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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Played for the first time in a few months lol

21-27 first match, 38-24 second match.

The new stages look boss, new health will take some adjusting. Grenades toned a lot...

Time to get myself to the 50's. :lol


Darkatomz said:
You know, you shouldn't single out the 'newbz' by saying they only used that combo. I used that combo myself all the time before, and guess what, I'd still do much much better than I'm doing these days even without DTI. DTI was a problem, but it's not nearly as big of a problem as the health and FAL is to me these days.

I didn't mean any disrespsect to the DTI users, I mean I used it a lot when I started playing. I don't care if other people use it, I'm just talking about the whiners.


Ikkarus said:
I downloaded the Siege DLC yesterday evening (UK) and everytime I tried matching up I would never get the new maps yet there was a large amount of the people on my team or against all trying out the new skins on the already existing maps. Did this happen to anyone else?

Happening to me today. Played a ton of matches and only got the new maps twice. Instead, I got to play the Facility and Flooded Ruins over and over, with most players using the new skins. Seems to me we need a matchmaking option just for the new maps.

DownLikeBCPowder said:
I was made to feel like an idiot when WOWBagger implied it was out.. but I have searched and found no indication that it is out.

Sorry about that. :'(


I wish I could go back in time and tell the dudes complaining about DTI how good they had it! :D.

This is the game we have now, for better or worse. Either we play it or we don't--high rise and museum are so good, I'm back to playing to regularly. At least until some jackass finds a way to cheese/ glitch / break these new maps.


Darkatomz said:
You know, you shouldn't single out the 'newbz' by saying they only used that combo. I used that combo myself all the time before, and guess what, I'd still do much much better than I'm doing these days even without DTI. DTI was a problem, but it's not nearly as big of a problem as the health and FAL is to me these days.

Especially with the decreased health, DTI makes a huge difference, even now, I know people use DTI, what can those of us who don't use it do? But it does put people not using DTI at a significant disadvantage, one on one with DTI at medium distance I would say most of the time the person with DTI will win unless he's being outflanked. DTI and fleet foot are a deadly combination, moreso than anything else in the game, and basically amplifies any lag advantage.

There are two solutions to this, either ND can nerf DTI even more or people need to stop complaining and just use it. But the DTI advantage is very real and significant. I don't normally use it anymore and didn't use it last night but I'm sorely tempted to just go back to DTI because with the AK I can pepper my shots and take out someone right across the map.


jett said:
I didn't mean any disrespsect to the DTI users, I mean I used it a lot when I started playing. I don't care if other people use it, I'm just talking about the whiners.

I think at this point we should all just use DTI.


I was going 5-10 all last night using Glass Jaw / Keep Firing. Did one match DTI/FF, went 10-5. :(

Auto-aim should not be a booster. I hope ND gives us more balanced boosters for 3.


jett said:
protip: go fucking play something else goddamnit.

Great, go back in time and tell that to fucking players who took the fun out of my perfect game when they didn't like it.

Also, the new maps are absolutely fantastic. It's freaking insane. However, there is something that bothers me about them. They would have been the greatest thing ever conceived for me in a pre-1.05 world due to the CQB and traversal aspects of them, but since that whole aspect has been nerfed, there really is no point to them.


Irish said:
However, there is something that bothers me about them. They would have been the greatest thing ever conceived for me in a pre-1.05 world due to the CQB and traversal aspects of them, but since that whole aspect has been nerfed, there really is no point to them.

You're wrong, dude. These maps bring traversal back! I got some sick pulldowns (shades of melee-only GAF) and more than once I was able to rain death from above just by jumping down behind someone and steel-fisting them. I use Glass Jaw, too, which makes that very risky for me--but so satisfying when I pull it off.


I think I'm going to come back =) but one thing...I am correct in saying this map pack is $5.99 and £4.79!? If that's true - poor Brits.


Easy enough one on one, but there's no more running into a group of four and coming out alive because you planned your attack perfectly.

Also, AJ created a perfect mode last night. I've decided it should be called Duel. 1 vs. 1, Pistols & Grenades, Highrise. So much fun. (Plus it only really works on Highrise.)


Kittonwy said:
Especially with the decreased health, DTI makes a huge difference, even now, I know people use DTI, what can those of us who don't use it do? But it does put people not using DTI at a significant disadvantage, one on one with DTI at medium distance I would say most of the time the person with DTI will win unless he's being outflanked. DTI and fleet foot are a deadly combination, moreso than anything else in the game, and basically amplifies any lag advantage.

