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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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ConradCervantes said:

99% of my multiplayer time is Deathmatch, 100% with randoms. Weird that my most used long weapon is still shotty, feels like I haven't used it in forever.

You're only about 60 kills behind with the AK-47 to make that your most used weapon. You can see that difference on your weapon stats page.


I just came back to Uncharted 2 MP for the first time in a couple of months, couldn't find anyone even close to my lowly rank 17 :( but I did pretty well considering, strange that I find more mics on this game than any other on ps3.


Launch said:
I just came back to Uncharted 2 MP for the first time in a couple of months, couldn't find anyone even close to my lowly rank 17 :( but I did pretty well considering, strange that I find more mics on this game than any other on ps3.

The great thing about this game is that although the boosters do help, if you've got skill, you can succeed and have a lot of fun.
Launch said:
I just came back to Uncharted 2 MP for the first time in a couple of months, couldn't find anyone even close to my lowly rank 17 :( but I did pretty well considering, strange that I find more mics on this game than any other on ps3.

There are still a lot of people in that level range, I actually run into them on the normal deathmatch mode. I havent seen anyone down there anymore when I do plunder's or co-op.


Kittonwy said:
The great thing about this game is that although the boosters do help, if you've got skill, you can succeed and have a lot of fun.

Yeah I read a lot of reviews and posts suggesting that higher boosters made it unfair but I haven't actually experienced that when playing, not that I'm particularly good but I haven't been completely crushed either.


Not as deep as he thinks
If anything the boosters you get later on when you're a high level are negative boosters which handicap you. Invalid gives you half health, Glass Jaw doubles the amount of damage you receive in hand combat, Half Loaded gives you less bullets to shoot, etc. I personally always play with Invalid on when I play Plunder/Deathmatch games. You get more money that way and although sometimes it's a pain in the ass getting killed with 2 shots, it's worth it in my book.

And this is another thing that's great about the game...the fact that you can be a low level player and still do well. The boosters are fine as they are since the ones that are considered good "Down the Irons", "Fleet Foot" are unlocked at very low levels. And even without those (I've never even purchased that cheap down the irons booster), you can still hold your ground since everyone has access to every weapon in the game.


Kittonwy said:
The great thing about this game is that although the boosters do help, if you've got skill, you can succeed and have a lot of fun.

Hey, post 1.04, you don't even need skill. Fun not necessarily included. :p
Why isn't every playlist ranked?

As far as I can tell, ranked playlists attempt to match people of similar skill together. That's good.... and I can't think of any negatives, so why not just have every playlist ranked? I'm missing something right?


PedroLumpy said:
Why isn't every playlist ranked?

As far as I can tell, ranked playlists attempt to match people of similar skill together. That's good.... and I can't think of any negatives, so why not just have every playlist ranked? I'm missing something right?

The ranked playlist is in my opinion a complete and utter waste of space.

I'm not the only one that thinks this playlist should be replaced with a Killzone 2 type Warzone playlist...........

Now that would be epic!
in my opinion


CozMick said:
The ranked playlist is in my opinion a complete and utter waste of space.

I'm not the only one that thinks this playlist should be replaced with a Killzone 2 type Warzone playlist...........

Now that would be epic!
in my opinion
Using all my U2 clout to second this.
there isn't much clout


CozMick said:
The ranked playlist is in my opinion a complete and utter waste of space.

I'm not the only one that thinks this playlist should be replaced with a Killzone 2 type Warzone playlist...........

Now that would be epic!
in my opinion

Do this, please.

Also, I'd like to see a way to play RPG matches more frequently :D


Jaroof said:
Also, I'd like to see a way to play RPG matches more frequently :D
You disgust me.

I bet you like sniper and pistole matches too!

Everyone knows pistols and grenades is the only deathmatch variation that's any good.


Yeef said:
You disgust me.

I bet you like sniper and pistole matches too!

Everyone knows pistols and grenades is the only deathmatch variation that's any good.

