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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Not as deep as he thinks
Thanks! I also love the co-op. I haven't played it in a about a week, but that will change this week! I gotta get back in the groove of things especially on the co-op side of things. I wonder what rank I'm at now since I haven't played it for a long time...probably dropped in the 100's now. ;(


bish gets all the credit :)
well first game in over a month. Started with get spawn killed in the back, and ended with getting shot at by a glitcher in a wall.



I'm sorry that I left guys, but I had to before I started raging so hard I broke my controller. I just refuse to be camped so people can pad their wallet.


We got our asses kicked tonight, and qlaarqueh rage-quitted lol.


Rikyfree said:
I'm sorry that I left guys, but I had to before I started raging so hard I broke my controller. I just refuse to be camped so people can pad their wallet.

I went like 26-27 in that game, towards the end we just tried to stay alive.
Rikyfree said:
I'm sorry that I left guys, but I had to before I started raging so hard I broke my controller. I just refuse to be camped so people can pad their wallet.

You can thank the new health system for that encourages camping. Anyway I haven't been in this thread for weeks and noticed that they're releasing new maps. Ever since the new health crap I've been playing less and less. I don't think I'll buy the new ones unless they fix the fucking health. The game just isn't the same anymore.
Somnium986 said:
Nah I'm gonna sell UC2 instead need to save up some money for a 360. ;)
J/K but i am planning on buying an 360 sometime this month.
The maps look awesome. Will buy. I'm still hoping we'll get a Shambala map with the rain/lightning plus the blue lighting.

I always knew you were a closet xbot.


VsRobot said:
An epic post via BleachEX... While I no longer hate the new damage, I still prefer things the way they were. Bleach does a good job explaining why:

I used to look forward to updates.. now I'm just worried what they'll take away (or break :p) in 1.07.

I agree with everything in that post. Every last word. I check out this thread once in awhile in hopes that things went back to normal. I haven't recommended this game to anyone since the changes and I also completely stopped playing it.


Kittonwy said:
We got our asses kicked tonight, and qlaarqueh rage-quitted lol.
I still think a big part of it was lag. Don't get me wrong, those guys were good, but there were a lot of times where I'd shoot them or they'd be standing right on one of my grenades and take no damage. Sure enough, when we got back to matchmaking all but one of them had 2 bars for me.

The crappy spawns and my using invalid surely didn't help either though.
Yeef said:
I still think a big part of it was lag. Don't get me wrong, those guys were good, but there were a lot of times where I'd shoot them or they'd be standing right on one of my grenades and take no damage. Sure enough, when we got back to matchmaking all but one of them had 2 bars for me.

The crappy spawns and my using invalid surely didn't help either though.

I don't know but every time I am there we destroy people. Just saying.
After burning myself out on plunder a little after getting the Plundered! and plays well with others trophies I put some time into deathmatch for the first time in a while and can see how the reduced health would make it easier to get more kills and more enjoyable for some people. There is the problem that you reach 50 kills a lot quicker now and matches end too fast. So if Naughty Dog are planning on staying with the the current health system I would like them to raise the score limits to 15 kills per person on each team (45 kills in 3v3, 75 kills in 5v5 etc.).

The thing is, I wouldn't want them to change this at all if it was the old system. And that doesn't even touch on where I've found the game to really suffer since 1.05- objective modes. Part of the reason that I've become burned out on plunder is that I die far too quickly during actions where I can't do anything to defend myself like picking up the treasure or scoring. The same goes for other objective modes. You're too vulnerable when capturing points in king of the hill or chain reaction so a lot of players just camp and kill anyone who is actually carrying out the objective which shouldn't be how the game is played. I love this game too much to stop playing it but I still can't stand that they've taken away the great balance they originally had.


