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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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For the GT review what kind of spoilers are we talking about? They aren't revealing any story things like that are they? Just like some locations and stuff?


downloading the multiplayer demo right now

going to start up uncharted 1 and finish it before UC2 comes out.

Will probably just rent UC2 since i don't see myself putting much time with the multiplayer, but looking forward to the game.


Lovely Salsa said:
They say its one of the best games this gen and yet they only give it a 9.3? WTF?
Meh their scores have always been highly inconsistent. Their highest rated game of all time is GRAW. Don't focus on the score too much, it's a good score
GameTrailers can go fuck themselves with their snobbish "Uncharted 2 does nothing new, but not Gears of War 2 or Call of Duty 4!!"

They bang on Uncharted's "unoriginality" when all current games' (except scribblenauts) designs have been done before.

Ploid 3.0

Lovely Salsa said:
They say its one of the best games this gen and yet they only give it a 9.3? WTF?

Well it did steal ideas of games like Winback's cover system, and made it a bit better. It's not innovative.


Shining Sunshine said:
I just love how GameTrailers thinks CoD4 did everything first. Horde mode from Gears? I've seen those modes back in Starcraft!

While I do agree with gametrailers that Naughty Dog borrow many ideas from other devs, I don't agree with their assertion that there's very little unique about the Uncharted games. That's bullshit, cause their presentation and attention to detail when it comes to cutscenes and choreographed action set pieces is second to none. There is no other dev out there that has such fluid and cinematic cut scenes. For that they should be commended.

Edit: Also did anyone see that part in the review where nate was waling around in the snow. The reviewer said it looks like a magic trick, I'm inclined to agree, how in the hell did they make it look that realistic? It's as mindblowing as the first time I saw realistic rain/water in the first MGS2 trailer way back when. Incredible stuff.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
MercuryLS said:
While I do agree with gametrailers that Naughty Dog borrow many ideas from other devs, I don't agree with their assertion that there's very little unique about the Uncharted games. That's bullshit, cause their presentation and attention to detail when it comes to cutscenes and choreographed action set pieces is second to none. There is no other dev out there that has such fluid and cinematic cut scenes. For that they should be commended.
well, they did get a 9.3


gibration said:

I hate the fucking disingeneous knock on design originality when no other game has even tried successfully combining cover-based gunplay and platforming, it's like they're just setting things up so they can hand GOTY to MW2, it's pure bullshit.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Well it did steal ideas of games like Winback's cover system, and made it a bit better. It's not innovative.

Winback made a square wheel that fucking sucked and give you fucking buttsores every time the wheels rotate, Uncharted made them round.

Ploid 3.0

ThePeacemaker02 said:
For the GT review what kind of spoilers are we talking about? They aren't revealing any story things like that are they? Just like some locations and stuff?

They show characters doing things that make you go, "hmm... D: That would have surprised me in the game, or :( nooo, or :D yaaay", or maybe none of the above. But the thing is it will show you something that you would want to see for yourself in context of the whole story.

Kittonwy said:
Winback made a square wheel that fucking sucked and give you fucking buttsores every time the wheels rotate, Uncharted made them round.

Yea, Winback is a dinosaur in comparison to todays cover system games. It's like saying sonic isn't innovative because the character has a jump button.


Kittonwy said:
I hate the fucking disingeneous knock on design originality when no other game has even tried successfully combining cover-based gunplay and platforming, it's like they're just setting things up so they can hand GOTY to MW2, it's pure bullshit.

MW2 will be GOTY, U2 can be GOTM
M stands for month, not millennium



Shining Sunshine said:
GameTrailers can go fuck themselves with their snobbish "Uncharted 2 does nothing new, but not Gears of War 2 or Call of Duty 4!!"

They bang on Uncharted's "unoriginality" when all current games' (except scribblenauts) designs have been done before.
Yeah they tend to focus on originality way too much...They shat on AC in their review but gave it a 9.1(?) basically for what it was trying to do.

**I am not complaining about a 9.3**
gibration said:
Official PlayStation headset

Quoting myself because I think everybody missed this. It was the last post on the last page, which always gets missed.

StrikerObi said:
I know I'm not the only one looking for a headset to use when this game comes out. Fry's is selling the Official PS3 Headset SOCOM Bundle for $30. That's $20 less than the headset's stand-alone retail price.


