I've been reading these boards quite extensively today. Arne PM'ed me on the official PS forums a few weeks back about the new ND boards, inviting me over to participate in a private environment.
Unfortunately, I missed his message and I haven't been playing U2 much lately anyway. I did purchase the previous DLC package, but have played it only once. And not even both maps.
Why? Because none of my friends play it anymore, and because I've been busy with Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Mainly because my friends are too, and of course because the game is awesome.
Another reason is that I, well... don't like the game anymore. This is because of the many patches that changed the gameplay too much. The game doesn't feel as good as it used to. It's no longer fun to play. The balance is off, you die to easily... and the core mechanics are too clumbsy.
In the singleplayer, this is charming because you're playing Drake. It fits his character. But for a multiplayer-game, the controls are too 'loose' and limited to fully enjoy it. The cover-mechanics are limited when compared to Gears of War (For example: you can only stick unto the corners of tall walls, which will always leave a small part of you exposed, and there's no way to toggle crouch - by bending your knees - when you're sticked unto a pilar or a wall)... The aiming and shooting is 'off' and does not feel very satisfying, and there's no way to revive downed teammates, which would be so much more fun.
These issues didn't bother me when I played the game the first few months... but the longer I played, the more these 'flaws' started to annoy me. And then there were, of course, the many patches and changes to the game.
I also would've liked to see more original modes. Back when the multiplayer for U2 wasn't even announced yet, I had so many wild ideas and fantasies about what ND could do with this game... See, the climbing-mechanics and theme of Uncharted 2 are great. A more open approach at dynamic and competitive multiplayer-objectives (defending an entire 'fortress', instead of a 'circle' for instance) with multiple paths and interactive objects (canons, traps or even AI hostages/enemies etc) could be awesome
There is just SO much you guys can do with this.
Anyway, I love the singleplayer intensely and I can't wait for Uncharted 3. And I sincerely hope the multiplayer will be even better than your first attempt (which was certainly not BAD by any means
just not as longlasting as Gears of War, or other shooters I've been 'addicted' to).
So, this thread is for all suggestions concerning the multiplayer in Uncharted 3!