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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Ploid 3.0 said:
I thought people was more discussing the originality knock than anything. GT seemed to have a problem with it not being original, or rather using bits and pieces of gameplay elements from a group of other games and mixing it all together. The thing is, I doubt they just blindly grabbed these different elements, and threw them together to make uncharted.

It's the mix that make uncharted, not the different parts. Like in that movie Flash of Genius, sure he didn't invent the parts that were used for that windshield wiper, but it's the mix that made his better and more advanced. Like the words used in a book, it's the mix of words that create the book.

Its always the danger of dissecting a game, you tend to look over the whole experience in the goal of picking it to peices. ITs a really poor reviewing technique


Junior Member
I'm 4 hours into the story, and yes, this game is that damned good. My jaw has been hanging open the entire time!

Every little minor gripe that I had about Drake's Fortune has been addressed. So far the pacing is absolutely perfect, and the controls (even the melee combat) is spot-on.

Go pre-buy it NOW!

btw, "pics or it didn't happen"
Torgo said:
I'm 4 hours into the story, and yes, this game is that damned good. My jaw has been hanging open the entire time!

Every little minor gripe that I had about Drake's Fortune has been addressed. So far the pacing is absolutely perfect, and the controls (even the melee combat) is spot-on.

Go pre-buy it NOW!

thanks for the impressions
very very jealous

edit: anyone getting on add me: TheExecutive. I am getting sick of playing with randoms


AltogetherAndrews said:
Eh, Battlefield is one such game.

dralla said:
Battlefield 2.

still the best game in the series also.

Ah yes, Battlefield 2. Good call.

I still think COD4 is the first online shooter on consoles to really popularize that feature, which is probably why the GT review made mention of it.


I can understand this 'lack of originality' criticism some reviewers go through, but if I were a reviewer of a game that has excellent quality and performance, I'd only deduct 0.1-0.2 points from the overall score if that game 'lacks originality' or hasn't brought newer ideas to its predecessor. I mean, 8/10 from Gamereactor? Really? And their only complaint was 'lack of originality'. :/

Yoboman said:
So what major sites are yet to review it?
I think GameSpot.
LaneDS said:
I still think COD4 is the first online shooter on consoles to really popularize that feature, which is probably why the GT review made mention of it.

Which would make any comments in regards to a lack of originality rather ironic.


"5 out of 5 stars:
Playstation The Official Magazine

get off my box art :(

although it's not exactly the best box art. still prefer the jp one.
LaneDS said:
I think COD4 was the game that really popularized not only ranking up, but ranking up with tangible benefits. What other online shooters did it before COD4? Just curious.
Other people mentioned BF2, but I would even give it to 2003's Planetside even though it is an MMOFPS.


patsu said:
Someone who has access to the chat room needs to add you to his friends list and then send you the chatroom invite. After that, he can drop you from the friends list if he wants to and the chatroom link will stay with you forever ... until you delete it explicitly.

I can't sign in now because my wife is using the system.
Ah okay. Thanks.

So.... anyone want to send me a chat room invite :)


8.9 on Desing in GameTrailers?
C'mon, what did they expect?
"We need more marines and less statues on the Tibet!"

I don't know why i'm surprised...


Hydrargyrus said:
8.9 on Desing in GameTrailers?
C'mon, what did they expect?
"We need more marines and less statues on the Tibet!"

I don't know why i'm surprised...
Who knows? Who cares!
Hydrargyrus said:
8.9 on Desing in GameTrailers?
C'mon, what did they expect?
"We need more marines and less statues on the Tibet!"

I don't know why i'm surprised...

8.9 seems a little low, but I havent played it yet. However, I will pry disagree with it but thats how opinions go...


oldschlgmr said:
Avoid the Gametrailers review... I can't believe how many spoilers were in there.

Was about to ask this. Thanks.
Seems like every gametrailer review likes to spoil the game.
Yeef said:

Don't mess with the hamburglar.