Ploid 3.0

This game feels so awesome. I was hanging out killing people from above in my balcony. I can get down, run around, hang off signs and shoot while hanging, and protect my area/home/fort like a nimble rat. It's like people are walking into my acrobatically setup trap. This game feels so right.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Lag has destroyed most of the enjoyment I would be having with the multiplayer game. That's what I get for living in Australia.


I think it's a bit of a hard knock to say it's unoriginal when there is no other game like Uncharted out there. And you know the MW2 review won't talk about originality


StrikerObi said:
Quoting myself because I think everybody missed this. It was the last post on the last page, which always gets missed.

Awesome, thank you so much for the heads up on that one. Ordered one. Hope it's as good as people say (had big issues hearing things on the Jabra one that came with Warhawk... anyone know if this one is easier to hear things on?).

Edit: Anyone want to buy a copy of SOCOM Confrontation? Real cheap! Only $30! What a steal! [/sarcasm]


Rez said:
Lag has destroyed most of the enjoyment I would be having with the multiplayer game. That's what I get for living in Australia.
Really? I'm getting no real perceivable lag. Sometimes a few shots hitting late when playing with Americans

I'd like it if it matched me with Aussies more though
It's pretty clear when you watch those videos at GI why ND is such a top-tier developer. One of the most fascinating things I learned was that in the 3 months following a game shipping, ND allows their employees to just experiment with whatever they want and try new things within the sphere of game development.
I wonder what Gamespot is going to give it, I just hope it's not that turd that scored Wipeout HD a 7.5, what a fucking shit.

Do those gamepro behind the scenes videos have spoilers?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Yoboman said:
Really? I'm getting no real perceivable lag. Sometimes a few shots hitting late when playing with Americans

I'd like it if it matched me with Aussies more though
It's small, but it's enough to really through me off.

Most of the games I've joined have a good 0.5<1 second or so of lag before my character actually picks up a weapon. It really sucks when you're shooting a guy at point blank with a shotgun and they STILL manage to kill you first (or you both die at the same time, even though you clearly shot first).

There have been a handful of decent games, though. But they're usually with other Aussies, and they're rare.


templeusox said:
It's pretty clear when you watch those videos at GI why ND is such a top-tier developer. One of the most fascinating things I learned was that in the 3 months following a game shipping, ND allows their employees to just experiment with whatever they want and try new things within the sphere of game development.
Any spoilers in the making of videos?


Yoboman said:
I think it's a bit of a hard knock to say it's unoriginal when there is no other game like Uncharted out there. And you know the MW2 review won't talk about originality

I mean, I get what they're saying, several of the mechanics are ripped off certain games. The theme is straight from Indiana Jones, etc. But to single out U2 for unoriginality isn't really fair when you could level the same criticism to many games out there.

All that matters is the quality of the final product and there's no question it's a fantastic game. IMO it looks like they were looking form some reason to dock it a few points.


Rez said:
It's small, but it's enough to really through me off.

Most of the games I've joined have a good 0.5<1 second or so of lag before my character actually picks up a weapon. It really sucks when you're shooting a guy at point blank with a shotgun and they STILL manage to kill you first (or you both die at the same time, even though you clearly shot first).

There have been a handful of decent games, though. But they're usually with other Aussies, and they're rare.
Yeah I noticed that yesterday, I think the servers are being funny. It wasn't doing that before the servers went public. Hopefully just some fine tuning needed

I friended you on PSN though, we should play a game


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Yoboman said:
Any spoilers in the making of videos?

Not really... just watched them all and I've been on UC2 media blackout for months. Couldn't resist the "making of" vids though... love that stuff.

I would say there's a couple gameplay moments... like where Drake makes a jump and someone saves him that you see in one of the vids, but really.... does anyone ever get surprised by that stuff during the game? Kinda cliché at this point.

What you do see is some really "awesome" behind the scenes stuff and as a bonus there's a pretty cute developer chick in the basketball vid.
lol @ the 9.3. They have a very strict adherance to the 8.7 to 9.4 range. Most game reviews i see actually fall into that range... I guessed it would be the "obligatory" 9.2 and I see I wasnt that far off. Good score but I have a feeling I am personally going to score the game higher...
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