It's been a few months since version 1.05 of Uncharted 2 was released to the public and changed the damage model. It has been talked about and beaten to death, and I can't blame anyone for wanting to run screaming when they hear this controversy mentioned. I have continued to play and wait on commenting to let the changes sink in, and now I am ready to write up my opinion about it. If you like the new damage model, you should avoid reading this, as it will not sway your opinion.
Where to begin... I had always felt the game was nearly perfect when it was first released. Naughty Dog had spent countless hours balancing it and polishing it. When we played the beta(s), this version of the game sold us. It was what we fell in love with. I bought the game for multi-player only (although I finished and enjoyed the Single Player game too), which is a first. It was the first time I cared about and had an unrivaled multi-player experience since GoldenEye 007. A lot of games feature multi-player these days, but this... this was something extraordinary and special. It was love at first play. This was one of those games I would want to have on that proverbial deserted island if I could only choose one game.
When you had first put up the experimental weekend, I was concerned, and playing it, it confirmed my suspicions that reducing the health to 63% was going to unbalance the game in major ways. I voted No, I did not like the new health. I even posted messages on why it was a bad idea. It didn't seem to have any effect. Eventually the weapon damage was altered, and put into effect, and divided the player-base. However, I was not going to give up on one of my all time gaming experiences.
I was already level 60, but I had still been playing the game religiously every day. Many times I would get plenty of invites as soon as I logged on. There were multiple parties of friends that wanted me to join their group. As time went on after 1.05, the people that played with me grew frustrated, citing they were not having as much fun, and one by one, the people I had played with left the game. I shared their sentiments. I was also frustrated, and having less fun, but continued to play.
These days I'm lucky to find anyone close to the quality and sportsmanship of those that I befriended from the beginning. I am lucky to find one person playing now these days, even with making new friends. Playing with random people is not really an option, as this is a team based game, and good teamwork is important.
It seemed people had spoken, at least as far as it concerned the people I played with. I and others are not adverse to change, but we disagreed this was for the better, and many people lost interest by having the rug pulled out from under them.
It has perplexed me why a 2 day experiment would have had more weight than years of tweaking by professional game designers. We didn't buy a game to have it changed on a whim.
I had never felt people were "bullet sponges" in the old weapon damage model. A person had a chance to escape, yes. But if I was them, I'd want to escape too. One can not think about only themselves and wanting cheap and fast kills.
At maximum it would take 10 bullets to kill someone with the weakest weapon available in multi-player matches: the AK-47. The AK-47 is a versatile, but blunt weapon. It is good for close to medium range. It has heavy re-coil and spread. A person can not expect to hold down the fire button and except to mow down someone from great distances or with poor aim. Only with a steady hand and controlled bursts is it effective at long distances, but at the cost of rate of fire and difficulty.
Newbies may have complained about not being able to hit other players, or getting killed, but they WOULD HAVE improved. They would have learned from the mistakes they made and taken notes on what others are doing. Everyone that would have stuck with the game, would have got better by understanding the complexities in game design. I was terrible when I first started, but as I went up in level I noticed improvement in my performance at every step of the way. That is a satisfying accomplishment. Giving into the wants of instant gratification is not, who I assume are the same people that want the $50,000 cap removed so they can plow to 60 and move on to their next cheap thrill.
I can not think of many improvements this new damage system brought. I would say the game is faster, but that's about it. I am being sincere. Others are free to bring up counter-arguments, but so far they have been paper thin, veiled in childish rebuttals, and laced with insults.
However, I feel I can point out how the new damage system has harmed more elements of the game in comparison to any pros.
One of the major elements of Uncharted 2's game play, and what sets it apart from every other multi-player game is the verticality, and being able to climb and jump.
Why I feel the old model was superior to the new damage system was that a person could run, jump, climb, shimmy, and fall with a balanced chance of escaping or dying depending on the parties involved in the firefight. You could jump up and escape, hide behind cover, or pull a counter manuever. You had time to react and had a chance. And the person shooting also had a chance at killing you, especially with teamwork.
These elements are diminished, and more and more people don't step outside the safety of enclosed areas, and camp. It is now more palatable to stay in cover, because being out in the open is a death wish. You can barely climb up a waist high wall without being mowed down. It is less about skill, but rather getting the jump on the other player that has the advantage. It is difficult if not impossible to traverse the map or be out in the open. The new UDF DLC maps especially show off this issue because they are very large with little viable cover.
Now, there is nothing wrong with camping, but the old system encouraged all types of play. I did use cover frequently and it was not to camp.
Snipers and "campers" were a perfectly viable strategy with the old damage. The trade off was they were a sitting duck. However their weapons such as the FAL and Sniper were extremely accurate, powerful, and excellent at long distant range. If they found someone that was sitting still for a second, they could pick them off. If they were really good they could anticipate target movement or even go for head-shots.
