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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I have no idea Gyrian, but here's a crazy fact: Texas is home to more people on my FL than any other state.

So, U2 has been filled with extremely laggy games over the last few days. I wonder why.


Ahhh the jumping pistole killshot. One of the most badass things in any mp game that can be done. I feel like Antonio Banderas in Desperado EVERY time I do that move. Never gets old.


Rikyfree said:
Ahhh the jumping pistole killshot. One of the most badass things in any mp game that can be done. I feel like Antonio Banderas in Desperado EVERY time I do that move. Never gets old.
Followed by another U2 GAF favorite, the blindfire jumping rocket. :]
Rikyfree said:
Ahhh the jumping pistole killshot. One of the most badass things in any mp game that can be done. I feel like Antonio Banderas in Desperado EVERY time I do that move. Never gets old.

It never does.

If we ever get more skins, I'd like some for Chloe and Elena, and a Guardian.


Irish said:
Both topped by the Falling Micro, I'd say. :p

No way falling micro beats jumping crotch rocket.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm of the rare breed sans a credit card. I usually use my wife's card for online purchases which is available to me whenever but it's an annoyance.

Part of me just wishes that major game stores would carry, you know, videogame based products beyond just videogames. Something tells me they're more interested in the casuals and used sales (mega-profits) rather than ordering figures, shirts, osts and movies to the non-casual fans of games... =[.

fyi, amazon also takes direct debit from bank accounts.


Irish said:
Oh, so that's how we're gonna play?
I present the Backwards no-scope while falling:

... Yeaaah, going to stay with the crotch rocket here, too.
I wouldn't mind seeing that cinema file, though, Oath! ;]

arne said:
fyi, amazon also takes direct debit from bank accounts.

Arne! I've come by these great Naughty Dog signatures, but yours is missing.
If I could somehow get you to sign that great trailer you built with our participation. :]


Not pure anymore!
I have a really good internet connection but still it's so laggy for me. I keep shooting at the guy, it registers but he turns around a few bullets and I'm DEAD. :( Melee a guy in the face face 3 or 4 times, but he turns around melee me once (even when I'm at 100% health!) and I'm dead! :\


Inanna said:
I have a really good internet connection but still it's so laggy for me. I keep shooting at the guy, it registers but he turns around a few bullets and I'm DEAD. :( Melee a guy in the face face 3 or 4 times, but he turns around melee me once (even when I'm at 100% health!) and I'm dead! :\

Welcome to p2p.

Also, Matchmaking is very "flaky", matching me up against Japs is bound to be an utter lag fest.


Inanna said:
I have a really good internet connection but still it's so laggy for me. I keep shooting at the guy, it registers but he turns around a few bullets and I'm DEAD. :( Melee a guy in the face face 3 or 4 times, but he turns around melee me once (even when I'm at 100% health!) and I'm dead! :\
The time of day that you play can be crucial. During afternoons/late mornings (EST) I rarely have issues with lag, but late at night I get matched up with Aussies and Japanese players a lot so of course there's tons of lag.


Not as deep as he thinks
Yeef said:
The time of day that you play can be crucial. During afternoons/late mornings (EST) I rarely have issues with lag, but late at night I get matched up with Aussies and Japanese players a lot so of course there's tons of lag.
Really? It's the opposite for me. When I play during the day (only on the weekends since that's really the only days I have time to play during the day), I get stuck with some laggy players, yet when I play at night, the matches all seem fine to me for deathmatch/plunder games. I have noticed that picking up co-op players seems a lot faster during the day than on night.


Great games tonight guys. It was tons of fun, especially when we drove Pwonager into his drama queen mode. Also, GAF melee-only is the absolute best way to have fun in this game.

Anyway, I had a weird powersurge, so I couldn't say goodbye, but I really have to thank AJ, CrushDance, and Dark for helping me fix my computer problems tonight. I have a long way to go to get shit fixed, but I'm glad to say that this is my first post from my PC in several weeks time. Hell YEAH!


Gyrian said:
wouwie, I would not say that an Australian publisher's online store is the usual channel for us non Euros over at the US, either. :]

I'm fairly certain that Amazon is carrying the non-hardcover version of the artbook.

Thanks, must have overlooked that previously because amazon uk indeed has the book (temporarily out of stock though). Rather expensive at about 70 euro. I'll see if they get new stock. Hmm... need to think about it.