Looking at other people's screens I think I probably have my brightness set lower than it should be.[/QUOTE]
and your sharpness at 100, turn that shit DOWN
MrDenny said:
Was about to ask this. Thanks.
Seems like every gametrailer review likes to spoil the game.

Yeah, they never disappoint. I watched a couple of seconds and the footage was AMAZING. I cant believe this game looks this good.
TheExecutive said:
Are people really getting that worked up over it?
you mean like the email some internet ass clown sent Anthony G. from Gamespy saying that he deserves to be raped and murdered for giving Uncharted 2 a 4.5/5 instead of a 5? again, people need to find something better to do with their life if they are complaining about HIGH scores in the first goddamned place.
DevelopmentArrested said:
you mean like the email some internet ass clown sent Anthony G. from Gamespy saying that he deserves to be raped and murdered for giving Uncharted 2 a 4.5/5 instead of a 5? again, people need to find something better to do with their life if they are complaining about HIGH scores in the first goddamned place.

Well, I took your post as a response to the thread you posted in, silly me. Oh and btw that is very screwed up.
Dedication Through Light said:
They still wouldnt review it until the game actually releases right?

And, did they really put that OPM review score on the boxart?! :(

Of course they did! It will really help sell the game!


Any reviewer that gives Uncharted 2 a score of less than 10/10, 5/5 or an A+ is an idiot. The game sets new benchmarks in every category, yet it doesn't stop these fools from awarding lesser games higher scores. We need to transition to a new scoring system - the kitty moisture scale:



Hydrargyrus said:
8.9 on Desing in GameTrailers?
C'mon, what did they expect?
"We need more marines and less statues on the Tibet!"

I don't know why i'm surprised...
Oh it's you again. Hi. What's up. They gave the game something higher than that 4.5 you were complaining about at least!


agaru said:
I can understand this 'lack of originality' criticism some reviewers go through, but if I were a reviewer of a game that has excellent quality and performance, I'd only deduct 0.1-0.2 points from the overall score if that game 'lacks originality' or hasn't brought newer ideas to its predecessor. I mean, 8/10 from Gamereactor? Really? And their only complaint was 'lack of originality'. :/

That's about all they could invent to criticize Uncharted 2. And the "gamey" approach used to trash excellent games in the past didn't go over well. It's interesting that GT cited a lack of originality in Halo 3 but still rated it 9.8. Even more amusing is how GT talked up Halo 3's "sharp and witty" writing and "impeccable" voice acting. :lol :D :lol :D Regarding the value, the GT reviewer even utters the phrase "The Chief is no thief." I feel like I just lost a few IQ points watching that Halo 3 review.

Where can I find some game review videos that are directed at a demographic above borderline intellectual functioning?


Truespeed said:
Any reviewer that gives Uncharted 2 a score of less than 10/10, 5/5 or an A+ is an idiot. The game sets new benchmarks in every category, yet it doesn't stop these fools from awarding lesser games higher scores. We need to transition to a new scoring system - the kitty moisture scale:



Firestorm said:
Oh it's you again. Hi. What's up. They gave the game something higher than that 4.5 you were complaining about at least!

Oh, yes, it's me.
I'm not complaining about the rest, only about the design note, that doesn't have a lot of sense...

It's seems like I must agree with all the reviews...
But, if you want, you can insult me like before


I'm not complaining about the 9.3 review score. Whatever it's a great score and I'm buying the game regardless. But, honestly if you don't find anything wrong/hypocritical about GT's Uncharted 2 review relative to the games rated higher than it this gen, you're an idiot. I can't be more clear than that. I'm not going to waste my time picking apart the review as that would be just lame and others have been doing so anyways. GT f'd up.

EDIT: Some random post I found on the GT messages that kind of sums it up:

"The problem isn't necessarily the score itself; it's the double standard that is at work here. 9.3 is a great score on its own, but when you compare it to other titles that have done better (GTA4 - 10, Halo 3 - 9.8, Gears 2 - 9.5), you really leave yourself scratching your head at this one.