I do love me some pistol/grenade matches. They're the best.
In fact, the pistol's pretty much the only thing I use in any competitive mode, now.
Everything else feels too easy to kill with.
I used to love using the FAL.. now it feels cheap to me. Two quick bursts and someone's dead.
Now I never use it anymore :/
Oh, and I hate sniper/pistole matches :lol


Jaroof said:
I do love me some pistol/grenade matches. They're the best.
In fact, the pistol's pretty much the only thing I use in any competitive mode, now.
Everything else feels too easy to kill with.
I used to love using the FAL.. now it feels cheap to me. Two quick bursts and someone's dead.
Now I never use it anymore :/
Oh, and I hate sniper/pistole matches :lol
What? Any other weapon can kill faster than it now, assuming all the rounds hit. It's only 'advantage' is that it has a slightly greater zoom in than the other long arms.

Should have been 60 ages ago but haven't played regularly in ages. No time ;_;

Irish said:

Lies, I tell ya, lies!

(Where's the grenade/melee/Micro love? The AK can go die in the glorious explosion of a grenade.)

Also, Kitton can't read. :p

He knows about Evasion.
:lol omg at the RPG. That aint right at all!

P.S: Keep up the great work Arne and co!
Kittonwy said:
You can disagree but you're still wrong, not to mention you haven't played the game recently so how the hell do you even know how it plays anymore? You don't.

Your suggestion that Uncharted 2's cover system is somehow "limited" is just plain false, it's way more flexible with way more walls/objects/ledges that the player can use as cover, not to mention the controls is the most responsive in its genre.

Reviving in MP competitive wouldn't work all that well, because it's a fast-paced game and waiting for the revive slows it down, not to mention you will have more instances where the downed player will end up serving as bait or just getting killed repeatedly and unnecessarily.

It's 5 on 5, how complex would you want the game to be? There are already a mode where the players have to take hold of three different areas, the players defend circles because circles are highly visible and easy to locate.

There's a reason why there are no traps or cannons, because they're too easy to get kills with, the game right now is pretty damn balanced and accessible as it is.

You are right. I should've played a few matches before posting, but now that I did (I've been playing for 2 hours) I still think that the game was much better pre-1.04. The player health is reduced too much and grenades suck even more now.

And sure, the cover system is 'flexible' and 'responsive'. But still limited when compared to Gears of War, for example. What I mean is that you can't stick unto a wall and then move to the left a little, so the enemy doesn't see your gun sticking out... which helps a lot if you want to be stealthy and surprise someone.

While in a sniper duel, I'd like to be able to bend my knees when in tall cover too, so that when I re-appear, the enemy can't be sure about where my head will be. This makes such battles more interesting.

About reviving teammates: You make some valid points. I didn't think about that. :)

And alright, maybe canons would become frustrating because they're too powerful (although snipers could take the shooters out from behind cover, opening a path for teammates)... but traps could be there, as long as they can be deactivated when quick enough, like in the first Uncharted (by quickly pressing triangle), or by reaching external switches/handles.

I think 5 vs 5 could be a lot of fun, even when the mode is a bit more complex.
Defending a treasure, or hostages in some fortress or tower with many different routes in could be awesome. Especially if some of the routes require teamwork (like opening a door from another side, or throwing down a rope etc) and acrobatics.

Salz01 said:
You lost me when you said you were playing some other game....basically comparing that play style with this. Its apples and oranges.

Every single game I play, I play with pickup groups. Through all the updates and so forth, I still have fun, and I die alot. I wouldnt consider myself awesome, but I can hold my own.

I didn't compare the games at all. I just mentioned that BF:BC2 and the absence of my friends in U2 both contributed to the fact that I stopped playing it, though the main reason is what I talked about in the rest of my post.


magicaltrevor said:
And sure, the cover system is 'flexible' and 'responsive'. But still limited when compared to Gears of War, for example. What I mean is that you can't stick unto a wall and then move to the left a little, so the enemy doesn't see your gun sticking out... which helps a lot if you want to be stealthy and surprise someone.
Sure you can. I do it all the time. Different cover points have different heights to them. Some suck for hiding and some are great. It's just about learning the maps.
Yeef said:
Sure you can. I do it all the time. Different cover points have different heights to them. Some suck for hiding and some are great. It's just about learning the maps.

