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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Lince said:
you're right, sorry for the OT guys.
Really? It's pretty sad that all three Sony shooters have changed their gameplay.

First Killzone 2, then Uncharted 2 (well, slightly - but these two games are still pretty good), and now MAG? :lol

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Monkey bar rules! It's about time you guys added it to a competitive/arena map :D


Irish said:
Holy shit, I already broke Plunder in the museum!


:lol .......

Damn, my connection got lost during a game. I got scared thinking it was my system. My system froze but luckily I was able to get out of the game and back on my PS3 menu without having to restart.

Turns out it was my internet that crapped out on me while I was playing. I hate it when this happens! First time while on the PS3.

I tried restarting my internet and than logged back on. But this time, Uncharted 2's servers kept telling me that I needed a NAT type 1, 2, or 3. What the hell?

I tested my connection and I got on, finally.

But has this happened to anyone else? Hate it when these things happen!
So, if I am not playing a custom game or a co-op with people on my friends list, is the new dlc a complete waste of my money? I tried matchmaking numerous times and never once got put into one of the new maps. I only see the option for DLC or Default. I select DLC and end up having to play round after round of pistols and grenades on either the flooded ruins or the Faculty.
-viper- said:
Really? It's pretty sad that all three Sony shooters have changed their gameplay.

First Killzone 2, then Uncharted 2 (well, slightly - but these two games are still pretty good), and now MAG? :lol

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Did any of the significant changes to these games REALLY put an upswing into the number of people playing? Or at the very least lesson the amount of people jumping ship? Because it seems like with each game and each patch, the user base was LOWERED.


love on your sleeve
the_prime_mover said:
So, if I am not playing a custom game or a co-op with people on my friends list, is the new dlc a complete waste of my money? I tried matchmaking numerous times and never once got put into one of the new maps. I only see the option for DLC or Default. I select DLC and end up having to play round after round of pistols and grenades on either the flooded ruins or the Faculty.
So far I've only gotten one game on Highrise but the rest on old maps. Hopefully more people pick up the DLC.


CartridgeBlower said:

Did any of the significant changes to these games REALLY put an upswing into the number of people playing? Or at the very least lesson the amount of people jumping ship? Because it seems like with each game and each patch, the user base was LOWERED.
Is it me...or did they all try to COD-ify them all?


Not as deep as he thinks
OK, I just played my first Siege match with randoms and let me say it was frustrating! My two team members kept going out of the damn circle! It's A LOT of fun though. I like it a lot and there's a shitload of snipers everywhere!

One thing I noticed while playing the game was that there wasn't that little sound effect when you kill enemies (I only heard it like 6 times through out the whole 10 rounds). It actually throws me off because without that sound, I don't know if I kill an enemy or not and I also don't know whether or not if it was me or my team mate that killed them. What's up with that?

Let me just mention that all three of us died at round 10....it was the most HILARIOUS shit ever. A helicopter came by and fucking blasted ALL three of us off. :lol :lol :lol I'm still laughing about it because that has never happened before!
mr_nothin said:
Is it me...or did they all try to COD-ify them all?

Exactly. Well... I've never played CoD but it's seems to be the popular reaction when these games keep changing.

STOP IT!! I want to play UC2 online... Fuck the critics who bitch and moan because it doesn't play like game x or y for FUCK'S sake.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Dedication Through Light said:
I wish there was a map of high rise, its so many hidden ways to get up to higher and lower ground (basically alternatives to risking jumping across gaps and plummeting to my death)

Is the pool in that area?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Datwheezy said:
The monkey bars are all fun and games until someone gets kicked off when trying to jump on to them :lol
Hey, hey, hey, you jumped into my kick : P

Rewrite said:
OK, I just played my first Siege match with randoms and let me say it was frustrating! My two team members kept going out of the damn circle! It's A LOT of fun though. I like it a lot and there's a shitload of snipers everywhere!

One thing I noticed while playing the game was that there wasn't that little sound effect when you kill enemies (I only heard it like 6 times through out the whole 10 rounds). It actually throws me off because without that sound, I don't know if I kill an enemy or not and I also don't know whether or not if it was me or my team mate that killed them. What's up with that?

Let me just mention that all three of us died at round 10....it was the most HILARIOUS shit ever. A helicopter came by and fucking blasted ALL three of us off. :lol :lol :lol I'm still laughing about it because that has never happened before!
Only kills done within an activated circle with the timer counting down are counted. Kills done within an inactive circle and kills done outside the circle don't count, that's why those kills lack the little sound effect.
Dedication Through Light said:
no POOL on highrise X_X! lol I should have expected that lol.

People abuse the Rocket Launcher on the stage.

I seriously wish they would drop grenade launchers and rocket launchers from all levels, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.

Sucks when you're dueling with someone, diving, going back and forth, and RIGHT when you finally out maneuver them and kill them, you get BLASTED by some punk a foot away with a grenade launcher. Totally kills the fun from getting the first kill and just makes it frustrating.