The reason they seemingly docked points for Uncharted 2 lies in their criticism of its originality (or lack thereof). The problem with this critique is that it has never been leveled as prominently and as harshly for those other titles I listed, if at all.

Halo 3's gameplay is the same basic core from Halo 1, which released back in 2001. Gears 2's gameplay is the same basic core from Gears of War's gameplay, which was taken (but refined) from Kill.switch on the PS2. Grand Theft Auto 4 actually removed features from the series while adding in a shoehorned, and largely horribly implemented, cover mechanic with poor gunplay. The core gameplay, however, is pretty standard fare GTA series, only with worse mission design. How is that original? Where was the critique of its originality?

So why did these games get a free pass? Did Gears 2 get a free pass because Gears 1 claimed to be the innovator? You see, it doesn't work like that. Gears 2 stopped being original once it used the same concept from the first. Ditto for Halo 3. So where was the criticism for those titles?

How many other titles this gen look and play like the Uncharted series? An organic world with saturated colors and believable characters...In an industry filled with bald space marines, generic stories and no character development whatsoever, the Uncharted series is bringing a breath of fresh air to an industry that is largely stagnating from an artistic point of view. Uncharted 2 is going to be a game changing title in that it will change consumer's perceptions about videogames as a valid form of entertainment; no longer will people shrug off videogames as something amateurish and for children. Uncharted 2 breaks a whole lot of new ground in terms of its production values and how the medium can advance in the future, and for that it has the highest praise I can give it as an innovator for videogames. You see, 'innovation' doesn't merely have to be about gameplay mechanics.

It's really unfortunate that innovation is even a criteria for whether or not a game is worthy of the highest praise. For some reason, a lack of innovation is seen as negative; but if the title is using proven concepts and adding a layer of polish not seen in other titles, why can't that be highly praised? Why does it have to be seen as a negative? And it's not as though there are many (if any) games like Uncharted 2. Sure, it has similar mechanics to Gears. Sure, it has platforming that is similar to other games. Sure, it has puzzles like many other titles do. But when you combine these elements, is there really ANY game like Uncharted? No, there absolutely is not. And from a holistic view, Uncharted is most certainly an innovator.

This is yet another review that ruins the credibility of this site. It's unfortunate, too, because the first review of Uncharted was also unfairly criticized by GameTrailers. I was hoping that they'd leave the double standards behind for Uncharted 2, but apparently not."

Ploid 3.0

I still can't believe that GT put those spoilers in our face like that. It's like they were trying to punish people that are looking forward to Uncharted 2. Who did this review lol, what is his background!

"Oh I can't give this game a low score, it's actually good. I'm mad!!! Oh I know I'll ruin the game for everyone!"


Will drop pants for Sony.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I still can't believe that GT put those spoilers in our face like that. It's like they were trying to punish people that are looking forward to Uncharted 2. Who did this review lol, what is his background!

"Oh I can't give this game a low score, it's actually good. I'm mad!!! Oh I know I'll ruin the game for everyone!"

Yea I want to know who picks the scenes to be shown in the review, its like the reviewer wants people to be spoiled to ruin the story for the player.


Do we know who did the GT review for Uncharted 2? After Geoff Keighley's Twitter comments I was expecting more than this slap in the face. Oh well, this game will be a sales juggernaut regardless.


Will drop pants for Sony.
SolidSnakex said:
This is why you should stop caring about reviews altogether. You'll start enjoying gaming a lot more.

I doubt the gametrailers review, I think Shane wrote it, would deter anyone here from buying the game.

Ploid 3.0

G_Berry said:
Ahhh the "PS3 exclusive game conspiracy" rears it's ugly head yet again.

My spoiler attack post (the last post I did here) wasn't a serious post. I'm mostly just mad about it, they shouldn't do this. It's like a book review telling harry potter spoilers (I know people take those seriously). However I can't help but think this was intentional in the back of my mind. They put two plot twists in the review :lol.
MercuryLS said:
I mean, I get what they're saying, several of the mechanics are ripped off certain games. The theme is straight from Indiana Jones, etc. But to single out U2 for unoriginality isn't really fair when you could level the same criticism to many games out there.

