Yeah, I'll definitely be back (dunno if I'm a "regular") for my first double cash week-endDarkatomz said:So I'm assuming a bunch of the regs are coming back tomorrow night? I'll probably get on after I get out of my class.
And yet I wuz better den yous!Kittonwy said:You were raging tonight.![]()
Rewrite said:Also, I noticed that if a team mate is in need of a rescue and if the round ends, they're automatically healed. That's fucking awesome because sometimes when playing with randoms, that person who needs healing is across the map and if we don't make it on time, they die and are out of the next match. That's pretty cool! It tripped me out at first.
It's called Siege, you defend a zone against enemies, wiuth a different zone in each of the 10 rounds, kinda like Survival.fionel said:Map pack 2 is up on the Japanese PSN. It says it includes a new mode called "survivatory". I don't see this mentioned in the last 2 pages of the thread. Anyone know what this is about?
fionel said:Map pack 2 is up on the Japanese PSN. It says it includes a new mode called "survivatory".
Well, one person without the DLC in the party, and no DLC map will ever enter the rotation, which might piss off those who bought them...Facism said:I think i'll play tonight. What's the issues with me joining up with the old regs as i won't be buying the DLC? Frozen out of the party due to matchmaking restrictions or what?
CrushDance said:I think we should all thank Arne for the great works he's done thus far as CM. Sure most of us don't play as much anymore, but the constant feedback from ND, patches and so forth is very much welcome. It always amazes me when I come back to this thread and find Arne is discussing why certain changes were made that we may disagree with, but explaining nonetheless. Then jumping on issues that specific players are experiencing and seeing it through...
You guys have done a terrific job all around with Uncharted. Thank you!
crispyben said:Well, one person without the DLC in the party, and no DLC map will ever enter the rotation, which might piss off those who bought them...
TheSeks said:So, did they change the health system to where it's less bullshit "camp your spawn and don't fucking move into the map" and more "move into the fucking map, but your health is less than it was 1.04?"
Because frankly, I want fucking 1.04 back after the bullshit that was 1.05/1.06. I'm not buying the new DLC and haven't played the versus in months due to that bullshit and my purchase of the DLC and replaying the game hinges on this: CAN I NOW RUN THROUGH THE MAP AND NOT EXPECT ISLANDS OF PLAYERS CAMPING BECAUSE THE HEALTH SCREWED THE GAME UP?
TheSeks said:So, did they change the health system to where it's less bullshit "camp your spawn and don't fucking move into the map" and more "move into the fucking map, but your health is less than it was 1.04?"
Because frankly, I want fucking 1.04 back after the bullshit that was 1.05/1.06. I'm not buying the new DLC and haven't played the versus in months due to that bullshit and my purchase of the DLC and replaying the game hinges on this: CAN I NOW RUN THROUGH THE MAP AND NOT EXPECT ISLANDS OF PLAYERS CAMPING BECAUSE THE HEALTH SCREWED THE GAME UP?
jett said:shut up, seriously. don't play the game, don't buy the dlc, we don't care.
Seriously.jett said:shut up, seriously. don't play the game, don't buy the dlc, we don't care.
Knowing SCEA, I would check the PSN Store around 11:59 PM.DownLikeBCPowder said:When this this DLC coming?
I was made to feel like an idiot when WOWBagger implied it was out.. but I have searched and found no indication that it is out.
I know it's "today", but when is "today"?
The Euro stores are updated before the N.A. stores (this changes in May afaik : P).jett said:wowbagger already has the dlc...wat
N.A. stores are usually updated ~4 - 6 P.M. PDT. Usually you can purchase content before the storefront is updated by using the search button to search for it.DownLikeBCPowder said:When this this DLC coming?
I was made to feel like an idiot when WOWBagger implied it was out.. but I have searched and found no indication that it is out.
I know it's "today", but when is "today"?
TheSeks said:ANY of the Versus content boils down to:
-Stay at your spawn
-Camp with the FAL
It basically changed the game for the worse. It's not being a drama queen if most everyone that has played agrees on it. The health system in 1.05/1.06 was horrible. Has 1.07 actually raised the health to where the game doesn't have islands of campers and actually tries to move people around?
TheSeks said:ANY of the Versus content boils down to:
-Stay at your spawn
-Camp with the FAL
It basically changed the game for the worse. It's not being a drama queen if most everyone that has played agrees on it. The health system in 1.05/1.06 was horrible. Has 1.07 actually raised the health to where the game doesn't have islands of campers and actually tries to move people around?
JudgeN said:Almost everyone, really now
Irish said:I can name nearly a hundred prominent PS3-Gaffers.
Are you saying that the game hasn't turned into what he's describing? From what I've seen, it most definitely has. Yes, I'll be buying the DLC, but that doesn't mean I can't hate the game for what it has become.
JudgeN said:O well shit if you can name Gaffer you pretty much got the whole online community right there because GAF is always a great representation of anything gaming related right?
JudgeN said:And yes I'm calling it bullshit, you make it sound like no one does anything but stand in the same place and wait for someone to come out in the open. Its not like that people still run around maps, and people still climb, besides the FAL got nerfed as did DTI.
JudgeN said:I can kind of understand why it happened, I mean in what game does it take 10 shots to kill anyone and headshots have never really been that accurate. The shotgunners/pistolle people were destroying people ( I was one of those people). I'm in the middle when it comes to how I feel about the change but at the end of the day I'm still having fun.
Irish said:I'd say the health change unbalanced the game dramatically and made the game less fun. There are now worthless strategies and overpowered ones. Sure, it still a decent game, but it's nowhere near as perfect and balanced as it used to be in my opinion.
MacBosse said:Ok, I am about 2 seconds away from buying a PS3 and make the holy trinity at home complete (360/wii/PS3) ... and this game is to blame. And God of War 3 ... and Heavy Rain.
ZeroRay said:Plunder was the best CTF mode ever made. I'm still too scared to try it out with the new health tweaks.
Lince said:Have a look at MAG to see how following your "fans" advices could potentially lead to ruining the game just 3 months after launch.
Lince said:/dear friends at Naughty Dog, stop listening to your "fans" in the forums, even NeoGAF, stick to your vision, you're the professionals there. Have a look at MAG to see how following your "fans" advices could potentially lead to ruining the game just 3 months after launch.
VsRobot said:I miss the game it used to be, and I'll never do another marathon 14-hour game session like I did back in the day, but I guess there's no use crying over split milk.
Lince said:/thread
we'll never know why they did that but the game was perfect, one of the greatest MP games I've ever played and definitely the most fun, lots of acrobatics and hilarious yet intense fights had me hooked every night until they changed everything for no apparent reason, at least I can't see where or when they explained their decisions? I guess as a company you're likely to make your game appealing to most gamers out there so you can sell more DLC and get everyone hyped for sequels... I also believe the "fun" factor was already appealing when they released the game, why killing it ?
dear friends at Naughty Dog, stop listening to your "fans" in the forums, even NeoGAF, stick to your vision, you're the professionals there. Have a look at MAG to see how following your "fans" advices could potentially lead to ruining the game just 3 months after launch.