There are two solutions to this, either ND can nerf DTI even more or people need to stop complaining and just use it. But the DTI advantage is very real and significant. I don't normally use it anymore and didn't use it last night but I'm sorely tempted to just go back to DTI because with the AK I can pepper my shots and take out someone right across the map.
DTI is still somewhat useful (obviously, since it's a booster and all), but it's not NEARLY as effective as it used to be. Frankly, I don't see much of a difference when you use it or not these days since they watered it down. Maybe it's because of the reduced health? I don't know.

Quick hands is a pretty viable standalone option since DTI isn't as cheap these days, but it depends more on playstyle. If I were emptying my mags that quickly, I'd probably use it, but I don't.

Anyways, I'll probably play a little bit this weekend with the x2 cash and everything, but I got a boatload of work to do. And, I got to give SC2 a try. I'll play with the crew if there's space.
So anyone got any detailed comparisons between the first two maps and the newest two maps? I want to buy one of the packs for the double XP weekend, but only have enough in my online wallet for one.

I know it's early, but any quick thoughts about which set is better?


Personally, I'd say the two new maps are a ton better than the last two, but I'm not sure how many people will end up buying them.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Irish said:
Personally, I'd say the two new maps are a ton better than the last two, but I'm not sure how many people will end up buying them.
They're not even close to The Flooded Ruins in quality, IMO. They're just too big and a bit "random" in terms of symmetry. Deathmatches are boring as hell in the new maps. They work for Plunder, but that's not my mode of choice.


VsRobot said:
But... Mah fight money!!


You are just going to have to do with Double Cash for the time being. :]


Brazil said:
They're not even close to The Flooded Ruins in quality, IMO. They're just too big and a bit "random" in terms of symmetry. Deathmatches are boring as hell in the new maps. They work for Plunder, but that's not my mode of choice.
Plunder's all I play =D so I have to get it now.


Checked out a bit of the museum in machinima mode...man it's so pretty, one of the worst looking areas in SP becomes one of the better looking MP maps with a simple daytime tweak. :p


FYI- It appears that the cap has not been raised to 100k for the double cash....
it's 150k now

Also, I have a dream. In this dream a man shall not be judged by the content and speed of his isp but by the ability to connect to a dedicated server for mp. For Uncharted 3. Make it happen ND.

Edit: I finally caved and created a new account just for screwing around. Psn: Guy_Buttersnaps


Rikyfree said:
FYI- It appears that the cap has not been raised to 100k for the double cash....
it's 150k now

Also, I have a dream. In this dream a man shall not be judged by the content and speed of his isp but by the ability to connect to a dedicated server for mp. For Uncharted 3. Make it happen ND.

If more people buy the game I'm sure they'll be willing to splurge on dedicated servers instead of using p2p, it all comes down to $, the problem is that most people just move on to the next hit game, unless there's a large dedicated crowd that swears by the game and evangelize the game, it's hard to justify the spending. The problem is that the gaf PS3 MP crowd is never happy with anything tbh.


Jumped back in last night. New maps are AMAZING.
I'm more of a co-op player and found the maps to be so much fun.

Can't wait to play this weekend.
Kittonwy said:
If more people buy the game I'm sure they'll be willing to splurge on dedicated servers instead of using p2p, it all comes down to $, the problem is that most people just move on to the next hit game, unless there's a large dedicated crowd that swears by the game and evangelize the game, it's hard to justify the spending. The problem is that the gaf PS3 MP crowd is never happy with anything tbh.

You think allowing the community to have dedicated servers is viable? On PC's at least the community is often willing to shoulder much of the burden of dedicated servers. I would be curious if the same could work on something like Uncharted 3.

And on a side note, I would prefer if they just kept the perks to more situational stuff rather than more general stuff like 'more health', 'more damage' etc. Stuff like treasure bearer, or the one that makes you climb faster are nifty and mostly harmless. The other stuff is just asking for problems.
Chamber said:
So many snipers in Museum.

Sure is pretty though.

Bigger maps is not what this game needs. In every online game, the bigger the map, the bigger the camping. Fuck. I think I'm going to get the first map pack and pass on the second for now.

edit: Maybe you're talking about Siege mode. Not sure.


Good lord, Museum is quite possibly the most beautiful looking map I've ever played.

And the height.......the height you can climb, Wow!

ND outdid themselves again.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
what the hell? i bought all the dlc last night, played about 5 matches and all the old maps still are being used?

More people need to buy these DLC maps, lol. I was playing a good amount of HighRise last night but today in like 6 matches, only the older dlc maps.


Kittonwy said:
If more people buy the game I'm sure they'll be willing to splurge on dedicated servers instead of using p2p, it all comes down to $, the problem is that most people just move on to the next hit game, unless there's a large dedicated crowd that swears by the game and evangelize the game, it's hard to justify the spending. The problem is that the gaf PS3 MP crowd is never happy with anything tbh.

