It was perfect! It was more of the "Timesplitters" type of fun and less of the "Modern Warefare" type of fun.Zen said:Because it wasn't perfect; lowering the health helped balance the game and to say otherwise is ignoring things like shotgun running, and the player population hasn't shrunk since the changes have been made, according to Arne. You might say 'I can't run around as much' but you still do tons of running, climbing, and jumping, if you aren't doing that it's your own playstyle not being up to snuff, not the fact that they've reduced health and reduced accuracy.
Also....why would you have to lower the health of everybody to fix shotgun running? Why not just simply tweak the way the shotgun works? They could have been working on things like: Fixing grenades, Tweaking Shotguns, etc instead of just lowering the health globally. When they did that...they had to go back and "fix" the game for the next 2-3 patches. That kind of shows that it was more of a knee-jerk reaction than something that was planned from the beginning or even for a few months.
The game is tolerable now (for us pre-1.05 lovers). It's a nice middle ground for pre-1.05 lovers and post-1.05 lovers. For me, it feels like the game is on easy mode. In 90% of the recent games I've played, in deathmatch, I score at least half of the 50 kills. I find myself comparing MY score to the score of the opposing TEAM.