I admit I am not that type of player, but I saw many excellent people that did it prior to the update even if it took 3 bursts from the FAL or 2 shots from the sniper rifle.
All the important factors of cover, running, climbing, and jumping were balanced before, but now favor staying in cover. People have taken more to grabbing FALs and Sniper Rifles, and waiting for the enemy to come to them as they watch with Situational Awareness, which has seen a large spike in use. Ambushing a person is now important, because the person that gets the drop on the other player has the odds in their favor. It does not pay to go to the enemy, when you can wait for them, and kill them before they even know what is going on. Thus game strategy has been pushed towards stalemating, where neither side advances.
I've been told that before a person was "Rambo" and they could just run out in the open without consequences. I don't get that logic, as NOW you are Rambo. There once was dynamic weapon range, where each weapon had pros and cons including accuracy, damage, fire rate, and reloading. To use the analogy of the damage model to sound, you have changed it from a large rich movie soundtrack with many subtleties, to a loud and blunt TV commercial.
Basically every weapon is a power weapon now due to the increased damage. You don't need skill when you can shoot someone in the back before they can even react. You don't need skill when you can shot someone once with a 92FS - 9mm and melee them once to kill them before they can react. Two Micro - 9mm shots and melee? Death. Before that kind of damaged was only reserved for the Desert-5 and other power weapons which had large cons to offset it.
Factor in lag, and you are dying before you can blink. Lag was already an issue in the past, such as when a person was getting into cover and still dying. This only amplifies the issue to extremes. At least there was a better chance of surviving against lag pre-1.05.
You can't even pick up the Idol in Plunder fully before being killed, which makes it incredibly frustrating, at least to me. People don't really want to pick up the Idol because it's a large beacon saying "Kill me." and even if you have a good team and they are watching your back, they can barely offer support before the treasure bearer is dead.
Then there's melee. Before you could stand a chance to kill someone with two melee attacks, but that's suicide now as a person can kill you faster blind firing an AK in your face, than getting off two punches.
As well, many negative boosters are unappealing, especially Invalid. In the opposite fashion, Half Loaded is better since it takes less bullets to kill someone. You can easily take down 2 people even with half a clip. When you had adjusted the weapon damage, I assumed you would lower the clip and total ammo carried as well for all weapons. (Don't do this, I'm just pointing it out)
Head-shots are also less important, even with the changes to hit-boxes on the legs. In some cases there is a one shot difference now on the torso compared to the head. Why bother aiming when a millisecond later another bullet will exit your barrel into their chest?
To me this all sucks out part of the soul of the game and the fun. There is no challenge in mowing people down that easily, and no fun for people constantly dying.
You have rebalanced many things constantly to fix all the things you broke. You've made improvements, but you wouldn't have had to change anything if you had left it the way it was. FAL was fine. Dragon was fine. They got overpowered. You adjusted them. Spawns were fine, then they got broken by the frequent dying, and STILL are broken after you "fixed" them. You can keep going down this route of cat and mouse, or you could consider putting things back the way there were originally. Don't dig yourself deeper and deeper, please.
One of the other unintended consequences of the damage change is the lowered sniper rifle clip. Since MP and co-op are linked by design, all changes take place in both modes, and co-op is hurt significantly, and that's just not fair to the people that enjoy co-op.
At one time the medals for killing people in succession were perfect. Double Down was Easy, Triple was Normal, Connect Four was Hard, and Five Not Alive was Near Impossible. Now its difficult to even get Triples. You only asked we get 7 for the medals. That is a clear imbalance of the game, and I can't even wrap my head around it. You'd think killing people faster would be easier, but it's not working out that way. I got about a dozen Connect Fours before 1.05, and ever since I haven't gotten any, and maybe 10 Triples.
Change is good. Change is inevitable. But you don't always need to change something. Look more into yourselves and realize you are the game developers and you got the jobs and the big bucks for a reason. Fan input is an incredibly difficult balancing act. Only look into things that really make you say, "Yeah, that really is an awesome idea. I like it. Wish I had thought of it," because too many cooks will spoil the soup.
If you really wanted to change the core game-play, you should have saved such dramatic changes for Uncharted 3, because people have already fallen in love with what they liked with Uncharted 2. You didn't add something in this case, you took something away from a lot of people. Building on top of what you already did and improving it without taking away what made it charming in the first place is important.
I have said my peace, and I hope you understand how passionate I am about Uncharted 2's multi-player by taking all this time to write this, even months after you changed things. I have spent hours of my time to write this. Not everyone will agree, and that's fine. I always welcome counter-arguments that are in-depth. Thank you for your time if you read this all the way through.