Tiagomnh said:Bought the new DLC and I still have not tried the new maps... Every time I join one game only the old ones appear. Am I doing something wrong? :lol
Do you have DLC selected in your profile?
Tiagomnh said:Bought the new DLC and I still have not tried the new maps... Every time I join one game only the old ones appear. Am I doing something wrong? :lol
Tiagomnh said:Bought the new DLC and I still have not tried the new maps... Every time I join one game only the old ones appear. Am I doing something wrong? :lol
SuperSonic1305 said:Do you have DLC selected in your profile?
LordPhoque said:Does the DLC offer any new coop "campaign" ? This one or another. I loved the three ones in the original game, I want moar.
jett said:nope
jett said:So far I LOVE High Rise, it seems the other gaffers I play with hate it though. :lol
jett said:So far I LOVE High Rise, it seems the other gaffers I play with hate it though. :lol It's the ultimate map in terms of platforming, it's great. Museum, while pretty, doesn't seem to offer anything interesting, but i haven't played it much to be honest.
BTW I am the only one that's been experiencing framerate issues in co-op after patch 1.07?
lastinline said:Hmm... either a lot of people's internet is acting up, or Uncharted 2 is having some problems. Almost every match I was in today had 1-3 people leave. It looked like connection errors most of the time, because they would be walking and then disappear. Not only that, but it appears as not that much people have bought the maps. I believe I have played more of the old maps today than the new ones. With the first DLC, it was the opposite. I hope more people who are regulars buy the maps.
Well, I do see a lot of people in the matches I play with the DLC skins, but there are a select few who don't. I'm guessing the select few who don't are the reason why the new maps don't show up much, since they probably don't have the new DLC. Though, really, you can't judge by that, cause maybe the select few who don't have the new skins just didn't like the new skins. Whatever it is, I hope that the new maps come up quicker soon. I really liked how often The Flooded Ruins and The Facility came up with I got the first DLC.Dedication Through Light said:Based on the skins people were using, I was in a lot of them with people who had the new skins but we were on the older DLC maps.
CozMick said:Holy Shit, Invalid + Double cash is insane!
Just got to level 52, used Invalid, got 10 kills which earned me $97,000.
I'm in love!:lol
Dedication Through Light said:Its nice but my K/D ratio has been getting killed, though its reletively easy to get 15 kills per match.
Tiagomnh said:God, High Rise is the best U2 map, imo. Its so vertical, good fun.
It's easy for me to get 10~15 kills rolling with invalid and half loaded when I'm running solo.Dedication Through Light said:Its nice but my K/D ratio has been getting killed, though its reletively easy to get 15 kills per match.
VsRobot said:Tonight was the most fun I've had in UC2 since 1.05-- so great to see so many Gaffers on. Also neat to get 150K for one game.![]()
Killthee said:
depward said:Can't seem to connect to any games with the new maps... even though my Matchmaking preference is set to DLC. Grr. Hoping to play on the new maps today..
In the last week or so, I can't even log into PSN half the time, and when it does, it usually just drops connection two minutes later. No idea what's going on, never had that problem before. It has made it impossible to even check out what the new maps look like in machinima mode.lastinline said:Hmm... either a lot of people's internet is acting up, or Uncharted 2 is having some problems. Almost every match I was in today had 1-3 people leave. It looked like connection errors most of the time, because they would be walking and then disappear. Not only that, but it appears as not that much people have bought the maps. I believe I have played more of the old maps today than the new ones. With the first DLC, it was the opposite. I hope more people who are regulars buy the maps.
Wait, I thought there was a new co-op level added with this update?jett said:nope
Lord Error said:Wait, I thought there was a new co-op level added with this update?
Press square while in the multiplayer menu to view your profile and set your Matchmaking setting to DLC.brandonh83 said:Been playing since Thursday after buying the DLC and haven't even seen one of the new maps appear for voting. Hell, not even any maps from the last DLC :lol
You can always set your matchmaking back to default if you want to play old maps but I usually get a good balance of old and new.SuperSonic1305 said:People are complaining that they are not seeing the new maps but i'm not seeing the OLD maps. I'm starting to forget they even exist. It's always Facility or the 2 new ones.
Lord Error said:Wait, I thought there was a new co-op level added with this update?
Maybe that's what you meant, but it is not what you said. Don't apologize that I was offended -- that means nothing, is patronizing and really isn't an apology. It's what you say when you really aren't sorry but are being forced to say something because you got called out. You should have apologized for what you said. Which you still haven't done, btw.MoonsaultSlayer said:I was genuinely apologizing. I don't know if you misunderstood or what, but seriously.. I apologized for my remarks and had already stated that I'm not one to judge as more often than not, I'm gaming in my spare time.
Chamber said:At last, level 50!