then I came back and I was apparently level 5 (!?) and after playing about 10 minutes the game froze while loading a new match, and after restarting I just got a message saying I got a penalty of $10,000 and a reduction in my skill rating. What the fuck is this bullshit?...

EDIT - Oh wow, now I'm level 4. At this pace I will end up with negative level, if the game keeps fucking freezing...

One of the reasons why i feel you should not be penalized. Who the fuck cares that someone quits out of a videogame when they're not having fun? This isn't a fucking war. No one's life depends on it.... WTF!!

I have a newborn child and more often than not i need to put the controller down and check on him and take care of things. Because of this, I can get docked? Fuck you.

With that said, it hasn't happened to me yet but I sure as hell wish I can just quit the match instead of giving the other team points and having to constantly press a button so I don't get idle-kicked. All because some of you bitches complained about people quitting... "WWEEEHH, we're out numbered and I suck too much to have fun playing at a disadvantage and my kdr ended up being negative WWEEEEHHH!"

It's early and have been up and down with my kid so that explains the crankiness but I think GAF and the criers who take these games too seriously are bigger fucking babies than my son.

EDIT: Here I am crying over potentially getting docked.... hypocrite!


MoonsaultSlayer said:
One of the reasons why i feel you should not be penalized. Who the fuck cares that someone quits out of a videogame when they're not having fun? This isn't a fucking war. No one's life depends on it.... WTF!!

I have a newborn child and more often than not i need to put the controller down and check on him and take care of things. Because of this, I can get docked? Fuck you.

With that said, it hasn't happened to me yet but I sure as hell wish I can just quit the match instead of giving the other team points and having to constantly press a button so I don't get idle-kicked. All because some of you bitches complained about people quitting... "WWEEEHH, we're out numbered and I suck too much to have fun playing at a disadvantage and my kdr ended up being negative WWEEEEHHH!"

It's early and have been up and down with my kid so that explains the crankiness but I think GAF and the criers who take these games too seriously are bigger fucking babies than my son.

EDIT: Here I am crying over potentially getting docked.... hypocrite!

You gotta learn to breast-feed AND play Uncharted 2 MP.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Just went back to my crushing run, even though I'm annoyed Platinum won't be as attainable anymore.

I'm stuck on the train guy, once I get past this, what are the other tough spots? I had a lot of trouble in Borneo but that's about it.
Chairman Yang said:
* I've heard Drake referred to as an "everyman". Why? He's far from one, particularly with his capacity to absorb tremendous damage (and quickly regenerate it, of course) and his inhuman skills. Is it because he grunts with pain once in a while?

These types of complaints are really annoying. It's a game.
Joey Fox said:
Just went back to my crushing run, even though I'm annoyed Platinum won't be as attainable anymore.

I'm stuck on the train guy, once I get past this, what are the other tough spots? I had a lot of trouble in Borneo but that's about it.

Why won't plat be attainable? I just started my crushing run to get a plat and im on Ch 5 (also getting the rest of the treasures while im at it).


Lion Heart said:
Why won't plat be attainable? I just started my crushing run to get a plat and im on Ch 5 (also getting the rest of the treasures while im at it).

I think he may be talking about the DLC trophies, if that's the case, he's wrong, DLC trophies don't count towards the platinum trophy.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
One of the reasons why i feel you should not be penalized. Who the fuck cares that someone quits out of a videogame when they're not having fun? This isn't a fucking war. No one's life depends on it.... WTF!!

I have a newborn child and more often than not i need to put the controller down and check on him and take care of things. Because of this, I can get docked? Fuck you.

With that said, it hasn't happened to me yet but I sure as hell wish I can just quit the match instead of giving the other team points and having to constantly press a button so I don't get idle-kicked. All because some of you bitches complained about people quitting... "WWEEEHH, we're out numbered and I suck too much to have fun playing at a disadvantage and my kdr ended up being negative WWEEEEHHH!"

It's early and have been up and down with my kid so that explains the crankiness but I think GAF and the criers who take these games too seriously are bigger fucking babies than my son.

EDIT: Here I am crying over potentially getting docked.... hypocrite!
Shut up. I shouldn't be penalized bc your dumb ass is playing an MP game when you don't have the time too. I don't give a fuck why you're quitting, if you can't stay til the end don't start. Plenty of good SP games you could be playing instead of fucking over your team mates.


VsRobot said:
Shut up. I shouldn't be penalized bc your dumb ass is playing an MP game when you don't have the time too. I don't give a fuck why you're quitting, if you can't stay til the end don't start. Plenty of good SP games you could be playing instead of fucking over your team mates.

