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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Massa said:
Yep, that's where I usually get them. They're out of stock on the $10 cards and I can't really justify getting the $20 card at the moment.

Aside from the UC2 content, Escape from Monkey Island and AB Climax! ..duh


Rikyfree said:
Every 5 kills for the following- Veiled- cant remember, I think $10,000?
Invalid- $20,000
Half Loaded- $12,500
Glass Jaw- $15,000
Come Get Some- $25,000
Thanks. Which ones do you guys usually use? Are any of them not too much of a handicap? Feels like maybe Come Get Some or Glass Jaw might be okay. Maybe Half Loaded. Don't think I'll even look at Invalid:lol


Gyrian said:
I'm reading Riky's comment as community-based dedicated servers, not NDI's or Sony's (which of course are fairly expensive since you would want them carry the entire player base). I support mostly anything in this direction because it would afford the game longevity past whenever Sony is done with it.

I don't hold much hope for this, though, as I can't see it happening under PSN. Maybe after they bring down the matchmaking server permanently, but that's a long (dreamy) shot.
Warhawk has both publisher-hosted dedicated servers and the ability for anyone to run their PS3 as a dedicated server. At the very least Uncharted 3 can offer the latter. Rather than having a GAF Chat we can just have GAF servers.

Yeah, it seems unlikely that they'd do that though :(

TripOpt55 said:
Thanks. Which ones do you guys usually use? Are any of them not too much of a handicap? Feels like maybe Come Get Some or Glass Jaw might be okay. Maybe Half Loaded. Don't think I'll even look at Invalid:lol
You don't really have much of a choice. It's easy enough to get through 51 without using veiled since it doesn't help you much anyway, but getting through the levels after those will be much, much slower if you don't use invalid (invalid unlocks at 52, half loaded at 54, glass jaw at 56 and come get some at 58). With the lowered health invalid is especially annoying, but still worth it if you can get 10 kills a round. I think I've gone through 53 faster than I did 50 and 51 combined thanks to it.
Man... I look at the leaderboards and see peoples levels and I wonder what the fuck else they do in life. Seriously.

I have a kid and even the handful of games a day that I play seems like enough and even before the baby, a dozen games was good enough. What keeps you guys going?

I'm not trying to troll those with too much time on their hands but part of me says "WTF!?" when I see some of the scores.

I guess the answer to that is the same as what makes someone cheat/glitch. Always just looking at the numbers more than the fun. This is why any dream of playing an MP game with people who want to play as a team is shattered.

/my exhausted ass rant. Sleep needs me...
GGs tonight guyz. I really like the museum map sooo gorgeous, but highrise... let's just say it's gonna take some getting used to. Siege is alright not any less fun, or more fun than regular survival IMHO.

After playing a lot of multiplayer games lately, I have to say that UC2 needs a join session option. It sucks having to leave somebody waiting in the lobby hoping to get in a full party.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Man... I look at the leaderboards and see peoples levels and I wonder what the fuck else they do in life. Seriously.

I have a kid and even the handful of games a day that I play seems like enough and even before the baby, a dozen games was good enough. What keeps you guys going?
If you played 12 matches a day averaging $10k per match since launch you'd be at $23,880,000 (level 56). If you did the same, but only playing weekends (weekend in this case meaning Saturday and Sunday) you'd be at $6,720,000 (just shy of level 51).

Considering it's pretty easy to get more than $10k a match (especially when playing plunder or playing any mode at levels above 50) and the fact that there have been numerous double cash weekends it's not really that hard to imagine that there are so many high level players.

I'm not trying to troll those with too much time on their hands but part of me says "WTF!?" when I see some of the scores.

I guess the answer to that is the same as what makes someone cheat/glitch. Always just looking at the numbers more than the fun. This is why any dream of playing an MP game with people who want to play as a team is shattered.
I don't think anyone here plays that game for 'the numbers' rather than the fun. AT it's best this game was leaps and bounds above most other online multiplayer games. Half the time we'd just play private matches (which don't get you any advancement) all night and ignore matchmaking. Why do you think so many people left with the health change? They felt it wasn't fun anymore so they packed up and shipped out.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Man... I look at the leaderboards and see peoples levels and I wonder what the fuck else they do in life. Seriously.