I keep missing all the epic GAF games.. either I'm so engrossed in trying to plat Bayonetta that I'm not noticing when you doods sign on or I'm hitting the sack before it all kicks off. :(

Anyway, I got the itch. I'll be on tonight, if I'm playing something else and there's a free spot, send me an invite. (and then guard that open spot as if your life depended on it :lol )
Rikyfree said:
I'm sorry that I left guys, but I had to before I started raging so hard I broke my controller. I just refuse to be camped so people can pad their wallet.

Yeah, it was pretty shitty. A straight up slaughter is what it was.

So who wants to play co-op with me tonight eh?


Is anyone else that bought the Collectors Edition kinda pissed that we're getting charged for content that we already own?

Baseball Shirt Drake and Prakoso {plus the golden guns} cost me an extra tenner for it's exclusivity and now that the exclusive period has ended I'm getting charged again for the same skins.

:lol I laugh but I'm crying inside.


VsRobot said:
An epic post via BleachEX... While I no longer hate the new damage, I still prefer things the way they were. Bleach does a good job explaining why:

I used to look forward to updates.. now I'm just worried what they'll take away (or break :p) in 1.07.

I have to admit that while I've gotten used to the new U2MP, that post really made me miss how it used to be, especially for Plunder. Grabbing the treasure is a deathwish 99% of the time.


Agreed, jett. I hope they can fix the new spanws a bit. That will help with alot of the issues I have at the present. Also, less than a million to 58!


CozMick said:
Is anyone else that bought the Collectors Edition kinda pissed that we're getting charged for content that we already own?

Baseball Shirt Drake and Prakoso {plus the golden guns} cost me an extra tenner for it's exclusivity and now that the exclusive period has ended I'm getting charged again for the same skins.

:lol I laugh but I'm crying inside.

Eh, I bought a Navarro code off eBay, but I knew at the time he'd probably end up as DLC down the line. You pay a premium to be "first". Heck, we could have all saved a bunch of money if we waited for UC2 to be a Greatest Hit--but we'd have sacrificed being able to play MP when it was at its peak of popularity and playability.


Not as deep as he thinks
Okay, this might be a stupid question, but is there a reason why I don't appear on the leaderboards anymore? Is it because I haven't played this game for weeks? I used to always compare with friends and my list was pretty big, but now it's short.


Okay, disregard this message now. I played a match and I reappeared again. Yay.
Rewrite said:
Okay, this might be a stupid question, but is there a reason why I don't appear on the leaderboards anymore? Is it because I haven't played this game for weeks? I used to always compare with friends and my list was pretty big, but now it's short.


Okay, disregard this message now. I played a match and I reappeared again. Yay.
Also confused me at first as well.


I wish they could just add seperate modes for what type of deathmatch you want to play.
A new mode or original mode for those who want to play it how it used to be.
Maybe it could be as simple as switching modes like with the maps, dlc or default.
My brother-in-law won't even play mp anymore, post patches.

Naughty Dog please allow those who liked the classic mp, be able to like it again.
Finally reached Level 57 today, and equipped the Glass Jaw booster. I'm doing way better now that I don't have to use Half Loaded. Glass Jaw is cool, cause you don't have to worry about your health, or ammo being handicapped. I don't mind getting hit once and dieing. So, now I shall fast forward to April 22.
HYDE said:
I wish they could just add seperate modes for what type of deathmatch you want to play.
A new mode or original mode for those who want to play it how it used to be.
Maybe it could be as simple as switching modes like with the maps, dlc or default.
My brother-in-law won't even play mp anymore, post patches.

Naughty Dog please allow those who liked the classic mp, be able to like it again.

Problem with that kind of practice is that it further splits player base. A game with a massive player base can afford those sorts of accommodations, but I'm not particularly sure Uncharted can.


Yeef said:
Good games tonight.

GAF Gaffes: Vol. 1

If we took a proper count, the gaffes would be somewhere up in the 3 or 4 digit volumes. :s
I still have a hard time accepting that Ovaltine Riky could shoot my (Flynn's) fat ass poking outside of the shield's protection as I faced him head on.