Take it easy there buddy.
Andvary said:
I think he may be talking about the DLC trophies, if that's the case, he's wrong, DLC trophies don't count towards the platinum trophy.

Phew! Thanks man.

Im telling ya, the second time around the game looks even better :lol its blowing me away. I think I do like this game as much as the first, maybe I was just in a depressed state when I first played it in Oct.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
SuperSonic1305 said:
These types of complaints are really annoying. It's a game.
I wouldn't care in most games, but Uncharted 2 spends a lot of time and energy on character development. Shouldn't that development be good? If a game aims for a veneer of plausibility (unlike, say, Mario Galaxy or God of War) I'm going to be annoyed if there are too many implausible bits.

Anyways, I finished the game. Instead of repeating the praise I'll add a few more complaints (apologies if they've already been discussed to death):

* it seems like every other cutscene has someone (usually Drake) almost falling but another person catching them at the last moment.

* near-end-game spoilers:
the yetis were pretty lame on their own, but even more lame was when they were revealed to be cheesy supermutants dressed in yeti outfits (because apparently that's scarier). I hope Uncharted doesn't adhere to this "replace intelligent human enemies with dumb non-human enemies" formula for subsequent games.
I hated this phenomenon in Far Cry, Crysis, and the Halos too. It's bad for gameplay, and it's bad for story.

* the incidence of great scripted sequences and cool moments became less and less frequent as the game wore on. The final boss was especially disappointing; I was hoping for something interesting that incorporated all three of the core gameplay elements of Uncharted 2 (stealth, platforming, shooting).

* A few of the hidden treasures were interesting to find. The vast majority weren't. Since they're completely optional, this isn't so much a flaw as a missed opportunity. Also, some sort of indication of how many treasures are still to be found in any given small area would drastically improve the gameplay here, just like Crackdown's audible orbs were much more fun to find than, say, trawling areas randomly for GTA3's packages.

I don't want to sound too negative. I liked the game; I just didn't love it.
Chairman Yang said:
It's bad for gameplay, and it's bad for story.
I disagree. In both games, the new enemies forced you to change the way you played instead of completely relying on cover. They created a lot more tension while fighting against them since they were very different, and in Uncharted 2's case, very durable, which I thought it was quite nice. And considering the games take a lot from pulp action/adventure stories from the 30s, the supernatural theme fits perfectly well.

Also, some sort of indication of how many treasures are still to be found in any given small area would drastically improve the gameplay here
Eh, they already list how many treasures are in each chapter in the Chapter select screen.


just had some good games with sheeboy64 and cbs11aliens...the old gaf crew should come back to this game, it's still pretty awesome.


jett said:
just had some good games with sheeboy64 and cbs11aliens...the old gaf crew should come back to this game, it's still pretty awesome.

I'm still in, it's just the free time that's taken a dive lately.

We had some really fun games the other night with sheeboy and CHRP.
I've recruited two of my friends into U2, and they did pretty well considering they're very much learning their way around! There might be a third on the way also, hah.

I feel there's still plenty of life on this game.

Without getting into another discussion about changes and balance, I still find this game to be massively fun, and one of my all-time favorites.
We've got Rika and Pinkerton to enjoy, plus whatever final DLC surprise we may be receiving this month. Also looking forward to the art book, something I'd been wishing for since I started collecting artwork from that CG society thread. :]

I'm thinking that when a few of us get on, it inspires the rest to join in.
There were some 10 GAF-crew on last friday.


VsRobot said:
Shut up. I shouldn't be penalized bc your dumb ass is playing an MP game when you don't have the time too. I don't give a fuck why you're quitting, if you can't stay til the end don't start. Plenty of good SP games you could be playing instead of fucking over your team mates.

Couldn't agree more.

Gyrian said:
We've got Pinkerton to enjoy, plus whatever final DLC surprise we may be receiving this month.

Fixed. :mad:


jett said:
just had some good games with sheeboy64 and cbs11aliens...the old gaf crew should come back to this game, it's still pretty awesome.

I've started getting on again for the past few nights, but I haven't seen very many people on.
I saw CHRP, Broken, and Kitton in a party for a bit, but that was about it.
We should schedule a GAF match again. They're so fun :)
If anybody wants to get on sometime, add me. PSN: Jaroof4500
I'll probably be on in like an hour or so.
VsRobot said:
Shut up. I shouldn't be penalized bc your dumb ass is playing an MP game when you don't have the time too. I don't give a fuck why you're quitting, if you can't stay til the end don't start. Plenty of good SP games you could be playing instead of fucking over your team mates.

Mommy walk in on you without knocking? Maybe she didn't refill your stash of mountain dew? Your post paints you as someone who takes this shit WAAAY too seriously. Calm down now.