CartridgeBlower said:

Did any of the significant changes to these games REALLY put an upswing into the number of people playing? Or at the very least lesson the amount of people jumping ship? Because it seems like with each game and each patch, the user base was LOWERED.

Having followed the numbers with KZ2 around the time of the big changes, I can say that none of the changes they implemented (and nearly all of their changes were for the best) caused the userbase to decline.

Uncharted 2 has held steady with its updates.

For all you know these changes helped the longevity of the game.


Yep, I definitely broke it. :( If the treasure gets stuck on top of the fountain in The Museum, it won't respawn for the rest of the match.

I guess they don't call me BrokenOath for nothing.
Oh my goodness, people need to buy these maps! I only got to play High Rise and The Museum a few times. When the first DLC came out, it wasn't hard to find matches on the new maps at all. Could be that that map pack wasn't bundled, and came priced at 3 bucks standalone, I don't know. It's annoying when you are just playing old maps and you don't play the maps you bought recently. I'm hoping by tomorrow, more people will have bought the map pack. Hopefully.

Siege mode isn't that great, in my opinion. It's kind of boring, and I don't really like it at all. Plus, the first time I played, there was a person who kept running away from the circle, and of course he kept getting killed. So, I don't think people really grasp that everyone has to stay in the circle. Even when the people you play with are doing what they are suppose to, it's just dull. I prefer Survival more so than Siege. With Survival, you have to make sure every single enemy is gone. With Siege, you don't have to take out all the enemies. Maybe if I played this mode on the new maps, which I wasn't able to, then my mind would change.

The new skins are cool. I wish there were the same amount of Hero skins as Villian skins, though. So far I'm liking Wet Suit Drake (that ass :O), and the Dead Explorer. The skeletons are really cool looking, but idk, skeletons are not my thing. With the maps, holy jesus The Museum is hot stuff. High Rise is also pretty cool, since you can climb and stuff. The monkey bar thing was random and I loved it! I was jumping in the area for a bit, and then just one time Drake grabbed on, and I was like, wth is happening. xD Then, I realized what it was, and immediately thought that was a good addition. :)


Gyrian said:
'_; <- See that? That is a tear for the Wes44 that never was.
:lol Fair enough, I meant weapons that have already been in multiplayer. I would have loved to see the Wes or some of the other weapons that didn't make it into multiplayer as well.


Played a handful of matches, but didn't get a match on the new ones :( I'll try again tomorrow. I do love Baseball shirt Drake though. It's a pretty cool skin. Also, I kind of hate skeleton skins, but seeing Glowzer is pretty funny. I need to take a look at the highrise map to find those monkey bars. I didn't notice them when I took a quick run around the map on my own.


Well I've only played the Museum and Highrise one apiece, but I can easily say that they are some awesome maps. A little big, and pretty confusing, but they are designed really really well. Easily some of the best maps in the game overall.

With that being said...

ND, what the shit. I remembered 20 minutes in to playing the game why I haven't played UC2 multiplayer for months and months. The godforsaken reduction in health and the worthless FAL. You can't completely change the multiplayer aspect of the game more than several months after its release like this, it changes EVERYTHING. Yeah, there are some people who like it more now (mostly COD fans I imangine), but I can safely say that most people simply prefer the game before all of the sweeping changes were made.

I used to be able to to go 2:1 or better nearly every time I played. Now, it's more like 1:2. Maybe it's because I can't change my gameplay strategy, maybe it was done to intentionally level the playing field to all players, maybe it's something else. But I can tell you that it isn't nearly as fun anymore, and yes, most of it is because I suck total ass now.


Am I crazy or are the treasure chests in plunder bigger now? Easier to score now, I guess, no more fumbling around. Also I'm pretty sure they've moved closer to the entrance of the bases in The Lost City. Interesting.

Anyway had some great matches tonight, good games y'all. Only got to play High Rise but I love it so far, so much platforming and verticality! And when that siren went off everyone was OH SHIT! :lol

I love this fucking game and I was a fool to doubt ND when multiplayer was announced. :p
Is this new siege mode just like the other cooperative game modes that requires 2 other players to just start a game. Or can we play it individually like you can with the machinima mode or Horde like gears?
Darkatomz said:
Well I've only played the Museum and Highrise one apiece, but I can easily say that they are some awesome maps. A little big, and pretty confusing, but they are designed really really well. Easily some of the best maps in the game overall.

With that being said...

ND, what the shit. I remembered 20 minutes in to playing the game why I haven't played UC2 multiplayer for months and months. The godforsaken reduction in health and the worthless FAL. You can't completely change the multiplayer aspect of the game more than several months after its release like this, it changes EVERYTHING. Yeah, there are some people who like it more now (mostly COD fans I imangine), but I can safely say that most people simply prefer the game before all of the sweeping changes were made.

I used to be able to to go 2:1 or better nearly every time I played. Now, it's more like 1:2. Maybe it's because I can't change my gameplay strategy, maybe it was done to intentionally level the playing field to all players, maybe it's something else. But I can tell you that it isn't nearly as fun anymore, and yes, most of it is because I suck total ass now.

Same here. That's why I haven't bought the new maps.
And also because none of my friends play it anymore.

