Kittonwy said:
You can disagree but you're still wrong, not to mention you haven't played the game recently so how the hell do you even know how it plays anymore? You don't.
Your suggestion that Uncharted 2's cover system is somehow "limited" is just plain false, it's way more flexible with way more walls/objects/ledges that the player can use as cover, not to mention the controls is the most responsive in its genre.
Reviving in MP competitive wouldn't work all that well, because it's a fast-paced game and waiting for the revive slows it down, not to mention you will have more instances where the downed player will end up serving as bait or just getting killed repeatedly and unnecessarily.
It's 5 on 5, how complex would you want the game to be? There are already a mode where the players have to take hold of three different areas, the players defend circles because circles are highly visible and easy to locate.
There's a reason why there are no traps or cannons, because they're too easy to get kills with, the game right now is pretty damn balanced and accessible as it is.
You are right. I should've played a few matches before posting, but now that I did (I've been playing for 2 hours) I still think that the game was much better pre-1.04. The player health is reduced too much and grenades suck even more now.
And sure, the cover system is 'flexible' and 'responsive'. But still limited when compared to Gears of War, for example. What I mean is that you can't stick unto a wall and then move to the left a little, so the enemy doesn't see your gun sticking out... which helps a lot if you want to be stealthy and surprise someone.
While in a sniper duel, I'd like to be able to bend my knees when in tall cover too, so that when I re-appear, the enemy can't be sure about where my head will be. This makes such battles more interesting.
About reviving teammates: You make some valid points. I didn't think about that.
And alright, maybe canons would become frustrating because they're too powerful (although snipers could take the shooters out from behind cover, opening a path for teammates)... but traps could be there, as long as they can be deactivated when quick enough, like in the first Uncharted (by quickly pressing triangle), or by reaching external switches/handles.
I think 5 vs 5 could be a lot of fun, even when the mode is a bit more complex.
Defending a treasure, or hostages in some fortress or tower with many different routes in could be awesome. Especially if some of the routes require teamwork (like opening a door from another side, or throwing down a rope etc) and acrobatics.
Salz01 said:
You lost me when you said you were playing some other game....basically comparing that play style with this. Its apples and oranges.
Every single game I play, I play with pickup groups. Through all the updates and so forth, I still have fun, and I die alot. I wouldnt consider myself awesome, but I can hold my own.
I didn't compare the games at all. I just mentioned that BF:BC2 and the absence of my friends in U2 both contributed to the fact that I stopped playing it, though the main reason is what I talked about in the rest of my post.