KilgoreTrout said:
Miss you guys. ,____,

What's happened to you? The last time I looked, I think you had been offline for about a month. ;___;


Gyrian said:
I still have a hard time accepting that Ovaltine Riky could shoot my (Flynn's) fat ass poking outside of the shield's protection as I faced him head on.
Maybe Flynn should drop some weight. Remember, I had a height advantage also which allowed myself, Olvaltine Jenkins, Guy Buttersnaps, Posh Haschmidu, Longfellow Pennywhisper, Trapezius Milkington, Timoteo Strawmenger, to shoot your ever so plump, bulbous, fat ass.
I'm late to the party but I finally picked up the first Uncharted.

Didn't know it was so darn fun. Both games have great single player content, with more gameplay than cut-scenes, which is why they're so enjoyable.

Tried to play MGSIV. So many cut-scenes...ugh...couldn't stay focused or get into it. Which is why I enjoy games like Uncharted so much because it cuts to the chase from the beginning to its very end.
I wish Naughty Dog's website stats were updated in real time. It says I last played on the 13th, when I last played on the 14th. I like checking my stats and seeing how many hours I've put into the game, and kills I've gotten, especially since the leaderboard in the game didn't keep track of what I did since day one. That's one thing I wish, that the leaderboard like retroactively kept my information before the thing was patched into the game. I mean, the website has the stats since day one, and I don't get why the in-game leaderboard can't have the same stats. Oh well.


Not as deep as he thinks
The leaderboards in the game work fine for me. Aside from me not showing up yesterday due to me not playing for weeks, it's fine in keeping my stats. I never check the Naughty Dog site.
Rewrite said:
The leaderboards in the game work fine for me. Aside from me not showing up yesterday due to me not playing for weeks, it's fine in keeping my stats. I never check the Naughty Dog site.
Hmm... you've played Uncharted 2 online before the leaderboards was put into the game right? Did it keep your stats of what you have done before it was put in or no?


Not as deep as he thinks
lastinline said:
Hmm... you've played Uncharted 2 online before the leaderboards was put into the game right? Did it keep your stats of what you have done before it was put in or no?
I did play Uncharted 2 way before the leaderboards were added in, but unfortunately I don't remember if my stats were kept. I want to say that they weren't since I remember reading complaints, but I'm not 100% certain. :(


I considered myself quite lucky not bumping in to many glitchers but the past week my games have been rampant with them.

Is there any measures in place to get those guys banned or something?
It's rife on Temple, Sanctuary and Plaza for me, normally I dont mind it but since I've been playing elimination games it's just really annoying having to just wait for the clock to tick down just to earn a tie game for that round.

Still I have faith ND will have checked the new mpas over but I cant help but think glitchers will find new areas within those as well.

Still, for the games that dont have any glitches I'm having a load of fun with. It's always satisfying getting those BBQ medals.


I have never heard of a cheater being banned or suspended. Has anyone? Very frustrating that glitching and cheating being rampant is something else ND has borrowed from MW.


Black Canada Mafia
I started playing again after months, I think I am better now than before? I have averaged like 3:1 KDR :lol Someone play with me~
Gyrian said:
What's happened to you? The last time I looked, I think you had been offline for about a month. ;___;

I've been super busy at work. Plus, I binged a little too much on playing games, and feel a little burned out.

I think I'm almost at the point where I want to start playing again as soon as I wrap up 2 sites I'm working on.

Maybe I'll hop on tonight for an hour or so though. Miss playing with you guys.
I really want another Double Experience weekend soon. Maybe like when the DLC releases next week? I mean, I know it's only been done during holidays, but it wasn't done for Easter. Would have been hilarious to see Drake with bunny ears, though. So, yeah, I think it would be awesome to have Double Experience weekend happen next week to commemerate the release of the cool new maps.
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