Not as deep as he thinks
Today, I signed in to play and I noticed that my GAF clan tag was just a *. I don't think I changed it, so it tripped me out. I thought it would be censored or something, but fortunately I retyped it and it worked again. I don't know if that's happened to anyone. lol
Irish said:
Great games tonight guys. It was tons of fun, especially when we drove Pwonager into his drama queen mode. Also, GAF melee-only is the absolute best way to have fun in this game.

Anyway, I had a weird powersurge, so I couldn't say goodbye, but I really have to thank AJ, CrushDance, and Dark for helping me fix my computer problems tonight. I have a long way to go to get shit fixed, but I'm glad to say that this is my first post from my PC in several weeks time. Hell YEAH!
yea i bet mr ragequit:lol


Irish said:
Great games tonight guys. It was tons of fun, especially when we drove Pwonager into his drama queen mode. Also, GAF melee-only is the absolute best way to have fun in this game.

Anyway, I had a weird powersurge, so I couldn't say goodbye, but I really have to thank AJ, CrushDance, and Dark for helping me fix my computer problems tonight. I have a long way to go to get shit fixed, but I'm glad to say that this is my first post from my PC in several weeks time. Hell YEAH!
Have you decided which 'shell' you're going to get for your new computer?

Rewrite said:
Today, I signed in to play and I noticed that my GAF clan tag was just a *. I don't think I changed it, so it tripped me out. I thought it would be censored or something, but fortunately I retyped it and it worked again. I don't know if that's happened to anyone. lol
Happened to me last night as well.


Irish said:
Great games tonight guys. It was tons of fun, especially when we drove Pwonager into his drama queen mode. Also, GAF melee-only is the absolute best way to have fun in this game.

Anyway, I had a weird powersurge, so I couldn't say goodbye, but I really have to thank AJ, CrushDance, and Dark for helping me fix my computer problems tonight. I have a long way to go to get shit fixed, but I'm glad to say that this is my first post from my PC in several weeks time. Hell YEAH!

You mean you've finally stopped trying to plug your abracus to the wall.
You guys got any tips on getting protecterate medals? They seem impossible to "try" to get. People always just throw the treasure and dont carry it, so it's really hard to kill someone shooting at the carrier when nobody carries it. And i assume killing someone shooting at you while you are holding the treasure doesn't count.


XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:
You guys got any tips on getting protecterate medals? They seem impossible to "try" to get. People always just throw the treasure and dont carry it, so it's really hard to kill someone shooting at the carrier when nobody carries it. And i assume killing someone shooting at you while you are holding the treasure doesn't count.

Protectorate is a piece of shit. ND sucks major dong for making that garbage a trophy.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:
You guys got any tips on getting protecterate medals? They seem impossible to "try" to get. People always just throw the treasure and dont carry it, so it's really hard to kill someone shooting at the carrier when nobody carries it. And i assume killing someone shooting at you while you are holding the treasure doesn't count.
It's the stupid "please boost me" Trophy ND had to put into the game.


Just when I wanted to download the Siege Pack I realized that the DLC is region locked! WTF?

This doesn't make any sense? Why would someone wants to do something like this? Since I only buy stuff from my main account no Siege Pack for me :-(


Very strange stuff going on tonight. We had a guy glitching on Ice Cave (AZURE_ICE), but more importantly, during a bunch of matches we had issues where people wouldn't respawn; turn invisible or 'ice skate.' It was extremely strange and other people in other games were having the same problems. We also had the matchmaking bugs happen to us (you'll either still be in matchmaking while the rest of your party is playing or end up in a different game but still be able to talk to them).

Lag also has been much, much worse than usual over the last 3 days or so.


Yeef said:
Very strange stuff going on tonight. We had a guy glitching on Ice Cave (AZURE_ICE), but more importantly, during a bunch of matches we had issues where people wouldn't respawn; turn invisible or 'ice skate.' It was extremely strange and other people in other games were having the same problems. We also had the matchmaking bugs happen to us (you'll either still be in matchmaking while the rest of your party is playing or end up in a different game but still be able to talk to them).

Lag also has been much, much worse than usual over the last 3 days or so.

I ended up playing in a different game twice, very strange. And people wouldn't die for some reason or die after a long time, I wonder what they're doing with the servers. Otherwise it was a fun night going pistol-only.


Not as deep as he thinks
I had one of the best fucking times ever tonight playing with Bleach and one of my friends on co-op. We fucking kicked so much ass and it was such an adrenaline rush. Great games, dude.