I guess the answer to that is the same as what makes someone cheat/glitch. Always just looking at the numbers more than the fun. This is why any dream of playing an MP game with people who want to play as a team is shattered.

I don't play the game to level-- I level by playing the game. This game has been out, what, 6 months? If you played a few hours every weekend day (Fri, Sat, Sun) you'd be deep in the Roman numerals by now.

Most of the people I play with are Gaffers, and most of them are Roman numerals, and most of them are looking to play as a team... if you played with us instead of taking potshots at us you'd know this.

Comparing us to glitchers just because we're higher level is dumb. I have a full-time job, a commute, and a wife. I don't play every day. I'm a high(ish) level because when this game had me in its grips, it was the only game I played. I skipped Assassin's Creed 2, Heavy Rain, Darksiders, Bayonetta at launch, etc., because I was stuck on UC2.


Irish said:
I get it, Som. You leave just as I'm about to get on so you can go play your precious Xbox.



Lol, I'm not posting for you anymore when you get banhammered again. :p

I'll be on around 10PM PST (at work at the moment) so you guys better still be playing. :p


Yeef said:
You don't really have much of a choice. It's easy enough to get through 51 without using veiled since it doesn't help you much anyway, but getting through the levels after those will be much, much slower if you don't use invalid (invalid unlocks at 52, half loaded at 54, glass jaw at 56 and come get some at 58). With the lowered health invalid is especially annoying, but still worth it if you can get 10 kills a round. I think I've gone through 53 faster than I did 50 and 51 combined thanks to it.
Yeah, I mean the level doesn't mean too much to me so I'm not sure I'll use Invalid, but I see what you mean with not having much choice. I didn't realize until looking at which level they are unlocked. Maybe I will use it. I'm still on 50 so I'll see what happens when I get there.

I love the new maps. I saw a lot of people hanging and shooting on Highrise. At first I thought that was just due to the map maybe, but then I played on The Facility and people were doing it too. I'm guessing this has to do with the Tricky-related trophy. I can't bring myself to change my game up too much to go for trophies. That seems to be what's going on though.
I've been using Glass Jaw and Come Get Some lately... and yeah, not doing that great with it. Some rounds I'm getting my 150k with 10 kills, but others I'm lucky to even reach 5 kills. I have to mute people like crazy now cause they think I'm a bad player, even though they know I have two negative boosters. I'm having fun, though. Loving these new maps, and I think I'm pretty used to them now. :)


Triple cash is a nice surprise. When I got home I was still level 53 now after maybe 5 or 6 matches I'm a quarter of the way through 54. I'm going to try to get at least to 56 before the extra cash runs out. With any luck I'll get to 58.

It's weird though, I'm playing better with Invalid AND Half Loaded than I was with Invalid and Sure Foot.

I still need to go back and finish FFXIII before Red Dead Redemption and Mario Galaxy 2.

TripOpt55 said:
I love the new maps. I saw a lot of people hanging and shooting on Highrise. At first I thought that was just due to the map maybe, but then I played on The Facility and people were doing it too. I'm guessing this has to do with the Tricky-related trophy. I can't bring myself to change my game up too much to go for trophies. That seems to be what's going on though.
There are actually a lot of places where hanging kills are more useful than going for head-to-head kills. I've seen a hand ful of people going for hanging kills in stupid places and every time they only survived long enough to get one or two at the most and then once we realize what they're up to they never get any more.


Yeef said:
Triple cash is a nice surprise. When I got home I was still level 53 now after maybe 5 or 6 matches I'm a quarter of the way through 54. I'm going to try to get at least to 56 before the extra cash runs out. With any luck I'll get to 58.

It's weird though, I'm playing better with Invalid AND Half Loaded than I was with Invalid and Sure Foot.

I still need to go back and finish FFXIII before Red Dead Redemption and Mario Galaxy 2.

