You had more health which meant it took more than just getting the jump on someone to get kills since skilled players could out-maneuver attackers and turn it around. It was also harder to camp again because of the ability to use cover and traversal to get close to people that tried.elohel said:wait so what are the reasons for some people really wanting the old UC2 multi back?
just curious, lttt(late to the thread lol)
Now players have a lot less health which makes climbing and running and gunning less viable. If someone gets the drop on you you're dead before you get the opportunity to react. So more people camp. It's not terrible in deathmatch, but it's made the objective modes much, much worse.
Don't misunderstand, there were issues before the 1.05 (the patch that brought most of the changes). Down the Irons was insanely overpowered. Last minute grenades were EXTREMELY common and annoying and I'm sure there's some other things that I didn't like that I can't remember, but overall the game was a lot more interesting and varied.
The spawns were fine up until 1.06 and there have been glitches since the beta.KanZolo said:I think fixed spawns, more health, no glitchers.