Also, arne...whenever you read this:

How does the point system work for co-op? I still don't get it. Sometimes we'll have the same amount of kills and the score difference isn't that much, and there's other times where the difference is a lot. Sometimes I'll have a lower amount of kills than another person, yet the difference in score is huge.

Also, is it possible to create a special playlist to make all 10 rounds of co-op objective games (Survival/Gold Rush/Siege) feel like Rounds 9 & 10 (Meaning you get bombarded with a shitload of enemies, shotgun guys, chokers, machine guys, etc)? Like a Crushing type mode for it. That'd be fucking awesome!


For no particular reason here are my thoughts on Uncharted 3:

Single Player
Single player is great. All I ask is that we see more Sully and maybe some Rika in the next game.

  • Boosters - I'd like to see the booster system completely overhauled to be almost nothing like it is now. If, for some reason, it's not then I'd like to see boosters be less universal and more specialized ans specific. Things along the lines of Treasure Bearer and Turtle (but more interesting and useful) rather than catch-all boosters like Down the Irons and Rapid Hands. Basically, I think boosters should enhance your personal play-style instead of encouraging you to change your style to fit the better boosters. Boosters that fundamentally change the game (Situational Awareness) should be avoided.

  • Skins - Get rid of the skeletons and zombies and what-have-yous. I don't mind 'guest' skins like the Heroes pack, but every single skin needs to have a unique and audible sound scheme. When everyone is running around as a skeleton that makes no noise it makes the game feel lifeless.

    It'd be nice to have either a way to customize skins a bit or create your own characters, but it's hardly essential.

  • Gameplay - The melee system needs to be reworked. Pull Downs and Kick Offs are great, but there should be more non-standard melee attacks. There needs to be a way to melee people hanging on the same ledge that you're hanging from. Around-the-corner stealth kills like the ones in single player would be fantastic.

    For stealth attacks I think you should have to hold the melee button for a few seconds to drain the enemy's health until they die. As a companion to that change being able to save teammates from stealth kills should be possible. As it works now if I see someone choking out my teammate and shoot them they finish the animation and then fall down dead afterward.

    I think getting hit with a standard melee attack should do much less damage but make you stumble in the same way that explosions do. Using a melee on someone that's down on one knee should have a different animation (based on their orientation do you, i.e. a boot to the face or a rifle butt to the back of the head) that kills in one hit. As it is now the close quarters game isn't very satisfying at all.

    To balance out the weapons a bit more player movement could be altered lightly based on which weapons you're carrying. Someone running around with a Desert and a Hammer would move a little slower than someone with a .45 Defender and an FAL. Players could also have the option of tossing their weapons for the sake of making themselves faster.

  • Custom Games - The host should be able to tweak tons of different options. I'm talking Perfect Dark levels of customization. Starting weapons, weapon spawn locations and times, allowed boosters, universal boosters, game speed and length, Maximum Health, how long players take to heal or if they heal at all, individual weapon statistics. EVERYTHING. And players should have the ability to save the different setups they come up with as presets to easily play with them again. Maybe you could even go "Play, Create, Share™" and let people upload their presets for other people to try out (not essential, but it could be interesting).

    We've gotten hours and hours of fun out of GAF matches as they are now, but if they were enhanced like this I don't think we'd ever STOP playing.

Rewrite said:
How does the point system work for co-op? I still don't get it. Sometimes we'll have the same amount of kills and the score difference isn't that much, and there's other times where the difference is a lot. Sometimes I'll have a lower amount of kills than another person, yet the difference in score is huge.
Points are given based on what weapon you use to kill the enemies, which enemy it is and whether you finish them with a headshot or not. When you get the kill also matters because of the combo meter (If get 10 kills while we're at 3x and you get 10 while we're at 10x you'll obviously have a lot more points).


bish gets all the credit :)
so, they took the glitches away from the players, and then glitched the game to hell and back server side?


lastinline said:
Glitching is still there. I've seen glitchers in The Fort and in The Museum today.

Yes, sadly I found glitchers in the first game (the facility) after a couple of weeks I haven't played the game :(


Rewrite said:
Also, arne...whenever you read this:

How does the point system work for co-op? I still don't get it. Sometimes we'll have the same amount of kills and the score difference isn't that much, and there's other times where the difference is a lot. Sometimes I'll have a lower amount of kills than another person, yet the difference in score is huge.

Yeef said:
Points are given based on what weapon you use to kill the enemies, which enemy it is and whether you finish them with a headshot or not. When you get the kill also matters because of the combo meter (If get 10 kills while we're at 3x and you get 10 while we're at 10x you'll obviously have a lot more points).