All that matters is the quality of the final product and there's no question it's a fantastic game. IMO it looks like they were looking form some reason to dock it a few points.

Yeah...personally I would say the amount of games that actually feel rather novel when you are playing them are certainly not the norm. IN relation to uncharted the components may not be highly original, but the sum of the part offers and experience different to other games... certainly compared to Gears, the presentation and narrative definitely differentiated it


It's GT, unless it's a 360 exclusive or a third party game it will never get higher than the mythical 9.5 score barrier.


Loudninja said:
Why did they put so many spoilers in the review what is the matter with them?
They should at least put a massive warning(I didn't watch it, so maybe they did?).
My rule: if a game has a story, don't watch the GT review.


GT doesn't give a damn, call them fanboys or whatnot and they will throw at you the "it's a SINGLE reviewer's opinion" argument. :lol


AltogetherAndrews said:
Without going into a bitching thing about a 9.3 or even Gametrailers, but it does seem like certain games get singled out for a lack of originality, despite that being the norm with most games in popular genres, high profile or not. KZ2 got ripped on for it, and that is despite actually doing more with the first person perspective than the average shooter. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting original ideas, but it doesn't seem very consistent, does it? It's almost as if some titles fall prey to some imaginary standard.

It certainly is tiring. So many sites are incredibly transparent when it comes to this. Double standards are what makes these places a joke. Most "cover it up" with different reviewers and such, but it's a cop out. I never take review scores to heart anymore, nor really get worked up over it, but it really is funny anymore.

They're simply setting it up for a MW2 GOTY, a title that will just do what Uncharted 2 did, and turn everything up a notch... well, I would hope MW2 would do this.

Uncharted is unique though, combining platforming and seemingly stealth to the stop and pop system. But say in Gears/Halo case, what it does on a grand scale is so much more impressive. It will slaughter these and many other games in the subtle touches which adds much more. It will be have killer 7.1 soundstage, it will have superior animation, it will have incredible story/acting.

GT isn't guilty of this, for example. Even in podcasts, like the Rebel FM one, you can really discredit everyone in agreement with that one guy. Talking about a 4.5/5 for U2, but they would give games like H3 a 5/5 though it didn't provide mind-blowing changes/improvements/additions, but it's a strike against U2. Go figure. But hey, they have to do what they have to do to potentially secure a profession progression, or in a site's case, a favorable light on a company will secure favors in other senses.


J-Rzez said:
It certainly is tiring. So many sites are incredibly transparent when it comes to this. Double standards are what makes these places a joke. Most "cover it up" with different reviewers and such, but it's a cop out. I never take review scores to heart anymore, nor really get worked up over it, but it really is funny anymore.

They're simply setting it up for a MW2 GOTY, a title that will just do what Uncharted 2 did, and turn everything up a notch... well, I would hope MW2 would do this.

Uncharted is unique though, combining platforming and seemingly stealth to the stop and pop system. But say in Gears/Halo case, what it does on a grand scale is so much more impressive. It will slaughter these and many other games in the subtle touches which adds much more. It will be have killer 7.1 soundstage, it will have superior animation, it will have incredible story/acting.

GT isn't guilty of this, for example. Even in podcasts, like the Rebel FM one, you can really discredit everyone in agreement with that one guy. Talking about a 4.5/5 for U2, but they would give games like H3 a 5/5 though it didn't provide mind-blowing changes/improvements/additions, but it's a strike against U2. Go figure. But hey, they have to do what they have to do to potentially secure a profession progression, or in a site's case, a favorable light on a company will secure favors in other senses.
Ohh come on, Uncharted2 is hovering on 97% at Metacritic after almost thirty reviews. It stands to be one of the highest rated games of all time. You guys shouldn't be bitching about the score

Oh and Halo 3 did provide some fantastic changes. Some of the very features that UC2 now uses like photo mode and the online setup.

EDIT: And I didn't mention the number of reviews that have called it one of the best games ever made. Can we stop looking at just the negatives?
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