I meant 'tall' walls. Walls of buildings. Try it for yourself. If you stand before (or run towards) a wall and try to take cover, the character automatically snaps to a corner. This is a good thing, because in most situations you want to be able to shoot from out of cover right away.

But try moving left or right now (while snapped to the wall of a building)... You can't.
So if you want to surprise someone (which is impossible when you're snapped to a corner, because your gun and/or shoulder is still visible to the approaching enemy), you have to get out of cover and walk a little to the left, sacrificing the great overview and the ability to quickly (blind)fire and go back into cover.

It may sound stupid, but it's one of those little things that I really miss.


Yeef said:
Sure you can. I do it all the time. Different cover points have different heights to them. Some suck for hiding and some are great. It's just about learning the maps.


I do like that every cover spot is different, why should you be able to duck behind anything and be 100% protected every time?
Pick them better, or hope for some breathing space if you're surprised with a shoot out.


CrushDance said:
:lol omg at the RPG. That aint right at all!

I'm confused... I'm seeing AK in the PS3 browser. RPG might have cropped up because I use long guns so rarely and have been in quite a few RPG matches lately.


Incredibly Naive
Kittonwy said:
After the latest update it plays pretty great now.

You're completely wrong about Uncharted 2 MP and your ideas are fucking trbl.

While I don't look too much into his ideas, the thing that's troubling about this post is the part where you say "after the latest update". Look for a span there the game was changing week by week. First it was low health, then it was back to full health, then no health, then the grenades did way too much, then grenades did NOTHING at all. I respect where Naughty Dog was coming from in listening to the fans, but it was an online MP rookie mistake. It completely alienated me from the game in that it was always changing and I was constantly adjusting. I still enjoy the game a bit, because it still has the core there, but my other friends have all moved on from this game, so I have no reason to stick around. Hopefully next time around they learn from this and try not to change the game up so much.


LOL!!!! Here are my top 5 weapon stats:

1) Melee- Kills: 6,086 | Deaths: 3,007
2) Grenades- Kills: 5,588 | Deaths: 3,853
3) Pistol- Kills: 4,311 | Deaths: 1,117
4) Micro- Kills: 2,639 | Deaths: 187
5) RPG- Kills: 1,581 | Deaths: 1,230
magicaltrevor said:
But try moving left or right now (while snapped to the wall of a building)... You can't.
So if you want to surprise someone (which is impossible when you're snapped to a corner, because your gun and/or shoulder is still visible to the approaching enemy), you have to get out of cover and walk a little to the left, sacrificing the great overview and the ability to quickly (blind)fire and go back into cover.

It may sound stupid, but it's one of those little things that I really miss.

So, you're in cover, you're able to see around corners, over obstacles etc without exposing any part of your body, let alone your face, and you think it's rigged that someone might be able to see your gun sticking out? Gimme a break.

CozMick said:
The ranked playlist is in my opinion a complete and utter waste of space.

Exactly, the thing stomps all over the toes of some other other playlists and thus needlessly dilutes the population. I really like the idea of trying to match up skill levels, but every playlist should attempt to do that, no reason there needs to be a (almost) duplicate playlist.
PedroLumpy said:
So, you're in cover, you're able to see around corners, over obstacles etc without exposing any part of your body, let alone your face, and you think it's rigged that someone might be able to see your gun sticking out? Gimme a break.

Well, if you're trying to be 'stealthy' because you're in an Elimination-match and only have one life per round, then yes...
magicaltrevor said:
Well, if you're trying to be 'stealthy' because you're in an Elimination-match and only have one life per round, then yes...

Well I'd hardly call that stealthy, but alright then, good luck convincing people.


magicaltrevor said:
You are right. I should've played a few matches before posting, but now that I did (I've been playing for 2 hours) I still think that the game was much better pre-1.04. The player health is reduced too much and grenades suck even more now.

And sure, the cover system is 'flexible' and 'responsive'. But still limited when compared to Gears of War, for example. What I mean is that you can't stick unto a wall and then move to the left a little, so the enemy doesn't see your gun sticking out... which helps a lot if you want to be stealthy and surprise someone.