And try to pick up as many treasures dropped as possible as well.


Kittonwy said:
You don't need to be in cover to hide behind a tall wall to begin with, plus it doesn't make sense to stick to the middle of a wall.

In a sniper duel fidgeting around while sticking to a high wall just to make parts of your body less visible doesn't really make sense when you can peak around the corner AND shoulder switch to minimize exposure, Gears of War doesn't even have shoulder-switching, you don't need to be in cover to peak around the left side of a wall in Uncharted 2.

When the player can be engaged in a fire fight while moving through the environment, traps can be incredibly annoying, resulting in cheap deaths.

Plunder already lets the player defend a treasure while moving it back to the base. Defending hostages often don't work well, you're relying on the AI and you have even less control of where the AI would go, like herding cats.

And most of the people I play U2 with basically have come back from BF:BC2, so for me it's not a problem, I have BF:BC2 and it wasn't able to drag me away from U2 MP.

I'm really LTTP with this, but I find it awesomely entertaining that after this post, the guy never came back.


Ran into an odd bug earlier. We were playing Gold Rush on The Village and I was using the Sev skin. Randomly during one of the later rounds (7 or 8 I think) I was climbing up into the uphill BBQ house and died for no reason. There were no enemies around to shoot me and it was an instant death.

I've seen the same thing happen on Train Wreck when hanging onto some of the crates and aiming away. I'm guessing it's a collision bug of some sort.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
I just finished the single player campaing, wow is the game pretty or what?

is Sully the best thing ever or what?

is the shooting the most fun or what?


Rewrite said:
I had one of the best fucking times ever tonight playing with Bleach and one of my friends on co-op. We fucking kicked so much ass and it was such an adrenaline rush. Great games, dude.

What's your PSN?
I don't think I've ever seen you online, or in the chat room.
I've played with just about everybody else who plays online in here :p
I'm happy, I reached level X today. :D

dgenx said:
I just finished the single player campaing, wow is the game pretty or what?

is Sully the best thing ever or what?

is the shooting the most fun or what?
Yeah, it's just a bucket full of awesome, indeed. :)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
HURP DERP, MATHAMKING SUCKS SHIT POST #1000949508305892435-0248350-82340-582034852903905483058340340.

Dear Naughty Dog,

Situational Awareness? Yeah, please PLEASE stop putting me in those games.

Quitters on my team? Yeah, please stop putting me in those games.


I now remember why I stopped playing the game for months at a time (with the exception of 1.05/1.06, which ruined the game).


Ughhhhhhhhhhh. The day that's patched out of the game, is the day the game would be 20x better.
I just started the game. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
I thought it was ridiculously hyped - and was fully expecting to be disappointed, but ...
whoa :O

Sadly, tried the multiplayer, and saw it was perk based, so no play for me. I don't understand why people thinks this is a good idea.

I am going to take the people who play the game the MOST, i.e. the best players and those who know the maps/game the best, and I am going to give them advantages to make the game EVEN easier for them.

It's stupid. I don't know how much it makes a difference (it seems relatively little in this game, to be honest), but I find the concept annoying, especially for those who just wnat to play games once in a while. I played MAG a fair bit, and the advantage that tier 3 weapons give over beginners is - i think - ridiculous (i have those weapons). Anyway, i am sure it's a great way to get regular players to play even more, but i wish the bonuses were of a different order. /rant.
harriet the spy said:
I just started the game. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
I thought it was ridiculously hyped - and was fully expecting to be disappointed, but ...
whoa :O

Sadly, tried the multiplayer, and saw it was perk based, so no play for me. I don't understand why people thinks this is a good idea.

I am going to take the people who play the game the MOST, i.e. the best players and those who know the maps/game the best, and I am going to give them advantages to make the game EVEN easier for them.

It's stupid. I don't know how much it makes a difference (it seems relatively little in this game, to be honest), but I find the concept annoying, especially for those who just wnat to play games once in a while. I played MAG a fair bit, and the advantage that tier 3 weapons give over beginners is - i think - ridiculous (i have those weapons). Anyway, i am sure it's a great way to get regular players to play even more, but i wish the bonuses were of a different order. /rant.
Perks are not really that relevant in this game, you get all the best ones within the first, like, 15-20 levels, all that high levels get is perks that reduce their health and things like that.
The multiplayer is awesome, give it a try.
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