I paid for this game and I can play whenever the fuck I want and for however long I want. I'm not playing on ranked servers, my actions aren't endangering your life and I sure as shit don't give two fucks what some internet slob on the other end of the network cares about how I play. Fuck off, douche-chill.

EDIT: I apologize. My wife and I just found the post hilarious so I had to respond in a douchebag manner. But seriously, why does it bother you?
VsRobot said:
Shut up. I shouldn't be penalized bc your dumb ass is playing an MP game when you don't have the time too. I don't give a fuck why you're quitting, if you can't stay til the end don't start. Plenty of good SP games you could be playing instead of fucking over your team mates.

The day the game can guarantee that I'll play in a non-laggy match on the map and gametype I want, with teammates who aren't TKing/griefing I'll be okay with quitting penalties. Since that will never happen.....

You're getting mad at the wrong thing anyway. There are valid reasons for quitting, and it's never going away. It is possible to make it so people quitting doesn't matter. Plenty of games of have people dropping in and out, and they work fine.

If you expect one guy to sacrifice his enjoyment for his own game for some e-honor obligation he supposedly has to a couple stranger over the internet, you're going to be disappointed.
PedroLumpy said:
The day the game can guarantee that I'll play in a non-laggy match on the map and gametype I want, with teammates who aren't TKing/griefing I'll be okay with quitting penalties. Since that will never happen.....

You're getting mad at the wrong thing anyway. There are valid reasons for quitting, and it's never going away. It is possible to make it so people quitting doesn't matter. Plenty of games of have people dropping in and out, and they work fine.

If you expect one guy to sacrifice his enjoyment for his own game for some e-honor obligation he supposedly has to a couple stranger over the internet, you're going to be disappointed.

Yeah, Warhawk is a good example (of the games I've played) that has drop in, drop out play.

I've never EVER bitched when playing a game 3 vs 5 or whatever combination comes up. All I'll say is "We're going to get killed" and proceed with a smile on my face as I welcome the challenge and the advantage of having less people on the map. Why cry? 2 or 3 vs 5 is not 2 vs 10 or higher.


Played earlier on my bro's account to level him up. Man I love getting alot of kills and very little deaths while being low level. I feel kinda bad picking on the newbs but oh well!


When can previous purchasers of Indra comics expect their skins?

Also, I don't really care if you quit or not, but don't complain that you got docked. You getting docked sucks, and being part of an imbalanced game sucks, so it evens out in my book.

Prior to the penalty system, no matches finished 5v5 ever. EVER.


I just beat Rounds 9 & 10 of Survival by myself o_O
My friend died early through both of those rounds, so I had to do them by myself.. and I did :lol


VsRobot said:
When can previous purchasers of Indra comics expect their skins?

Also, I don't really care if you quit or not, but don't complain that you got docked. You getting docked sucks, and being part of an imbalanced game sucks, so it evens out in my book.

Prior to the penalty system, no matches finished 5v5 ever. EVER.
Should get the email on April 8th (Thursday).

Drop-in multiplayer doesn't always work well. MW2 is probably the best example. It's not uncommon to join a game with incredibly uneven teams (9v2) or with no chance of winning (or doing anything other than getting killed) at all. Warkhawk had similar problems back when I played, though much, much less frequently.

It's not even a matter of being outmatched. If you end up on the team with the player advantage you're going to have a lot more down time trying to find the two opponents before someone else on your team does which is extremely boring. You can't please everyone so it's a matter of ND deciding who they want to cater to. People that frequently need to quit are not a part of that group.

PedroLumpy said:
The day the game can guarantee that I'll play in a non-laggy match on the map and gametype I want, with teammates who aren't TKing/griefing I'll be okay with quitting penalties. Since that will never happen.....

You're getting mad at the wrong thing anyway. There are valid reasons for quitting, and it's never going away.
There are plenty of reasons to quit, but not many reasons to quit frequently. The penalty only occurs if you quit too often within a certain time span. I don't think anyone outside of ND knows the exact time, but I'm guessing it's just a few hours. I've both quit and been disconnected mid-game tons of times and only been penalized once.

One thing I like that Uncharted does that most other games don't is split up parties to even teams. Lowering the goals when there are fewer players is also great.


I just completed Uncharted 1 & 2. Wow... What a game.
It has become one of my favorite series now!
Can't believe it took me so long to get PS3 and play this game.
The story is quite interesting. Conversation is well written, it always makes me laugh.

I finished 2 just last night. Now I try to get into MGS4,
and I just don't like it that much, with all the boring cutscenes.
It's going to be hard to find a game that can top Uncharted. :(
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