I'm reading Riky's comment as community-based dedicated servers, not NDI's or Sony's (which of course are fairly expensive since you would want them carry the entire player base). I support mostly anything in this direction because it would afford the game longevity past whenever Sony is done with it.

I don't hold much hope for this, though, as I can't see it happening under PSN. Maybe after they bring down the matchmaking server permanently, but that's a long (dreamy) shot.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
what the hell? i bought all the dlc last night, played about 5 matches and all the old maps still are being used?

I was able to select only the DLC. Took a little longer, but I got one everytime.


love on your sleeve
CartridgeBlower said:
Bigger maps is not what this game needs. In every online game, the bigger the map, the bigger the camping. Fuck. I think I'm going to get the first map pack and pass on the second for now.

edit: Maybe you're talking about Siege mode. Not sure.
No, I haven't touched Siege yet. Played a few Plunder games though and it's just nonstop camping on the upper levels.


HAWT DAYUM, getting 150k with invalid. :lol. Gonna grind this weekend. Do the bonus medals only work on deathmatches?


Only got to play each map once, but man I really liked them. I'll give the edge to The Museum. Mostly because I hardly saw people on Highrise. Ended up with 6 kills and 3 deaths. I just didn't get into much action. The Museum is so beautiful too. And all the climbing. Awesome stuff.


Killthee said:
Did you download & install the file? Go to your download list (enter the store and click on the icon next to the shopping cart icon in the top right corner) and download & install if you didn't. Once you've installed the file, you can select your character by bringing up your profile in game (Square while in the mp lobby).

I have done this and neither one of the skins shows up. So I deleted the comic bundle, redownloaded the file and installed. They still don't show up. Is there anything else I could try? Thanks.

On a side note, the new maps are insanely awesome!!!:D


Yikes, playing gold rush on High Rise is pretty intense. Lots of jumping and climbing and getting shot in the face by an unexpected enemy. Or maybe I'm just not used to the map yet. :lol


Not as deep as he thinks
Killthee said:
Only kills done within an activated circle with the timer counting down are counted. Kills done within an inactive circle and kills done outside the circle don't count, that's why those kills lack the little sound effect.
Yeah, I noticed that when I played more of Siege! I find it a lot of fun. The later rounds become so intense. I must have played Siege mode about six times with randoms, but I never had the problem of people going out of the circle so hooray for people getting the point of the mode. I find it more fun when it only matches me with 1 random person instead of 2 for some reason.

I like the Museum a lot and High Rise is very awesome. The helicopters dropping in and nuking everyone is hilarious. Is there any way to avoid that by chance?

And double cash starts today?

Treb said:
Yikes, playing gold rush on High Rise is pretty intense. Lots of jumping and climbing and getting shot in the face by an unexpected enemy. Or maybe I'm just not used to the map yet. :lol
Aw man. :( I've yet to play Gold Rush/Survival on the new maps! Every time the maps are selected, they're for Siege mode. I can't wait to try Survival/Gold Rush (Especially this one since it's 100x more hard than Survival) on the new maps! Gold Rush on High Rise must be such a bitch later on with the helicopters and all those snipers.
Got home, bought the maps, jumped on with a buddy of mine, and first match we get one of the options is Siege in the Museum. We jump on it, sit in awe of how amazing the map looks, start playing and about 3 rounds in the 3rd guy starts team-killing, and then quits, ending the game.

Played both Siege, Deathmatch and Plunder for about 2 hours after that. Neither of the new maps came up. Not even once.


$10 PSN cards are out of stock where I usually buy them. :-(

I need a store that accepts Paypal and e-mails the code, does anyone know of any alternatives?


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm definitely gonna get back in for double cash.
I got pretty hardcore into Uncharted MP but Bad Company 2 took me away from it. As great as BC2 is, it's never as fun as the UC2 multi can be. I'm only lvl 31 so I have a long way to go.
As good as the competitive stuff is, I think the co-op arena is my favorite mode.

Whoa, I was just looking at my stats and I have a 75-30 win ratio. Is that good? I've only played public games.


How much do you get for getting the medals linked with negative boosters? I'm one level away from being able to use them. Not sure if I will or not. Matters how much they bring me down by using them.


TripOpt55 said:
How much do you get for getting the medals linked with negative boosters? I'm one level away from being able to use them. Not sure if I will or not. Matters how much they bring me down by using them.

Every 5 kills for the following- Veiled- cant remember, I think $10,000?
Invalid- $20,000
Half Loaded- $12,500
Glass Jaw- $15,000
Come Get Some- $25,000
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