You don't need to be in cover to hide behind a tall wall to begin with, plus it doesn't make sense to stick to the middle of a wall.

While in a sniper duel, I'd like to be able to bend my knees when in tall cover too, so that when I re-appear, the enemy can't be sure about where my head will be. This makes such battles more interesting.

In a sniper duel fidgeting around while sticking to a high wall just to make parts of your body less visible doesn't really make sense when you can peak around the corner AND shoulder switch to minimize exposure, Gears of War doesn't even have shoulder-switching, you don't need to be in cover to peak around the left side of a wall in Uncharted 2.

About reviving teammates: You make some valid points. I didn't think about that. :)

And alright, maybe canons would become frustrating because they're too powerful (although snipers could take the shooters out from behind cover, opening a path for teammates)... but traps could be there, as long as they can be deactivated when quick enough, like in the first Uncharted (by quickly pressing triangle), or by reaching external switches/handles.

When the player can be engaged in a fire fight while moving through the environment, traps can be incredibly annoying, resulting in cheap deaths.

I think 5 vs 5 could be a lot of fun, even when the mode is a bit more complex.
Defending a treasure, or hostages in some fortress or tower with many different routes in could be awesome. Especially if some of the routes require teamwork (like opening a door from another side, or throwing down a rope etc) and acrobatics.

Plunder already lets the player defend a treasure while moving it back to the base. Defending hostages often don't work well, you're relying on the AI and you have even less control of where the AI would go, like herding cats.

I didn't compare the games at all. I just mentioned that BF:BC2 and the absence of my friends in U2 both contributed to the fact that I stopped playing it, though the main reason is what I talked about in the rest of my post.

And most of the people I play U2 with basically have come back from BF:BC2, so for me it's not a problem, I have BF:BC2 and it wasn't able to drag me away from U2 MP.


msdstc said:
While I don't look too much into his ideas, the thing that's troubling about this post is the part where you say "after the latest update". Look for a span there the game was changing week by week. First it was low health, then it was back to full health, then no health, then the grenades did way too much, then grenades did NOTHING at all. I respect where Naughty Dog was coming from in listening to the fans, but it was an online MP rookie mistake. It completely alienated me from the game in that it was always changing and I was constantly adjusting. I still enjoy the game a bit, because it still has the core there, but my other friends have all moved on from this game, so I have no reason to stick around. Hopefully next time around they learn from this and try not to change the game up so much.

I think they did change it a bit too much, the experimental weekends led to a lot of significant changes, too much tweaking and things went out of whack for awhile, I do understand they like to switch things around to keep it from being stale, it took them sometime to get the feel back. It didn't help that during that time games like BC2 came out, on the other hand I think a lot of the regulars came back to the game, although I have never left to begin with.

I like how things are now, you can run around with a pistol and still be successful, I miss being able to kill three or four guys with a single grenade but I almost don't want them to mess with things anymore.


I miss being able to catch a group of four off guard and take them all out with just my pistol and my fists and come out of it with nothing more than a few superficial wounds. Now, I'd be lucky to take out two guys close to each other without dying myself.


Some good games tonight guys, GG.

Oh, and Yeef. Have you gotten better since all the patches?? I don't remember you doing so well consistently before, damn.


I take offense to that!

I've generally do pretty well when I'm not playing with Qlark or Ryanardo (or CHRP). When I am they usually steal all my kills.

Irish said:
Lies, Yeef is awful. :p


Great GAF matches last night! Another U2 moment to treasure, the monkey bar massacre of triple death.
Also, my wipe out in the melee-only museum. <3

I heart this game so much, I bought it twice. With some extras.


Fun bit of trivia I noticed this morning, reading the art book.
Lazarevic's design in the awesome hand drawn Japanese cover always struck me as being a bit off, not to mention the different outfit.
Turns out, he's based off a piece of concept art before the design went final!
Gyrian said:
Great GAF matches last night! Another U2 moment to treasure, the monkey bar massacre of triple death.
Also, my wipe out in the melee-only museum. <3

I heart this game so much, I bought it twice. With some extras.