We're all too busy with BF:BC2 anyway.

I guess I'll just wait for Spec Ops: The Line or SOCOM 4 for some third person shooter multiplayer-action.

I still play the singleplayer occassionaly though. Mainly just to show it off to some of my friends ;-)


SenorDingDong said:
Is this new siege mode just like the other cooperative game modes that requires 2 other players to just start a game. Or can we play it individually like you can with the machinima mode or Horde like gears?
2 players minimum. I thought it was fun, as long as people stay within the circle, something all randoms don't seem to understand :lol
crispyben said:
2 players minimum. I thought it was fun, as long as people stay within the circle, something all randoms don't seem to understand :lol

Damn, not a huge fan of enforced player limits. I really liked how gears 2 let you play horde solo if you wished. It's not that I'm against playing with others it's just matchmaking and Australia is more often than not a bad mix.


SenorDingDong said:
Damn, not a huge fan of enforced player limits. I really liked how gears 2 let you play horde solo if you wished. It's not that I'm against playing with others it's just matchmaking and Australia is more often than not a bad mix.
I also wish you could play it singleplayer. Not many of my friends really play this game and playing with randoms isn't really for me in co-op. I realize it's easier said than done because of the chokehold guys which only work in co-op, but I really do wish you could play all the co-op modes alone. It'd just be like a challenge mode of sorts. It'd be kind of sweet that way I think.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me how grenades work right now? Every time someone tosses a grenade at me, I could be a metre or two away, it still gets me.

I toss a grenade, the person could be a metre or two away, IT NEVER GETS THEM. It just makes me angry cause people still do the afterlife grenade BS, but when I do it it never works.


TripOpt55 said:
I realize it's easier said than done because of the chokehold guys which only work in co-op, but I really do wish you could play all the co-op modes alone. It'd just be like a challenge mode of sorts. It'd be kind of sweet that way I think.

I've thought about this, too.
This is far in the future; but someday, the servers for this will be turned off. I worry about the content we won't be able to access again, namely because I've fallen in love with it.

I don't think I'd be able to express enough of a thank you if NDI could somehow devote the resources to patch in LAN play, or a single player challenge mode with the MP assets for the terminal U2 update. :]

On another note, great games last night!
Maybe it's my first impression, but it seemed to me that we bumped into quite a few team campers. Yes, nothing new with there being camping; but it's not often I've ran into people just sticking together and say, taking over one building or map corner.

In my limited experiences, the spawning feels a lot better. As for the DLC, the new maps are incredible, even disorienting at first. There's so many paths, shortcuts, open spaces, levels; just wow. Very different from what I've gotten used to, it will be very interesting to get acquainted with them.


Come on guys, lets talk about the damn downloadable content.

I'm sick of this thread getting bumped only to read someone bloody moaning there arse off,

It's getting boring!

The health is fine, the FAL is now not the only weapon worth using, climbing should only be used when not in plain view of someone so if you get caught then you should die.

Oh and dlc related, did I mention that Glowzor is amazing?:lol


I'll hopefully jump on U2 tonight.

I downloaded the Siege DLC yesterday evening (UK) and everytime I tried matching up I would never get the new maps yet there was a large amount of the people on my team or against all trying out the new skins on the already existing maps. Did this happen to anyone else?

Loving the new skins though.
Ikkarus said:
I'll hopefully jump on U2 tonight.

I downloaded the Siege DLC yesterday evening (UK) and everytime I tried matching up I would never get the new maps yet there was a large amount of the people on my team or against all trying out the new skins on the already existing maps. Did this happen to anyone else?

Loving the new skins though.

Of the 5 matches I did I ended up with HighRise alot, I couldnt try anymore cause my internet slowed and it never matched me with anyone.


-viper- said:
That is exactly it. The problem is, they're not going attract newer players with the patches. More likely the opposite.

I imagine being able to kill quicker and easier is more satisfying to the average gamer. I always see around 60k daily users, so it's not like the player count is dwindling down. Enough with this crap, it's not going to change.

Whiners will always bitch about something. Before patch 1.05 I saw the same fucking people going on and on and on about newbz using FAL+DTI+FF and how it was cheap as hell and the same tardbuckets also complaining that DTI homed in on you and that it made bullets go around corners. :lol

protip: go fucking play something else goddamnit.


jett said:
I imagine being able to kill quicker and easier is more satisfying to the average gamer. I always see around 60k daily users, so it's not like the player count is dwindling down. Enough with this crap, it's not going to change.

Whiners will always bitch about something. Before patch 1.05 I saw the same fucking people going on and on and on about newbz using FAL+DTI+FF and how it was cheap as hell and the same tardbuckets also complaining that DTI homed in on you and that it made bullets go around corners. :lol

protip: go fucking play something else goddamnit.
You know, you shouldn't single out the 'newbz' by saying they only used that combo. I used that combo myself all the time before, and guess what, I'd still do much much better than I'm doing these days even without DTI. DTI was a problem, but it's not nearly as big of a problem as the health and FAL is to me these days.
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