There are actually a lot of places where hanging kills are more useful than going for head-to-head kills. I've seen a hand ful of people going for hanging kills in stupid places and every time they only survived long enough to get one or two at the most and then once we realize what they're up to they never get any more.

Too bad we got kicked from that game.


My internet's been screwing up lately, so I didn't get to play too much of the DLC today.. :(
hopefully it'll be better tomorrow.


Yeef said:
There are actually a lot of places where hanging kills are more useful than going for head-to-head kills. I've seen a hand ful of people going for hanging kills in stupid places and every time they only survived long enough to get one or two at the most and then once we realize what they're up to they never get any more.
Yeah, I mean I use them at times too, but some of these spots were silly. On highrise I could see some of them being good spots, but some of the ones they were trying on The Facility... they were just asking to die and they did. They kept trying though. I don't know. Might have just been a certain group or something.

Also, I played a match on Museum and I think 4 to six people quit so much so that the match ended at 25 or 30 kills... whichever it is. You figured people would be happy to play the new map. I mean maybe there were connection issues. Not sure, but it kind of stunk because I wanted a bit more time on the map. I got like half a match.
TripOpt55 said:
Also, I played a match on Museum and I think 4 to six people quit so much so that the match ended at 25 or 30 kills... whichever it is. You figured people would be happy to play the new map. I mean maybe there were connection issues. Not sure, but it kind of stunk because I wanted a bit more time on the map. I got like half a match.
Something is up, definitely. Every match I played today, except a few, had one to two people leaving. I don't see how that many people could just straight up leave, so I'm think it's connection issues. Either Uncharted 2 is having problems, or a lot of people's internet is acting up.


Not as deep as he thinks
I <3 Triple Cash Weekends. I'm having SO much fun in Plunder matches. High Rise Plunder matches are the best thing ever. Not so much in the Museum since the treasure sometimes spawns in very close areas at the bases.

High Rise <3


Sorry you didn't make it into our party, Broken. I thought you were in a party that whole time-you should say in the chat if you want a spot. ;_;


Short bus special
I haven't played this game in ages, so I need to ask this.

Is the double-cash weekend for Competetive-only, or is it for co-op multiplayer aswell?


It's been a while since I last played Uncharted 2 MP, so yesterday I got all the DLC's and played some today.

Man, the Uncharted maps are sooooo fun. This is old for you guys, but I loved them. I'm so buying Drake's Fortune again, I miss that game.


Facism said:
and we all know the xbox moans louder than the ps3 when you put something in it's disc tray ohlala.

Yeah. The XXXbox is a real moaner. But thats how some people like 'em.
Yeef said:
If you played 12 matches a day averaging $10k per match since launch you'd be at $23,880,000 (level 56). If you did the same, but only playing weekends (weekend in this case meaning Saturday and Sunday) you'd be at $6,720,000 (just shy of level 51).

Considering it's pretty easy to get more than $10k a match (especially when playing plunder or playing any mode at levels above 50) and the fact that there have been numerous double cash weekends it's not really that hard to imagine that there are so many high level players.

I don't think anyone here plays that game for 'the numbers' rather than the fun. AT it's best this game was leaps and bounds above most other online multiplayer games. Half the time we'd just play private matches (which don't get you any advancement) all night and ignore matchmaking. Why do you think so many people left with the health change? They felt it wasn't fun anymore so they packed up and shipped out.

I don't/can't play everyday. I'm halfway through level 44. I know i came across as complaining but I was mainly commenting on people glitching to acheive higher levels instead of playing for fun. In my lack of sleep rage, I made the mistake of lumping everyone at the top of their game as glitchers or people with nothing better to do. I'm no one to make that kind of judgement as a gamer myself. Sorry if anyone was offended =].


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I don't/can't play everyday. I'm halfway through level 44. I know i came across as complaining but I was mainly commenting on people glitching to acheive higher levels instead of playing for fun. In my lack of sleep rage, I made the mistake of lumping everyone at the top of their game as glitchers or people with nothing better to do. I'm no one to make that kind of judgement as a gamer myself. Sorry if anyone was offended =].