Fun bit of trivia I noticed this morning, reading the art book.
Lazarevic's design in the awesome hand drawn Japanese cover always struck me as being a bit off, not to mention the different outfit.
Turns out, he's based off a piece of concept art before the design went final!

Fuck I wish I can find that OST in stores....

Art book looks nice.
Gyrian said:
I heart this game so much, I bought it twice. With some extras.


Fun bit of trivia I noticed this morning, reading the art book.
Lazarevic's design in the awesome hand drawn Japanese cover always struck me as being a bit off, not to mention the different outfit.
Turns out, he's based off a piece of concept art before the design went final!


It's so great to see people really liking this game.


Incredibly Naive
Kittonwy said:
I think they did change it a bit too much, the experimental weekends led to a lot of significant changes, too much tweaking and things went out of whack for awhile, I do understand they like to switch things around to keep it from being stale, it took them sometime to get the feel back. It didn't help that during that time games like BC2 came out, on the other hand I think a lot of the regulars came back to the game, although I have never left to begin with.

I like how things are now, you can run around with a pistol and still be successful, I miss being able to kill three or four guys with a single grenade but I almost don't want them to mess with things anymore.

For a while I hated the grenades, but honestly after getting used to it, I began to love them, because there were definitely ways to avoid them. The one thing I really hated was the glitching that went on and how often it happened. I might try to get back into it, but like I said at this point I'm so far removed from what it was, and it sucks having mastered the way it was before and now readjusting.


msdstc said:
For a while I hated the grenades, but honestly after getting used to it, I began to love them, because there were definitely ways to avoid them. The one thing I really hated was the glitching that went on and how often it happened. I might try to get back into it, but like I said at this point I'm so far removed from what it was, and it sucks having mastered the way it was before and now readjusting.

GAF U2 haz been playing basically nightly and it's a ton of fun.


Kittonwy said:
GAF U2 haz been playing basically nightly and it's a ton of fun.

Speaking of which, good ones last night. :]
Some seriously odd lag effects through and through, but I can't stay mad at you, U2. <3
Gyrian said:
Why not try Amazon? Easy, and the price is sweet.

Guilty as charged. <3 NDI. :]

I'm of the rare breed sans a credit card. I usually use my wife's card for online purchases which is available to me whenever but it's an annoyance.

Part of me just wishes that major game stores would carry, you know, videogame based products beyond just videogames. Something tells me they're more interested in the casuals and used sales (mega-profits) rather than ordering figures, shirts, osts and movies to the non-casual fans of games... =[.


I never buy game related things (except soundtracks) but that Uncharted artbook looks amazing. Pity that it isn't for sale through the usual channels, especially for europeans.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Kittonwy said:
GAF U2 haz been playing basically nightly and it's a ton of fun.

It's because of GAF U2 I ran into that "stay at your spawn glitch" a week ago when VS, Crush, and BrokenOath helped me get my 10 Elimination matches done.

Guess I can say I'm a part of Uncharted 2 GAF now because of that. :lol


Kittonwy said:
GAF U2 haz been playing basically nightly and it's a ton of fun.

What times you play at/how do you organise? Been getting back into U2 don't know why I stopped in the first place :S


It'd be nicer if some more euros played. I end up rolling with the american brethren, which while nice, is not entirely feasible for me due to how late it is for me when you guys play :<

misses crushpants :<


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm of the rare breed sans a credit card. I usually use my wife's card for online purchases which is available to me whenever but it's an annoyance.

Part of me just wishes that major game stores would carry, you know, videogame based products beyond just videogames. Something tells me they're more interested in the casuals and used sales (mega-profits) rather than ordering figures, shirts, osts and movies to the non-casual fans of games... =[.
Get a VISA giftcard with cash, if that's the issue. It works anywhere online.

wouwie, I would not say that an Australian publisher's online store is the usual channel for us non Euros over at the US, either. :]

I'm fairly certain that Amazon is carrying the non-hardcover version of the artbook.
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