Shoot, I haven't played for a month and I'm still somehow ranked like this in the leaderboards:

Kills: 4,904th
Money: 5,067th
Wins: 1,691st

That shows you just how much time I've put into the damned thing. It also means I'm a sad little man.

When you're playing with the Diverse group of GAFfers like we do, it's almost impossible to leave after just a few matches, whether you're liking the game or not. It really is a ton of fun.


The game was released last October. Even if you JUST play 1 hour a day on average, you can have accumulated a lot of kills over the past 200 or so days. I've played the game for less than 1 hour a day on average, and my numbers are relatively high.

Now... the people who have played the game for 50+ days, that's a different story. That's too much. 50 days spent playing is 25% of the time since October. If you factor in the time they spent sleeping, eating, and using the bathroom, that's the majority of their day.


19:00 - And this game turns to shit!

Every host is American, the lag is unbearable and in true American style they have no idea what lag is when they're winning :lol

Also about the glitches, I've been playing for around 9hrs straight today (day off :p) and haven't seen a single glitcher, before 1.07 it was every other game.

But to get my point across...........FUCK LAG AND FUCK THE INTERNET FOR BEING SO DAMN SHIT!!!


CozMick said:
19:00 - And this game turns to shit!

Every host is American, the lag is unbearable and in true American style they have no idea what lag is when they're winning :lol

Also about the glitches, I've been playing for around 9hrs straight today (day off :p) and haven't seen a single glitcher, before 1.07 it was every other game.

But to get my point across...........FUCK LAG AND FUCK THE INTERNET FOR BEING SO DAMN SHIT!!!
I'm sorry that I happen to be American even though I have done you no wrong I do everything horribly and must not be worthy of your presence.


Rikyfree said:
I'm sorry that I happen to be American even though I have done you no wrong I do everything horribly and must not be worthy of your presence.

Over dramatic much? :lol

Every game I've had tonight has been with an American host who is a mouthy fuck.


Rikyfree said:
I'm sorry that I happen to be American even though I have done you no wrong I do everything horribly and must not be worthy of your presence.

Fuckin' Americans keep ruining all my Euro fun. You're part of the damn problem, no matter what you say.

You know, I just try to hop online with fellow Euros like Dave, FFO, Lince, and Live_Feed and all you Mercan guys like to do is make my games laggy as hell.


Irish said:
Fuckin' Americans keep ruining all my Euro fun. You're part of the damn problem, no matter what you say.

You know, I just try to hop online with fellow Euros like Dave, FFO, Lince, and Live_Feed and all you Mercan guys like to do is make my games laggy as hell.

Wow, you still remember me? :lol

I'm gonna hop back into U2 online next week when I buy the new DLC.
Well thanks to Come Get Some its excessively easy to max out, lol.

Hopefully trying to do it again, though for plunder it made the last 8 minutes of the match dull since none of the money is counted :(


Dave1988 said:
Wow, you still remember me? :lol

Yes, I made out party leader back out at least three times today because I thought you were going to join after you joined the chat. Instead, you decided to go play RE 5. :(
Rikyfree said:
Already seen one in plaza yesterday.

High-Rise too. We were flanked about 3 seconds into the match, we still beat them 5-2, but still, unless there a shortcut, that's not possible.

And not playing for while, still getting the hang of certain things--like my almighty grenades now merely knock people down. I got lucky with a few grenade/BBQs, but I wish the radius was the same as before. I've thrown shit at people's feet and they've escaped.

Other than that, I'm digging it again. Still have Batman:AA to finish, but this weekend is all U2, get my ass to 51 at least.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Sorry if anyone was offended.
You're sorry that I was offended? Dude. You should be sorry for calling me a cheater with no life! I have a right to be offended, so don't patronize me by apologizing for my reaction to your jackass statement. Apologize for real or GTFO.
Bought the new DLC and I still have not tried the new maps... Every time I join one game only the old ones appear. Am I doing something wrong? :lol


isn't it possible for ND to make the matchmaking with a region choice? its so bad being from europe and having to play a match full of south americans
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